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    精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上清大教育学科教师辅导讲义学员编号: 年 级: 课 时 数:学员姓名: 辅导科目: 学科教师: 授课类型T(介词的用法)C (介词的固定搭配)T (学法与能力主题)授课日期及时段教学内容 一、同步知识梳理知识点1:介词又叫前置词,是一种用来表示词与词、词与句之间关系的词,它一般放在名词、代词(宾格)或动词(动词ing形式)前面。知识点2:in 在里面。如:in the classroom in颜色,穿着颜色的衣服。如:Whos the man in white? in语言,用某种语言说。如:Whats this in English?在上午、下午、晚上。如:in the morning,in the afternoon,in the evening在年、月、季节前。如:in 2008,in August,in summer 在国家、城市和较大的地方前。如:in China,in Wuxi,in the playground固定搭配。 如:in the middle of(在中间),do well in(擅长),in the day(在白天), take part in(参加),stay in bed(躺在床上),in the street(在街上)知识点3:on在上面。 如:on the desk用在某一天(上、下午)前。如:on the 5th of May,on Sunday,on Monday morning以Day结尾的节日前。如: on Childrens Day,on New Years Day 固定搭配。如:on foot(步行),on duty(值日),put on(穿上),get on(上车)turn on(打开),on the right / left(在右边/左边),on the wall (在墙上),on Zhongshan Road(在中山路上)注 意:树上长的水果用on the tree;不是树上长的外来物用in the tree。如:I can see a lot of apples on the tree. There is a boy in the tree.知识点4:at在某个时刻前。如:at seven oclock在传统节日前。如:at Spring Festival,at Mid-Autumn Festival,at Christmas在较小的地点。如:at the bus stop固定搭配。如:at once(立刻,马上),be good at(擅长),look at(看),at home(在家),at school(在学校), at weekends(在周末), at the back of(在后部), at night(在夜晚)知识点5:1、under 在下面 如:There is a cat under the table.2、behind 在后面 如:There is an umbrella behind the door.3、near 靠近 如:There is a park near my house.4、beside 在旁边 如:The students are standing beside the teacher.5、next to 紧靠旁边 如:The teachers office is next to our classroom.知识点6:6、before (时间上)在之前 如: before class(上课前)7、after (时间上)在之后;依照固定搭配: after class(课后),after school(放学后),look after(照看),run after(追赶),read after me(跟我读)8、between 在两者之间 如:There are some trees between Building A and Building B.9、by 乘某种交通工具 如:by bus,by plane,by the way(顺便说一下)10、from be from = come from(来自) 如:Mr Smiths is/comes from Australia.fromto(从到)We go to school from Monday to Friday.知识点7:11、to 到、去 如:Lets go to the zoo. 固定搭配:write to(给xx写信)12、about 关于;大约如: I want to buy a book about animals. Its about one kilometer away.13、for 为、给 如:Heres a letter for you. Whats for breakfast?固定搭配:look for (寻找),wait for(等候)14、with 与一起。如:Ill go shopping with my mother.具有某种特征。如:Whos the boy with big eyes?help. with. 在某方面帮助某人 如: Can you help me with my English?play with. 和一起玩;拿玩 如:play with me,play with a yo-yo15、in front of 在前面 如:There is a tree in front of the classroom.in the front of 在前部 如:There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.知识点8:16、along 沿着,顺着 如:Go along this street.17、as 作为 如:What would you like as a birthday present?18、out of 从出来;往之外 如:The dog is running out of the house.19、of 的,属于 如:a map of China ,a map of the world20、off 离开,在之外 如:keep off the grass(勿踏草坪),get off(下车)21、up 向上 如:stand up(起立),pull up carrots(拔胡萝卜)22、down 向下 如:sit down(坐下), jump up and down(上下跳)二、同步题型分析例1:1. I work _ Monday _ Friday.2. Can you sing a song _ English? 3. _ Sunday morning, he played football with his friends. 4. Tony is _ Canada. 5. Whos the woman _ the black dress?6. Do the students stay _ home _ Saturday?7. The meeting ended _ 6 p.m. 8. Go _ this road, turn left _ the first crossing.9. Can you tell me the way _ the zoo?10. Lets count the numbers _ one _ fifty. 例2:1. _ the morning 2._ Monday morning 3. _ a rainy evening 4. _3:50 5. _ 2002 6._ the morning of April 10 7. _ spring 8._ night 9._ this time 10. _ March 一、专题知识梳理 知识点:介词的固定搭配at first 起初;开始 get off 下车 at last 最后 help sb. with sth. 