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    冀教版七年级下册英语 Unit1 Lesson 6 习题课件.ppt

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    冀教版七年级下册英语 Unit1 Lesson 6 习题课件.ppt

    冀教版七年级下Lesson 6 Jennys DiaryUnit1 A Trip to the Silk Road习题链接12345diarieslastOlympicsthousandinstruments课内知识温馨提示:点击 进入讲评答 案 呈 现678910a few years oldlooked for; find anyWhere else; thousands of; in timeso much about; oncome back someday习题链接答 案 呈 现题组专训12345DWhere willACB678DDC习题链接答 案 呈 现课后巩固12345BDDBB678910buildingcolourfulamazingphotoswill hold1112131415CACCD习题链接答 案 呈 现课文精华12345sunnythebridgesleadarrive678910specialforphotosanyexciting写必有法作文课内知识一一、根据汉语提示完成句子、根据汉语提示完成句子, 并背记相应英语词汇并背记相应英语词汇1. Tony often writes _ (日记)about his daily life. 2. She was _ (最后的)to arrive. 3. 【荣德原创】Tokyo held the _ (奥运会). diarieslastOlympics课内知识4. There are over four _ (千)students in our school. 5. Can you play any _ (乐器)?thousandinstruments课内知识二、根据提示完成句子二、根据提示完成句子, 并背记英语句子并背记英语句子6. 鸟巢只有几年的历史。The Birds Nest is only _ _ _ _. a few years old课内知识7. 丹尼在那儿寻找鸟, 但是当然他什么也没找到。Danny _ _ birds there. But of course he didnt _ _. looked for find any课内知识8. 还有其他哪些地方你们能追溯数千年去旅游呢?_ _ can you travel _ _ years back _ _?Where else thousands of in time课内知识9. 这次旅行我学到了许多有关中国历史和文化的东西。I learned _ _ _ Chinese history and culture _ this trip. so much about on课内知识10. 有一天我会回来的。I will _ _ _. come back someday题组专训1. What good news! Lily _ to Beijing next week!A. came B. come C. comes D. will come【点拨】题眼法。句意为“多好的消息呀!莉莉下周要来北京!”。根据时间状语next week 可知用一般将来时:will+动词原形或be going to+ 动词原形,根据选项可知选D。D题组专训2. We will travel to the Great Wall after the exam. (对画线部分提问) 【中考重庆B】_ _ you travel after the exam?Where will题组专训3. Would you like some more noodles, Celia? Yes, just _ please. 【中考资阳】A. a few B. few C. a little D. little【点拨】句意为“Celia,你还想要一些面条吗?要,就一些,太感谢了”。a few 表示肯定,意为“一些”; few 表示否定,意为“几乎没有”; a little 表示肯定,意为“一些”; little 表示否定,意为“几乎没有”。根据问句中的noodles是可数名词复数形式,可知答句应该是表示肯定的“一些”。故选A。A题组专训4. If you have any spare milk, could you give me _?A. a few B. few C. a little D. littleC题组专训5. If buildings fall down with people inside, the robots can help _ people under the buildings. A. look at B. look for C. look after D. look up【点拨】句意为“如果建筑物倒塌时有人在里面,机器人可以帮忙寻找建筑物下面的人”。由此可知选B。B题组专训6. Fangfang, shall we go to see a film on Saturday? Sorry. Ill have to _ my younger brother because my mother is out. 【改编铜仁】A. look at B. look for C. look up D. look after【点拨】考查动词短语。 look at 看; look for 寻找; look up查阅; look after 照看。句意为“芳芳,我们星期六去看电影好吗?对不起。我得照顾我弟弟,因为我妈妈不在家”。故选D。D题组专训7. The environment(环境) here becomes better and better. _ birds are coming back. 【中考百色】A. Hundred B. HundredsC. Thousand D. Thousands of【点拨】考查数词的用法。句意为“这里的环境变得越来越好。成千上万的鸟儿正在飞回来”。当hundred, thousand前有具体的数字时,表示确数,hundred, thousand 后不加-s,其后也不用of; 当hundred, thousand 前没有具体数字时,表示约数,hundred, thousand 后既要加-s,也要加of。故选D。D题组专训8. In our hometown, _ villagers leave for big cities to look for jobs. 【中考曲靖】A. two hundreds of B. hundred ofC. hundreds of D. two hundredsC课后巩固一一、单项选择、单项选择1. Thanks to your help, we could finish the work _. A. on the time B. on timeC. at a time D. at timesB课后巩固2. I hear Dan wants to learn a(n) _. Thats true. He will learn to play the guitar. A. play B. opera C. language D. instrumentD课后巩固3. I wish I could go to Mars one day. _ (同义替换)A. a few days B. that day C. in one day D. somedayD课后巩固4. Can I help you, sir?Yes, please. I am _ a blue T-shirt. A. looking up B. looking forC. looking after D. looking throughB课后巩固5. In our school _ students like English, but _ of them can speak English smoothly. A. a little; a few B. a few; fewC. a few; little D. a little; fewB课后巩固二、用所给单词的适当形式完成句子二、用所给单词的适当形式完成句子6. The Birds Nest is a beautiful _ (build). 