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    精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上感叹句 一般说来,感叹句是由 what 或 how 开头的,它有两个类型,六种句式。掌握了它的搭配,即掌握了感叹句的重点。1.用 what 引导的感叹句有三种句式,此时,what 为形容词,用作定语,修饰它后面的名词或名词词组(即感叹部分是名词性短语)。 1). What +a / an + 形容词可数名词单数主语谓语!e.g.: What a fine day it is! 多么好的天气啊!(辅音音素前用a)What an old building that is!那是一栋多么破旧的楼房啊(元音音素前用an) 2). What + 形容词可数名词复数形式主语谓语!e.g.: What good teachers they are! 他们是多么好的老师啊!What beautiful flowers these are! 这些是多么美丽的花啊! 3). What + 形容词不可数名词主语谓语!e.g.: What thick ice we are having here! 我们这儿的冰多厚啊!What round bread it is! 这是一块多么圆的面包啊!2.用 how 开头的感叹句也有三种句式,此时, how 是副词,用作状语,修饰后面的形容词、副词或动词。 4). How 形容词主语谓语! (即谓语动词是连系动词) e.g.: How hot it is today! 今天天气多热啊!How beautiful the flowers are! 这些花多么美丽啊! 5). How 副词主语谓语! e.g.: How hard he works! 他工作多么努力啊!How well she sings! 她歌唱得多好啊! 6). How + 主语谓语!(即谓语动词是行为动词)e.g.: How she dances! 她跳舞跳得多好啊!注意: what 和 how 引起的感叹句,在口语中常可以省略主语、谓语或其它句子成分。e.g.: How cold ( it is ) ! What a good girl! What delicious fish!(三)陈述句变感叹句全解 4.如何判断是否使用冠词、使用什么样的冠词?如果名词不可数,摒弃a, an不留情:名词的复数形式和不可数名词之前不使用冠词,以元音音素开头的词语之前用an,以辅音音素开头的词语之前用a。e.g.: What beautiful sunshine it is today!(sunshine 不可数名词) What a useful book this is!(useful 以辅音音素开头)What an old house that is!(old 以元音音素开头)(四)其它句式变感叹句有时陈述句、疑问句(句中常有so或much)以及祈使句也可直接转化为感叹句,不需要改变词的位置,只要改变原来的音调(即变为降调)。e.g.: Hes such a nice boy! 多好的孩子! How can you be so clever! 你怎么这么聪明!Don go with us! 别和我们一起去! Have you ever seen such a thing? 你曾见过这种事情吗? A 类: 一、选择题 1. _ delicious the dish is!A. WhatB. HowC. What a 2. _ strange clothes he is wearing!A. What aB. What C. How a 3. _ an interesting subject it is!A. WhatB. HowC. What an 4. _ foggy it was yesterday!A. WhatB. What aC. How 5. _ careless a boy you are!A. HowB. What aC. What6. _ a nice watch it is! A. HowB. WhatC. What aD. How a7. _ bright girls they are!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a8. _ interesting the film is!(1998湖北) A. What B. What an C. How D. How an9._ sunny day! Lets go out for a walk.(1999江西) A. How a B. How C. What a D. What10. _ hard work it is!(1999浙江) A. How B. What C. What a D. What an11. _ day it is! Its rainy again. (1999江西) A. How bad B. What a bad C. How fine D. What a fine12. _ great day July 1,1997 will be! (1999上海)A. How a B. What a C. How D. What13. _ expensive trousers!(1999浙江) A. What B. What aC. HowD. What an14. The sun is shining. fine day it is!A. How B. How a C. What D. What a 15. thick ice! Would you like to go skating? A. WhatB. How C. What a D. How a 16. cold it is today! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a 17. its blowing! A. What strong B. How strong C. How strongly D. What strongly18. _ they are playing in the playground!A. How happily B. How happy C. What happy D. What happy children19. beautiful flowers! Where did you buy them?A. How B. What C. What a D. How a20. honest Angela is!A. How a B. What an C. What a D. How21. useful work she has done!A. What B. How C. What a D. How a二. 把下列句子改为感叹句:用what与 how填空1. His handwriting is good. _ good his handwriting is!2. These photos are nice. _ nice these photos are! 3. Betty sings well. _ _ well Betty sings! 4. They are working hard. _hard they are working! 5. Jenny was very disappointed when she saw this. _disappointed Jenny was when she saw this.6. It is a wonderful concert _a wonderful concert it is! 7. They looked worried. _ worried they looked! 8. The young man speaks English well. _well the young man speaks English! 