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    精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Unit Three Section A Marriage Across the Nations.AbstractChoosing a life-long partner can be one of the most challenging communication tasks for many people. Staying with that partner during sickness and health, in hard times and in good times, takes much skill and patience beyond the initial love that brings two people tighter. The passage tells us that Gails and Mark who face the added problems that two different races bring to a marriage. Their racial and cultural differences enhanced their relationship and taught us a great deal about tolerance, compromise, and being open with each other. Gail was confused the reasons why the Blacks were so involved with the racial issue. Finally Gail understood that the racial issue problem was not avoidable.Culture Notes1. International Marriage: Every marriage requires commitment, dedication and work. An international or intercultural marriage requires even more attention because of the many obstacles that a couple faces. The obstacles come from family, friends, personal values, expectations, and bureaucratic procedures. The key to a successful inter cultural marriage is to develop understanding and patience. 2.Racism: The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.New Wordspromise: n. 妥协, 折衷vt.vi. (1)和解,对.妥协,折衷处理 (2)危及,连累e.g. We can not compromise on such terms. 我们不能根据这样的条件和解。e.g. He asked more than I was willing to pay, so we compromised on a price in between the two.他的要价超出我愿意付的数额,结果我们达成妥协,商定了一个居中的价格词组 make a compromise 作出让步;strike compromise 达成妥协be compromised by 被.危害连累compromise with sb. on/over sth. 在某方面/就某事同某人妥协compromise sb.'s reputation 损害某人的名誉2.subtle adj slight,not obvious,not easy to notice,understand or explain 难于觉察或描述的;精巧的;巧妙的;诡秘的;狡诈的e.g. There are subtle differences in meaning between these two words. 这两个词词义有细微的差别。e.g. Prejudice can take subtler forms than this. 偏见可能表现得比这更隐晦。3. mutual. adj 1)shared by two or more people共有的,共同的;2)felt or done by each to the other 相互的 e.g. Their working together was based on mutual respect, trust and understanding. 他们的合作是建立在相互尊重、信任和理解的基础上的。e.g. Lynn and Phil met though a mutual friend. 林恩和菲尔是通过共同的朋友的。词组 mutual aid 互助; mutual benefit 互利 by mutual consent 双方同意; mutual affection 相爱 mutual respect 相互之间的尊敬 mutual preferential duties互惠关税 mutual interests共同的利益4. compatible adj (1) 适宜的; (2)符合的; (3)能共的;(4)相容的,与.不矛盾的,一致的(with),谐调的 e.g. Accuracy is not always compatible with haste. 忙中难免出错。e.g. Health and hard work are compatible.健康与努力工作是一致的。搭配 be compatible with 与.相适应, 不矛盾, 一致, 相似 5. overlook vt (1) have or give a view of a place from above 眺望; 俯视;(2) fail to notice or realize how important sth is漏看,没注意到; 忽略 (3) forgive, pretend not to notice不予注意; 宽恕; 放任; 宽容(4) 耸出, 高过. (5) 检查, 监督; 指导, 照顾 (6) 用目光迷住, 看得.心慌意乱e.g. You have overlook several of the mistakes in this work. 你忽略了这工作中的几个错误。e.g. Well overlook your bad behavior this time, but dont do it again. 这一次我们不计较你的错误行为,但是切勿再犯了。搭配 overlook a valley from a hill 从山上俯视山谷 overlook the accounts 检查帐目 overlook a fault 宽容过失 辨析 overlook, ignore, neglect 都有“忽视,忽略” 之意 1. overlook 通常指由于匆忙或没注意到忽视 e.g. Dont overlook the slow students. 2. ignore 指装着不知道或没有看见而不加理睬。 e.g. Its sometimes best to ignore a rude person. 3. neglect 指粗心大意,未给某人或某事应有的或足够的重视,也可指有意地或无意地忽视所做的工作、应负的职责等。 e.g. Hes been neglecting his bills for months.6. divorce n(1) 离婚; (2) 分离; 断绝(亲系等) v. (1) 离婚; (2) 使离婚; 使脱离;使脱节;使断绝亲系e.g. The marriage ended in divorce. 他们的婚姻以离婚告终。e.g. She got a divorce from him last year.e.g. The judge divorced the young couple. 法官判决这对青年夫妻离婚。e.g. It is difficult to divorce political affairs from sport. 词组 be divorced from与.