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    ColourRevisionUnit 21.彩虹彩虹 rainbow 2.忧愁忧愁 unhappiness 3.悲哀悲哀 sadness 4.行为行为 behaviour5.平静的平静的 calm 6.发现发现 discover7.满意的满意的 satisfied 8.许诺许诺 promise9.热量热量(n.) heat 10.成功地成功地 successfully11.困难困难(n.) difficulty 12.苍白苍白 pale13.决定决定 decision 14.油油 oil15.影响影响 influence /affect 16.黑色黑色(皮肤的皮肤的) dark17.需求需求 require 18.皮肤皮肤 skin19.建议建议(vt.) advise 20.免费的免费的 free 21.或许或许 perhaps 22.想法想法 thought词汇识记词汇识记易拼错的单词易拼错的单词 affect sleepy ( asleep ) realize physical college diary represent wisdom 影响影响v. 困倦的困倦的睡着的睡着的意识到意识到身体的身体的学院学院日记日记代表代表智慧智慧PPT模板:素材:PPT背景:图表:PPT下载:教程: 资料下载:范文下载:试卷下载:教案下载:PPT论坛: PPT课件:语文课件:数学课件:英语课件:美术课件:科学课件:物理课件:化学课件:生物课件:地理课件:历史课件:词形变换词形变换stress (adj.) success (adj.) strong (n.) know (同义词同义词) difficult (n.) sad (n.) power (adj.) wise _(n.) worry (adj.) relax (adj.) decide (n.) maybe (同义词同义词) warm_ (n.)worried根据中文意思,用正确的形式完成句子根据中文意思,用正确的形式完成句子。1.Calm colours (代表代表) (放松的)放松的)moods.2. Im in a good _(心情心情) now for I saw a _ (彩虹彩虹) this afternoon.3. Yellow can _(提醒提醒) you of a warm, sunny day.4. Grace Alexis is _ (满意的满意的) with the _ (气候气候) in Australia. 5. Everyone seemed to have a secret or was just not acting _ (正常地正常地). Their _ (行为举止行为举止不可数名词不可数名词) was a little strange.representrelaxedmoodrainbowremindsatisfiedclimatenormallybehaviour6. Some doctors have _(发现,发觉发现,发觉) the colour therapy can help _ (十十几岁的青少年几岁的青少年) get relaxed .7. She _(允诺允诺) that she would work hard so that she could go to the best _ (大学,学院大学,学院) to have her further study.8. Millie has _ (苍白的)苍白的)_(皮肤皮肤) .9. Send text messages to 1396, then you can get two _ (免费的免费的) tickets. 10. Mrs. Olivers first _(想法想法) was to get help and _ (保护保护) from the police. discoveredteenspromisedcollegepaleskinfreethoughtprotection用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.If you feel _(sleep), you can go to bed early.2.Dont be _ (worry) about me, I can look after myself.3.We should smile to hide our _ (sad).4.Sam made a _ (decide) to go on a trip to Paris.5.He didnt like this toy because of his _ (happy) on his face.6.I hope this party will be held (success).sleepyworriedsadnessdecisionunhappinesssuccessfully7.This old man has _ (difficult) walking to the top floor.8. Our Maths teacher is a man of great _. He can solve the problems _ (wise).9.Green represents _(grow) and it can make us feel _ (nature).10.The _ (power) red balances the calm white.difficultywisdomwiselygrowthnaturalpowerful翻译下列词组翻译下列词组1.对对有好处有好处2.使某人想起某事使某人想起某事3.感到有压力感到有压力4.宁愿做宁愿做5.穿在某人身上好看穿在某人身上好看6.做决定做决定7.给你一种快乐和满足给你一种快乐和满足8. 苍白皮肤的人们苍白皮肤的人们 remind sb. of sth. be good forfeel stressed prefer to do sth./ would rather do sth.look good on sb.make a decisiongive you a happy and satisfied feelingpeople with pale skin9.使使高兴起来高兴起来10.采取行动采取行动11.影响我们的情绪影响我们的情绪12.为考试而学习为考试而学习13.给我一些建议给我一些建议14.给你带来成功给你带来成功15.在试衣间在试衣间16.影响健康影响健康17.取回你的钱取回你的钱18.心情不好心情不好cheer sb. uptake actionaffect our moodsstudy for examsgive me some advicebring you successin the fitting roomaffect the healthget your money back be in a bad moodColours and moods We have learnt something interesting about colours. Colours can (影响我们的情绪影响我们的情绪). Colours can (改变我们的情绪)改变我们的情绪)and make us feel happy or sad, energetic and sleepy. Blue is one of calm colours. Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room (对对有好处有好处)our mind and body.White is another one. We should wear white if we (感到焦虑不安的感到焦虑不安的). Orange and yellow are warm colours. These colours can give us (给我们一种快乐和满足的感觉给我们一种快乐和满足的感觉). People (更喜欢使用)更喜欢使用)warm colours in their homes. Orange can (带给我们成功)带给我们成功)and (使我们高兴起来使我们高兴起来).Yellow is (太阳的颜色太阳的颜色),so it can (使使我们想起)我们想起)a warm, sunny day. Some people prefer this colour when they (为考试而学习为考试而学习).表达与运用表达与运用affect our moodschange our moods is good for feel stresseda happy and satisfied feeling prefer to use bring us success cheer us up the colour of the sun remind us of study for exams Green is one of energetic colours. Green can (给我们能量)给我们能量)and represent (新的生命和成长新的生命和成长). Red is one of strong colours. Wearing red can also make it easier for us to (采取行动采取行动). This can help when you (做做决定有困难决定有困难). Therefore , colours play an important role in our daily lives. When you (心情不好时心情不好时) ,you can ask Mrs rainbow for (一一些建议些建议). She also can help you choose the right colour to wear. For example, people with dark hair and dark skin (穿穿红色和紫色好看红色和紫色好看). People (苍白皮肤的人苍白皮肤的人) and blonde hair look good in orange and green. You will discover how (颜色的力量颜色的力量) can change your moods and improves your life. 