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    【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流Emotion_Management_and_Understanding_Others_Emotion.精品文档.Emotional Intelligence Workshop (EIDC)Chapter 4 Emotion ManagementAgenda:情绪管理(Emotion Management )l 因果思维 (Consequential Thinking)l 了解情绪反应环 (Emotion Reaction Cycle )l 驾驭反应环选择点 (Choice Points) l 5 Steps of Emotion Managementl 5 “Right” of Emotion Managementl 15 Competencies of Emotion Managementl 10 Ways to Improve Your Emotional Intelligencel 10 Ways to help difficult people with their emotional intelligencel 10 Ways to make the world a more emotional intelligent place情绪管理过程: 认知情绪( Emotional Literacy) 识别习惯的情绪模式 (Emotional Patterns ) 因果思维 (Consequential Thinking) 了解情绪反应环 (Emotion Reaction Cycle ) 驾驭反应环选择点 (Choice Points) 1. 因果思维 (Consequential Thinking) 定义:指我们分析感受、感受想法,从而判断最佳选择的能力与习惯. 功能: 可以减少冲动,适当延长决策和反应时间 比较准确地分析、预测自我及他人的反应和动机 可以让我们检视和预测自己作出选择之后的结果,并分析其因果关系,有意识地作出行动 因果思维练习工具: 情绪代数学2. 情绪反应环 (Emotion Reaction Cycle )情绪的产生与反应是一个包含3个阶段的循环反应环:l 预备(Set-up)l 产生(Interpretation)l 升级(Escalation)每个阶段之间都有一个关键点: 起点(State) 引爆点(Trigger) 反应点(Reaction) 起点(State)每个阶段都会包含我们3个方面的内容:l 感觉(Feeling)l 想法(Thinking)l 行为(Acting)3. 驾驭反应环选择点 (Choice Points)我们可以通过有意识的在情绪反应环上添加3个选择点来实现情绪的管理:预备阶段(起点 引爆点) : 预防(Prevention)产生阶段(引爆点 反应点): 及早介入(Early Intervention) 升级阶段(反应点 起点): 阻止情绪升级(De-escalation)4. 5 Steps of Emotion ManagementStep 1: 深呼吸(Deep Breathe)Step 2: 暂时远离(Get out)Step 3: 做点有意思的事情(Do Something) Step 4: 成像(Imaging)Step 5: 回归(I am back)5. 5 “Right” of Emotion Managementl With the right person 正确的对象l To the right degree 恰当的程度l At the right time 恰当的时间l For the right purpose 正确的目的l In the right way 适当的方式6. 15 Competencies of Emotion ManagementCompetency 1 : Self-Regard What is it Self-Regard is the ability to indicate how good we feel about ourself and accept ourselfs warts.Transformational Benefits An expanding knowledge of identity that is richer,more flexible,more confident,and more secure. As we continue to build increasingly positive self-regard,we expand our capacity to enjoy our lives and be of service to others.Reel Performer <The Good Girl> Competency 2: Self-Awarence What is it Emotional Self-Awarence is the ability to understand what we are feeling and why,as well as to connect with our underlying beliefs,assumption,and values .It is key to our ability to communicate our feeling to others and stay aligned our true motivations.Transformational Benefits Develop strategies to eliminate or mitigate the emotions that are bring us down. Enable us to become happier and more expansive and increase our capacity to relate to others.Reel Performer <The Manchurian Candidate>Competency 3 : AssertivenessWhat is it Assertiveness is the ability to express feelings,beliefs,and thoughts and defend ones rights in a nondestructive manner.Transformational Benefits Exponentially increase our value,impact,and well-being. Make us empowered people who face that which needs to be addressed and who can be relied on for clarity and honesty.Reel Performer <Erin Brockovich>Competency 4: Independence What is it Independence is the ability to think for oneself and not be unduly influenced by the thoughts,desires,and emotions of others.Transformational Benefits Act according to your sense of ethics and values and resists the pressure to conform in an unhealthy way. A person stays true to his beliefs and intuition,when the tough situations arise,will have the gumption to face the challenges presented.Reel Performer <The Matrix> <Norma Rae>Competency 5: Self-ActualizationWhat is it Self-Actualization is the ability to strive to actualize ones potential capacity,abilities and talents.It requires the ability and drive to set and achieve goals,being involved in and feeling committed to various interests and pursuits.Self-actualization is a life-long effort leading to the enrichment of life.Transformational Benefits The potential as one grows Self-Actualization is unlimited.Welcome the surprises. We are much more comfortable,resilient,and fun to be with when we know we are on the right path.Reel Performer <Whale Rider>Competency 6: Empathy What is it Empathy is the ability to understand ,be aware of,be sensitive to,and vicariously experience the feelings,thoughts,and experiences of another.Transformational Benefits Get a more accurate read on what someone is seeking to tell us and help to develop a more effective response to others. Take personal responsibility for the effectiveness of communication.Reel Performer <Terms of Endearment>Competency 7: Social Responsibility What is it Social Responsibility is the ability to recognize and assume responsibility for the well-being of the larger group and for the other individuals who live and operate within it.Transformational Benefits The more responsibility we take,the safer we will feel,the more we can achieve,the better we can care for the fragile environment that supports us. Feel a greater sense of purpose,feel more valued and appreciated,feel less stress when we know we are not alone.Reel Performer <Remember the Titans>Competency 8: Interpersonal Relationships What is it Interpersonal