帮组某人做某事 at school 在上课,在上学 ask for 请求 at the moment 此刻 get up 起床 at home 在家;无拘束 laugh at 嘲笑 at present 现在 learn from 向学习 at work 上班,在工作 look after 照顾 at the same time 同时 look for 寻找 worry about 担心 on duty 值日 listen to 听 on holiday 度假 look at 看;注视 on time 准时 talk about 交谈 on the left/right 在左/右边 wait for 等候;等 on foot 步行 be afraid of 害怕 on the phone 在电话中 on the way 在路上 be interested in 对感兴趣 be good at 善于 be proud of 感到自豪 in class 在课堂上 be late for 干某事迟到 in English 用英语 be good for 对有利 in short 总之 in a hurry 匆忙地 by+交通工具 by bus/train/plane/air/ship/bikein the end 最后 in bed 躺在床上 lots of/a lot of 许多,大量 in danger 在危险中at most 至多 in fact 事实上 at least 至少 in time 及时地 at once 立刻;马上in order to 为了二、 专题精讲例题1: 1. He is good _ swimming. 2. Tom gets _ at seven every morning.3. He looks _ his father.4. I go to school _ foot every day.5. Please come to school time.三、专题过关检测题1:照顾 至多 事实上 最后 许多 在路上 在电话中 善于 总之 用英语 匆忙的 对感兴趣 四、学法提炼一、 能力培养能力1:选词填空1.Whats this_(at,on,in)English?  2.Christmas is_(at,on,in)the 25th of December.  3.The man_(with, on, in)black is Su Hais father.能力2:圈出下列句子中运用不恰当的介词,并写出正确答案。1. Jim is good in English and Maths.                     2. How many students have their birthday on May?                3.They are talking to their plans.二、能力检测检测1选词填空1. He doesnt do well _ (at,on,in) PE. 2. Look at those birds _ (on,in) the tree. 3. We are going to meet _ (at,on,in) the bus stop _ (at,on,in) half past ten.4. We live_ (at,on,in) a new house now.5. Does it often rain_ (at,on,in) spring there?检测2圈出下列句子中运用不恰当的介词,并写出正确答案。1. Womens Day is at the third of March.2. I usually take photos in Sunday morning.3. What did you do on the Spring Festival?on,on,in三、能力点评 四、学法总结1. 知识收获2. 方法总结课后作业作业1:1. We went to the country_ a very cold morning. A. at B. in C. on D. of 2. China lies_ the east of Asia and_ the north of Australia. A. to; to B. in; to C. to; in D. in; on 3. I didn't go to the park with my classmates, because my mother asked me to_ my little sister at home. A. look after B. look at C. look for D. look like 4. If you are able to get the tickets tomorrow, please tell me_ phone. A. at B. by C. on D. Through5. Lyon wanted to be a soldier and his dream came true_ November 25th,2008. A. in B. during C. on D. at 6. My father usually comes back from work_ 6:30_ the evening. A. in; on B. in; at C. on; in D. at; in7. Lyon wanted to be a soldier and his dream came true_ November 25th,2008. A. in B. during C. on D. at 8. My father usually comes back from work_ 6:30_ the evening. A. in; on B. in; at C. on; in D. at; in作业2:圈出下列句子中运用不恰当的介词,并写出正确答案。1. Can you come and help me on my English?                                                 2. Did you water trees at the farm?                                                   3. I can jog to school on the morning.作业3:1.  the first day _ school   _ classes 2.  _ Wednesday3.  _ a farm    4. pull _ carrots5. a lot _ fruit trees    6. live _ a town7. _ the weekends8.  _ the sitting room 9.  _ the 4th _ November 10. Look them11. _ the playground  12. _ New Year13. talk _ his students _ holidays14. _ Christmas Day15. have a big lunch _ my family   1 the first day (of) school 4(on) Wednesday 5(on)a farm 6 pull (up) carrots 7 a lot (of) fruit trees 8 live (in) a town 9 (at)the weekends 10 (in) the sitting room 11 (on)the 4th (of) November 12 look (at) them 15 (on) New Year 16 talk (with) his students (in) holidays 17 (on) Christmas Day 18 have a big lunch (with) my family   专心-专注-专业


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