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    Language points1. This happens in plants when gardeners take when twins identical in sex and 1) “when gardeners take cuttings from growing plants to make new ones, when twins identical in是两个时间状语从句。when 引导的时间状语从句中从句的动作可以与主句的动作同时发生,也可以先于主句的动作。Dont be afraid of asking for help _ it is needed. (03, 全国)A. unless B. since C. although D. whenD 2) happen vi. occur by chance; take place (偶然地)发生; 出现 happen to do happen to sb. It happened that happening n. 事件; 偶然发生的事 (常用复数)辨析: happen, occur, take place与come about四词都有“发生”之意, 但有区别。happen 是一般用语, 词义较广, 强调事情 发生的偶然性;occur 用法较正式, 既可以指自然发生, 也 可以指有意安排。碰巧(某人)发生什么事了碰巧1) When did the explosion _?2) Important elections _ this fall.3) The concert will _ next Sunday.4) How did the quarrel _?occurtake placecome abouthappenUse the above words to fill in the blanks.take place 一般指有计划一般指有计划, 按事先安排的按事先安排的 进行的含义。进行的含义。come about 往往注重事情发生的原因往往注重事情发生的原因, 常常 与与how 连用。连用。以上四组词均为不及物动词以上四组词均为不及物动词, 无被动语态。无被动语态。2. straightforward adj. 简单的, 易懂的, 坦诚的, 坦率的straightforwardly adv. 率直地, 坦诚地straightforwardness n. 率直Jack is rough, but always straightforward. Installing the program is relatively straightforward.She admired his straightforwardness.3. undertake vt. (undertook; undertaken) 着手做着手做, 从事从事, 进行进行; 担任担任, 承担承担, 答应答应, 同意。同意。The procedure is difficult to undertake, of course. 当然当然, 这个过程很难实施。这个过程很难实施。The scientist undertakes the experiment.科学家从事这项实验。科学家从事这项实验。I can undertake the responsibility for the changes.我愿意承担这些变革的责任。我愿意承担这些变革的责任。完成下列句子。1) The lawyer _ a new case. 那个律师接了一个新的案子。2) He will _ _ _ next month (去旅行).3) He _ _ _ _. (承担一项新任务)undertookundertook a new taskundertake a jorney4. pay off (事业、计划等事业、计划等) 成功成功; 付清薪水并付清薪水并 解雇解雇; 偿还偿还(债务等债务等)。 At last the determination and patience of scientists paid off 最终科学家们的决心和耐心得到了回报最终科学家们的决心和耐心得到了回报 He paid off the crew of the ship. 他付清全体船员的工资并将他们解雇。他付清全体船员的工资并将他们解雇。 In the end he paid off all his debts. 最终他还清了所有的债务。最终他还清了所有的债务。 pay back 报答报答; 报复报复用介词back, off, to,填空:1) -Your effort is sure to pay_. - Thank you for your encouragement.2) The supermarket _ which he had ever paid a visit, was burnt to the ground.3) How can I pay you _ for all your kindness?4) Well, after these years, weve at last paid _ all our debts. offtobackoff1) contain v. 包含包含, 含有含有2) needed to produce a new sheep 为过去分词为过去分词 短语作后置定语短语作后置定语, 修饰其前面的名词修饰其前面的名词 genes, 构成动宾搭配关系。构成动宾搭配关系。5. The nucleus of this cell contains all the genes needed to produce a new sheep. 这个细胞的细胞核含有生产一只新的绵羊的 必需的基因。辨析: contain 与 include contain “包含, 含有”, 侧重于包含的内容或 成分, “里面装有”; include “包括”, 侧重范围或整体。e.g. 1) Whisky _ a large percentage of alcohol. 2) The book _ forty maps, _ three of Great Britain.containscontainsincluding6. The nucleus from sheep B and the egg cell from sheep A are joined using electricity. 从绵羊B中取出的细胞核与从绵羊A中取出 的卵细胞用电流使之结合。1) using electricity 为现在分词短语作方式状语。2) 联手, 携手 参加活动 和某人一起做事 参军, 连起来join handsjoin in sth. / doing sth join sb. in sth.join uptake part in 指参加某项活动, 并以积极的态度 在所参加的活动中起作用;join “加入”团体或组织;join in 指参加活动和游戏;join sb. in sth. 和某人一起做某事;attend 参加会议 (听演讲、听音乐、参加婚礼)辨析: take part in, join, join in 与 attend7. The fact that she seemed to develop normally was very encouraging. 