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    精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上附件2:教学设计模板教学设计课题名称:Unit 7 Reading Smoking is Not Allowed Here姓名彭智妹工作单位宁夏灵武市职业教育中心学科年级16级司法警务教材版本语文出版社一、课程标准要求训练学生对整个篇章的理解和阅读中提取信息的技能,在课文理解的基础上掌握重要的词汇和语句的用法。二、教材地位作用本书是作为本套教材的第二册英语2(基础模块),为了让学生更好的学习英语,了解英语国家文化,开阔国际视野,更好的完善与发展自我,并具有今后在生活和工作中运用英语的能力,本教材按照中等职业学校英语教学大纲较高要求选择教材内容,设计教学活动三、学情调查分析两个班男、女生比例一致,和以前英语任课教师沟通,我发现学生基础知识掌握不够扎实,做完形填空,阅读理解相当困难。学生课堂学习积极性不高,回答问题不主动。该班绝大多数同学能够做到独立完成作业,自觉背诵课文但刻苦学习之风仍需培养,少数优生优势不明显,差生学习积极性,学习兴趣急待提高。四、教学目标确定1. I Make students understand the disadvantages of smoking and improve their understanding in it.2. Arise the youth to give up smoking and keep the good habits of modern life.五、重点、难点掌握can,should,mustmay might be able to shall should 的用法六、教学过程 Step 1.Lead-in1). Please look at picture on the screen .Who can tell me what you can see in the picture? (Using your own words in English)We can see that the little boy in his fathers arm was crying. Why? Because the animal beside them was very frightened with yellow teeth and big red eyes. He is so happy to smoke cigarette, but he doesnt know how ugly he is 2) Ask questions:(问题)1)Do people around you smoke?2)How many cigarette brands do you know?(choose several boys to answer.)?3)Do you think it is a good habit to smoke? ( be harmful, give up smoking)Step 2. Fast-reading(快速阅读) Give Ss several minutes to go through the reading text and find the answers to the following questions:1) What does “ here” in the title mean ?(public areas,such as trains,buses,school.etc)文章中的here是指什么?教学过程设计2) What is passive smoker?(when people smoke, people around are forced to breathe in the smoke)。3) What words are usually written on a “No smoking” sign?( thank you for not smoking)?Step3. Careful-reading(精细阅读)1. Listen to the tape, try to understand how many respects the author has mentioned, and match the general idea with the correct parts.听录音,了解作者所提到关于香烟的几个方面。将几个方面的内容与正确的段落连接。Part1 (1) Smoking is not allowed in many placesPart2 (2) Smoking has become a daily habitPart3 (3.4.5) Smoking has many bad effectsPart4 (6.7) Stop smoking and give up smoking2.Analysize the text from these two respects。1)Part 2(P2). Smoking has become daily habit for some people.吸烟已经成为一些人的习惯Read this part together and find out the reason why people like to smoke? (make them relax, happy, even think it is cool, and is a fashion of the day) 阅读这部分找出人们为什么吸烟的原因,并让学生示范动作。2)Part3. (P3-P5) Smoking has many bad effects.(not only on health, but also on other sides )吸烟有许多不好的影响Choose one student read this part and let Ss find out the bad effects.一位学生朗读课文,让其它学生找到吸烟的害处。a. Make you smell stink and turn the teeth yellow b. It is the cause of many diseases. Such as cancer of the mouth and lungs, and it can also cause heart trouble.(conclude nicotine)c. It is harmful for other people who do not smoke. (passive smoker)d. It can cause fires, make the place dirty, pollute the environment. e. It wastes a lot of money.浪费金钱。Step4. Group discussion: How to stop smoking?(集体讨论:采取哪些措施戒烟,让学生了解世界禁烟日的概念)1. The government pass the laws to stop smoking in the public places.七、教学评价利用视频及图片资源,充分调动学生的学习积极性、自主性和协作性。让学生激烈讨论,踊跃发表自己的意见并且尝试情景对话表演,充分体现了“以学生为本”的教学理念。 专心-专注-专业


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