7. Our life is _ (colour) and interesting. 8. Its really _ (amaze)that a tortoise (陆龟) can live up to 150 years old. buildingcolourfulamazing课后巩固9. The old man took a few _ (photo) of the panda. 10. The group _ (hold)its first meeting tomorrow. photoswill hold课后巩固三、语法专练三、语法专练(单项选择)11. Excuse me, Mary. Can you read“198”in English?Yes, of course. _. 【中考湘西】A. One hundred ninety-eightB. One hundred nine eightC. One hundred and ninety-eightC课后巩固12. She enjoys collecting. She has collected over three _ stamps. A. hundred B. hundredsC. hundred of D. hundreds of【点拨】语法判定法。句意为“她喜欢收集(东西)。她已经收集了三百多张邮票了”。hundred 意为“一百”,其前接基数词时,不用复数形式,且不接介词of; 若接介词of 时,则需用复数形式且前面没有数词。故选A。A课后巩固13. Whats your plan for your holiday?We _ to Hong Kong for a visit. A. fly B. flew C. will fly D. fliesC课后巩固14. Im busy now. I _ to you after school this afternoon. A. talk B. talked C. will talk D. am talkingC课后巩固15. Have scientists found life on Mars?Not yet, but I think they _ it someday. A. find B. found C. have found D. will find【点拨】由someday“有朝一日”可知句子用一般将来时态,故选D。D课文精华用用本单元所学词的适当形式完成短文本单元所学词的适当形式完成短文It is _ 1(sun) today. We are on _ 2 way to the trip. We drive across two long _ 3 (bridge). A girl stops us and asks us to take her in the car. She says she can _ 4(lead)the trip. We are happy to meet her. sunnythebridgeslead课文精华When we _ 5(arrive) at the foot of the mountain, we find it is a _ 6 (specially) one. It is famous _ 7 the red leaves. Its autumn now. The leaves on the trees are turning red. We take _ 8(photo) during the trip. arrivespecialforphotos课文精华We can see some water in the mountain. The water is very clean, but we cant see _ 9(some) fish in it. The girl tells us the history of the mountain. She also tells us some _10(excite) places in the mountain. anyexciting写必有法一、话题分析一、话题分析本单元的话题是A Trip to the Silk Road (丝绸之路之旅)。通过本单元的学习, 学生学会描述旅行中的所见、所闻及所感。写必有法二、写作方法二、写作方法“三步四要素法”话旅游步骤一: 确定时态(一般将来时/过去时); 步骤二: 确定人称(第一人称为主); 步骤三: 具体描述(包括出游的方式、途中的见闻、旅游后的感受/对旅游的期望等); 四要素: 时间、地点、人物及日程安排。写必有法三、素材积累三、素材积累1. “旅游类”作文常用词汇: go on a trip(to. . . ), take a bus/train. . . arrive in/at, be famous as / for, have a long history, cant wait to. . . 写必有法2. “旅游类”作文常用句型: (1)We will go on a trip to. . . (2)We are tired but happy. (3)It is fun to have a trip. (4)Travelling can make us relaxed. 写必有法四、写作任务四、写作任务假设你是李明, 请你给你的加拿大朋友Jenny介绍一下你的旅行, 请你根据下面的提示写一篇文章。提示: 1. 将于7月20日同父母乘火车去北京; 2. 参观天安门、故宫博物院、长城等; 3. 吃北京烤鸭。要求: 1. 词数: 60左右; 2. 根据提示内容可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。写必有法五、写作模板五、写作模板写必有法六、高分作文六、高分作文_Dear Jenny, The summer vacation is coming soon. Im going to Beijing with my parents on July 20th. Well go there by train. We can enjoy the scenery along the way. We can visit a lot of places of interest. Well visit the Great Wall first. 写必有法_After that well go to Tiananmen Square, the Palace Museum and so on. Of course, we will eat Beijing Duck. During the trip, I will take a lot of photos. I believe well have a wonderful trip.Yours,Li Ming


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