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    精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上虚拟语气练习题精选一:用所给动词的正确形式填空,注意使用合适的情态动词助动词1. If I _ him yesterday I _ him about it. (see, ask)2. What do you think would happen if there _ no light during the days? (be)3. If there _ no electricity in the future, our life _ a lot. (be, change)4. If her lawyer _ here last Sunday, he _ her from going. (be, prevent)5. If it had not been for the liberation, no changes _place in my hometown. (take)6. If Miss Green _ late tomorrow, who would take her place? (come)7. What would have happened if you her child? (not help)8. But for your help, I couldnt _ the place. (find)9. I was very busy yesterday, otherwise I to the meeting. (come)10. It is suggested that a study plan _ right now. (make)11. They required that we _ them get in the crops. (help) 12. It was ordered that no smoking _in the library, which made the smokers unhappy. (allow)13. I made the suggestion that they _ to the plan they had made. (stick)14. It is strange that he so. (think)15. Galileo insisted that the earth round the sun. (move)16. His silence at the meeting suggested that he to your plan. (not agree)17. It seems as if it _ already summer now. (be)18. Id rather Tom _ tomorrow. (come)19. I wish I my uncle yesterday. (meet)20. It is about time you _ the medicine, sir. (take)21. I wish I _ him the day before yesterday. (see) 22. Li Ling acts that way as though he a foreigner. (be)23. If only I to my parents advice! (listen)24. I to stay there for one more week, but I changed my mind. (hope)25. Supposing the weather bad, where would they go? (be)二:完成句子1. Linda told me that she cried a lot while she was living in the village alone. She (一定经受了)a lot of hardships. (go through) 2. Had it not been for the heavy fog, you (就看到了)the beautiful tower in the distance easily last Tuesday. (see) 3. It is demanded that the books (须归还)to the school library within two weeks. (return) 4. It is suggested that (运动会推迟)till next Friday. (put off)5. Were (下雨)tomorrow, the meeting would be put off. (rain) 6. I supported him in time, otherwise he off bike(从自行车上摔下来). (fall) 7. Which doctor (你建议派来)immediately? (suggest) 8. It (一定下着大雨)when he got back home, for he was wet all over. (rain) 9. (如果他不努力)so hard, he wouldnt have passed the exam. (work) 10. You (本不需要)a taxi here, for it was very near to my house. (take) 11. -Where is my dictionary? I remember I put it here yesterday. -You (可能放) it in the wrong place. (put) 12. Im very sorry that I am late for the important meeting, I (本应该想到) the road being so busy. (think of) 13. I saw Mr. Wang just now. He (不可能) Beijing. (go) 14. We (还是好) stay where we are. (may) 15. I (本想参加) your party, but I had to work extra hours to prepare a speech. (would like) 16. Mr. Bush is always on time for everything, (怎么可能) that he was late for the opening ceremony? (can) 17. . Oh, Im not feeling well in the stomach, I (本不应该吃) so much fried chicken just now. (eat) 18. The workers in the factory demanded that their pay (提高20%). (raise) 19. With a little more car you (能避免) this traffic accident. (avoid) 20. When the police took the suspect to the police station, he insisted that he (没偷) the ladys purse and that he (释放). (steal, set) 21. How I wish I (被录取了) the key university. (admit). 22. But for your help, we (不会完成) the work so soon. (finish) 23. The weather turned out to be fine yesterday, I (本不需要那么麻烦) to carry my umbrella with me. (take the trouble) 24. There were already five people in the car, but they managed to take me as well.-It (不可能是一次舒适的旅行) a comfortable trip. (be) 25. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it (断了). (break) 26._ _ _ _(要是没有你的建议),I could not have done it so successfully.27.I was ill that day. _(否则) , I would have taken part in the sports meet.28.Given more time, we_ _ _ _ _(可以做得更好)29. I might have given you more help, _ _ _ _ _ .(但是我当时太忙了)30.It is possible that the King of  Stonehenge was linked to the stones: he_(可能参与) in planning the monument, or in helping transport and  pull up the stones.( have a hand) 三:单项选择1. The teacher demanded that the exam _ before eleven.A. must finishB. would be finishedC. be finishedD. must be finished2. She made the demand that the journalists _ at once _ Iraq.A. leave; forB. leave; toC. left; toD. to be left; for3. He is talking so much about America as if he _ there.A. had beenB. has beenC. wasD. has gone4. The young man insisted that he _ nothing wrong and _ free.A. did; setB. had done; should be setC. should do; be setD. had done; must be set5. I suggested there _ be a kind of language all could understand and use _ .A. can; itB. /; /C. would; itD. may; /6. The suggestion has been made _ the basketball game _ put off.A. for; toB. that; beC. which; should beD. to; being7. The order came that the medical supplies _ to Beijing for the Sars soon.A. would be sentB. should sendC. be sentD. must be sent8. It is important that we _ wild animals.A. will protectB. should protectC. shall protectD. are protecting9. Had you listened to the doctor, you _ all right now.A. areB. wereC. would beD. would have