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    精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Module2测试卷单项选择( )1.Have you _ been to New York before? Yes, twice.A. never B. everC. often( )2.The bike is too expensive. We can't _ it. A. hope B. affordC. learn ( ) 3. Is Lisa at home? No. She _ the bank. She _ there just now. A. has gone to; went B. has gone to; has beenC. has been to; went ( )4. Why don't we go for a picnic this weekend? That _ great! A. sounds B. looks C. smells( )5. Is this a true story? No, it isn't. Mike _.A. tried it on B. made it up C. picked it up ( )6._ you _ the movie Lost in Hong Kong? No, I haven't. A. Have; seen B. Are; seeing C. Did; see (    )7. Linda _ this book, so she knows it very well. A. is reading B. reads C. has read( )8Have you cleaned your bedroom _? No. I haven't cleaned it _. A. already; yet            B. yet; already C. yet; yet                ( )9Is Miss Green in the office? No, she _ to the library. A. goes B. had gone C. has gone. ( )10 Are you surprised at the ending of the movie? No, because I _ the story. A. readB. will readC. have read ( )11.-what are you going to do this weekend? -I_yet.A.didnt decidedB.havent decidedC.have decided( )12.My father has _in travelling and he has _interesting _A,much experience; many;experiences B.many experience; much;experienceC.many experience; many;experiences( )13.I have two tickets _the concert.Would you like to come with me ?A.with B.in C.for( )14.Have you listened to a concert _?AbeforeB.alreadyC.ago.( )15.So far ,he _the book.A.has finished to readB finished readingC has finished reading完形填空(共10分,每小题1分) I have been to London twice. In October 2010, I went there for the first time. I learned English in a language school and   16   with a host family (寄宿家庭) for six months. My host family Mr and Mrs Brown were both very   17   to me. They helped me and told me a lot of interesting things about Britain. I had   18   with them.  I enjoyed different kinds of English food. I also did some activities with them. We often   19   TV, went shopping, played games and took a walk in the park together. At weekends, I usually went   20   to different interesting places in London, such as the National Gallery, Buckingham Palace and the British Museum. I even had a boat trip along the River Thames. During my stay in London, I   21   many people enjoyed DIY (Do It Yourself).  They grew vegetables,   22    the grass in the garden, or made cakes or different kinds of food themselves. In September 2013, I went to London for the second time and stayed there for a year. I   23   Chinese in a middle school. I also told the students about Chinese food and   24   them pictures of some interesting places in China. The students all felt   25   in my class. Many of them hoped that they could come to China one day. 16-20 BCADA  21-25 CBCDA(    ) 16. A. moved        B. lived C. entered           D. counted(    ) 17. A. rude               B. polite        C. nice               D. strict(   ) 18. A. meals         B. questions C. prizes             D. messages(   ) 19. A. looked        B. read C. noticed            D. watched(   ) 20. A. travelling     B. swimming C. boating           D. dancing(   ) 21. A. changed      B. collected  C. found             D. helped (    ) 22. A. put           B. cut     C. lost             D. met(    ) 23. A. studied      B. followed C. taught            D. missed(   ) 24. A. took         B. left    C. bought       D. showed (   ) 25. A. interested    B. bored C. tired             D. safe根据句意及所给汉语提示语写出所缺单词。1. Many Chinese people go to _(法国) on holiday every year.2. There're two _(古老的) houses in the park. 3. Jenny entered three _(比赛) at school last term.4. They _(邀请) their teacher to play games yesterday. 5. How many _(国王) are there in the world now? 连词成句1. place, I,have, that, several ,visited,times.我游览过那个地方好几次。_2. finds This child, a little,it, hard, to swim.这个孩子发现游泳有点难。_3. Do you know, boy ,American, this, fifteen-year-old?你认识这个15岁的美国男孩吗?_4.My, has been to, dad, three, Dalian , times.我爸爸去过大连三次。_5.Jane ,So far, hasnt, a gift ,bought, for, her father.到目前为止,珍妮还没为她父亲买到礼物。选词填空ancient counting example king mix queenMike and Clare live in Cairo in Egypt because their father works there. They have visited many places in Egypt. For (1) _, they have seen the Pyramids, and they have visited the (2) _ palaces of the (3) _ and (4) _ of Egypt Mike and Clare have learnt a little Arabic, and when they speak it, they often (5) _ it with German, French and Chinese. Recently, their fathers company has asked him to go back to the US. Mike and Clare are (6) _ down the days.competition pronounce spell tower afford1) I wrote a story for a(n) _ in my English class and I won a prize.2) Alice can _ very well, and whats more, she can write beautifully.3) Some English words are difficult to _.4) We visited an ancient palace with a tall _ and a beautiful garden.5) Mary wants to visit the US, but the plane tickets are very expensive and she cannot _ to go.阅读理解,七选五Were lucky, we have a good class monitor. His name is Bob. He can do many things. Every day he runs to school. _1_ In class he can answer any question. He can speak Chinese, English and French. He can play a lot of sports like basketball, football and table tennis. _2_ He is strong and can eat four bowls(碗) of noodles for lunch. _3_Bobs mother works in a school library. _4_ He can learn a lot from books. He is kind and gets on well with everyone in our class. _5_ I think Bob can do any work he can be a doctor, a singer, or a spaceman(宇航员). 1E  2G  3F  4B  5DA. He can make our classroom beautiful.B. He can read many books and magazines in it.C. He helps his mother do cleaning at home.D. He is always ready to help others.E. He runs really fast!F. He can eat six apples at a time(一次).G. He can swim well, too1_ 2_3_ 4._5._情景交际A: Hello, Lucy. Long time no see. How are you?B: Fine, thank you. _1_A: Im very well. What are you busy with these days?B: _2_A: The Voice of China? This program is very popular in China.B: Yes. More and more foreigners take part in it. _3_A: Great. Which song will you sing?B: My heart will go on. _4_ I like it very much.A: Then when is your show time?B: Next Friday. At 10:00 p.m.A: Come on and wish you good luck!B: _5_A. Id like to have a try.B. Youre welcome.C. How about you?D. Nice to meet you.E. The song is so beautiful.F. Thank you very much.G. Im getting ready for the Voice of China专心-专注-专业


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