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    六年级下册英语习题课件 Module 3 Unit 9 Reusing things 沪教牛津版(共25张PPT).pptx

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    六年级下册英语习题课件 Module 3 Unit 9 Reusing things 沪教牛津版(共25张PPT).pptx

    Unit 9Reusing things一、下面是一些废物利用的行为或方法,听一听,补全句子。每小题读两遍。1. We can put some pens in this _. Itll be a _. 2. We should _ the old clothes. We can _ them. canpen holderkeepreuse3. We can put some _ in this bottle. Itll be a _. 4. The boy picked up the plastic _ and threw it into a _. 5. How can you reuse _?I can stick _ together and put pictures in them.vaseflowersbottlerubbish binthemenvelopes二、同学们在手工课上学习如何有效利用旧物?他们都分别做了什么呢?听一听,将人物与相应的图片连一连。短文读两遍。1. Andy 2. Jill 3. Joe 4. Kitty A B C D三、听一听一张纸的旅程。给下列句子排序。() I was in the street. () I went to a factory. () I became a part of a gift box. () I was a piece of paper. () I became an envelope. () People wrote on both sides of me. () A boy made me into a paper plane.1234567四、如何利用旧物变废为宝?读一读,选词填空。How to 1. _ the old things? I have many ideas. Dont just use one 2. _ of the paper. We can use 3. _ sides. We can also try to use the 4. _ box to make a pencil case after we eat the biscuits up. We can have many 5. _ to recycle the old things. Lets do it together. () 1. A. recall B. reuse C. return() 2. A. bottle B. cup C. side() 3. A. both B. every C. much() 4. A. oil B. biscuit C. salt() 5. A. sides B. bottles C. waysBCABC五、星期天我、Tom和Peter在户外聚会时看见了什么?做了什么?阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。One Sunday, Tom, Peter and I had a party in the open air. Suddenly Peter pointed to a little boy and said, “Look! He is littering on the ground. ” We looked around. We found some other people there. They werealso leaving their rubbish here and there. There were a lot of bottles, waste paper and fruit peel on the ground. They made the ground very dirty. We decided to pick them up. And we made some signs to tell people what we should do and shouldnt do. One of them said, “We should keep our city clean. We shouldnt litter. ”() 1. Tom, Peter and I had a party one Saturday. () 2. There were some people littering. () 3. We made some signs. () 4. We should keep our city clean. () 5. We should litter.FTTTF六、Peter在公园是如何巧妙地让陌生人遵守环境保护的准则的呢?阅读短文,选择正确的答案。One day, Peter went to the park and read on a bench(长椅). Near the bench there was a rubbish bin and a sign beside it. It said “Use the rubbish bin”. Later, a young man came over, sat down beside Peter and put his hat on the bench. He took out a newspaperand began to read. When he was reading, he ate sweets and threw the wrapping(包装纸) on the ground. Peter was a little angry. He wanted to teach the man a lesson. He quietly put the mans hat on the ground. The young man kept eating and threw wrappings not on the ground but into his own hat. () 1. What was near the bench?A. There was a rubbish bin. B. There was a sign. C. Both A and B. C() 2. What did the young man do on the bench?A. He read the newspaper. B. He read a book. C. He gave Peter some sweets. A() 3. Did the young man use the rubbish bin?A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. We dont know. B七、小习作。我们使用过的纸张可以回收再利用,去制造更多有用的东西,那么如何重新利用纸呢?根据已给提示,完成短文。Reuse paperDont throw the paper or cardboard boxes. _. First we should not use one side of the paper. We can _. Next we can reuse the envelopes. We _. We can put _. Finally we can reuse the gift box. _._ _Reuse paperDont throw the paper or cardboard boxes. We can reuse them in many ways. First we should not use one side of the paper. We can write on both sides. Next we can reuse the envelopes. We can stick_ _the envelopes together. We can put our cards and photos in them. Finally we can reuse the gift box. We can put our toys in it. 八、废旧纸片重新利用后可以做些什么?根据图片提示,用We can use waste paper to make a说一说。1. We can use waste paper to make a plane. 2. 3.We can use waste paper to make an elephant. We can use waste paper to make a bird. 一、1. We can put some pens in this can. Itll be a pen holder. 2. We should keep the old clothes. We can reuse them. 3. We can put some flowers in this bottle. Itll be a vase. 4. The boy picked up the plastic bottle and threw it into a rubbish bin. 5. How can you reuse envelopes?I can stick them together and put pictures in them.二、 The students are having a craft lesson. They are learning how to reuse old things. Now they are showing their works. Andy used some small boxes to make a cool robot. Jill used waste paper to make a paper plane. Joe used the bottle to make a beautiful vase. Kitty used some old clothes to make a doll. They all did a great job.三、 A month ago, I was a piece of paper. People wrote on both sides of me. I knew a lot of words. Next I became an envelope. A woman put some money in me. After that a little boy found me, and he made a paper plane with me. Then the boy left me in the street. A street cleaner picked me up. Finally, I went to a factory, and became a part of a gift box.


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