9. They are beautiful flowers. _ beautiful flowers they are!10. It is a difficult problem. _a difficult problem it is !11. Tom has strong arms. _ strong arms Tom has!12. I missed my old friends very much. _ I missed my old friends!13. The children like their teacher very much. _ the children like their teacher!14. This kind of flower smells nice. _nice this kind of flower smells!15. Time flies fast. _ fast time flies!16. He works hard at his lessons. _ hard he works at his lessons!17. The pyramids are made of huge stones. _huge stones the pyramids are made of!B类: 一、选择题1. _ girl she is! A. What bright a B. How a bright C. How bright a D. What bright2. _ weather we have today! A. A fine B. What a fine C. How a fine D. What fine3. _ careless he is! A. What B. How C. So much D. How much4. _ from Beijing to London! A. How long way it is B. What a long way is itC. How long way is it D. What a long way it is5. Oh, John, _ you gave us! A. How a pleasant surprise B. How pleasant surpriseC. What a pleasant surprise D. What pleasant surprise6. _ useful work they have done! A. What B. How C. What a D. What an7. _ nice picture you gave me! A. How B. What C. What a D. What an8. exciting news! We will have long holiday after the exam.A. What an, aB. what, aC. How an, the D. How; the9. An earthquake hit Indonesia yesterday. - terrible news! A. How a B. What aC. How D. What10. Dad, do you like my picture? - ! Its the nicest one Ive ever seen!A. What a strong boy B. How carefulC. How wonderful D. What a brave boy11. Jacky, look at that Japanese sumoist (相扑手). Wow, !A. How a fat man B. What a fat man C. How fat man D. What fat man12. What it is! A. nice dayB. nice weather C. a nice weather13. Mrs Smith is!A. How kind woman B. What a kind woman C. What kind woman D. How a kind woman14. piece of important information we have got!A. What a B. What C. What an D. How15. is running!A. How fast a boy B. How fast boyC. What fast the boyD. How fast the boy二. 把下列的句子改为感叹句。 A: Jill is drawing a beautiful picture.B: _ A: Mr. Wang is a busy man.B: _ A: The cat is very happy.B: _ A: The tractor is going very slowly.B: _ A: He is very lucky.B: _ A: It is a wet day today.B: _ A: They started early.B: _ A: They waited a long time.B: _ A: He is wearing a large shirt.B: _ A: The dolphin is playing happily.B: _11. It is quite a nice present._ _ nice present!12. We have fine weather today. _ _ weather we have today!13. Its sunny today._ _ sunny day it is today!14. The children are working hard._ _ the children are working!15. She played basketball wonderfully._ _ she played basketball!16. He is good at singing._ _ he sings!17. He was doing well in dancing._ a _ dancer he was!18. Tom coughs badly._ _ _ cough Tom has!19. The fish is very lovely._ _ the fish is!20. They live a happy life today._ _ _ life they live!三、把下列的句子改为感叹句。(答案不唯一) A: Jill is drawing a beautiful picture.B: _ A: Mr Wang is a busy man. B: _ A: The cat is very happy. B: _ A: The tractor is going very slowly.B: _ A: He is very lucky B: _ A: It is a wet day today.B: _ A: They started early. B: _ A: They waited a long time. B: _ A: He is wearing a large shirt.B: _ A: The dolphin is playing happily.B: _答案A类:选择:15:BBACA 610:BACCB 1115:BBADA 1621:BCABDA把下列句子改为感叹句:1. How. 2. How. 3. How 4. How 5. How 6. What 7. How 8. How 9. What 10. What 11. What 12. How 13. How 14. How 15. How 16. How 17. What B类:选择:15:CDBDC 610:ACBDC 1115:BBBAD把下列句子改为感叹句: What a beautiful picture Jill is drawing!/ How beautiful a picture Jill is drawing!        What a busy man Mr Wang is!/ How busy a man Mr Wang is !        How happy the cat is!/ What a happy cat it is!        How slowly the tractor is going!       How lucky he is!       What a wet day it is today!/ How wet a day it is today!       How early they started!        What a long time they waited!        What a large shirt he is wearing!/ How large a shirt he is wearing!        How happily the dolphin is playing!11. What a 12. What fine 13. What a 14. How hard 15. How wonderfully16. How well 17. What good 18. What a bad 19. How lovely 20. What a happy三 What a beautiful picture Jill is drawing!/ How beautiful a picture Jillis drawing! What a busy man Mr Wang is!/ How busy a man Mr Wang is ! How happy the cat is!/ What a happy cat it is! How slowly the tractor is going! How lucky he is! What a wet day it is today!/ How wet a day it is today! How early they started! What a long time they waited! What a large shirt he is wearing!/ How large a shirt he is wearing! How happily the dolphin is playing! 专心-专注-专业


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