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    2022 高中英语作文范文写作中学英语写作在中学教学中起着特别重要的作用,充分体现着学生在词汇量、语法、英语表达等方面的各种实力,下面,是我为你整理的20xx中学英语作文范文写作,希望对你有帮助!20xx中学英语作文范文写作篇1Chinese food is very famous around the world, if you ask a foreign people about his opinion on Chinese food, he will speak highly of it. When we see the movie, Chinese food is praised by the people. Recently, there is a famous movie called A Bite of China, the movie is popular, it introduces Chinese food from different places. The audience is attracted by the delicious food, they never thought Chinese food would be so various. Now the second part of the movie has been made out, more and more Chinese traditional food has been introduced. After appreciating the movie, I begin to learn more about Chinese food, I want to have taste of them. I am so proud of our food, when we talk about it to foreign friends, we can feel their favor of our food. The food is part of our culture, they should be inherited.中国的食物在全世界都很出名,假如你问一名外国人怎么看待中国的食品,他会赐予高度的评价。当我们看到电影时,中国的食物广泛受到人们的赞扬。最近,有一部很出名的电影叫舌尖上的中国,电影很受欢迎,介绍了来自中国不同地方的食物。观众受到了这些美味的食物吸引,他们从来没想到中国的食物可以有这么多的种类。现在电影的其次部分也已经上映,介绍了越来越多的中国传统美食。观赏了电影以后,我起先学着了解更多中国的美食,我想要尝一尝。我为我们国家的食物感到骄傲,当我们和外国挚友探讨中国食物时,我们能感觉到他们对我们食物的宠爱。这些食物是我们文化的一部分,应当要传承下来。20xx中学英语作文范文写作篇2As the development of science, people’s medical care has been improved, when people get sick, they can go to the hospital and get the treatment, and then they will recover soon. Today western medicine is people’s first choice, the Chinese medicine is being ignored by more and more people. Compared to western medicine, Chinese medicine has its own advantages. First, Chinese medicine won’t have or have less side effect. Western can work on people’s body soon, but it is true that the side effect is very obvious, such as headache, dizzy and get sick of the food. Chinese medicine takes some time to work, but without side effect. People can recover completely. Second, Chinese medicine pays special attention to the food treatment. It is believed that taking pills will hurt the body, but the food treatment is different, people can adjust their diet to get healthy. Chinese medicine will not out of date.随着科技的发展,人们医疗得到了很大的提升,当人们生病了,他们可以去医院治疗,然后快速康复。今日西药是人们的第一选择,中药被越来越多的人忽视。和西药相比,中药有它自身的优势。第一,中药不会有或者只有少数的副作用。西药作用快速,但是事实上,副作用很明显,比如头痛,头晕和厌食。中药须要一段时间才能发生作用,但是没有伴随有副作用。人们可以彻底康复。其次,中药特殊注意食物治疗。人们信任吃药会损害身体,但是食疗不同,人们可以通过调整饮食来保持健康。中药不会被淘汰。20xx中学英语作文范文写作篇3Fake goods, also known as Shanzhai products, are quite common in China. These products usually have the similar names with the real product, or just exactly the same out-looking with the products. In the remote area, this situation could be worse. The markets are swamped with these fake and poor quality goods. On Taobao, some bad sellers mix up the good and fake products, you can’t even tell the differences between them. Such behavior has harmed greatly to the people’s rights and health. For example, if a consumer buys the fake the cosmetics, she may get allergic. And this may lead to horrible result. What’s worse, the fake goods also exist in the medicine markets. If a patient buys the fake goods by accident, he may lose his life.在中国,假冒产品,也被称之为山寨产品,这种现象特别常见。这些产品通常和原版商品有相像的名字,或者外包装看起来和真的产品一样。在偏远地区,这种状况更为严峻。市场上充斥着假冒伪劣产品。在淘宝上,有些居心不良的商家真假混卖,你很难辨别出二者的区分。这种行为严峻影响了消费者的权益和健康。例如,假如一个顾客买了假冒的化妆品,那么,她很有可能会皮肤过敏。这会导致严峻的后果。更为糟糕的是,假冒的药品也在市场上滥竽充数。假如患者不当心买到了假药,那他可能连命都丢了。The cause of this situation is that some people only care about money making; they don’t know the aftermaths of such behaviors could bring. The local governments do not look into their illegal activities. The consumers’ right must be protected. Only in this way the market can develop healthy and steady. The justice must be done.造成这种现象的缘由是商家只关切赚钱,却把这种行为所带来的严峻后果抛之脑后。而当地的政府部门也没有制止他们的违法行为。消费者的权利肯定要好好爱护。只有这样市场才能健康稳定的发展,正义肯定要得到伸张。第6页 共6页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页


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