表达与运用表达与运用 new life and growth the power of colour give us energy take action have difficulty making a decision with pale skin look good in red and purple are in a bad mood some advice 1. would rather do sth than do sth 2. prefer doing sth. to doing sth3. prefer A to B 4. prefer to do sth. 吉姆喜欢篮球吉姆喜欢篮球,而不喜欢足球而不喜欢足球. Jim _ basketball _football .他宁愿步行去上学,也不愿坐车去。他宁愿步行去上学,也不愿坐车去。 He _ to school _ a bus . He _ to school _ a bus .昨天我宁愿呆在家里也不愿意到外面去昨天我宁愿呆在家里也不愿意到外面去.I_ at home _ outside yesterday.I _ at home _ outside yesterday.I think he prefers _ (to have, having) rice for lunch.preferredIndefinite Pronouns(不定代词)用法用法 指物指物指人指人 肯定句肯定句something 某物某物somebody某某人人someone某人某人否定句否定句疑问句疑问句 anything任何事物任何事物anybody任何任何人人anyone任何人任何人本身是否定本身是否定的的nothing 无物无物nobody无人无人no one没有人没有人选用下列不定代词填空一、一、someone / somebody , anyone / anybody , no one / nobody1.Listen ! _is knocking at the door .2.Is there _in the classroom now ?3. _ would like to do it .Its so hard .4.I cant see _ in the fitting room .5. _ can do it except Tom.二、二、something , anything ,nothing ,none1.There is _ wrong with my computer . 2. Is there _ wrong with your computer?3.There is _wrong with my computer . It works well.4._of us knew the answer .5.-Mum , is there any bread for breakfast ? -No, there is _.6.-Are there any tomatoes ? -No. There are _.We ate them all .(1) 在陈述句中用在陈述句中用anyone / anybody / anything 指的是指的是任何任何一个人一个人或一件事或一件事. e.g. You can do anything you like .(2) 修饰不定代词的修饰不定代词的形容词要后置形容词要后置. e.g. Do you need anything else ?(3) none 的用法的用法1. 代词代词,代指上文出现过的人或物代指上文出现过的人或物e.g. I wanted two tickets, but there was none left. 2. 常与常与of 连用连用 (no one / nobody 均不能和均不能和of 连用连用)e.g.None of the students voted for him.3. 注意在答句中与注意在答句中与no one 的区别的区别. - How many students are there in the classroom? -None . -Who is in the room? -No one/Nobody. 1.-The story is so amazing! Its the most interesting story Ive ever read.(08年年 南京)南京) -But I am afraid it wont be liked by_.A. everybody B. somebodyC. anybody D. nobody2.-Whats wrong with my son, doctor?(11年年 南京)南京) -_serious. Just a slight cold.A. Something B. AnythingC. Nothing D. EverythingACChoose the suitable words or phrases to fill in the Choose the suitable words or phrases to fill in the blanks.blanks.L-Lily; F- FangfangL: Hi, Fangfang. What will you do this National Day?F: I prefer _ (to go, going) to Beijing. What about you?L: Im not sure. I would rather _(go, to go) to Xian than Beijing because I have been there twice. I have known _ (something, anything) about Beijing.F: Oh, I see. Would you please tell me _ (something, anything) about Beijing?L: Sure. Ill tell you later. Lets talk about your plan first. Do you know _ (something, anything) about it?to gogosomethingsomethinganythingF: Sorry, I dont know. What about you?L: Before I read a book about it, I knew _ (nothing, anything) about it. But now I know a lot about it from the book. So I _ (could, would) rather go to see it myself.F: How will you go there, by plane or by train?L: I prefer _ (fly, flying) to _ (to take, taking) a train there.F: But its a little too expensive. I would rather go by train. By the way, who will you go with?L: _ (Nobody, Anybody) but myself.F: A brave girl.nothingwouldflyingtakingNobody Q1: Daniel is in a bad mood. He gets angry easily. He needs to calm down. Your advice: Q2: Daniel doesnt sleep well these days. He always feels tired. He thinks he needs more energy. Your advice:Dear Daniel You look so sad these days. I think you need to cheer up. Now I will tell you about color therapy. Perhaps it may work. _ _ _ _ _ _ I hope you will feel better soon and nothing will make you feel sad after you follow my advice. Your friend, Mrs.Rainbow


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