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    会计学1牛津牛津(ni jn)英语英语B Unit Reading完美完美第一页,共31页。第1页/共31页第二页,共31页。Have a dialogue with your partner.第2页/共31页第三页,共31页。ReadingThe ghost in the park第3页/共31页第四页,共31页。Mini-dictionarybush n. 灌木丛灌木丛e.g. There are some rose bushes in the park.carefully adv. 仔细地,认真仔细地,认真(rn zhn)地,小心地,小心地地e.g. He never does his homework carefully.第4页/共31页第五页,共31页。第5页/共31页第六页,共31页。strange adj. 奇怪的,陌生奇怪的,陌生(mshng)的的e.g. This morning I got a strange call.weak adj. 虚弱的,无力的虚弱的,无力的e.g. My grandma is very weak now.whisper n. 低语,耳语低语,耳语e.g. She spoke to me in a whisper.第6页/共31页第七页,共31页。They went to Sunshine Park.第7页/共31页第八页,共31页。They took it to the animal centre.第8页/共31页第九页,共31页。Millie wrote some sentences about what happened, but they are not in the correct order. Help her put the sentences in the correct order. Write the numbers 1-7.第9页/共31页第十页,共31页。a. We ran away quickly.b. Andy found a little cat in the bushes.c. We talked under a big tree in the park.d. Suddenly, we heard a whisper.e. We turned around but saw nothing.f. Andy went to the park.g. I told Andy about the strange sound.4712365第10页/共31页第十一页,共31页。bcHere are some words in the story about the “ghost” in the park. Find the meaning of each word by giving the correct letter.第11页/共31页第十二页,共31页。ca第12页/共31页第十三页,共31页。5. To search means _. a to find something b to shout at something c to look carefully for something6. Weak means _. a clever b small c not strong cc第13页/共31页第十四页,共31页。Millie is telling her friend Wendy on the phone about what happened in the park, but Wendy cannt hear her clearly. Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.第14页/共31页第十五页,共31页。TFFTFFthe bushes.They took the little cat to the animal centre.Andy found the “ghost”.Andy went to the park.第15页/共31页第十六页,共31页。Henry, Andys friend, is asking Andy about the “ghost”. Help Andy answer his questions.Henry: What did Millie and Amy hear?Andy: They heard a (1) _. They were very (2) _ and left the park quickly.whisperfrightened第16页/共31页第十七页,共31页。bushesweakmiaowedanimal第17页/共31页第十八页,共31页。第18页/共31页第十九页,共31页。2. On their way home, they met Andy. on their way home 在他们回家的路上在他们回家的路上(l shng) on ones way to sp. 译为译为“在某人去在某人去的的路上路上(l shng)”。home是副词,前面不是副词,前面不需要加介词,如果后面跟的是名词需要加需要加介词,如果后面跟的是名词需要加介词介词to。e.g. 在在Lucy去学校去学校(xuxio)的路上的路上 在他来这里的路上在他来这里的路上on Lucys way to schoolon his way here第19页/共31页第二十页,共31页。3. He searched the bushes. search the bushes 搜寻搜寻, 搜查搜查(such) search是及物动词,后面可以直接跟是及物动词,后面可以直接跟宾语。宾语。 e.g. search the room search my schoolbag第20页/共31页第二十一页,共31页。e.g. 翻遍她所有翻遍她所有(suyu)的包找身份的包找身份证证 search all her bags for her ID card 如果表示目的,强调为了如果表示目的,强调为了(wi le)而搜而搜寻,则可以在名词前加上介词寻,则可以在名词前加上介词 for。 e.g. search for more information(为了为了(wi le)更更 多的信息而搜寻多的信息而搜寻), search for the lost boy (为了为了(wi le)丢丢失的失的 男孩儿搜寻男孩儿搜寻)。第21页/共31页第二十二页,共31页。4. Andy said to himself. say to oneself 自言自语自言自语(z yn z y) think to oneself 暗自寻思暗自寻思, 心里想心里想 e.g. 这个老人自言自语这个老人自言自语(z yn z y)说说:“我是多么幸我是多么幸 运啊运啊!” The old man said to himself, “how lucky I am!” Millie自言自语自言自语(z yn z y)道道: “我再也不怕狗我再也不怕狗 了。了。” Millie said to herself, “Im not afraid of animals any more.”第22页/共31页第二十三页,共31页。5. it sounded like a whisper. sound like 听起来听起来(q li)像像 e.g. 这首歌很好听。这首歌很好听。 The song sounds good. 这个低语声听起来这个低语声听起来(q li)像鬼。像鬼。 The whisper sounds like a ghost. 苏州听起来苏州听起来(q li)像是一个很棒的城像是一个很棒的城市。市。 Suzhou sounds like a great city.第23页/共31页第二十四页,共31页。第24页/共31页第二十五页,共31页。I.I.用所给单词的适当形式用所给单词的适当形式(xngsh)(xngsh)填空填空。There are some _ (bush) in our There are some _ (bush) in our school.school.Our English teacher told us Our English teacher told us toto listen listen toto the radio _ the radio _ (careful).(careful).3. “Be quick”, I said 3. “Be quick”, I said toto _ _ (my).(my).bushescarefullymyself第25页/共31页第二十六页,共31页。4. I found nothing in my school bag. I knew there was something _ (usual).5. Yesterday I _ (find) a little dog in my garden.6. Just now Sandy _ (hear) a whisper and she _ (run) away quickly.unusualfoundheardran第26页/共31页第二十七页,共31页。1. 像平时一样像平时一样, 他早早他早早(zo zo)来到了学来到了学校。校。 As usual, he came to school early.2. 小偷看到警察转身就跑。小偷看到警察转身就跑。 When the thief saw the policeman, he turned around and ran away.3. 我确信我会学好英语的。我确信我会学好英语的。 I am sure that I can learn English well.II. II. 汉译英汉译英第27页/共31页第二十八页,共31页。第28页/共31页第二十九页,共31页。Retell the story. Think about the problem that how we treat animals without homes.第29页/共31页第三十页,共31页。第30页/共31页第三十一页,共31页。


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