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    2016年6月大学英语三级A真题及答案一、BPart Listening Comprehensionm/B(总题数:1,分数:5.00)(分数:5.00) A.Go to school. B.Prepare a party. C.Arrange a meeting. D.Make a speech. 解析:听力原文 M: I'm a bit worried about giving a speech at the meeting tomorrow. W: Surely you do well as long as you give well prepared. Q: What is the man going to do tomorrow? 解析 男士说有点儿担心明天会议上要做的演讲,女士安慰他说只要准备充分就会做好演讲。题干问的是明天男士将会做什么。故选D A.Going to work by bus. B.Living near the company.  C.Looking for a new job. D.Buying a new car解析:听力原文 M: My apartment is indeed far away from my office. W: Why not move to an apartment near your company? Q: What is the woman's suggestion? 解析 男士说他的公寓离办公室太远。女士问他为什么不搬到离公司近的公寓。题干问的是女士的建议是什么。故选B A.Visit her office. B.Lend her a bicycle. C.Repair her computer.  D.Check her report.解析:听力原文 M: Technical Support Department, what can I do for you? W: Hello, Anna is speaking. I'm calling to ask if you can fix my computer. Q: What does the woman ask the man to do? 解析 通过对话内容可知男士是技术支持部门的工作人员。女士打电话来咨询是否能帮忙修电脑。 题干问的是女士请求男士帮她做什么。故选C A.The company is among the top ones in the IT industry.  B.The woman wants to work in the man's company. C.The woman has no idea about the IT company. D.The man is going to work in the IT company.解析:听力原文 M: Do you know anything about the company? W: Oh, yes. It's one of the Top 10 in the IT industry in the country. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 解析 男士问女士是否知道有关某公司的情况,女士告知该公司是国内IT行业排行前十的公司。题干问的是从对话可知什么信息。故选A A.To place an order. B.To ask for a sick leave. C.To make an appointment. D.To apply for a job. 解析:听力原文 M: I'm calling to apply for a job in your company. W: Yes, but which position are you going to apply for? Q: Why does the man call the company? 解析 男士说想要应聘该公司工作,女士询问他需要应聘什么职位。题干问的是男士给公司打电话的原因。故选D二、BSection B/B(总题数:2,分数:5.00)Conversation 1(分数:2.00) A.Her company has launched a new product. B.Her company has received a big order. C.She has got a job offer.  D.She has got a promotion.解析:听力原文 W: Hi, Jack! Good news! M: What is it? W: I've got a job offer from ABC Company. M: Is that true? What will you do there? W: A system engineer at the Department of Product Development. M: Great! You have got your dream job. Congratulations! W: Thank you. M: When will you start working there? W: Next Monday. M: Then let's celebrate it tonight! How about having dinner together? W: Good idea! What news does the woman tell the man? 解析 题干问的是女士告诉男士的是什么消息。根据对话可知女士获得了ABC公司的工作邀请。故选C A.Having dinner together.  B.Watching a movie together. C.Giving a birthday party. D.Buying a birthday gift.解析:听力原文 What suggestion does the man make for celebration? 解析 题干问的是男士建议用怎样的方式庆祝。根据对话可知,男士提议一起吃晚餐。故选A。Conversation 2(分数:3.00) A.When the Great Wall was built. B.How far away the Great Wall is. C.Which tour group he should join. D.How he can get to the Great Wall. 解析:听力原文 M: Mary, did you visit the Great Wall yesterday? W: Yes, it's so great and impressive. M: I'm going there this weekend, too. But how can I get there? W: You could go direct by bus or train. Or you could join a group tour. M: What's your suggestion? W: If I were you I will take a bus. M: Why? W: Well, it's easier and much cheaper. M: Ok, thank you. But where can I take the bus? W: You can take bus No. 89 near Beijing restaurant. M: That's very close to the hotel I'm now staying at. Thank you for the information. W: You're welcome. Have a good time! What does the man ask the woman about the Great Wall? 解析 题干问关于长城,男士问了女士什么信息。根据对话可知,他想了解怎样到达长城景点。故选D A.It is cheaper.  