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    精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 密 封 线 密 封 线 学校 年级 班 姓名: 座位号: 学校: 年级: 姓名: 2017-2018学年第二学期期末检测试卷四年级 英语题号一二三四五六七八九十十一总分得分听力部分(40分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 (10分) 1. ( ) A. cheap B. windy C. cloudy 2. ( ) A. pants B. shorts C. shoes 3 . ( ) A. blue B. green C. yellow 4. ( ) A. goat B. good C. sheep 5. ( ) A. thirty B. sixty C. ninety 6. ( ) A. onion B. apple C. banana 7. ( ) A. lamp B. lamb C. light 8. ( ) A. there B. these C. those 9. ( ) A. you B. they C. we 10. ( ) A. shirt B. skirt C.jeans 二、听录音,写单词。(10分) 1.We have a new room. 2.Its 11:00. Its time for class. 3.My T-shirt is . Your T-shirt is red. 4.Whats the weather like in Beijing? Its today. 5.What do you see in the picture? I see dogs.三、听录音,选择所听句子的最佳答语。(10分)( )1. A. Its 9 oclock. B. Ten yuan.( )2.A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, they are.( )3.A. Lets go.B. Its cool and rainy.( )4. A. Yes, we do.B. Yes, it is.( )5.A. No, you cant.B. Yes, I am.四、听音,在对应的表格中打“”(10分)6:307007209001200410Get upHave lunchGo homeHave English classHave breakfast笔试部分(60分 )五、下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“×”(5分)( )1. A. waterB. carC. sister( )2. A. timeB.likeC. it( )3.A. birdB. birthC. girl( )4.A. wallB. ballC. tall( )5.A. appleB. peopleC. table六、选出不同类的单词。(5分)( )1. A. art roomB. music roomC. prettyD. computer room( )2.A. socksB. shoesC. shortsD. horse( )3.A. rainyB. windC. snowyD. cloudy( )4. A. potatoB. pantsC. glovesD. dress( )5.A. timeB. thirtyC. twoD.nine七、英汉互译(10分)1. 计算机房 2.read and write 3.早餐 4.put away 5.多云的 6.just a minute 7. 豆角 8. take off 9. 昂贵的 10.hang up 八、按要求写单词。(10分)1. four (同音词)_ 2.no (同音词)_ 3. cold(反义词)_ 4.small (反义词)_ 5.short (反义词) _ 6.sheep(复数)_ 7.potato (复数)_ 8.dress (复数) _ 9.can not (缩略形式) _ 10.lets(完全形式)_ 九、单项选择。(10分)(   ) 1. I like _ white shorts. _ nice.      A. this; Its      B. those; Theyre    C. those; Its(    ) 2. Its very cold ._ your coat.      A. Take off   B. Put on      C. Put away(   ) 3.- How _ horses do you have?- Seventeen.  A. mine     B. much      C. many(   ) 4. Its 12 oclock. Its time _ lunch. A. for     B. to      C. of(   ) 5. - Where _ my sunglasses?   - Theyre          the floor.      A. are; in         B. is; on          C. are; on(   ) 6. - Are these green beans? - _.      A. Yes, they are.  B. No, they are.  C. Yes, it is.(   ) 7. These are _ and _. A. tomatos; carrots  B. tomatoes; carrot  C. tomatoes; carrots(   ) 8. Whose sweater is this?_         A. Its my.     B. Its my sister.      C. Its my brothers.(   ) 9. - _ do you like this scarf? - Its very pretty.        A. What          B. Whose       C. How(   ) 10. There _ twenty ducks on the farm. A. am B. is C. are十、按要求完成下列句子。(10分)1.eat I to love potatoes.(连词成句) 2. Those big shoes are eighty yuan.(就画线部分提问) 3. Its windy in New York.(就画线部分提问) 4.This is my T-shirt.(变为一般疑问句) 5.Are those carrots?(作否定回答) 十一、阅读判断。(正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。)(每题2分,共10分)My bedroom This is my bedroom. Its small and clean. There is a chair ,a desk and a bed in my room. Ive got some books on the desk. The chair is near the desk. The bed is near the window. A picture is on the wall. And there are some flowers and trees in it. There is a computer near my bed. Its on the table. I play computer games on Sunday. I like my bedroom.( ) 1. My bedroom is big and clean.( ) 2. There is a picture on the desk.( ) 3. There is a computer on the table.( ) 4. There are some flowers and trees in the picture.( ) 5. The bed is near the desk.专心-专注-专业


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