多莉看来是在正常地成长着, 这很令人鼓舞。“that she seemed to develop normally”是同位语从句。同位语从句可由when/ where/ how/ why/that/ whether等词引导。先行词多半是idea/ fact/ news/hope/ belief/ thought/ doubt/question等。同位语从句一般放在抽象名词之后, 用以说明抽象名词的具体内容, 有时为了保持句子的平衡, 同位语从句还可以放在动词的后面。如: Soon word came that we won. 8. Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill. 然后传来了多莉病重的坏消息。本句中, 副词then放于句首, 主语是名词“news”, “that Dolly had become seriously ill”是同位语从句, 句子用了倒装语序。In the dark forests _, some large enough to hold several English towns. (05, 辽宁)A. stand many lakes B. lie many lakesC. many lakes lie D. many lakes standB disturbing adj. The news from the front is very disturbing. 来自前线的消息令人极为不安。来自前线的消息令人极为不安。 disturb vt. 扰乱扰乱, 使不安使不安, 弄乱弄乱; disturbed adj. 被扰乱的被扰乱的, 动乱的动乱的, 不安的;不安的; disturbing adj. 令人不安的。令人不安的。 特别提示特别提示: 现在分词表示现在分词表示: 令人怎么样令人怎么样 过去分词表示过去分词表示: 被使得怎么样被使得怎么样, 感到怎么样感到怎么样如: an interesting story 令人感兴趣的故事 an interested look 感到兴趣的表情 surprised people (感到)惊奇的人们用disturb, disturbing, disturbed填空。1) Im very _ about Alice.2) Dont _ the papers on my desk.3) This country is in a _ state.4) What _ news it is!5) A light wind _ the surface of the water. disturbeddisturbdisturbingdisturbingdisturbed9. cast down 使沮丧使沮丧; 毁掉毁掉 (常用于被动语态或常用于被动语态或作表语作表语)Cloning Scientists were cast down to find that Dollys illness were more appropriate to a much older animal. 克隆科学家克隆科学家沮丧地沮丧地发现多莉的病发现多莉的病更容易在年老的羊身上。更容易在年老的羊身上。不要这么沮丧不要这么沮丧, 打起精神来!打起精神来!Dont be so cast down. Just keep up your spirits.cast away 丢弃丢弃 cast off 放弃放弃; 丢弃丢弃cast out 赶走赶走1) 听到这个消息他很沮丧。 _2) 发现事情的真相使他很沮丧。 _He was cast down to hear the news.Finding out the truth made him cast down.将下列句子译成英语。10. altogether 和和 all together 及及 together1) altogether adv. 总共总共, 完全地完全地, 总之总之, 总而言之总而言之You owe me 68 RMB altogether. Your work is altogether perfect.2) all together 全部在同一地方或同一时间全部在同一地方或同一时间Can you put your books all together in this box?3) together adv. 在一起在一起, 共同地共同地All his trouble seemed to come together.Hes bad-tempered, selfish and _ an unpopular man.A. therefore B. altogether C. otherwise D. anyhowB 11. object v. & objection n. 反对反对, 不赞成不赞成On the other hand, Dollys appearance raised a storm of objections and had a great impact on the media and public imagination.另一方面另一方面, 多莉的出现引来了巨大的反对,激发多莉的出现引来了巨大的反对,激发了传媒的热炒和公众的想像力。了传媒的热炒和公众的想像力。I feel a strong objection to getting up early.我极不愿意早起。我极不愿意早起。Have you any objection to my opening the window?你反对我打开窗子吗你反对我打开窗子吗?object vi.We object to being treated like this. 我们抗议这种待遇。I object to the plan. 我反对这项计划。object vt.I object that he is too young to take that position. 我提出反对意见: 他太年轻不适合那个职位。object to (doing ) sth.object + that 从句objection 是名词, 常与have, take, feel 等连用have / take / feel objection to (doing )sth.即时练习即时练习: 句型转换句型转换(1) Have you any objection to my opening the window? = Would you _ _ my opening the window?(2) take objection to smoking. = I _ _ smoking.(3) “But he is too young,” she argued. = She _ that he was too young.object toobject toobjected12. It suddenly opened everyones eyes to the possibility of using cloning to cure serious illness, and even to produce human beings. 