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    精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上高二英语下学期期末考试试题(B)英 语 试 卷(B卷) 第I卷第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项AChina Train GuideQuick Guide on China Train TravelIf youre looking for an affordable and comfortable way to get around China, train travel is the way to go. Getting train information and cheap train tickets has never been easier. Online train ticket booking makes it easy for travelers to look through Chinas train timetable, compare train fares, and look for ticket availability. Once youve found a suitable train, you can book online and pick your tickets up at the train station or get them delivered to your home or hotel. Train tickets can be booked online a minimum of 35 minutes and a maximum of 60 days before departure.How to choose train typesWhen youre buying China train tickets online, youll notice that the journey duration differs depending on which type of train you choose. China train types can be recognized by their letter codes G, D and C trains are high-speed trains, while Z, T and K are slower or overnight trains. Chinas high-speed trains run between Chinese provincial capitals and first-tier Chinese cities. G trains (high-speed trains, standing for goti) are Chinas bullet trainsthe fastest trains with a maximum speed of 400 kmh. Tickets for these trains are the most expensive.How to buy train ticketsUnless you can read Chinese, there are only two ways to make train reservations in China:.Online train ticket booking with a travel agency (up to 60 days before departure).At the train stationlocal ticket agency with your passport (up to 58 days before departure).How to read train ticketsWhen reading your train ticket, please take note of the Chinese characters and Pinyin printed next to your departure / arrival city. Directions (North, South, East, and West) appear in Pinyin (Bei, Nan, Dong, and Xi), not English. Please make sure you are going to the correct train station.1. What can we learn from the first paragraph?A. Its difficult to get train information in China.B. You can get on the train without tickets after booking online.C. Travelling by train in China is not very expensive.D. Train tickets online are available at any time within 60 days before you leave.2. If Mr. Smith needs to travel from Jinan to Beijing for something urgent, hed better take _.A. G trains B. Z trains C. D trains D. Overnight trains.3. Who are the intended readers of the passage?A. Native tourists. B. Travel agencies. C. Foreign travelers. D. Businessmen.BFrom Nobody to SomebodyBrian was a funny student. He loved watching comedies(喜剧) best and hoped to become a comedy actor one day.When he heard about the talent show to be held at this school, Brian decided to take part in. He had never acted on stage before, and he was very excited. But some students laughed at him. “You are not funny but silly,” Ken, one of his classmates, said to his face. “No one will like what you do,” another boy also said to him, loudly.Brian couldnt understand why they were so unkind to him. For a moment, he thought about giving up the show. But he remembered how much his friends liked his jokes, and also his teachers said he was very funny. So he decided to prepare for the show.Brian did a great job at the talent show. Everyone loved his performance, and he won the first prize! His teachers and friends were proud of him. Even so, Ken told Brian that he was not funny, and that he would never be successful. Brian didnt understand why Ken said so, but he realized that it had nothing to do with him. He confidently continued to work towards his goal.As the years went on, Brian met more people like Ken. “Youll do a terrible job,” they said to him. Luckily, most people encouraged him and some helped him to become even funnier. He got a lot of opportunities to perform in movies. He was even invited to appear on television. His fans thanked him because his comedies made them feel good when they were unhappy.Now Brian is a big comedy star! He is doing what he loves best. He never feels stressed like those unkind people, and he laughs all day long!.4.What did Brian love best when he was a student?A.Going to school. B. Helping classmates.C. Meeting new friends. D. Watching comedies.5.Brian decided to prepare for the show because _.A.he was invited by a TV station B.his friends liked his jokesC.he wasnt busy acting in movies D.Ken was expecting his performance6.After winning the first prize, Brian _.A.began to understand Ken B.became a teacher of actingC.continued to work towards his goal D.encouraged others to join him7.Brians fans thanked him because his comedies brought them _.A.happiness B.success C. luck D.pride.CMost of us spend our lives seeking the natural world. We go fishing, sit in the garden, have a picnic, live in the suburbs or go to the seaside. The most popular leisure activity in Britain is going for a walk. When joggers jog, they dont run the streets. Every one of them tends to go to the park or the river.But despite this, our children are growing up nature-deprived (剥夺). I spent my boyhood climbing trees. These days, children are robbed of these ancient freedoms, due to problems like crime, traffic, the loss of the open spaces and strange new ideas about what is best for children, that is to say, things that can be bought, rather than things that can be found.The truth is to be found elsewhere. A study in the US: families had moved to better housing and the children were assessed for ADHAattention deficit hyperactivity disorder (多动症). Those whose accommodation had more natural views showed an improvement of 19%; those who had the same improvement in material surroundings but no nice view improved just 4%.ADHD is one of the great problems of modern childhood. One study after another indicates that contact with nature gives huge benefits to ADHD children. However, we spend money on drugs rather than on green places.The life of old people is measurably better when they have access to nature. The increasing concern for the growing population of old people is in quality rather than quantity of years. And study after study finds that a garden is the single most important thing in finding that quality. Even problems with crime and aggressive behaviour are reduced when there is contact with the natural world.We need the wild world. It is essential to our well-being, our health and our happiness.8. According to the author, people enjoy _ to seek nature.A. jogging on the streetB. sitting in the gardenC. shopping in the supermarketD. running in the gym9. From the second paragraph, we can see that _.A. adults deprive the children of their rights to approach nature.B. climbing trees will certainly do good to the children.C. children probably spend less time in nature nowadays.D. children tend to be happier as a result of their material satisfaction.10. In what way do people benefit from their contact with nature?.A. Children with ADHD can be cured.B. A garden nearby improves the quality of old peoples life.C. Problems with crime and violent behaviour will easily be solved. .D. Childrens performance at school is greatly improved.11. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Access to nature improves our life. B. Nature treats children for ADHD.C. Getting close to nature reduces crime. D. Man cant live without natural areas.DThere was a time when cheating was rare in schools, but today everyone is focused on making the top ten percent of their class and seems to have forgotten schools purpose. School exists so that people will be educated. Nobody can cheat their way into being successful.A lot of students today dont even view cheating as wrong, and most of those who cheat have been doing it for so long that it doesnt even faze them. This really bothers the teachers because the students who usually cheat probably will never stop to think how bad it truly is. When you cheat, you learn nothing, which is why cheating is so serious.Our society seems to believe that the more material wealth you have, the more successful you are. As a result, it seems many people have become successful by cheating their way to the top. If students think cheating is normal, who knows what they will find acceptable as adults? Most people think that cheating on one little test doesnt mean that you will cheat again. Unfortunately, this is not true because if you can get away with it once, you are likely to do it again.If cheating continues in college, students will get nothing out of what they are being tested on. If a college student cheats on all the work they do for their major, when and if they get a job, that person will be a total mess at work.I am not saying that anyone who has ever cheated is a liar, because that would mean just about every student at your average school would be one, including me. What I am saying is that cheating students should receive more severe punishments. I truly believe that if there were severe consequences for cheating, students would actually focus on learning. Then we all would be better educated.12.More and more students tend to cheat in exams because they want to.A. gain high marksB. succeed in societyC. find a good jobD. finish their work quickly13.What does the underlined word “faze” mean in the second paragraph?.A. Encourage. B. Embarrass.C. Excite.D. Frighten.14.What can we learn from the text?A. Anyone who has ever cheated in school is a liar.B. Students who never cheat in college will find a good job.C. Most people have successfully cheated their way to the top.D.Getting away with punishment will lead to cheating again.15.What is the text mainly about?A. Students Cheating: Acceptable or Not?B. Consequences of CheatingC.Students Cheating in SchoolsD. Punishments for Students Cheating第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Failing an exam can make someone feel really bad about themselves. A lot of people who fail an exam might think that failing an exam makes them a failure in life. 16 . .Dont make fun of them. Failing a test can be a seriously upset thing. And even if they seem okay about it, they might be hiding how they really feel. Dont make fun of them for failing. 17 . .Remind them that everyone fails at some point. 18 . So tell them not everyone can succeed every time, even if they dont talk about it. Help them deal with their feelings about the failure by reminding them that everyone fails, and this one failure doesnt influence them. 19 . Right after theyve failed an exam, its easy to feel like theyll never do anything well again. If you know someone who has failed the same test or exam, but then became successful, tell them about it! It can remind them that good things will happen again, too.Help them figure out new ways to study. Ask how long they studied, how often they took notes in class, and if they ever felt like they werent doing enough. Help them look up studying methods on websites and select methods they havent tried before. 20 . Using a new method can lead to different results.ATell them to stay the same. BOffer them positive examples.CIts necessary for them to know that.DOr dont compare their scores with yours.EShare some ways that you find successful.FIt doesnt mean that you are a failure in life.GBut there are lots of ways you can encourage and help them.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。.  One day a man was asked to paint a boat by the owner of the boat. He brought with him paint and21 and began to paint the boat bright red, as the owner asked him. While painting, he 22 there was a hole in the boat and decided to 23 it. When he finished painting, he received his 24 and left. The next day, the owner of the boat came to the painter and 25 him with a nice check, much 26 than the payment for painting. The painter was surprised. “Youve 27 paid me for painting the boat!” he said. “But this is not for the paint 28 . Its for having repaired the hole in the boat.” “But it was such a 29 service, certainly its not worth 30 me such a high amount for something so unimportant!”.“My dear friend, you do not 31 . Now let me tell you what 32 . When I asked you to paint the boat, I 33 to mention about the hole. When the boat dried, my kids took the boat and 34 a fishing trip. They did not know that there was a 35 . I was not at home at that time. When I returned and noticed they had taken the boat, I was 36 because I remembered that the boat had a hole. Imagine my 37 and joy when I saw them returning from fishing.”.“Then, I 38 the boat and found that you had repaired the hole! You see, now, what you did? You saved the 39 of my children! I do not have enough money to pay your small good deed.”.So, no matter who, when or how, just 40 repair all the “leaks” you find.21. A. bags B. brushes C. duties D. pens.22. A. ignored B. thought C. found D. insisted.23. A. repair B. cover C. hide D. change.24. A. pride B. favour C. offer D. money.


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