been10. _ any change about the date, please tell me immediately.A. Will there beB. Should there beC. There will beD. There should be11. _ today, he would get there by Friday.A. Would he leaveB. Was he leaving C. Were he to leaveD. If he leave12. Should it rain, the crops _ . A. would be savedB. would have been savedC. will be savedD. had been saved13. You _ come earlier. The bus left a moment ago.A. would B. should haveC. mayD. have 14. He treated me as though/as if _ his own son.A. I amB. I would beC. I was D. I were15. I _ you some money, but I hadnt any on me then.A. would lendB. would have lentC. could lendD. may have lent16. A few minutes earlier and we _ the rain.A. have caughtB. had caughtC. could have caughtD. were to catch17. - “Have you ever been to Beijing?”- “No, but I wish I _”A. haveB. willC. doD. had18. Im glad I went over all my notes; otherwise _ .A. I may have failedB. Id failC. Id have failedD. Ill have failed19. - “What will you do during the summer holiday?” - “I dont know, but its high time _ something.”A. Im decidingB. Ill decideC. I decidedD. I decide20. What should we do if it _ tomorrow?A. should snowB. would snowC. snowD. will snow21. If only I _ my watch!A. hadnt lostB. havent lostC. didnt lostD. dont lose22. You _ such a serious mistake if you had followed his advice.A. may not makeB. might not makeC. shouldnt have madeD. might not have made23. We _ the work on time without your help.A. hadnt had finishedB. didnt have finishedC. couldnt have finishedD. cant have finished24. - “Where have you been?”- “I got caught in traffic; otherwise _ sooner.”A. I would be hereB. I have been hereC. I had been hereD. I would have been here25._ “Mary looks hot and dry” _“So _ you if you had so high a fever.” A. do B. areC. will D. would26. _ smoking, he would not have got cancer in the lung.A. Was he given up B. Had he given upC. Did he give D. If he gave up拓展:27.“It looks as if he were drunk.” “So it does. _.”A. Hed better give up drinking B. He shouldnt have drunk so muchC. Health is more important than drink D. I wonder why he is always doing so28. If it were not for the fact that you _ ill, I would ask you to do this right now.A. were B. had been C. areD. should be29.It has been raining for a day, but even though it hadnt rained, we _ there by tomorrow.A. cant get B. wont get C. hadnt got D. wouldnt get30. If I hadnt been lucky enough to meet you. I really _ what I would have done.A. dont know B. hadnt knownC. wasnt knowing D. wouldnt know虚拟语气(教师版)用所给动词的正确形式填空1. If I _ had seen _ him yesterday I _ would have asked him about it. (see, ask)2. What do you think would happen if there _ were_ no light during the days? (be)3. If there _ should be no electricity in the future, our life would change a lot. (be, change)4. If her lawyer had been here last Sunday, he would have prevented her from going. (be, prevent)5. If it had not been for the liberation, no changes would have taken place in my hometown. (take)6. If Miss Green _ should come _ late tomorrow, who would take her place? (come)7. What would have happened if you hadnt helped her child? (not help)8. But for your help, I couldnt _ have found_ the place. (find)9. I was very busy yesterday, otherwise I would have come to the meeting. (come)10. It is suggested that a study plan _ be made _ right now. (make)11. They required that we _ help_ them get in the crops. (help)12. It was ordered that no smoking _be allowed _ in the library, which made the smokers unhappy. (allow)13 I made the suggestion that they _ stick to _ the plan they had made. (stick)14. It is strange that he (should) think so. (think)15. Galileo insisted that the earth moves round the sun. (move)16. His silence at the meeting suggested that he didnt agree to your plan. ( not agree)17. It seems as if it _ were_ already summer now. (be)18. .Id rather Tom _ came tomorrow. (come)19. I wish I had met my uncle yesterday. (meet)20. It is about time you _ should take/took the medicine, sir. (take)21. I wish I had seen him the day before yesterday. (see) 22. Li Ling acted that way as though he were a foreigner. (be)23. If only I had listened to my parents advice! (listen)24. I had hoped to stay there for one more week, but I changed my mind. (hope)25. Supposing the weather were bad, where would they go? (be)完成句子Keys:1. must have gone through 2. would have seen 3. should be returned 4. sports meeting (should) be put off 5. it to rain 6. would have fallen 7. do you suggest be sent for 8. must have been raining9. Hadnt he studied 10. neednt have taken11. might have put 12. should have thought of13. couldnt have gone to 14. may as well15. would like to have attended 16. How can it be17. shouldnt have eaten18. be raised by 20 percent 19. could have avoided 20. didnt steal, be set free21. had been admitted to 22. wouldnt have finished23. neednt have taken the trouble 24. couldnt have been 25. were broken 26.But for your suggestion27.Or/Otherwise28.could have done it better29 but I was too busy30 might have had a hand单项选择CAABB BCBCB CABDB CDCCA ADCDD BDCAA专心-专注-专业


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