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    【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流清洁城市的路标评估指引系统研究.精品文档.Papers Delivered at International Conference on Cleaner ProductionBeijing, China - September 2001 - Paper 10 of 30 The Signpost to Cleaner Cities Research on application of cleaner production assessing indicator system in ChinaDeli, Xi ; Ruirui, LiDepartment of Environmental Science and EngineeringTsinghua University, Beijing, China (100084)Abstract: It has become an urgent task to assess the execution of cleaner production in a city and compare with the similar cities. This article provides an insight of procedure, data gathering methods and indicator computing methods of applying the established indicator system assessing the cleaner production, also provides some applying cases. Presently “The Cleaner Production Law” is being drafted in China, this foreshows the coming tide of implementing cleaner production all through the country. Local governments will play dominant roles in the tide, including planning the layout, making the local policies, laws and management methods, and providing the support of training, information, technology and financing. It has become an urgent task to assess the execution of cleaner production in a city and to do the interurban comparison. As mentioned in the foregoing articles1, after the frame of the indicator system assessing the cleaner production was introduced, we visited some cities, got some constructive advices from local authorities and officials, so we modified some details of previous scheme. This article will provide an insight of the applying procedure, data gathering methods and indicator computing methods of the established indicator system assessing the cleaner production, also provide some applying cases, in order to induce methodologically. The main bodies which carries out this assessment should be the cities themselves, the comparison between the cities should be completed by State Economic and Trade Commission of China or State Environmental Protection Administration of China, which leading the execution of cleaner production in the whole country, the comparison also can be consigned to special research institutions or consultative companies.ProcedureThis article is imitative of the procedure for assessing product life cycle stipulated in ISO14040, the procedure lengthways includes four steps. The first step is the analysis of the citys general situation, in order to determine the type and characteristics of the city, which is the basis of assessment and comparison. The second step is gathering relative data, especially the list of “three costs” (energy cost, material cost and water cost) and “two discharges” (waste discharge and pollutant discharge). The third step is calculation, the indicators of cost and discharge, and their annual variation rate are calculated. The final step is assessing the level and advance of the execution of cleaner production in the city, and making some comparison between cities on the basis of the data gained above. After each step, there should be a simple discussion about the results, for instance, the same data gathered from different sources should be discussed and checked when making the analysis of data lists.The analysis of the citys general situationThere are 667 cities in China by 1999. These cities can be classified into different groups according to different criteria. For example, according to the administration ranks, all the cities can be classified into cities directly under the Central Government, vice-provincial cities, district cities, county cities. According to the population, they can be classified into:Super city>2,000,000Outsize city 1,000,000 2,000,000Big city 500,000 1,000,000Medium city 200,000 500,000Small city<200,000According to geographic position, they can be classified into eastern cities, central cities and western cities. In addition, they also can be classified into littoral opening cities and special economic regions, or common cities and main cities. All the cities are different in industrial structures, economic development levels, material consumption and technological levels because of their difference in ranks, population, geographic position, history and other characteristics. Therefore, when assessing the execution of cleaner production and comparing between different cities, the comparability must be considered.The analysis of the lists of waste and dischargeIt is a heavy task to establish the lists of waste and discharge, especially the raw material statistics. According to the flow of material, category and weight of material should be considered first important. But according to the creation of fortune, the price of raw material and the total cost should be firstly considered. The categories of raw material are various, and