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    精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上高中英语语法定语从句之学案概念1.由一个句子作定语,修饰句中一个名词或代词,有时也可以修饰整个句子或句中的部分内容,这样的从句就是定语从句,被其修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。2.关系词分为两大类,即关系代词和关系副词,其作用一是引出一个定语从句,二是代替其所修饰的先行词,三是在句中充当某个句子成分。关 系 词所 指 先 行 词在 从 句 中 所 担 成 分关系代词that物,人,时间,地点,原因主,表,宾which物,时间,地点,原因主,宾who人主,宾whom人宾whose物,人定as物,人主,表,宾关系副词when时间状where地点状why原因状定语从句的做题步骤(三部曲)1)、首划先行词,区分人或物 2)、分析定语从句中缺何种成分 3)、根据分析,选择恰当的连词例句充当成分The man who/that helped you is Mr White.在定从中作_That is the person(whom/who/that) you want to see.在定从中作_,可_He is the father whose son studies very well in our class.(=the son of whom)在定从中作_I´m not the fool that you thought me to be.在定从中作_He is such a lazy man as nobody wants to work with.在定从中作_The only thing that we can do is to give you some advice.在定从中作_A dictionary is a useful book which/that tells us the meaning of words在定从中作_He lives in a room whose window faces south.(=the window of which)在定从中作_It is such a big stone as nobody can lift.在定从中作_As is known to all, he is the best student.在定从中作_Would you suggest a time when we can have a talk?在定从中作_=_The house where they live is not very large.在定从中作_=_This is the reason why he did not came to the meeting.在定从中作_=_(一)关系代词的用法辨析1.通常只能用that的情况1)当先行词是不定代词all, much, little, few, none, , anything, nothing,everything等时 (something后可以用which)。e.g. There is nothing that can prevent him from doing it. 没有什么能阻止他不干那件事。2)先行词被any, every, no ,all,little,few等修饰时。Few books that are on the subject are left.3)先行词既指人又指物时.They talked about things and persons that they remembered。4)先行词被序数词或形容词的最高级修饰时。The first place that they visited in Guilin was Elephant Trunk Hill. This is the best film that I have ever seen. 5)先行词被the very, the only, the last,one of ,just, right等修饰时Mr Smith is the only foreigner that he knows. This is the very /right book that I want. This is just /right the book that I want.6)先行词是疑问词who, which时或先行词 在由which, who引导的特殊疑问句中时。Who that you have ever seen can beat him in chess?Which is the car that hit the boy?7).关系词在从句中作表语时。He is not the man that he was.(他已不是过去的他了)=He is not what he wasThis is no longer the village that it used to be.8) 在there be 句型中There is a seat in the corner that is still free.2通常只能用which的情况1)引导非限制性定语从句修饰某物或整个句子时。He had failed in the maths exam, which made his father very angry.2)如果句中有两个定语从句,其中一个用了that,另一个最好用which。 Let me show you the novel that I borrowed from the library which was newly open to us.3)先行词本身就是that时。I have that which you gave me.我有你给的那个。4)介词之后须用which. This is the one of which Im speaking. 这就是我所讲的那个。5).当关系代词后有插入语时。This is the dictionary which, as I have told you, will help you with English3 只能用who 的情况先行词是指人的不定代词one, ones, nobody, everyone, anyone或all时。Anyone who does not study hard may fail the exam.先行词是those和people时。Those who break the rule must be punished.在there be开头的句中。There is a young man who wants to see you.先行词是I,he,they等人称代词时(常见于谚语中)He who plays with fire gets burned.He, who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.在非限制性定语从句中。Peter, who is your friend, will give you a hand when you are in trouble.4.关系代词whose的用法Whose是关系代词who与which的所有格形式,用作名词的限定语, whose 指人或物,在从句中作定语。Have you seen a dictionary whose cover is blue?(the cover of which is blue)?He is an excellent teacher, whose daughter studies abroad.(= the daughter of whom studies abroad.) This is Mr. King, in whose factory I work.(=in the factory of whom)注意:whose经常后接名词,这结构可以用the+名词of+whom/which来替换,意义不变。在非正式文体中也可以用of+whom/which+the+名词巩固练习 填入适当的关系词1. We should learn from those _ are always ready to help others. 2. He met my mother, from _ he got the news of my marriage. 3. This is not the only apple _ has rotten away. 4. Ive read all the books _ our teacher requires us to read. 5. Please pass me the dictionary _ cover is black. 