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    义务教育教科书英语(广州版)义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 六年级上册六年级上册Module Module 6 6 Festival Festivals s制作:制作:天河区天府路小学天河区天府路小学 杨洁音杨洁音审校:审校:番禺区番禺区傍西小学傍西小学 陈小燕陈小燕Period 3教学内容和目标教学内容和目标 内容:内容: P71 世界上奇怪的节日拓展材料世界上奇怪的节日拓展材料 目标:目标: 了解更多有趣奇怪的节日了解更多有趣奇怪的节日 发挥想象,发明一个自己的节日发挥想象,发明一个自己的节日 Lets watch. What festivals can you see in the video? Lets talk. When is the New Year?Its on January 1st.What do we usually do on January 1st?We usually have a hoiliday on that day.What about people in other countries?What do they do on January 1st? Lets talk. Read and Answer.January 1st is an exciting day for people all over the world. But not all conutries welcome the new year in the same way. The Japanese New Years Day is a time for peace and rest. On this day people eat rice cakes. Families give money to children for peace and happiness. New Years Day is great for children in the Philippines. People say if children jump about on that day, they will grow taller in the coming year. Children will make a lot of noise with coins. They think this will bring them health and wealth. Germans hold huge parties. They use special water to tell the future. If they see a heart in the water, then a wedding will soon happen. A ship means a travel and a pig means food. German also leave different foods on the table to make sure they have enough to eat in the year ahead. 1. What do Japanese eat on New Years Day?2. Why do children in the Philippines jump on New Years Day?3. What can the noise with coins bring to people?4. What does a ship mean for Germans?5. Why do Germans leave some food on the table? Read and AnswerRead, underline and answer the questions:1. What do Japanese eat on New Years Day?Japanese eat rice cakes on New Years Day. Read and Answer Read and Answer2. Why do children in the Philippines jump on New Years Day?People say if childen jump about on that day, they will grow taller in the coming year. Read and Answer3. What can the noise with coins bring to people?They think the noise with coins will bring them health and wealth.4. What does a ship mean for Germans? Read and AnswerA ship means a travel for Germans.5. Why do Germans leave some food on the table? Read and AnswerGermans leave some food on the table to make sure they have enough to eat in the year ahead. Lets know more. Lets guess.What festival is this?Tomato FestivalWhen?What?Where? BrainstormWhat do you want to know about Tomato Festival?.?Spain is famous for the tomato festival.It happens in a small town on the last Wednesday of August every year. Lets read. During the festival,there are all kinds of activities, but the most exciting part is the tomato fight. Everyone throws tomatoes in the fight. Before the tomato fight, there are parades (游行游行),musical bands and street parties. Lets read On the day of the fight, thousands of people come to the town square together. Then large trucks (卡车卡车) full of tomatoes get to the town. Lets read. From the back of the large trucks, a great town band start to throw tomatoes at others. Then the crowds fight back, throwing the tomatoes at anything and anyone. Lets read. Soon the streets are in the sea of red tomato juice. You must squash(压烂压烂) the tomato before throwing it and you can throw nothing but tomatoes. Sounds like fun! Lets read. Lets sum-up.Name: Tomato FestivalPlace:SpainDate: on the last Wednesday of August every yearActivities: Before the festival: parades (游行游行),musical bands and street partiesDuring the festival:People have a tomato fight.Name: UFO Festival (USA)Date: Every year on July 4,Clothes: dress as an alienActivity: People dress as an alien and have a carnival. Lets know more. Lets know more.Name: Monkey Buffet(自助餐)(自助餐) FestivalPlace: ThailandDate: The last Sunday of NovemberFood: vegetables,fruits,candy,drinks.Activity: Monkeys are invited to eat from the buffet tables.FestivalName:_ Date:_Activities Before the festival: _During the festival: _Food:_ Clothes:_ Step1:Choose a festival name and its date.Step2: Decide what to do and what to eat at the festival. Make a poster in groups.Invent your own festival Homework.Make a poster about your festival.


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