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    精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上单元检测 一、单项选择(共15小题;共15分) 1.- Do you know   man over there?- Yes. He is   artist. His name is Li Yundi.A. the; anB. a; theC. a; anD. the; the 2.Lily is ready   people any time. She always gives her seat to someone in need.A. to helpB. helpC. helpingD. to helpful 3."Take this medicine and it will make you   better soon," the nurse says to the   boy.A. to feel; sickB. feel; sickC. feeling; illD. feels; ill 4.He   very busy this week, but he   free next week.A. will be; isB. is; isC. will be; will beD. is; will be 5.-   you   him tomorrow?- Yes, I am.A. Will; visitB. Do; visitC. Are; going to visitD. Are; visiting 6.- What are you doing?- I'm reading the newspaper(报纸). There is   in it.A. something interestingB. anything interestingC. nothing interestingD. interesting something 7.There   a charity show at the school hall next week.A. wasB. will beC. has beenD. are 8.People at the community centre   a big family. They are helpful and kind to each other.A. likesB. are likeC. don't likeD. look likes 9.- Let's go on a trip to Hangzhou, shall we?- That   great.A. soundsB. listensC. looksD. hears10.- How long does it take the train to get to Xuzhou from Nanjing?- Maybe one hour. But why not   it on Baidu?A. fixB. designC. lookD. check11.- Will you go to the cinema with me tomorrow?- Sorry, I   skating with Tom.A. goB. wentC. have goneD. will go12.People in Beijing   PM 2.5 these days.A. worryB. are worrying aboutC. worries aboutD. is worrying13.- I'm afraid I can't help you   your problem.- Thank you all the same(仍然). I can ask Fiona   help.A. for; forB. for; withC. with; withD. with; for14.- Thank you for sharing your skills with me.-  .A. That's really niceB. You're welcomeC. That's greatD. All right15.-   your new job?- I think it's usually full of fun.A. How do you think ofB. What do you think ofC. How do you thinkD. What do you like of二、完形填空(共10小题;共15分) If you are in a supermarket and find no cashiers(收银员) in it, 16   you give money for the things? 17   neighbours are having a test of honesty (诚信测试) now. The supermarket in our 18   has a special area. People can buy small things 19   pens and knives in this area. They need to scan(扫描) their things, and then put the 20   into a box themselves(他们自己). 21   watches them. All of them like to be honest persons. The special area is running very 22   now. Hundreds of visitors shop here every day. The 23   of the supermarket says he will not 24   this area. I think the supermarket is doing a great 25  . Do you think so?16.A. doesB. areC. shallD. will17.A. MyB. WeC. ID. Me18.A. schoolB. classC. neighbourhoodD. grade19.A. likeB. withC. forD. as20.A. thingsB. moneyC. bagD. name21.A. No oneB. SomethingC. EveryoneD. Anyone22.A. poorB. badC. rightD. well23.A. managerB. policemanC. postmanD. waiter24.A. closeB. openC. fixD. start25.A. lessonB. problemC. jobD. work三、阅读理解(共15小题;共30分)A My family move to a new flat. I have some new neighbours now. I think they are all good.Ann's family My new neighbour Ann is a dancer. She is from the USA. She has two beautiful eyes and a very good-looking nose. She likes playing the piano. Ann's parents are both good doctors. And her husband(丈夫) is also a doctor. Last week, Ann and her husband went to Beijing. They visited the Great Wall and many other places of interest there. Ann's family members are all very nice. I think I have a good neighbour.Uncle Wang's family Uncle Wang is a teacher. He teaches P.E. in No. 8 Middle School. It is a very good school in our city. He loves his students, so the students also love him very much. He often tells his students to pay attention to their health. Sometimes he plays football with them after school. In summer, he always takes them to the swimming pool. He's a good teacher.26. Ann is from  .A. the USAB. the UKC. ChinaD. Canada27. What is Ann's husband?A. A dancer.B. A doctor.C. A pianist.D. A teacher.28. Why do Uncle Wang's students love him?A. Because he teaches P.E. well.B. Because he loves his students.C. Because he plays football with them.D. Because he often tells his students to pay attention to their health.29. The phrase "pay attention to" means in Chinese  .A. 注意B. 保管C. .照顾D. 