突然每个人都看到了利用克隆技术治愈重病, 甚至克隆出人的可能性。本句中of 和后面的动名词结构构成介词短语作定语, 修饰前面的名词 possibility. 注意介词后出现动名词或动名词的复合结构时, 一定要把握好动名词主动与被动形式的变化。At the beginning of class, the noise of desks _ could be heard outside the classroom. (07, 全国II)A. opened and closed B. to be opened and closedC. being opened and closed D. to open and close C 解析 答案C。题意为: 开始上课时, 开关课桌的声音在教室外都能够听到。本题考查动名词的用法。the noise 是句中主语, of 后应接动名词复合结构, desks是逻辑主语, 因为“课桌”与“开关”之间存在逻辑上的被动关系, 故须用动名词的被动形式 being opened and closed。13. attain vt. 获得(尤其指经过努力)达到 (年龄, 水平, 状况等)He attianed success through hard work. He attained the age of 25 before marriaging. 比较:obtain vt. (经买, 借, 拿等)获得, 得到某物He always manages to obtain what he wants.Where can I obtain a copy of her latest books?14. forbid vt. (forbade; forbidden)禁止禁止, 不许不许, 妨碍妨碍, 阻止阻止 Governments became nervous and many forbade research into human clothing. 政府开始感到不安政府开始感到不安, 有许多政府禁止对克隆的研究。有许多政府禁止对克隆的研究。Smoking should be forbidden in public places.公共场所应禁止吸烟。公共场所应禁止吸烟。Her father forbid her to go out alone.她父亲不许她单独外出。她父亲不许她单独外出。I forbid you entering my study.我不许你进入我的书房。我不许你进入我的书房。forbid sb. to do / forbid sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事forbid sth. 禁止某事与forbid 结构相同的词有:permit sb to do / permit doing sth 允许某人做某事/允许做某事;allow sb. to do / allow doing sth允许某人做某事/允许做某事;advise sb. to do / advise doing sth. 建议某人做某事/建议做某事1) The school _ _ _ _ _ (禁止学生吸烟禁止学生吸烟).2) He is forbidden to _ _ _ (进入这个房间进入这个房间).3) There are laws in some countries which forbid advertisements _ at inappropriate times and places.A. being shown B. shown C. show D. to have shown4) At the conference he was forbidden _ the subject again.A. mentioning B. to mention C. mention D. mentionedforbids the students to smoke enter the roomA B 15. accumulate vt. 收集收集, 聚集聚集, 堆积堆积Some countries such as China and the UK continued to accumulate evidence of the abundant medical aid that cloning could provide.有些国家比如中国和英国继续收集克隆能提供有些国家比如中国和英国继续收集克隆能提供丰富的医疗帮助的证据。丰富的医疗帮助的证据。He accumulated fortune by hard work.他因努力工作而积蓄了一笔财富。他因努力工作而积蓄了一笔财富。The purpose of education is not just accumulating information. 教育的目的不仅仅是积累知识。教育的目的不仅仅是积累知识。完成下列句子。完成下列句子。(1) He quickly _ _ _ (积蓄了一大笔财富积蓄了一大笔财富).(2) Clouds began to _ _ _ _ (在天空中聚集在天空中聚集).accumulated large fortuneaccumulate in the skyvi. Dust accumulated during my absence. 我不在期间灰尘积聚了起来。accumulation n. 积聚the accumulation of knowledge 知识的积聚16. Is it in favour of cloning or against it?in favour of 是固定短语, 意思为: 赞同, 支持; 等同于approve of。如:As to education, most specialists are in favour of further reform. 关于教育问题, 多数专家支持做进一步改革。do a favour for sb. / do sb. a favour 帮某人一个忙与in favour of 结构相同的短语有:in praise of 表扬 in honor of /in memory of 纪念in case of 如果, 假使 in charge of 掌管in possession of 拥有 in consequence of 由于, 作为的结果用上述短语填空。1) All his family are _ his decision to work in western area after graduation.2) While reading, _ coming across new words, youd better guess their meanings rather than refer to the dictionary.3) Mary told me that she was _ some lovely jewels.4) They had to move to another city _ the typhoon. in favour of in case of in possession of in consequence of


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