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    阿拉丁神灯的故事(英文版) 故事叙述一名贫困的年轻混混,名叫阿拉丁受一名来自极西之地马格里布的魔法师之邀(他冒充为阿拉丁的叔叔),前往一个设有陷阱的洞窟中拿取一只奇妙的油灯。以下是我小编为大家带来的阿拉丁神灯的故事(英文版),希望能帮助到大家! 阿拉丁神灯的故事(英文版)After reading Aladdin And The Enchanted lap When I was a little girl, I had read the storyAladdin And Enchanted lamp. At that time, I just admired Aladdin very much that he was lucky enough to have the Enchanted lamp. If only I had it! I would do and get everthing what I want easily without any effort. However minds have been changed when I grown up. I read the story once again. Aladdin was a lazy boy. He didn’t like to work and he played all day with his friends in the market. He and his mother were very poor and were after hungry,but Aladdin never helped his mother. One day, Aladdin’s uncle, Abanazar, arrived in the city I’m a rich man , he told Aladdin and his mother. He gave them gold, bought Aladdin a beautiful new coat, and wanted to help them. Aladdin was very happy. But as a matter of fact. Abanazr was not Aladdin’s uncle. He was a magician form mocrocco, and he wanted to find an enchanted lamp. He knew the lamp was in a magical garden under the ground, near a city in Arabia. Only a poor boy form the city can got into the grden and find the lamp. And that boy’s name was Aladdin. So Abanazar helped Aladdin’s family with the intention of Aladdin helping him find the lamp. After he got the trust ofthem . He took Aladdin to the garden of the Sultan’s Pslace, after a long walk, they got to the destination eventually. Abanazar made a fine and took some powder out of a small box , and put it on the fine. He closed his eyes and said,Abracadabra ! At once, the sky went dark. Black smoke came from the fire, and in the ground there was now a big white stone with a ring in it. Aladdin was very afraid. He began to run away, but Abanazar took his arm and hit him on the head. For a minute or two Aladdin could not speak or more. Then he cried. Abanazar said, I’m your father’s brother, and you must obey me. Don’t be afraid. In a short time you are going to be a rich man. Now only you can move this stone. Put your hand on the ring and say your name and your father’s name. Very afraid, Aladdin put his hand on the ring. It was not very hot, but very cold. He said just as Abanazar told him. The stone moved easily. And now Aladdin could see stairs alone, and bring the lamp to him. But Aladdin hoped Abanazar would go with him. Abanazar refused, he took a gold ring off his finger and gave it to Aladdin. He said it would protect Aladdin. Aladdin put the ring on the little finger of his left hand and began to go down the stairs. It was dark and he was afraid,but he was more afraid of Abanazar. And Aladdin was right to be afraid, because Abanazar was not his uncle. He was a magician, and he wanted this lamp, and only a poor boy from the city coukd see Abanazar and the blue sky. Abanazar urged, and put his hand,Give the lamp to me . But Aladdin said First help me out, then you can have the lamp . First the lamp . Cried Abanazar , give me the lamp! No Aladdin said You good - for –nothing! You dog! You and the lamp can stay down there ! Angrily, Abanazar ran to the fire and put more powder on it. The big white stone moved again, and now Aladdin could not see the sky . He was in the dark, under the ground, and could not got out. For three days and three night s Aladdin sat on the stairs and waited, but no help came. On the third day he remembered Abanazar’s ring on his finger the ring to protect him. He could not see the ring in the dark so he put his right hand on it. Whoosh ! There was a sudden noise, and blue smoke came out of the ring. And then, out of smoke came a big jinnee. The jinnee cried, he said he was the slave of the ring. And asked Aladdin whether he needed help. Aladdin was very surprised, and very afraid,then he asked the jinnee take him to home . And he also got food , gold and became rich . Moreover, he married the princess of the kingdom. Then lived happily in the new palace. But things were not better all the time. Abanazar changed the enchanted lamp with a new one from the wife of Aladdin’s. So in a second, Abanazar, the Palace, the gardens and the princess were gone. And in front of the Sultan’s Palace there was now only a little red smoke. Fortunately, after a struggle, Aladdin saved princess and they lived happily in their palace. That’s the ending. The ending in fine. But after reading this tale once more, my thought becomes further. It won’t stay on the surface. There are so many question marks crowding into my mind. I just look down him. He was greedy as well. When he was in the garden, he took fruit from the trees, and to put it in every pocket of his coat. He not only wanted to become rich, but also marry princess. How greedy he was. In addition, he was so silly. It was the ring helped him out of danger, and the ring belongs to Abanazar at begining who gave it to him. But Abanazar just wanted the lamp. Consequently, it is apparent that thelamp is more important than ring. But after Aladdin got home. He was hungry then he asked his mother to sell the lamp to get money. If his mother wouldn’t clean the lamp, the big jinnee wouldn’t turn up. Wouldn’t he starve to death? Was there anyone else helping him?Would he marry princess and live a happy life? No, there is no denying, but he was just lucky enough. One question crowds into my mind. What is true love on earth? Is it just jewery and gold? I’m afraid not. I feel depressed that just because of Aladdin was a rich man so the king agreed Aladdin married the princess, his only daughter. I wonder, if the king knew it was the lamp that made Aladdin became rich. Would he ler his daughter marry lamp or get the lamp by force? The king just paid more attention to the substance, he didn’t care about the man’s qualities . But the most important aspect is the good qualities. Maybe my point of view is wrong. I’m not mature after all mentally . But it’s just my own idea. Another question, Aladdin said he loved the princess, but he didn’t know her at all, just because she was beautiful, with big dark eyes the most beautiful woman in the kingdom. Isn’t it so shallow? He didn’t knowthe princess before, of course, he wasn’t famliar with her. He just was attracted by the princess’s beautiful appearance. If everybody just like him, I feel so pity for all ordinary but warm-hearted girls. The third question. How about Aladdin’s mother’s life ? Aladdin and his wife lived in the palace happily, where was his mother? His mother was becoming older and older, she needed to be woked after, but who take care of her? Her lazy son ? Did Aladdin show any careness to her old mother? It was his mother who brought him up. But he even didn’t help his mother do anything else. He just asked his mother do something for him. How ungrateful he was ! I feel sorry for his mother. Besides, it seemed that Aladdins did nothing at all but he got everything he wanted. It’s a huse irony, especially for others who are hard-working. He just depended on the enchanted lamp. He didn’t make any effort . Consequently, his belongings were gone in a second. Although he got them back eventually. At the ending, it said , They lived for many years, and had many children. But Aladdin always carried the magic lamp with him day and night. He was afraid of losing it once more. I think, he also knew hisfortune wasn’t steady. Last but not least, In my perspective, no one can deny the fact that we all want to make our fortune. We should spare no effort to achieve it by ourselves. Don’t just depend on an enchanted lamp. It’s not lasting and become wither soon . Just as the old saying goes, There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. Believe in yourself. You can do it by yourself. Just go ahead. Do what you should you do perfectly. I’m sure we can also have a beautiful and happy life in the future, as long as we long for it and take actives from now on.本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第8页 共8页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页


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