忽略30. Which of the following is NOT right according to the passage?A. Ann loves music.B. Ann and her husband went to Beijing last week.C. Uncle Wang is a helpful teacher.D. All of Uncle Wang's students like playing football and swimming.B More and more people like bicycling and it is no surprise. It is fun, healthy and good for the environment. Maybe that's why there are 1.4 billion bicycles and only 400 million ears on roads worldwide today. Bikes can take you almost anywhere, and there is no oil cost! Get on a bicycle and ride around your neighbourhood. You may discover something new all around you. Stopping and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting out of your car. You can bike to work and benefit(受益) from the enjoyable exercise without polluting the environment. You don't even have to ride all the way. Folding(折叠) bikes work well for people who ride the train. Just fold the bike and take it with you. You can do the same on an airplane. A folding bike can be packed in a suitcase. You can also take a common bike with you when you fly. But be sure to look for information by getting on airline websites. Not all airlines are bicycle-friendly to travelers. Health Benefits of Bicycling: It helps to prevent heart diseases. Bicycling helps to control your weight. A 15-minute bike ride to and from work three times a week burns off five kilos of fat in a year. Bicycling can improve your mood(心情). Exercise like bicycling has been shown to make people feel better, more relaxed and self-confident. Bicycling is healthier than driving.31. From the passage,we know that bicycling is becoming very  .A. surprisingB. excitingC. expensiveD. popular32. When you are riding your bicycle around your neighbourhood, you may  .A. pollute the environment aroundB. find something you didn't noticeC. go everywhere and use a little oilD. get off your bike and begin to work33. If you travel with a folding bike,you can fold it and  .A. get out of the carB. take it onto a trainC. put it in your purseD. go on airline websites34. One of the benefits from bicycling is that  .A. you can fold the bicycleB. you will be friendly to othersC. you will be more relaxedD. you may get fatter and fatter35. Which is TRUE according to the passage?A. Bicycling is enjoyable exercise for people.B. Driving cars is healthier than riding bikes.C. Riding a bike pollutes your neighbourhood.D. Common bikes are welcomed by all airlines.C Li Ruyan, 13 and his classmates in Shanghai did something special last summer. They worked in groups with traffic police at different crossroads in the city. Holding small red flags, the students helped keep order and stopped people from jaywalking(乱穿马路). As part of the school project. Li's school has encouraged its students to do more community(社区) work. After the half day of exhausting work Li told himself not to jaywalk anymore. “I think through community work we get to help others and, more importantly, we grow a sense of responsibility(责任感),” he said Community service is an important part of education for teenagers around the world. In the US and Canada, high school students need to finish 40 hours of community service before graduation. For those Americans who have finished 1,400 hours of community work, they can be awarded nearly $ 5,000(33,000 yuan). Chinese students today do more community work, too. For example, starting from 2010, Sichuan high school students have been asked to do 10 days of community work. It will become part of their school grade. Qian Lijun, 16, and her classmates in Suzhou, Jiangsu went to a local elder care home this winter. They put Spring Festival couplets(对联) on the walls and cheered up the people living there. Li Xiaotian, 15, of Anshan said he used to clear flyers(小广告) from telephone poles (电线杆) with his classmates. They brought tools, towels and buckets and worked for three hours under the summer sun. “It was tiring, but seeing the clean poles without ugly ads-we really felt proud,” he said.36. What was the special thing Li Ruyan did last summer?A. He joined a special group of Class13B. He become a policemanC. He helped the traffic police at a crossroadD. He stopped people from talking37. From this passage we know that  .A. Li Ruyan's school is in the middle of a big cityB. Li Ruyan and his classmates do some community work every dayC. Ruyan and his classmates often hold small flags when they cross the roadsD. Ruyan and his classmates think it is good for them to do some community work38. Community service  .A. has become a very important part of education only in ChinaB. is very important in school education in some foreign countriesC. is the only part of the school project for teenagers around the worldD. needs students to finish at least 1,000 hours of community work39. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. The students in Shanghai helped people to keep the traffic rulesB. The students in Suzhou visited the old people's homeC. The students in Anshan cleaned the walls under the summer sunD. The students in Sichuan sent Spring Festival couplets to the old people40. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Community service helps students grow a sense of responsibilityB. Through community work students get to help others and learn somethingC. Students are now encouraged to do more community work in many school in ChinaD. Students will be awarded much money for doing more community work in Canada and the US四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共3小题;共3分)41. That will be the  (邮递员) at the door now.42. A  (群) of us went out for a drink to celebrate Soma's birthday.43. People can form(组成) a  (组) of four to join the activity.五、根据句意完成句子(共2小题;共2分)44. My computer is  . Can you help me fix it?45. She is  (with good luck) enough to win the big prize.六、选词填空(句子选词填空)(共10小题;共10分)Aplayworryoldshopsomething 46. Is there   wrong with your Walkman?47. The woman is   because she can't find her purse.48. Simon likes football very much, so he's going to be a foot ball  .49. My   sister now works in a big hospital.50. I often go   on Sundays and buy some food and drinks.Bhelpfeelhavebefix 51. There   a "helping hands" meeting tomorrow.52. Thank you for   my washing machine.53. Some social workers are ready   the old people.54. The Whites   breakfast now.55. Wearing a smile on your face not only helps you make friends but also makes you   better.七、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;共5分)56. - 你的英语老师怎么样?- 他友善而又乐于助人。- What   your English teacher  ?- He is      .57. - 你父亲是做什么的?- 他是一家医院的医生。- What   your father  ?- He is a doctor      .58. 我们将在那儿读各种各样的书、杂志和报纸。We           books, magazines and newspapers there.59. 我今晚帮助她做功课。I will           this evening.60. 有些学生担心即将到来的考试。Some students       the coming exam.八、阅读与表达(表格式)(共10小题;共20分) Our teachers work very hard. They get up early in the morning and work very late. How to help our teachers? First, we must try to learn our subjects well to make our teachers spend less time on us and let them have more rest. Second, we must clean the blackboard and the teacher's desk very often. If we do so, our teachers will work better and of course they will be happier. Our teachers often have to speak for a long time and they are very thirsty(口渴的). At this time, it is better for us to bring them some water. When our teachers drink the water, they will speak more clearly(清楚). After our teachers correct(批改) our exercise books, we can help to hand them out(分发它们)If we do so, our teachers can have a short rest. We all know that our teachers care about our marks(分数) most, so we should try to go over(复习) our lessons to get high grades(成绩). If all of us can get high grades, our teachers will feel very happy.根据短文内容,完成表格,每空只填1个单词。How to 61.   our teachersWays(方法)Results (结果)Do 62.   in our subjects.Our teachers can have more time to have a 63.   Often help the teachers 64.   the blackboard and the 65.   desk.They will 66.   better feel happier.Bring them some water when they 67.   to drink water.They will speak clearly.Help them hand out our exercise books.They can rest for a 68.   time.Try to go over our lessons 69.   taking exams.70.   grades will make them happy.九、首字母填空(短文首字母)(共10小题;共10分) The Wangs, a family of five, are our neighbours. They live in our n   for seven years. The o   of the family is Grandma. She is o   seventy and hard of hearing, so if you speak to her, you must speak loudly. Mr. and Mrs. Wang are b   teachers. Mr Wang teaches English and his wife teaches Music. They have two twin daughters who look much alike and always w   the same clothes.


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