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    Unit 4 Business blossoms 教学设计--外研版高中英语选择性必修第四册.docx

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    Unit 4 Business blossoms 教学设计--外研版高中英语选择性必修第四册.docx

    Teaching design for understanding ideasTeaching contentsBusiness blossomsAnalysis of the teaching material1.What Theme and content(1) Theme: human and society(2)Text type: an feature story(3)Content: The passage is about a young graduate named Zhang Yue who started a business of growing roses. It follows how she developed her career, and particularly reveals some advice Miss Zhang gave to her peers to think realistically before starting their own businesses. 2.Why Writing purposeThe passage is written for describing a successful young entrepreneur who started her own business after graduating from college. The writer expects the readers to comprehend her career experience and be inspired by her courage, determination and perseverance. Meantime, by reading Zhang Yues story, the young people can learn how to think critically when making a decision to start their own business. 3.How Structure and styleThe feature story is written in clear language, with vivid descriptions on the whole and partly subjective comments. It begins with Zhang Yues tough investment interview, and develops by looking back to her decision of starting a business and some challenges she met with. It ends with some practical advice Miss Zhang gave to the young people who want to start their own businesses. Analysis of the studentsThey are Senior Two students. Generally speaking, they have mastered around 2000 words and the basic reading skills of finding detailed information. However, they need to improve ability of analyzing and critical thinking.Teaching ObjectivesBy the end of this lesson, students will be able to:1. Acquire, sort and state Zhang Yues experience of setting up her own business;2. Sum up the qualities of Zhang Yue and understand characteristics of a feature story;3. Think critically about the young college graduates starting a businesses. Teaching methodsActivity-based Teaching; ElicitationCooperative learningTeaching proceduresStudy levelActivitiesAimsTime&In-teraction Mode Warming-up1. T guides Ss to study the charts and find out the relevant information on career development of Chinese college students. 2. T helps Ss to think about the reasons behind the information and make a prediction about the future trend of graduates starting a business. Arouse Ss interest in learning the passage; lay a cognitive and emotional foundation.5minsIW&GWActivity 1Learning and under-standing1. T invites Ss to read the title Business Blossoms and with the help of the picture predict: what would be talked about in the passage?2. Ask Ss to look skim the article and find out: What decision did Zhang Yue make to develop her career? Lead Ss read for the first time to get the main idea and structure; 4minsIWActivity 2Applying and practicing 1. T asks Ss to listen to the article carefully and helps them grasp the type and characteristics of the passage 2. T guides Ss to master the main purpose of the passage and give reasons. Help Ss understand the type and the writing purpose of the passage by careful reading and discussing.8mins IW&GWActivity 3Summari-zation and integra-tion1. T helps Ss to draw the timeline of Zhangs career development. 2. T asks Ss to organize information from the passage and complete the interview notes. 3. Ss Act out the interview based on the interview notes. Tips: questions for reference: 1. How did you start your business?2. Why did you choose to start such a business?3. What challenges were there in nursing your business?4. T gives some explanation of the long sentences. Help students to comb out Zhang Yues career development and her reflection of starting a business. 15minsIW&PWActivity 4 Transfer-ring and Innova-ting Think and shareSs discuss in groups and make a presentation1. What do you think has contributed to Zhang Yues success?2. What other difficulties do you think young people encounter when starting their own businesses?3. Have you ever thought about starting your own business or would you rather do a white-collar job in an office? Give your reasons.Help Students to think deeply and widely and finally make some plan for their future career. 5minsIW&GWSelf-assessmentSelf-evaluationBased on the learning objectives, Ss assess their own performance. Help Ss form the awareness of self- evaluation to promote the learning efficiency.2minsIWHome-work1. Write a profile for Zhang Yue within 80 words.2. Preview Using language on page 41.Teaching aidMulti-media and blackboard学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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