6. All the apples _ fell down from the tree were eaten up by the pigs. 7. I can tell you all_ he told me last week. 8. This is the biggest lab _ we have ever built in our university. 9. Is oxygen the only gas _ helps fire burn?10. Air, _ we breathe every day, is around us all the time. 11. This is the museum _ you saw the other day. 12. Who _ has common sense will do such a thing?13. The girl _ aunt is a famous singer is fond of music. 14. The man _ talked to you just now is an engineer. 15. Do you have anything _ I can do for you?16. Shanghai is the very place _ the foreigners are eager to visit. 17. It is the factory _ produces all kinds of TV sets. 18. A child _ parents are dead is called an orphan. 19. The last river _ they crossed is two miles wide. 20. Dont do such things _ you are not sure about. 21. That is the office _ Lincoln once worked in. 22. His parents wouldnt let him marry anyone _ the family was poor. 23. Finally, the thief handed everything _ he had stolen to the police. 24. He is not the man _ he was ten years ago.25.There are many people_ only on-line activity is sending and receiving e-mails.26. Who _knows him wants to make friends with him?27. Which is the car _hit the boy?28.The man _coat is black is waiting at the gate29.She heard a terrible noise, _ brought her heart into her mouth30.This is the hero _ whom we are proud.(二)关系副词的用法1when关系副词 when引导定语从句时, 只能在定语从句中作时间状语,其修饰的名词必须是表示时间的名词。 Oct.1 is the day when the PRC was founded.(on which) He graduated from middle school in 2000 when he was 18.(in which)注意:先行词是“时间名词” 如在从句中作主语,表语或宾语,关系词用which/that/as, 作状语用when或介词+ which。Ill never forget the days which/that we spent on that lonely island.Ill never forget the day when/on which I joined the Party.2 where关系副词 Where引导定从时, 只能在定从中作地点状语,其修饰的名词必须是表示地点的名词。After living in Paris for fifty years, he returned to the small town where he grew up as a child(+in which). There are few places where he has never go(=to which).注意:先行词是“地点名词”,如在从句中作主语,表语或宾语,关系词用which/that/as, 作状语用where或介词+ which。That is the factory which/that produces 100,000TV sets a year.That is the factory where/in which his father once worked. 3why1)先行词是 reason,关系词在从句中作状语用why或for + which。作主语,表语或宾语,用which/that/as, This is the reason that he told me yesterday. This is the reason why/for which he was late for the meeting. 2)当主句主语是reason时,作主句表语的成分不能有because和because of 。其结构一般为the reason whyis that,或者 the reason that is that,如: The reason why he was absent was that he was ill.The reason that he told us for his absence is that he was ill.(三)介词+关系代词 (介词+which/whom/whose)当关系代词作介词宾语,且该介词不是和从句的谓语动词构成固定短语时,介词可以提前,这样就出现"介词+关系代词"。先行词指物,用"介词+which/whose", 指人则用"介词+whom/whose", 且关系代词均不能省略.The pen with which I wrote is broken.The man about whom I told you just now is my neighbour.This is Mr. King, in whose factory I work.介词的选择要遵循以下原则: 1)根据定语从句中谓语动词与先行词的搭配内容而定。The woman _ whom he is talking is his headmaster.2)、根据定语从句中形容词与介词的固定搭配He referred me to some reference books _ which I am not very interested.3)根据先行词而定。He has not reached the age , _ which he can marry.4)根据“介词+关系代词”在主从句中的作用及意义。Water, _which man can not live, is very important for us.the way做先行词时,定语从句用 in which或that 引导,也可以不用关系词。Eg. I dont like the way ( in which/that )you speak to your mother.注意:含有介词的短语动词不能拆开,介词仍然放在动词之后。This is the pen that/which he is looking for. the+ 名词+of+关系代词表示所有关系知识归纳:此时,指人的关系代词只能是whom, 指事物的关系代词只能是which。该结构表示所有关系, 口语中常用“whose + 名词”代替。非正式文体中可以用“of which/whom+ the +名词”。 1) Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, _ was very reasonable. A. which price B. the price of which C. its price D. the price of whose 2)This is the boy _the bike was stolen yesterday.A. whom B. whose C. of whom D. of whose表示部分的词语of关系代词 ,表示整体与部分的关系知识归纳:此时,指人的关系代词只能是whom, 指事物的关系代词只能是which。