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    精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上PEP小学英语四年级下册期中试卷 班级_姓名_得分_一、根据上下句意,选择正确答案序号填在题前括号内.(10分) ( )1 is your computer room. A,His B,That C,Hat ( )2 Is it snowy? Yes, .A. He is B. it is C. she is ( )3 many teachers are there?A. What B. How C. Where ( )4 What time is it? A. Its 7 oclock B . Time for P.E. C.Nice.( )5 this a library?A: is B: Is C: Are( )6 Our classroom is the second floor.A: in B: on C: near( )7 Its 3:00. Its time PE class.A: on B: to C: for( )8 is it? Its 5:00.A: What colour B: How old C: What time( )9 Do you have art room? A:two B:an C: a ( ) 10. Is this the washroom? _A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is. C .No, it isnt. ( ) 11. _ way, please. A. This B. That C. This is ( ) 12. Welcome _ our school! A. on B. in C. to ( ) 13. We can read books in the _. A. library B. TV room C. gym ( ) 14 School is _. Lets go home. A. begin B. OK C. over ( )15 Its 10 oclock. Its time _ go to school. A. to B. for C. of二、从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的答语. ( )1.Where is the teachers office? A. It's four o'clock. ( )2.Is your teacher in the classroom ? B. Yes, he is. ( )3. Can I go home at six o'clock? C. I am in Shandong. ( )4. What time is it? D. Tts on the second floor . ( )5. Where are you now? E Yes,you can.四、上下文搭配 ( ) 1. Where is the gym? A. Oh. Itsbeautiful. ( ) 2. Is this the playground? B. Yes, I do. ( ) 3. Do you have a library? C. Its on the first floor. ( ) 4. How many desks are there in your classroom?D. No, it isnt. ( ) 5. Look! This is our garden. E. There are forty-four. 五、连词成句。注意标点符号。(20分) 1 your , is , room ,that , teacher's (?) 2 have ,we ,show ,a ,today ,the ,school ,in (.) 3 two ,it , o'clock ,is ,(.) 4 in , It's ,snowy ,BeiJing (.) 5 is ,what ,it ,time , now (?) 6 the ,like ,weather ,what ,is ,Singapore ,in (?) 7 outside ,go ,can't ,you ,now (.) 8 for , It's ,math ,class ,time ,(.) 9、art room the on is the floor first(.)_ 10、to bed time it”s go to(.)_七、阅读理解:(10分)This is my school day. I get up at 6:30 in the morning. Then I have breakfast at seven. I go to school at 7:30. Its eight oclock. Its time for class. I have English class at 9:00 every day. Miss Zhang is my English teacher. I like her very much. Its 4:00 now. Its time for PE class. I clean the classroom at 5:10. Then I go home at 5:30. I cant watch TV in the evening. I go to bed at nine.根据上面短文的意思判断下面的句子是否正确,正确的在句子前面的括号里打“”,不正确的打“×”。( ) 1、I go to school at 7:00. ( ) 2、I have P.E class at 5:20.( ) 3、Miss Zhang is my Chinese teacher.( ) 4、I go to bed at 9:00.( ) 5、I watch TV in the evening. 八、阅读短文,判断正误,错的写“F”对的写“T”。 (10分)I get up at 6:30. I have breakfast at 7:10, then I go to school at 7:40. I have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. I have lunch at the school at 11:50. And go home at 3:30 p.m( 下午 ).After school, I play football on the playground. So I get home 【到家】at 5:00. In the evening, I read books and go to bed at 8:30.( ) 1. Amy goes to school at 7:30.( ) 2. Amy has lunch at school.( ) 3. She goes home at 3:30 p.m.( ) 4. She has six classes a day.专心-专注-专业


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