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    精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?v 重要知识点l 可数名词与不可数名词的“数量”Ø 可数名词:milk shake奶昔,blender食物搅拌器,watermelon西瓜, spoon勺子, pot锅, machine机器, hole洞;坑, sandwich三明治, turkey火鸡, piece块;片;段, pumpkin南瓜, oven烤箱, plate盘子, pepper辣椒 Ø 不可数名词:yogurt酸奶, honey蜂蜜, salt盐, sugar食糖, cheese奶酪, popcorn爆米花, corn玉米, butter黄油, lettuce生菜, gravy肉汁, pie果馅派, pepper胡椒粉(1) 可数名词在句中出现时:1.复数形式,如:some bananas, many apples, a lot of machines, the sandwiches, two spoons,our watermelons.2.单数形式,如:a banana milk shake, the cheese sandwich, my blender.(2) 不可数名词的数量:1. 大概的量,如:some honey, much sugar, a lot of salt.2. 具体的量,如:a piece of bread一片面包 a glass of yogurt一杯酸奶 a spoon of honey一勺蜂蜜 a bag of salt一包盐 a bowl of rice一碗米饭 a kilo of beef 一公斤牛肉 three pieces of cheese三块奶酪l How many 和How much多少How many +可数名词复数 .?How many pieces of bread do we need?我们需要多少片面包?How much +不可数名词.?How much bread do you want?你想要多少面包?多少钱How much + 一般疑问句?How much is the bread? 这面包多少钱?l 事情的制作流程:First,. Then,. Next,. Finally,.Let me tell you how to make .Here is one way to make.1. peel剥皮2. cut up.切碎3. put.in/into.把.放入.4. pour.into.把.倒入.5. turn on.打开6. turn off.关闭7. put.on.把.放在.上8. add.to.添加.到.9. mix.混合10. fill.with.用.填满.11. place.on.把.放在.上12. cover.with.用.覆盖.13. cut.into.把.切成.14. one by one一个接一个a banana milk shakeFirst, peel three bananas and cut them up.Then, put the bananas and ice-cream in the blender.Next, pour the milk into the blender.Next, turn on the blender.Finally, turn off the blender. Pour the milk shake in a glass and drink it.a cheese sandwichFirst, put the butter on a piece of bread.Next, cut up one tomato and an onion. Put them on the sandwich. Next, put some cheese on the sandwich. Then, put some lettuce on the cheese.Finally, put another piece of bread on top. (另一片面包)Russian soupFirst, buy some beef, one cabbage, four carrots, three potatoes, five tomatoes and one onion. Then, cut up the vegetables.Next, put the beef, carrots and potatoes into a pot and add some water.After that, cook them for 30 minutes. Then, add the cabbage, tomatoes and onion and cook for another 10 minutes.One more thing, finally, dont forget to add some salt. (再煮10分钟)a turkey dinnerFirst, mix together some bread pieces, onions, salt and pepper.Next, fill the turkey with this bread mix.Then, put the turkey in a hot oven and cook it for a few hours. (几个小时)When it is ready, place the turkey on a large plate and cover it with gravy.Finally, cut the turkey into thin pieces and eat the meat with vegetables like carrots and potatoes.Yunnan Rice NoodlesIn Yunnan, many people eat rice noodles for breakfast, and even for lunch and dinner. To make this special food, you need to have rice noodles, chicken soup, chicken, lettuce and eggs. (Of course, you can also have other things like fish and different vegetables.)First, wash the lettuce and cut it up. Next, cut the chicken into pieces. Then, make the chicken soup very hot, over 100. Then ,put the eggs, meat and lettuce in the pot of hot soup, one by one.Finally, put the rice noodles into the soup. Now, its time to enjoy the rice noodles!l 动副短语:代词放中间;名词放两边1. cut up切碎 Eg: Wash the tomatoes and cut them up.把西红柿洗了并切碎。2. turn on打开 turn off关闭 turn up调高音量 turn down调低音量Eg: The music is a little noisy. Can you turn it down?音乐有点吵,你能把声音调小吗?Eg: I want to watch the basketball match. Could you please turn on the TV? 我想看篮球比赛,你可以打开电视机吗?l “开;关”的不同turn on / off.:打开/关闭电器,水,煤气等;open/close.:打开/关闭门(door)、窗(window)、箱盒(box)等。l another +数字+名词 = 数字 + more +名词another 10 minutes = 10 more minutes 另外10分钟Eg: I need another two hamburgers.= I need two more hamburgers.我还要两个汉堡。l 介词on / in / at的搭配1. on 用于具体的某一天前,或用于具体某一天的上午、下午或晚上 如:on Sunday, on March 9th, on a sunny day.2. In用于大的时间前,如:年、季节、月份等。有时也可以用于每天的上午、下午或晚上等。 如:in the morning, in November, in autumn, in2019.3. at 用于具体的时刻前,也可用于at noon, at night. l fill v.装满1. fill . with . 用.装满. fill A with B: 用B装满A,主语通常是人。 Eg: I fill the turkey with this bread mix. 我用面包混合物装满了火鸡。2. be filled with . = be full of. “装满了. ; 被.填满”,主语通常是物。 Eg: My schoolbag is filled with books.= My schoolbag is full of books.l cover v.覆盖3. cover . with . 用.覆盖. cover A with B: 用B覆盖A,主语通常是人。 Eg: I cover the turkey with gravy. 我给火鸡浇上肉汁。4. be covered with . “被.覆盖”,主语通常是物。 Eg: The world is covered with snow. 整个世界被雪覆盖。l serve v.提供;接待;服务serve sth to sb = serve sb (with) sth 用某物招待某人Eg: Linda served a big meal to us last night. 昨晚琳达用一顿大餐招待了我们。 l temperature n.温度;气温;体温1. at a very high temperature 在高温下2. take ones temperature 给某人量体温l Its time to do sth. = Its time for doing sth. 是做某事的时候了。Eg: Its time to enjoy the rice noodles. 是时候享用米线了。专心-专注-专业


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