different raw material has different price, and the price of raw material varies frequently. So it is much more difficult to investigate the material cost per GDP unit at the urban level than at the product or corporation level. For the cities with small area, the total freight amount can be calculated as the sum of raw material amount and product amount. Of course, besides the output products, some products are consumed locally, but this amount can not be deducted accurately.In addition, we think that the toxic and harmful raw material should be listed and controlled for its high environmental risk, though it takes a little proportion in the total raw material amount. Therefore, it is necessary to instruct the corporations which purchase or use the toxic and harmful material to declare to local environmental protection departments, which are responsible for gathering and verifying the source, usage and disposition of the raw toxic and harmful raw materiel, and publicizing these results periodically. This task is being put into effect. We suggest, as the first step, the experience of U.S.A. be made as a reference, such as 17 kinds of toxic material listed in the 30/50 programs, it includes: benzene, cadmium and its compounds, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, chromium and its compounds, cyanogen and its compounds, plumbum and its compounds, hydrargyrum and its compounds, dichloromethane, methyl ethyl ketone, methyl isobutyl ketone, nickel and its compounds, tetrachloroethylene, toluene, 1,1,1trichloroethane, trichloroethylene, xylene and all its isomers.We had imagined that most data could be gathered from the assessed cities. But actually this is unpractical. First, it will take a lot of money and time, especially when large amount of cities will be assessed. Second, the reliable and accurate data will be difficult to get for the extraneous experts. Therefore, we think that the relative statistical annals should be utilized as possible as we can, since the authority and comparability of the statistical annals is much more reliable than personal collection. It was found that most data could be looked up in “Urban Statistical Yearbook of China”2 and “Environmental Yearbook of China”3, other wanting data could be gathered from other sources.The data that can be found in “Urban Statistical Yearbook of China” include:Rank of the city, population, area, GDP, total industrial output value, industrial structure, all-year water supply, industrial discharged water, all-year electrical consumption, SO2 emission per square kilometer, total freight amount, familial gas consumption, familial liquefied petroleum gas consumption, etc.The data that can be found in “Environmental Yearbook of China” include:Fuel coal consumption and raw material coal consumption, fuel oil consumption, industrial boiler amount, industrial furnace amount, the total emission of industrial waste gas (including emission of fuel burning waste gas and emission of industrial production waste gas), industrial SO2 emission (including SO2 emission during fuel burning and SO2 emission during industrial production), industrial soot discharge and industrial soot removal, industrial dust discharge and industrial dust removal, total industrial water consumption (including fresh water consumption and recycled water consumption), total industrial waste water discharge, the treated industrial waste water amount, pollutants discharged from industrial waste water (including mercury, cadmium, chromium, lead, arsenic, volatile phenol, cyanide, COD, petroleum, SS, sulfide, etc.), industrial solid waste produced amount (including dangerous solid waste), industrial solid waste integrated utilized amount (including dangerous solid waste), industrial solid waste stored amount, industrial solid waste disposed amount (including dangerous solid waste), industrial solid waste discharged amount (including dangerous solid waste), annual investment of pollution treatment project, etc.In the lists of waste and discharge, the wanting datum is integrated energy consumption, this have to be gained from local organs, this can also be calculated and checked using electrical consumption, fuel coal consumption, fuel oil consumption, industrial boiler amount and industrial furnace amount.The investment and benefit list of cleaner production includes: input project, capital, output.The activity and result list of cleaner production includes: the amount of relative meetings, the amount of propagandistic activities, the amount of cleaner production projects, the person-time amount of cleaner production training, the amount of paradigmatic cleaner production industries and corporations, the amount of products which own the environmental marks, the amount of checked cleaner production, the amount of corporations which passed ISO14000, the amount of