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    宜宾高二英语作文宜宾高二英语作文 美婷1873由 分享 时间:2021-05-04 16:58:06 高中英语作文是大家比较头疼的,写英语作文时大家可以事先背一些模板,那么我们大家来写一下作文吧!下面小编给大家分享宜宾高二英语作文的内容,希望能够帮助大家,欢迎阅读!宜宾高二英语作文1In China, the number of college students increases every year, as more and more students get the college education, college students are under great pressure. We hear from the news that a lot of students cant find jobs after graduation, then the next year, the other students gets graduating, the two years students compete for the jobs! I just cant imagine such situation. The pressure from college students is getting greater, they should relieve it now and then, because too much pressure will bring bad effect, some may distort their minds, once their emotion cant relieve in time, some tragical things may happen.It is said that some students suicide themselves because they have much pressure. Everybody will have pressure, but we must know that pressure brings motivation, at the same time, it also brings burden, we have to balance it. When we deal with it well, we can live a better life.宜宾高二英语作文2With the development of technology, people can do some operations to make their faces look prefect, even to look much younger than their real ages. When we see the commercial ads, we can find the stars look gorgeous, we are so envy about their young faces. But to me, I think the secret of keeping young is not by surgery operation, but to keep a healthy lifestyle. Today, young people are living an unhealthy life, they like to stay up and wake up at the noon. Young people form the habit of taking activity at night while sleeping in the day.How terrible it is, they are damaging their bodies, their bodies will get older than the normal speed. If people sleep early and wake up in the morning, do some exercises and keep the balance diet, they will look young. So dont expect the surgery to help look young, it is harmful, only the healthy lifestyle does.宜宾高二英语作文3It seems like a silly question, anyone in sane would give a hand to the elderly who fell. But in China, this question is becoming tricky. Many news report that there are some old people not just fell, they do it on purpose. Usually, they walk on a crowdy street, and pretend to faint or just lay down on the ground, intend to accuse the one who comes to help as a perpetrator and blackmail him/her for the treatment fee. Many people have fell for that and had to pay as there is no witness to prove their innocence. 、As for these negative news, people is afraid to help those old people in need, that makes some of them who are in real trouble could not get help in time. I once asked one of my friends: “Why the old people turn bad? If you see one in the street, would you help?” He said: “It is not the old people turn bad, it is the bad people turn old. I will video him/her to make a statement first, then decide if I would help.”宜宾高二英语作文4As the economic level keeps increasing, many people would like to travel abroad. But there is a survey shows that China is one of the five worst tourist nations which include India, France, Russia and England. It didnt surprise me because there is always news about how Chinese tourists impressed the local people by their bad behavior. They were known as talking loud in the public, being unfriendly to the environment, tipping stingily, and the worst, marking on the historical sites.Every time I heard about these thing I felt so sorry for my country. China is meant to be a country with an ancient civilization and courtesy people. We are nice to foreigners here and being a good host. I hope every tourist who goes abroad should understand that he/she is on behalf of our country. We have the responsibility to defend the dignity of our country. We should show the world the best of China.宜宾高二英语作文5Today, with the development of high-technology, we can get access to all kinds of high-tech products, such as computer, digital cameras and so on. These products make our life more convenient, we can keep in touch with family and friends any time any where. Our life has been changed by the high-tech, we live in a fast-pace world. Cell phone influences our life deeply, everyone owns it. While cell phone brings many dangers. First, cell hone contains radiation which hurts peoples body.Today, more and more people die of cancer, the main reason is that the high-tech products radiate their bodies, in the long run, the bodies get sick. Cell phone is one of such products, it hurts our bodies as long we use it. Second, cell phone distracts our attention about discovering the beauty of life. People pay their attention on cell phone, they count on it by reading news and making friends, being less going out. We should use cell phone properly.宜宾高二英语作文相关文章: 高二英语作文范文5篇 高二英语作文范文100词 高二寒假生活英语作文 高二学生英语满分作文5篇 英语作文高二开学优秀范文 英语作文高二期末考试 高二英语作文题经典优秀范文 英语作文高二暑假范文大全 高二期未考试英语作文 英语作文高二期末第 6 页 共 6 页


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