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    最新Lesson 82 教学设计方案-教学设计方案.doc

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    最新Lesson 82 教学设计方案-教学设计方案.doc

    最新Lesson 82 教学设计方案|教学设计方案Lesson 82 教学设计方案Teaching Aims1. Study this lesson and know the way how learn foreign languages Karl Marx.2. The students are trained to improve their reading ability and comprehension.Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Pre-reading activityLet the students talk about the picture and say something about Karl Marx.Step 2 Fast reading1. Ask the students, to read the text quickly and do some True or False questions according to the text:(1) Karl Marx was horn in Belgium. (F)(2) He was forced to leave his homeland when he was young. (T)(3) Marx made such rapid progress in English that Engels telephoned him and praised him for it. (F)(4) Marx was good at learning foreign languages. (T)(5) In one of his books, Marx gave some advice on how to learn English. (F)Step 3 Intensive reading1. Listen to the tape.2. Answer the questions in Workbook Lesson 82, Part 1.Step 4 Deal with some difficult sentences1. He made such rapid progress that before long he began to write articles it English for an American newspaper.2. However, he went on to explain that he was not sure about two things the grammar and some of the idioms.3. In the 1870s, when Marx wag already in his fifties, he found it important to study the situation in Russia, so he began to learn Russian.4. When they use the foreign languages, they should try to forget all about their own.Step 5 PractiseRead the text and choose the best answer to each question.1. Marx was forced to leave Germany _.A. when he was in his fiftiesB. when he was youngC. in the year 1849D. because he made London the base for his revolutionary work.2. When Mars. came to England, he _.A. knew little EnglishB. knew some EnglishC. didn"t know any English, but he knew FrenchD. knew English quite well3. Engels wrote to Marx and praised him for his good English after he _.A. read Marxs letters to himB. received Marxs letters to himC. read Marxs articles in an American newspaperD. read the great works The Civil War in France4. Choose the right order of the following events.a. Marx received his doctor s degree.b. He and his wife had to move from one country to anotherc. He went to high school.d. He began writing articles for a newspaper.e. He mole The Civil War in France.f. He learned Russian by himself.A. a, c, b, d, e, f B. (;, a, d, b, e, fC. c, a, b, d, f, e 1). b, a, c, d., e, f5. The last paragraph of the passage mainly tells us _.A. that London was Marx s revolutionary baseB. how Marx began hi& revolutionary work when he was youngC. why Marx began to work hard at foreign languageD. why Marx lived an unsettled life in his early life6. Which of the following best shows us that Marx was able to use English freely?A. He once worked and lived in London for a long time.B. He wrote The Civil War in France in English.C. He had been able to write to Engels in English.D. He had written articles in English for an American newspaper.7. If we want to use a foreign language freely, we must _ .A. learn by heart as many new words as we canB. first make it clear how to use the grammar and idiomsC. always translate it into our native language firstD. try to forget our native language while we are using itBBCBDBDStep 6Deal with the language points.Step 7 WorkbookFinish the exercises in Workbook Lesson 82, Parts 2, 3.Step 8 Homework1.Retell the text with your own words.2.Preparation the Lesson 83. 12下一页 第 4 页 共 4 页


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