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    雅思口语Part1和Part3没思路怎么办红色答题法的核心:在你回答的每一句话当中,无论结论、观点怎样,都应对其进行扩充,使答案变得丰富、立体、形象。下面小编就和大家分享雅思口语Part1和Part3没思路,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语Part1和Part3没思路在雅思口语中Part1部分内容相对简单,都是我们生活中经常遇到的一些场景话题,如:交友,购物,学习、电影等等。Part3部分难度有所提升,是考生和考官进行相关话题的深入讨论,内容涵盖更广泛,如:社会,教育,环境,道德等。这两个部分的考试形式是完全一样的一问一答,考官问问题,我们来回答。这恰恰是中国考生最为害怕的,因为它需要考生在极短的时间内迅速组织好语言,进行回答。这两个部分最需要的是脑力风暴(Brainstorm),因为在这两个部分中,考生不知从何谈起,容易陷入沉思。我认为,考生必须把脑力风暴发挥到极致。能否在短时间内让你的想法和观点脱口而出,取决于你思考的速度。下面,我们来看一下红色答题法在Part1和Part3中分别怎样运用:part1Examiner : Do you like giving gift to people ?(例题选自雅思Easy姐APP中的口语分类练习)这时,如果我们只回答“Yes , I do . ”或者“No , I don t . ”都是不妥的。那运用红色答题法能不能达到较好的答案呢?我们不妨这样想,送礼物虽然是表达自己心意的一种形式,但是如果所送非所欲,那意义可能就会降低,甚至经常有人因此产生了矛盾,所以与其纠结送礼还不如不送。那么,我们在决定说“ No ”之后应该加入什么补充信息呢? Reason ? Example ? Detail ? 显然,这里我们用举例子和细节的方法都不太合适,最好是给出原因 ( Detail ) 。因此,如果按以下方式回答就显得好很多:Well , I guess that gift giving is a pretty disturbing thing . Well , for one thing , its hard for me to find valuable gifts for my friends or family , i ve no idea on their preference and taste and i m so afraid of that they don t feel happy when they receive my present .part3Examiner : Do you like to work or study with others or just by yourself ?(例题选自雅思Easy姐APP中的口语分类练习)我们应用红色答题法时就会发现,回答细节已经不太合适,这里可以举例子或者给出原因。接下来我们以给出原因的方法来解答。Personally speaking , I guess I prefer to work or study with a group of people rather than study on my own . There are some benefits that worth a mention . For example , i can get more ideas and build up my communication skillsi.红色答题法提供给我们一个大致的思考方向 ,在实战中 ,还需要我们多多运用 ,才能做到熟能生巧 。雅思口语part2范文:需要改进的公共场所P2Describe a public place that needs improvements.You should say:Where it isWhat it is likeWhy you think it needs improvementsAnd explain how to make it betterP3Are there many public places in China?Do you like to exercise in public places, such as parks?What measures should governments and individuals take to keep public places clean?How to keep a balance between public places and private houses?雅思口语part2范文:与亲友常去之处Today, Im going to share with you a place I often go visit with my friends. It is a small café near my home named ABC.Though it is just five-minute walk to my home, it was actually my friend Lily who took me there for the first time. I remember that day, when the two of us were both worn out after a tiring day of school, Lily suggested we took some time off to relax ourselves. And, thats why we ended up in that small café.As a full-time student, I have to go to school 5 days a week. Therefore, the time left for me to visit this lovely place and spend some leisure time with my friends is mostly weekends. Fact is, my friends and I have made it a habit to visit this small café every Saturday night, and we usually go there by bike.This small coffee house is located on a quiet street with a lot of trees planted on both sides. It also has a patio with hanging gardens which I like very much. Every time I sit reading there, it somehow makes me feel that Im sitting in a tranquil paradise of my own. Separated from the hustle and bustle of city life, this small café allows me to ponder quietly, taking some precious time off to relax myself after a week of hard work. Here, I can concentrate on doing a personal project to writing diaries without being interrupted by other people.Except for its peaceful environment, this café also serves great coffee and cakes. The employees working there are all very nice, showing appropriate waiting manners. In fact, I have already made friends with a lot of them, given the fact that I am no strange face to their shop.As I said, I go there a lot with my friends. Over a nice cup of coffee, we get to share our little stories with nice scent around. At moments like that, we can escape from reality for a little while and enjoy ourselves.雅思口语Part1和Part3没思路怎么办相关文章: 英语学习雅思口语范文如何正确使用 雅思口语范文是许多考雅小伙伴都会用到的口语备考资料,那么雅思口语范文应该如何正确 雅思口语要用怎样的语速 雅思口语用怎样的语速说较合适一文总结了在雅思口语考试中,关于语速的一些相关问题。 国内雅思口语压分是真的吗 因为国内关于雅思考试压分的声音越来越多,很多考生不得不转战考场,将考试的战场搬向 口语冲刺实用雅思口语技巧 备考口语勤学苦练,终于到了雅思口语考试实战阶段,如何才能在雅思口语考试现场,保持 第 6 页 共 6 页


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