cleaner production publications, etc.The data gathered from Taiyuan and Jinan are illustrated in Table 1.Table 1 The Data Gathered from Taiyuan and JinanTaiyuan JinanType Capital of Shanxi ProvinceDistrait cityCentral cityOutsize city Capital of Shandong ProvinceVice-provincial cityEastern cityOutsize cityPopulation(10,000 person) 179.46 173.35Urban area (km2) 1460 2119GDP (10,000 RMB)1999: 2638597 1998: 2583831 1999: 61463261998: 5436468Total freight amount (10,000 ton)9793 9689All-year water supply (10,000 ton)27355 30186All-year electrical consumption (10,000 kWh)809279 576226SO2 emission per km2  144.531.0Fuel coal consumption (10,000 ton) 964 422 Raw material coal Consumption (10,000 ton)1571 311Fuel oil consumption (10,000 ton)6 12Industrial boiler amount 733 566Industrial furnace amount 882 618Industrial waste gas discharge amount (100,000,000m3)1376 976Industrial SO2 discharge Amount (ton) 229653 89342Industrial soot dischargeAmount (ton)105789 40373Industrial dust dischargeAmount (ton)60840 63581Industrial water consumption(10,000 ton)213293 158838Fresh water consumption(10,000 ton)15391 11370Recycled water consumption(10,000 ton)197902 147469Industrial waste water discharge amount (10,000 ton)9204 7687Treated industrial waste water amount (10,000 ton)22595 30060Pollutants discharged from industrial waste water (ton)mercury 0.085 cadmium 0.405 chromium 2.095 0.269lead 5.579 0.028arsenic 1.485 0.263volatile phenol 45.315 7.240cyanide 14.711 6.386COD 32330.879 21701.549petroleum 389.578 180.935SS 14703.936 8107.210sulfide 50.648 32.520industrial solid wasteproduced amount (10,000 ton) 980.36 416.34(thereinto dangerous solid waste) 12.62 6.36integrated utilized amount (10,000 ton) 364.09 313.59(thereinto dangerous solid waste) 9.77 4.22stored amount (10,000 ton)115.0649.13(thereinto dangerous solid waste) 1.51 1.94discharged amount (10,000 ton) 44.53 0.51The analysis of assessing indicators  This is the third step, in this step some other assessing indicators such as indicators of discharged waste per 10,000 RMB yuan, annual variation rate will be calculated. The results are illustrated in Table 2. Table 2 Cleaner Production Assessing IndicatorsTaiyuan JinanIntegrated energy consumption (coal ton/10,000 yuan)6.99 Material consumption (ton/10,000 yuan)37.11 15.76Water consumption (ton/10,000 yuan)103.649.11Waste gas emission (10,000m3/10,000yuan)5.211.59SO2 emission (kg/10,000 yuan)87.0014.53Soot emission (kg/10,000 yuan)40.096.57Dust emission (kg/10,000 yuan)23.0610.34Waste water discharge (ton/10,000 yuan)34.2012.50Mercury (g/10,000 yuan)0.032cadmium (g/10,000 yuan)0.153chromium (g/10,000 yuan)0.7940.044lead (g/10,000 yuan)2.110.0046arsenic (g/10,000 yuan)0.5630.043volatile phenol (g/10,000 yuan)17.170.118cyanide (g/10,000 yuan)5.581.04COD (kg/10,000 yuan)12.253.53Petroleum (g/10,000 yuan)147.629.44SS (g/10,000 yuan)5.571.32Sulfide (g/10,000 yuan)19.205.29Produced Solid waste (ton/10,000 yuan)3.720.677Thereinto dangerous waste (ton/10,000 yuan)0.0480.0103Discharged solid waste (ton/10,000 yuan)0.1690.000830The analysis of urban assessment and interurban comparisonAs the indicators mentioned above, we can get some information about material flow in the two cities, and get to know their advantages and disadvantages. If the indicators of several years were calculated, we would have demonstrated the annual variation trends. If compared with the average level of the whole country, the rank of the cities would have been determined. According to different indicators, we can do some interurban comparison. On the basis of the indicators gained from Taiyuan and Jinan, the two cities are similar in population, area, industrial structure, total freight amount etc., but they are quite different in GDP and indicators of waste and discharge per GDP, this indicates that there are much difference between central cities and eastern cities. The indicators calculated above is not complete, the data about toxic and harmful raw material and the investment benefit of cleaner production are absent. Here we can not give a complete case and result for the limit to length and space.Recently, there are two trends in establishing the indicator system. One is to establish a bulky system including various indicators, such as the system established by Niu Wenyuan4, which is composed of 5 systems, 16 models, 48 indicator groups and 208 items. The other trend is to minimize the system scale, using the indicators as few as possible to express the coral idea, for instance, the system put forward by World Bank in 19955, evaluates a countys sustainability considering the actual savings rate after the exhaustion of natural resources and the damage of environmental pollution. This shows, whether the assessment can be implemented scientifically is determined not by


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