B.It is more comfortable. C.It is quicker. D.It is less crowded.解析:听力原文 Why does the woman suggest going to the Great Wall by bus? 解析 题干问的是为什么女士建议乘坐公共汽车去长城景点。根据对话可知,乘坐公共汽车的优势在于既方便又便宜,故选A A.Bus No. 98. B.Bus No. 89.  C.Bus No. 80. D.Bus No. 18.解析:听力原文 Which bus does the woman suggest the man to take? 解析 题干问的是女士建议男士乘坐哪一路公共汽车。根据对话可知,女士告知男士应该乘坐89路公共汽车。故选B三、BSection C/B(总题数:1,分数:5.00)How great it is to see so many of you come and join us in celebrating the 15th anniversary of our travel magazine. From the bottom of 11 , we thank you for being here. A little more than fifteen years ago, we were sitting at our regular jobs, 12 how we saw our future, when we came up with the idea of joining our two hobbies, traveling and writing. We never imagined that our tiny dream would 13 so soon. There were many special people who joined us and made it 14 to create the name that we have today. To all those people and those who joined us in our journey, I should say thank you again. 15 you would never have been here.(分数:5.00)填空项1:_ (正确答案:our hearts)解析:听力原文 How great it is to see so many of you come and join us in celebrating the 15th anniversary of OUF travel magazine. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for being here. A little more than fifteen years ago, we were sitting at our regular jobs, discussing how we saw our future, when we came up with the idea of joining our two hobbies, traveling and writing. We never imagined that out tiny dream would come true so soon. There were many special people who joined us and made it possible to create the name that we have today. To all those people and those who joined us in our journey, I should say thank you again. Without your efforts we would never have been here.填空项1:_ (正确答案:discussing)解析:填空项1:_ (正确答案:come true)解析:填空项1:_ (正确答案:possible)解析:填空项1:_ (正确答案:Without)解析:四、Section D (总题数:1,分数:5.00)(1).What is the purpose of the video library? To help people improve their _ abilities.(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(listening and speaking)解析:Welcome to our free video library! The purpose of our library is to help you improve your listening and speaking abilities. If you use our library for the first time, you may have difficulty understanding native speakers. Don't worry! It will take some time to follow what each person is saying in the video. When listening to the video, try to write down the key word that you hear and the words th at you understand. Try to notice the different expressions that are used in each conversation. Are you ready to take your first step towards fluency in English? In order to start watching your first video, all that you need to do is to click on the link of your choice. What is the purpose of the video library? 解析 题干问的是什么是视频库的作用。根据原文中“The purpose of our library is to help you improve your listening and speaking abilities.”可知,其目的是为了提高听说的能力。所以这里应该填listening and speaking。(2).What problem may people have when using the library for the first time? They may have difficulty understanding _.(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(native speakers)解析:听力原文 What problem may people have when using the library for the first time? 解析 题干问的是初次使用视频库可能会遇到什么问题。根据原文中“If you use our library for the first time, you may have difficulty understanding native speakers.”可知,可能在理解母语者话语方面存有问题。所以这里应该填native speakers。(3).What are people advised to do when listening to the video? Write down the _ they hear and understand.