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    精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上一、 用动词的正确形式填空1. There is _(a, an the ) book on the desk. 2. I have _orange ._orange is very sour.( a, an ,the)3._(A, An ,The) blackboard in our classroom is big4. What _ she _ (do) yesterday? She _ (visit) her grandparents5. Tom _ (play) the piano every Saturday. Now he_ (play).6. _ the monkey _ (like) climbing trees? Yes, it _7. Look at the man! He _ (read) a magazine. 8. Look! The plane _ (fly) over the building. 9. Listen! My aunt _ (sing) in the room. She is a singer. She _ (like) singing. She _(have) a music show. She is excited 10. How _ your father _ (go) to work every day? He _ (go) by bike. But its cold today. He _ (take) the No.21 bus, and he _ (go) to work by taxi yesterday二、选择题1. Mary _ on shoes when she _ them. A. triesbuys B. tries buies C. trys buys D. trys buies 2. _ he _ himself there? No, I don't think so. A. Doenjoy B. Does enjoies C. Does enjoys D. Doesenjoy3. _ your teacher _ from them very often? Certainly. A. Dohear B. Doeshear C. Do receive D. receive4. _ Tom _to work hard to help his family ? Yes, he _. A. Has xdoes B. Hasxdoes C. Doeshashas D. Does havedoes 5 Look ! The boy students are _ football while the girls are _ .A. playing dance B. playing dancing C. play dancing D. play dance6. I _ to the cinema. I _ there every Sunday. A. gogo B. am going go C. go am going D. am goingam going7. _ a sports meet last Sunday ? Yes , they _. A. Did they have did B. Did they have had C. Had they had D. Had they did 8. You gave them a talk two days ago, _you ? Yes, I _. A. did did B. did gave C. didn't did D. didn't gave 9. _ your brother _ a letter to ? My father. A. Who wrote B. Whatwrote C. Who didwrite D. What did write10. We _ for Tom at ten last Sunday. He often kept us _. A. were waiting waiting B. were waiting wait C. waited waiting D. waited wait 11. When you _ at the door, I _ some washing. A. knocked did B. was knocking did C. knocked was doing D. knock am doing 12. While mother _ some washing, I _ a kite for Kack. A. did made B. was doing made C. was doing was making D. did was making 13. I _ myself French from 7 to 9 yesterday morning. I _to work. A. was teaching didn't go B. taught didn't go C. was teaching went D. taught went 14. I _ a letter at nine last night. A. is writing B. was writing C. wrote D. is writing 15. The teacher_ (give) us a history lesson when Tom walked into the classroom. A. gave B. is giving C. was given D. was giving 15. There will be a football match in two days, that is _. A. last Sunday B. next Sunday C. every Sunday D. this Sunday 17. He _ in his garden every morning next year. A. will work B. works C. worked D. is working 18. Be careful. The train _. A. will come B. C. comes D. is coming 19. Look at those clouds. It _ soon, I'm afraid. A. is going to rain B. is raining C. will rain D. won't rain20. _ he _ some shopping tomorrow afternoon ? A. Willdoes B. is going to do C. isdoing D. Shall do21. The boy _ sixteen years old next year. A. is going to be B. is growing to be C. will be D. is 22. " He _ to draw horses already ."" When _he ?”. " Last year. "A. learnedhas B. learneddid C. has learnedhas D. has learneddid23. Tom _ up into the tree. Look, he _ high up there ! A. has got is B. has climbed was C. got was D. climbed is 24. _you _ the text yet ? Yes, we _ it two hours ago. A. Didcopydid B. Have copiedhave C. Have copied did D. Did copyhad25 _ you _ the film before ? Where _ you _ it ? A. Have seen did see B. Didseediewatch C. Haveseen have seen D. Didseehaveseen 26. You _ me waiting for two hours. I _ for you since five. A. Keptwaited B. have keptwaited C. kepthave waited D. have kepthave waited27. _ the baby still _ ? No, it _ crying. A. Has cried has stopped B. Iscryingstopped C. Did cry stopped D. Iscryinghas stopped28. _ you ever _America ? Yes, I have. A. Have gone to B. Have gone in C. Have been to D. Have been in29. We _ out by that time that he _ a thief for a long time. A. had foundhad been B. had foundwas C. foundhad been D. foundwas30. They _for five hours when they _ in New York. A. flewarrived B. had flownhad arrived C. flewhad arrived D. had flownarrived 专心-专注-专业


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