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    TOEFL托福阅读长难句为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,小编给大家整理托福阅读长难句,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读长难句1今天我们来看这样一个句子:The Independent Television Commission, regulator of television advertising in the United Kingdom, has criticized advertisers for misleadingness creating a wrong impression either intentionally orunintentionallyin an effort to control advertisers use of techniques that make it difficult for children to judge the true size, action, performance, or construction of a toy. (TPO14, 52)我是分界线,大家先测试一遍速读是否理解The Independent Television Commission, (regulator of television advertising in the United Kingdom), has criticized advertisers for misleadingness (creating a wrong impression either intentionally or unintentionally)(in an effort)(to control advertisers use of techniques)(that make it difficult for children to judge the true size, action, performance, or construction of a toy.)托福阅读长难句100句分析:修饰一:(regulator of television advertising in the United Kingdom) ,同位语中文:英国电视广告的管理者修饰二:(creating a wrong impression either intentionally or unintentionally),破折号和非谓语动词中文:他们有意或无意营造了一个错误的印象修饰三:(in an effort) ,介词短语中文:努力修饰四:(to control advertisers use oftechniques),非谓语动词中文:控制广告商对技术的使用修饰五:(that make it difficult forchildren to judge the true size, action, performance, or construction of a toy.) ,从句,修饰techniques中文:这些技术使孩子很难去判断玩具的真实大小、动作、性能以及构造托福阅读长难句100句参考翻译:英国电视广告的管理者即独立电视委员会批评广告商的“误导”(他们有意或无意营造了一个错误的印象),他们努力控制广告商对技术的使用,这些技术使孩子很难去判断玩具的真实大小、动作、性能以及构造。这个句子的主要修饰成分就是从句、非谓语动词、同位语、介词短语,大家务必想清楚,每一个修饰成分修饰的是什么,才能看清楚这个句子的结构。托福阅读长难句2今天我们来看这样一个句子:In a countercurrent exchange system, the blood vessels carrying cooled blood from the flippers run close enough to the blood vessels carrying warm blood from the body to pick up some heat from the warmer blood vessels; thus, the heat is transferred from the outgoing to the ingoing vessels before it reaches the flipper itself. (TPO15, 55)我是分界线,大家先测试一遍速读是否理解(In a countercurrent exchange system), the blood vessels (carrying cooled blood from the flippers) run close enough to the blood vessels (carrying warm blood from the body) (to pick up some heat from the warmer blood vessels); thus, the heat is transferred (from the outgoing to the ingoing vessels) (before it reaches the flipper itself). (TPO15, 55)托福阅读长难句100句分析:修饰一:(In a countercurrent exchange system),介词短语中文:在逆流交换系统中修饰二:(carrying cooled blood from the flippers),非谓语动词,修饰the blood vessels中文:携带来自鳍部的冷血修饰三:(carrying warm blood from the body) ,非谓语动词,修饰the blood vessels中文:携带来自身体的温血修饰四:(to pick up some heat from the warmer blood vessels) ,非谓语动词中文:以便从带有温血的血管中获取热量修饰五:(from the outgoing to the ingoing vessels) ,介词短语中文:由流出的血管到流进的血管修饰六:(before it reaches the flipper itself),从句中文:在到达鳍部前托福阅读长难句100句参考翻译:在逆流交换系统中,携带来自鳍部的冷血的血管非常接近携带来自身体的温血的血管以便从带有温血的血管中获取热量;因此,在到达鳍部前,热量通过由流出的血管到流进的血管完成了热量转移。这个句子的主要修饰成分就是从句、非谓语动词、介词短语,大家务必想清楚,每一个修饰成分修饰的是什么,才能看清楚这个句子的结构。托福阅读长难句3今天我们来看这样一个句子:In the multiplicity of small-scale local egalitarian or quasi-egalitarian organizations for fellowship, worship, and production that flourished in this laissez-faire environment, individuals could interact with one another within acommunity of harmony and ideological equality, following their own popularly elected leaders and governing themselves by shared consensus while minimizing distinctions of wealth and power. (TPO16, 54)multiplicity /?m?lt? pl?s?t?/ n. 多,多样性egalitarian /? g?l? t?r?n/ adj. 平等主义的fellowship n. 友谊,交情;团体,协会;会员资格quasi / kwesai/ adj. 准.,半.laissez-faire /?lese?f e?/ adj. 放任自由的ideological /?a?d? l?d?k?l/ adj. 意识的consensus /k?n sens?s/ n. 意见一致我是分界线,大家先一遍速读看是否理解(In the multiplicity of small-scale local egalitarian or quasi-egalitarian organizations)(for fellowship, worship, and production) (that flourished in this laissez-faire environment), individuals could interact with one another (within a community of harmony and ideological equality), (following their own popularly elected leaders)and (governing themselves by shared consensus) (while minimizing distinctions of wealth andpower.)