(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(key words)解析:听力原文 What are people advised to do when listening to the video? 解析 题干问的是文章建议人们在听视频资料的同时做些什么。根据原文中“When listening to the video, try to write down the key words that you hear and the words that you understand.”可知,可以记下你听到的或理解的单词。所以这里应该填key words。(4).What should people do in listening to each conversation? Try to notice the _(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(different expressions)解析:听力原文 What should people do in listening to each conversation? 解析 题干问的是听每段对话时人们应该做什么。根据原文中“Try to notice the different expressions that ale used in each conversation.”可知,应该注意每段对话中的不同表达。所以这里应该填different expressions。(5).How can people start watching their first video? All they need to do is to click on the link of _.(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(your choice)解析:听力原文 How can people start watching their first video? 解析 题干问的是人们如何开始观看视频。根据原文中“In order to start watching your first video, all that you need to do is to click on the link of your choice.”可知,直接点击你所选择的视频链接即可。所以这里应该填写your choice。五、BPart Structure/B(总题数:10,分数:10.00)1.Only by adopting more creative approaches _ to overcome present-day challenges. (分数:1.00) A.we can hope B.can we hope  C.hope we can D.can hope we解析:考点 倒装句 解析 句首为否定副词“only”,句子的谓语部分需要部分倒装,即将助动词提前至主语之前。故选B。 句首为否定词(如:no,not,nor)或否定副词(如:hardly,barely,little,seldom,scarcely,never,no more,not only,only,rarely,no soonerthan)并加状语的句子谓语需部分倒装。如果有从句,只有主句部分需要倒装。例如: Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he has always dreamt about. Not until yesterday did little John change his mind. Only in the country can you learn the "true English". Little did I know about her story.2.Some small businesses have neither the time _ the resources to compete with these big businesses. (分数:1.00) A.or B.nor  C.and D.but解析:考点 固定搭配 解析 句中的the time与the resources是并列项,同为宾语。谓语部分have neither实为否定含义,并且neither.nor为固定搭配,意为“既不也不”。故选B。 A选项的“or”应与“either”搭配,组成“either.or.”的句型结构,意为“不是就是,或”。3.This website may contain links to other websites _ privacy practices may be different from ours. (分数:1.00) A.that B.which C.who D.whose 解析:考点 定语从句 解析 关系代词指代句子的主语“the websites”,意为“的”。故选D。 which和whose一样,都可以引导定语从句,但是两者又有区别。 whose与之后的中心名词具有从属关系,既可以指人又可以指物,相当于of which,而which只能指物。that虽然可以既指人又指物,但是和which一样与之后的中心名词没有从属关系。4.The company _ its sales by an average of 10% per year since its establishment in 1993. (分数:1.00) A.increases B.increased C.is increasing D.has increased 解析:考点 谓语动词时态 解析 从句部分“since its establishment in 1993”,表示已有一段时间,主句的谓语使用现在完成时态。故选D。 从句中出现了since,“自从”,主句的谓语部分就使用完成时态。再根据句子内容可知,是从1993年开始一直持续到现在的动作,所以判断使用现在完成时态。5.The flight scheduled _ at 9 a. m. was delayed four hours due to the bad weather. (分数:1.00) A.to take off  B.take off C.taking off D.to be taken off解析:考点 固定搭配 解析 schedule to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“计划做某事,安排做某事”。故选A。take off意为“起飞”,用于主动语态,不需要被动语态,故排除D项。6.After they _ the first super computers in the 1940s, scientists and engineers began to develop ways to create networks. (分数:1.00) A.create B.created  C.have created D.has created解析:考点 从句谓语时态 解析 主句部分的谓语使用了一般过去时,空格处为从句的谓语部分,前后一致,故选B。 create为延续性动词,可以使用完成时态。但是由于制作超级电脑发生在寻求建立网络方法之前,而主句谓语使用的是一般过去时,那么从句可以使用表示发生在该工作之前的,即过去的过去,过去完成时态,或者表达事实的陈述,使用一般过去时态。7.Harvey finished _ his research paper, but he needed to check it before submitting it to the professor. (分数:1.00) A.to type B.typed C.typing  D.type解析:考点 固定搭配 解析 finish doing sth.是固定搭配,意为“完成做某事”,故选C。8.We will inform you of the result _ the program is approved by the board.