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    Check out 8B Unit1 1.To assess students progress in using the present perfect tense.2.To check Students understanding of the contexts for using the present perfect tense versus the simple past tense.3. To assess recognition of some opposite adjectives.4. Useful expressionsIts next to the clock tower, isnt it?Now, let me show you how to get to the railway station. Learning aims Have a talk with the students by using the present tense.Say the past participles of the following verbs.原形原形过去分词过去分词原形原形过去分词过去分词finishseewatchgivetravelwriterepairmake livehearownbecomefinishedwatchedtravelledrepairedlivedownedseengivenwrittenmadeheardbecomeRead the conversation on Page 23.Complete it with the correct forms of the verbs.Where is the railway station? Tourist: Excuse me, I _ (lose) my map. I want to go to the railway station, but I cant find it. Its next to the clock tower, isnt it?Millie: The railway station _ (be) there years ago, but Im afraid its not there any more. Tourist: Oh, really? I _ (not visit) Sunshine Town for a very long time. Things _ (change) a lot over the years.Millie: Youre quite right. Things have changed a lot. _ you _ (see) our new park?Tourist: Yes, I_ just_ (see) it. The park s so big and beautiful.Millie: Yes, it is. It _ (become) a new tourist attraction in Sunshine Town. Now, let me show you how to get to the railway stationTourist: Excuse me, I _ (lose) my map. I want to go to the railway station, but I cant find it. Its next to the clock tower, isnt it?Millie: The railway station _ (be) there years ago, but Im afraid its not there any more. Tourist: Oh, really? I _ (not visit) Sunshine Town for a very long time. Things _ (change) a lot over the years.have lostwashavent visitedhave changed Millie: Youre quite right. Things have changed a lot. _ you _ (see) our new park?Tourist: Yes, I_ just_ (see) it. The park s so big and beautiful.Millie: Yes, it is. It _ (become) a new tourist attraction in Sunshine Town. Now, let me show you how to get to the railway stationHave seenhaveseenhas becomeAsk and answer the questions: 1. Where is the railway station in the past?2. How is the new park?3. Does Millie show the tourist the way to the railway station? Act the dialogue out Excuse me, Where is the railway station?Complete the following dialogue A: Excuse me, could you _(tell) me the way to the post office? I _ (lose) the way. I want _(post) the letter. The post office _(be)here in the past. But now Im afraid it _ (move).B: Yes, go down this street, then_ (turn) left at the first crossing. At the end of the road you _(find) it.A: How far is it from here?B: Its about twenty minutes _ ( walk).A: Can I take a bus?B: Yes.A: Thank you. Things _ (change) a lot in this city. I _ (be) here twice. People here are very friendly.B: Not at all.Complete the following dialogue A: Excuse me, could you _(tell) me the way to the post office? I _ (lose) the way. I want _(post) the letter. The post office _(be)here in the past. But now Im afraid it _ (move).B: Yes, go down this street, then_ (turn) left at the first crossing. At the end of the road you _(find) it.tellhave lostto postwashas movedturnwill findA: How far is it from here?B: Its about twenty minutes _ ( walk).A: Can I take a bus?B: Yes.A: Thank you. Things _ (change) a lot in this city. I _ (be) here twice. People here are very friendly.B: Not at all.walkhave changedhave been现在完成时的构成和用法:现在完成时的构成和用法: 助动词助动词 have / has + 动词的过去分词动词的过去分词 ( Past Participle ) 指的是动作发生在过去某一时刻并已结束,但该指的是动作发生在过去某一时刻并已结束,但该动作对现在产生了影响,与现在情况具有因果关系。动作对现在产生了影响,与现在情况具有因果关系。指的是动作开始于过去某一时刻,一直延续到现指的是动作开始于过去某一时刻,一直延续到现在,或可能还要继续下去。在,或可能还要继续下去。 一般过去时的用法:一般过去时的用法: 表示过去某个时间发生的事、表示过去某个时间发生的事、存在的状态或经常发生的动作。说话的侧重点只存在的状态或经常发生的动作。说话的侧重点只在于陈述一件过去的事情,不强调对在于陈述一件过去的事情,不强调对 现在现在 产生产生的影响。的影响。Each group should finish your task in 2 or 3 minutes. 1.过去曾经做过某事过去曾经做过某事2.不同的时代不同的时代3.历史课题历史课题4.事实上事实上5.结婚结婚1.水污染水污染2.下中国象棋下中国象棋3.在某种程度上在某种程度上4.感到寂寞感到寂寞5.时常时常1.搬到(出)某地搬到(出)某地2.变化很大变化很大3.在过去在过去4.变成变成5.市场小摊市场小摊1.新鲜空气新鲜空气 2.独立地独立地3.带来好处带来好处4.投入使用投入使用5.不再不再Put them into English.1.过去曾经做过某事过去曾经做过某事2.不同的时代不同的时代3.历史课题历史课题4.事实上事实上5.结婚结婚used to do sthat different timeshistory projectin factget marriedGroup 1:1.水污染水污染2.下中国象棋下中国象棋3.在某种程度上在某种程度上4.感到寂寞感到寂寞5.时常时常Group 2:water pollutionplay Chinese chessin some waysfeel lonelyfrom time to timeGroup 3:1.搬到(出)某地搬到(出)某地2.变化很大变化很大3.在过去在过去4.变成变成5.市场小摊市场小摊move to (out of ) sp.change a lotin the pastturn intomarket stallGroup 4:1.新鲜空气新鲜空气2.独立地独立地3.带来好处带来好处4.投入使用投入使用5.不再不再fresh airon ones ownbring advantagesbe in use / service no more / longer ; not any more /longerTry to finish the sentences with the right forms of the phrases you have just met.1.My father _ be a history teacher .2.The plane always makes a big noise when it _.3. _ you _ your parents yet? Yes .I received it yesterday .4. My parents _ 17 years ago .5. We must finish our homework _.6. The old feel lonely _ because its difficult to see their good friends .used totakes offHaveheard fromgot marriedon our ownfrom time to timeFinish off the crossword puzzle. 1 the opposite of easy2 take something to a place and leave it there3 having good luck4 something useless and is thrown away5 think of someone or something a lotdifficultdumpluckywastemiss6 feeling sad because you are alone 7 the time now8 the opposite of impossible9 the opposite of pleasantlonelypresentpossibleunpleasant根据英文解释在空白处填上一个恰当的词。根据英文解释在空白处填上一个恰当的词。 1. I lived with my parents until 1995 when I got _ (having a husband or wife).2. Lily thinks that its _(not very bad) to be a dentist in the future.3. Did you feel _(unhappy because you are alone) when you are in America last summer?4. He is a _(not honest) boy. He often tells lies.marriedgoodlonelydishonest5. This plane is _(not same) from that one. Its much bigger.6. I wont take this coat because its too _(not cheap).7. Nothing is _(not possible) if you put your heart into it.8. Its _(not polite) to disturb others.differentexpensive/ dearimpossibleimpolite1. Review the whole unit. 2. Act out the conversation on Page 23.3. Finish the exercises in your workbook. HomeworkThank you for listening. Bye!


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