表示部分的词语常见的有:不定代词all, both, none, neither, either, some, any; 数词(含基数词,序数词,分数和百分数);数词+名词;the +最高级/比较级;以及表示数目或数量的词语many, most, few, several, enough, half a, a quarter等。 二 as引导的定语从句1. 在限制性定语从句中,当先行词与as,so,such,the same 连用时,常用关系代词as来引导定语从句, as 在从句中充当主语,宾语,表语。 I want to have such books _ you have. A. which B. that C. what D. as I know as many people_are present at the meeting. A.that B.whom C.who D.as1) the same. as 和 the same .that的用法辨异.Thats the same tool as I used last week.(同类事物)Thats the same tool that I used last week. 那就是我上周用过的工具。(指原物)2).such/so.as和such/so.that的用法辨异.It is such an interesting book/so interesting a book _we all like.It is such an interesting book/ so interesting a book _ we all like it. A. that B.it C.as Dwhich2.as引导的非限制性定语从句可位于句首,也可位于后面。(代替主句整个内容)_is mentioned above, the number of the students in senior high school is increasing. A. Which B. As C . That D. It .He did the experiment successfully, _had been expected.A. that B.it C.as D.what三 as和which引导的非限制性定语从句的区别1.as引导的从句与主句是一致关系,as常解释为“正如.的那样”, “ 正像.”。从句可位于句首,句中或句末。 常用于:as is known to all, as we all know, as often happens, as has been said before, as was expected, as is said above, as is mentioned above, as is reported in the newspaper等结构中。As is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.The earth goes around the sun, as everyone can see.2.用which的情况1)当从句的谓语是否定形式或表示否定意义时,只能用which。He made a long speech at the meeting , which we had not expected./which was unexpected.2).当从句的谓语后接一个复合宾语时,只能用which。He admires everyone in the class, which I find quite strange.3)which引导的从句与主句是因果关系或主句是对从句的评论,常解释为“这,这一点”,Tom didnt pass the exam, which made his parents very disappointed.He must come from the north, which can be judged from his accent.注意:which引导的非限制性定语从句,从句只能位于主句之后。四定语从句与其他句型的区分1定语从句与并列句 用一个恰当的词完成下列句子,使之完整与正确。 Mr Li has three daughters, none of _ is an engineer Mr Li has three daughters, but none of _ is a dancer Mr Li has three daughters; _ are doctors 2 as 引导的非限制性定语从句与it引导的句子。The earth is round, and_ is known to all. The earth is round, _is known to all. _is known to all, the earth is round. _is known to all that the earth is round. 3 定语从句与习惯句型 用一个恰当的词完成下列句子,使之完整与正确。 It is the first time _ she has been in Shanghai It was the time _ Chinese people had a hard life 4 定语从句与单句 用一个恰当的词完成下列句子,使之完整与正确。 The mother told the lazy boy to work, _ didn't help The mother told the lazy boy to work. _ didn't help 改错1. Some of the boys I invited them didnt come 2. Anyone who break the law will be punished 3.The key opens the bike is missing 4.The house where he lives in needs repairing 5.I still remember the days when we spent together 6.Have you asked her for the reason why may explain her absence? 7.It was in the kitchen where the fire broke out 8. The first thing which you must do is to have a meal.9. April 1st is the day when is called April Fools Day in the west.10. The family whose had lost everything in a big fire got much help from their friends.11. The house where we live in is very old.12. Didnt you see the man I talked with him just now?13. Have you ever been to Hangzhou, where is famous for the West Lake14. It is the third time when you have made the same mistake.15. This is the very novel about that we've talked so much.16. This is the way which he did it.17. Who is the student he was late for school today?15. Winter is the time of year which the days are short and nights are long.16. He has two sons, both of them work as chemists.17.He bought a book yesterday, its author is a teacher.18.He is a man of great experience, from who much can be learned19.He is not the boy who he was ten years ago20. Its in the village where he grew up.专心-专注-专业


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