(分数:1.00) A.in order that B.as if C.even though D.as soon as 解析:考点 as soon as引导的状语从句 解析 从句意判断,前后两个分句在时间上存在先后关系,故选D。 A项in order that表示“为了”,后接目的状语从句。B项even though表示“尽管”,后接让步状语从句。C项as if表示“好像,似乎”,后接方式状语从句。9.Having your smartphone or computer _ may cause a lot of trouble to you. (分数:1.00) A.damaged  B.damage C.damaging D.to damage解析:考点 have sth. done 解析 have sth. done为固定搭配,意为“完成某事”,故选A。 have sth. doing, have sth. done同为固定搭配,但是前者强调的是状态的持续性,而后者的动作是已经完成10.Anyone _ works in the retail business needs to be good at calculating and communicating. (分数:1.00) A.which B.whom C.who  D.what解析:考点 who引导定语从句 解析 句首为anyone“任何人”,之后的定语从句由who或whom引导,但是由于关系词在从句中充当主语,故选C。 which指代物;who指代人;whom也可以指代人,但是who在从句中作主语;whom在从句中作宾语。六、BSection B/B(总题数:5,分数:5.00)11.Effective feedback is well timed so that the employee can (easy) 1 connect the feed- back with his actions. (分数:1.00)填空项1:_ (正确答案:easily)解析:考点 词性转换 解析 动词connect只能由副词修饰,故将形容词easy变成easily。12.Today, as natural resources become scarcer and manufacturing costs rise, recycling is (important) 1 than ever. (分数:1.00)填空项1:_ (正确答案:more important)解析:考点 比较级 解析 空格之后有表示比较的单词than,所以应该填所给形容词的比较级,即more important。13.With the work (do) 1, these scientists began to plan another research project. (分数:1.00)填空项1:_ (正确答案:done)解析:考点 词性转换 解析 由with引导的状语从句中,done为过去分词表示被动,意为“工作(被)完成了”。14.For social robots to work successfully, they have to (accept) 1 by humans. (分数:1.00)填空项1:_ (正确答案:be accepted)解析:考点 被动语态 解析 主句的主语为they,指代“社交机器人”,谓语部分需要使用被动语态。故变成be+done的形式。15.The company has taken several steps to speed up the (move) 1 of goods from the seller to the customer. (分数:1.00)填空项1:_ (正确答案:movement)解析:考点 词性转换 解析 空格之前的the和之后的of都暗示这里需要一个名词。七、BPart Reading Comprehension/B(总题数:1,分数:5.00)If your purchase is not as described or is of low quality, you can return the item to the seller and get a full refund. Conditions for Submitting Refund Requests 1. All products claimed to be not as described must match the items sold by the seller. 2. Refund requests should be submitted during the protection period. 3. Buyers should provide enough evidence to prove that the products received are not as good as described. 4. If you submit a refund request before the order is completed and then mark that order as completeyou cannot submit another refund request for another 15 days, even it has a Longer Protection guarantee. If, however, the reason for your refund request is "I didn't receive anything" and the result is "payment released to the seller", you still can submit refund request within the 15 days if the product is not as described. Return Shipping Fee 1. If the seller accepts return, and the buyer also wants to return their purchase, simply follow the seller's sets of Returns on who will pay the return shipping fee. If the seller will pay the fee, communicate with the seller in advance about the payment method and the logistics service. 2. If a seller sets no return necessary or a buyer wants to keep the product, simply agree on the refund amount directly and ignore the return shipping fee.(分数:5.00)(1).According to the Conditions given in the passage, the buyer's refund request must be made _. (分数:1.00) A.during one year of purchase B.before the payment is made C.before the order is completed D.during the protection period 解析:解析 根据短文的有关退款申请的第二个条件“退款申请须在质保期内提交。”故选D。 C项为干扰项,“the order is completed”在文中有提及,但是与题干无关,不能选择。而A、B两项均未在文中提及。(2).To make a refund request, the buyer should _. (分数:1.00) A.prove the product is not as good as described  B.tell the seller about the refund


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