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    ppt模板动态黑板模板 (6)教学课件.pptx

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    ppt模板动态黑板模板 (6)教学课件.pptx

    Unit 10 Growing the CompanyPart OneSituational Practice You are a salesman selling air cleaner on behalf of a house-hold appliances factory. Your product is suitable for both home and office use. Your price is $60. A businessperson wants to order 1,500 sets of your cleaner, but he counteroffers $50. He is satisfied with the quality of the sample, but not with the price. You may reduce the price by 10% on condition that he would increase the order of 2,000 sets. Part TwoFocus Work in groups. Discuss the following points and prepare to report to the class. What economic conditions in the foreign country do you think a company should consider when deciding to do international business? What do you think your company should do if your company cannot modify existing products to meet the needs of a foreign market? Work in groups. Discuss the following points and prepare to report to the class. What is a joint venture? What are the advantages of establishing joint ventures in China?Work in groups. Discuss the following points and prepare to report to the class. Do you think merger and acquisition refer to the same thing? (Why/ why not?) What do you think are the disadvantages of mergers and acquisitions?Public Speaking in BusinessPart ThreeUsing Visual Aids010203040506Objects and Models01Photographs and Drawings02Graphs and Charts 03Video 04The Speaker05PowerPoint 06for Using Visual Aids10 Tips Plan your presentation before creating visual aids.01Use visual aids sparingly.02Make your visual aids visible to the entire audience.03Talk to the audience, not to your visual aids.04Avoid laser pointers.05Explain the content of the visual aid when you first show it.06When you finish with the visual aid, remove it, cover it, or turn it off.07Limit the amount of material on any one visual aid.08Avoid clip art from well-known sources.09Be prepared to give your presentation without your visual aids.10Watch a how-to television program (a cooking show, for example) or the weather portion of a newscast. Notice how the speaker uses visual aids to help communicate the message. What kinds of visual aids are used? How do they enhance the clarity, interest, and retain ability of the speakers message?What would be the speaker have to do to communicate the message effectively without visual aids?Prepare to report your findings in the class. Part FourBEC FocusBusiness Topics: Do you think the location of competitors will affect the location of a company? (Why/ Why not?) What do you think are the major motives of mergers and acquisitions? What do you think are the advantages of mergers and acquisitions? What kind of franchised business will you enter? (Why?)What is important when?Considering a merge with another companyTheir product linesTheir company cultureDealing with CompetitionYou work in a car manufacturing company. You have been asked by your manager to help design the competition strategies. Discuss the situation together, and decide: What should be the pricing strategies What should be the quality and service strategiesFollow-up questions:1 12 23 3Will you compete by offering extra services to customers? (Why / Why not?)Do you think it a good way of competing by developing new and improved products or services? (Why / Why not?)What would you do in the selling effort sector in order to compete?4 45 5Do you think location is important for retail businesses to compete? (Why/ Why not?)What do you think a company can do to lower its average costs?Part FiveAssignment Work in groups. Search for the cases of mergers and acquisitions. Analyze two cases, one successful and one unsuccessful. Briefly introduce companies or enterprises and the M&A. Figure out the reasons of M&A and the causes of breakdown or success.


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