离婚;与.脱离, 与.分开divorce oneself from与.离婚;脱离, 与.分开 7. counsel U n. 劝告, 忠告 vt.劝告, 忠告(advise);辅导,提供咨询(give advice and support to) e.g. They counseled patience(caution). 他们建议要耐心(谨慎)。e.g. The school is now providing a service to counsel students with drug problems. 学校向有吸毒问题的学生提供咨询服务e.g. She counseled them not to accept his explanation. 她建议他们不要接受他的解释 词组 legal counsel 法律顾问 on advice of counsel 根据律师的意见 搭配 take /hold counsel together 协商 take sb. into one's counsel 和某人商量 take counsel with oneself 仔细考虑, 共同商量take sb. into one's counsel 和某人商量 take counsel of one's pillow 整夜考虑take/hold counsel with sb. 征求某人意见 辨析 counsel sb. to go at once (当面)劝某人立刻去counsel sb.'s going at once (不当着某人的面)建议某人立刻去 8.harbor: vvt. 隐匿;窝藏;庇护;心怀,怀有 n. 海港,港口 e.g. He harbored a secret hatred against his father. 他对他的父亲暗怀憎恨。e.g. The girl still harbors the idea of going abroad. 那女孩依然抱着出国的念头。e.g. For years he harbored a secret wish to become a painter. 多年来他暗暗希望自己能成为一名画家。9.confirm vt. 证实;确定;证明 e.g. X-rays have confirmed that he has not broken any bones. X光检查证明他没有任何骨折。e.g. Id like to confirm a reservation for a double room on the first of July.我想确认一下预定7月1日一间双人房间。辨析 confirm, substantiate, corroborate都含“证明或证实.是真实的或准确的”1. confirm指“用事实或证据来进一步证实或证明.是真实的”e.g. confirm a rumour 证实谣言2. substantiate 指“列举事实以证实某一主张是有效的”e.g. The slanderer cannot substantiate his tale. 那个诽谤者不能证实他的谎言。 3. corroborate 指“ 以陈述新事实或证据来证明.是真实的” e.g. The witness corroborated her version of the event. 证人证实了她对那事件的看法。10.harsh adj. 粗糙的, 荒芜的, 苛刻的, 刺耳的, 刺目e.g. His family wouldnt survive the harsh winter. 他一家人将无法熬过这个冬天。e.g. I dont like the color of that dress; its too harsh. 我不喜那件衣服的颜色,太刺眼了。搭配 a harsh voice 刺耳的声音harsh weather 令人难受的天气harsh to the ear 刺耳的 harsh terms 苛刻的条件a harsh cloth 粗布 a harsh man 一个无情的人11.proceed vi.继续下去, 着手e.g. As soon as he came in, he proceeded to tell is all his troubles.他一进来就把所有的烦恼全告诉了我们。e.g. The interview proceeded in a most friendly environment.会见是在极其友好的气氛中进行的词组 proceed from来自, 发生于 出于, proceed against 对(某人)依法起诉; 向法庭控告(某人、某企业等) proceed on /upon 按照.行事, 遵照.进行 proceed to 向.进发; 进入(下一个议程项目); 改读获取学位形近词 procession 行列,队伍 process 进行,过程,工序 procedure 程序,手续 proceeding (pl.) (会议等的)进程,议项,12.resolve n. 决心 v. 决心, 决定, 决心要, (使)分解, 溶解, 解决e.g. We need to resolve this difference quickly. 我们需要很快解决这一分歧。e.g. The company resolved to take further actions against the thieves.公司决定采取进一步的防盗措施。搭配 be it resolved 决议如下 keep one's resolve 坚持 make a resolve to do/on doing sth. 决心做某事13.ups and downs盛衰;浮沉e.g. Life is full of ups and downs. 人生充满了欢乐与痛苦e.g. He has seen the ups and downs in the history of the relations between the two countries.他经历了两国关系史上的圆缺阴晴反义词构成的短语:back and forth 来回的14.for a time暂时;一度 e.g. The professor stayed in London for a time. 那位教授曾一度住在伦敦。e.g. For a time the police thought she might be guilty 警方曾一度认为她可能有罪。由time 构成的重要词组: ahead of time 提前; all the time 一直; at a time 每次,一次; from time to time 有时,不时; in no time (at all) 立刻 have no time for 没有时间做(某事); on time 准时,按时time after time (time and again)屡次; many a time 常常,多次; keep time (钟表)走的准15.meet with 遭受,受到;经历 e.g. I met with some difficulties in surfing the net. 在网上冲浪时我遇到了一些困难。e.g. His speech met with a cold acceptance. 他的演讲受到冷遇。习惯用语 meet with ones death 死去meet up with 偶遇16. have nothing to do with 与无关;不跟往来e.g. In the evening he likes to read books which have nothing to do with his work. 晚上他喜欢看一些与他的工作无关的书籍习惯用语 have nothing to show for : 在方面没有成绩可言17.learn of 获悉,听说;认识到e.g. Im sorry to learn of your illness. 得知你生病,我甚为难过。e.g. I learned of the accident only yesterday. 我是昨天才听说这次事故的18.tooto e.g. One is never too old to learn.(=No one is so old that he cannot learn.)活到老,学到老。e.g. It is never too late to mend. 亡羊补牢,未为晚也。专心-专注-专业


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