(TPO16, 54)托福阅读长难句100句分析:这个句子的主干是:individuals could interact with one another修饰一:(In the multiplicity of small-scale local egalitarian or quasi-egalitarian organizations) ,介词短语,中文:在小规模的当地的平等或半平等的组织的多样性中修饰二:(for fellowship, worship, and production) ,介词短语,修饰organizations中文:目的是关于协会、崇拜和生产修饰三:(that flourished in this laissez-faire environment) ,从句,修饰organizations中文:这些组织在这种放任自由的环境中繁荣发展修饰四:(within a community of harmony and ideological equality) ,介词短语中文:在一个和谐以及意识平等的社区中修饰五:(following their own popularly elected leaders),非谓语动词中文:追随他们自己选出的领导修饰六:(governing themselves by shared consensus) ,非谓语动词中文:通过共识而实现自我管理修饰七:(while minimizing distinctions of wealth and power.) ,非谓语动词中文:在最小化财富和权利差异的同时托福阅读长难句100句参考翻译:当地有很多有关协会、崇拜和生产的小规模平等或半平等的组织(这些组织在这种放任自由的环境中繁荣发展),在这些组织的多样性中,大家能在一个和谐以及意识平等的社区中互相交流,追随他们自己选出的领导,并且在最小化财富和权利差异的同时,通过共识而实现自我管理。这个句子的主要修饰成分就是从句、非谓语动词、介词短语,大家务必想清楚,每一个修饰成分修饰的是什么,才能看清楚这个句子的结构。托福阅读长难句4The possibility that mass extinctions may recur periodically has given rise to such hypotheses as that of a companion star with a long-period orbit deflecting other bodies from their normal orbits, making some of them fall to Earth asmeteors and causing widespread devastation upon impact. (TPO15, 46)recur /r? k?/ v. 再发生,复发periodically adv.定期地,周期性发生地hypothesis /ha? p?s?s/ n. 假说,假设deflect /d? fl?kt/ v. (使某物)运动转向;使某人改变原来的计划meteor / mi?t?/ n. 流星devastation /?dev? ste?n/ n. 毁坏,荒废impact /?m p?kt/ n. 撞击,冲击;影响such sth as/that.:(像後面提及的)那样的, 这样的我是分界线,大家先测试一遍速读是否理解The possibility (that mass extinctions may recur periodically) has given rise to such hypotheses as that (of a companion star)(with a long-period orbit) (deflecting other bodies from their normal orbits), (making some of them fall to Earth as meteors) and (causing widespread devastation upon impact). (TPO15, 46)托福阅读长难句100句分析:这个句子的主干很简单:The possibility has given rise to such hypotheses注意这里的such sth as/that.:(像後面提及的)那样的, 这样的例如:Such a disaster as her car being stolen had never happened before.Such poets as Keats and Shelley wrote Romantic poetry.修饰一:(that mass extinctions may recur periodically),从句,解释possibility中文:大量物种灭绝可能会周期性发生修饰二:(of a companion star) ,介词短语中文:一颗伴星修饰三:(with a long-period orbit) ,介词短语中文:有长周期轨道修饰四:(deflecting other bodies from their normal orbits),非谓语动词中文:使其它天体偏离正常轨道修饰五:(making some of them fall to Earthas meteors),非谓语动词中文:使一些天体作为流星落入地球修饰六:(causing widespread devastationupon impact),非谓语动词中文:在撞击时造成大范围破坏托福阅读长难句100句参考翻译:大量物种灭绝可能会周期性发生的可能性引起了像这样一个假说:一颗有长周期的伴星使其它天体偏离正常轨道,使一些天体作为流星落入地球,并在撞击时造成大范围破坏。这个句子的主要修饰成分就是从句、非谓语动词、介词短语,大家务必想清楚,每一个修饰成分修饰的是什么,才能看清楚这个句子的结构。托福阅读长难句5With climax, biome, superorganism, and various other technical terms for the association of animals and plants at a given locality being criticized, the term ecosystem was more and more widely adopted for the whole system of associated organisms together with the physical factors of their environment.(TPO19, 46)technical adj. 使用术语的, 专业的term n. 术语我是分界线,大家先一遍速读看是否理解(With climax, biome, superorganism, and various other technical terms) (for the association of animals and plants) (at a given locality) (being criticized), the term ecosystem was more and more widely adopted (for the whole system)(of associated organisms) (together with the physical factors of their environment.)(TPO19, 46)托福阅读长难句100句分析:这个句子的主干就是:the term ecosystem was more and more widely adopted修饰一:(With climax, biome, superorganism, and various other technical terms) ,介词短语中文:随着“顶峰”、“生物群系”、“超级有机体”修饰二:(for the association of animals and plants),介词短语中文:关于动植物联系修饰三:(at a given locality) ,介词短语中文:在一个给定的地点修饰四:(being criticized) ,非谓语动词中文:被批评如何同时准备TOEFL和GRE还互不耽误 如何同时准备TOEFL和GRE还互不耽误?“一心两用”是个技术活今天小编给大家带来了 第 11 页 共 11 页


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