Relationships is the ability to establish and maintain mutually satisfying relationships that are characterized by intimacy and by giving and receiving affection.Transformational Benefits Bring a host of benefits from stress reduction to increased productivity and creativity,as well as an expanded enjoyment of life. Notice more ease and success in achieving the goals that you desire.Reel Performer <Somethings Got to Give>Competency 9: Stress Tolerance What is it Stress Tolerance is the ability to choose courses of action for coping with stress,overcoming the specific problem at hand , control or influence the stressful situation.Transformational Benefits Improve ones ability to deal with stress and expands ones portfolio of stress management strategies . Build ones confidence,so does ones optimistic outlook regarding managing future stressful situations.Reel Performer <The Negotiator>Competency 10: Impulse Control What is it Impulse Control is the ability to resist or delay an impulse,drive,or temptation to act.It entails a capacity for accepting ones aggressive impulses,being composed,and controlling aggression,hostility,and irresponsible behavior.Transformational Benefits Increase productivity and improve self-regard. Improved results in the daily challenges of life appear.Reel Performer <To Kill a Mockingbird>Competency 11: Reality Testing What is it Reality testing is the ability to see things objectively,the way you are,rather than the way we wish or fear to be,to accurately size up the immediate situation.Transformational Benefits Avoid the unexpected loss,disapointment and bad luck that we can inadvertently cause for ourselves and others. Help us get on the same page with everyone who is involved and keep our efforts coordinated.Reel Performer <Matchstick Men>Competency 12: Flexibility What is it Flexibility is the ability to adjust ones feelings,thoughts,and behavior to changing situations and conditions .Transformational Benefits More freedom,less often needing to be right,life balance,lightened workload,less stress and defensiveness.Reel Performer <Lilies of the Field>Competency 13: Problem Solving What is it Problem Solving is the ability to identify and define problems as well as to generate and implement potentially effective solutions.Transformational Benefits Add to your value as a team player,make you more productive and effective regardless of the field in which you work. Make life flow smoothly and more enjoyably.Reel Performer <G.I. Jane>Competency 14: Optimism What is it Optimism is the ability to look at the brighter side of life and to maintain a positive attitude even in the face of adversity.Transformational Benefits A measure of hope in ones approach to life. Has an enormous influence on what our future reality will become.Reel Performer <The Wizard of Oz>Competency 15: Happiness What is it Happiness is the ability to feel satisfied with ones life,to enjoy oneself and others,and to have fun. Transformational Benefits Slow down and open to our inherent compassion,help us to connect being and doing. Experience valuable changes in phusical well-being,being more at ease and more cheerful.Reel Performer <Love,Actually>7. 10 Ways to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence Become more self-Aware Express your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs Discover your inner passions Know your strengths and weaknesses Start being more empathic Manage another persons emotions Be socially responsible Manage your own impulses Be more flexible Be happy8. 10 Ways to help difficult people with their emotional intelligence Take the indirect approach Having a talk Knowing whether youve been heard Gauging the intention to change Giving feedback Providing strategies Checking progress Exploring the effect of poor behavior Explaining in different ways Selling on benefits9. 10 Ways to make the world a more emotional intelligent place Caring for others Focusing on other people Working on yourself Helping your family Giving back to your community Improving your workplace Bring back civility Reducing hate Taking up a cause for your country Changing your worldChapter5 Understanding Others Emotion1.How to recognize others emotion?A. Verbal Language (Words) The clearest way to communicate. 5651 languages has found in the world. Structure, Consciousness Influence thinkingB. Voice and Tones Inflection(语音):What is important Volume(声量): Energetic involvement Pacing(语速):Rapport and connection. Word Choice(选字):Different meaning Silence(沉默):Allow room for your partnerC. Non-Verbal Language(Physiology) Eye Contact: The most obvious way you communicate. Facial expression Gestures Postures2.How to support others? Listen Empathy Clarify Empower3.How to listen? ( For Speaker) Do you know all these? What When Where How WhyHow to listen? (For Listener) Concentration Keep eye contact Response actively Respect others viewNot only understand yourself but also let others feel your understandingReferences 有感觉还是没感觉,美乔舒瓦·弗理德曼著吴岱妮 骆媚梅译,电子工业出版社(2008-07第4次印刷) 情商,克里斯汀·韦尔丁著尧俊芳译,天津教育出版社 (2009-03出版)


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