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    中考英语真题练习含答案解析1. If you wish , you _ come in and have a cup of coffee.A. mayB. must C. would D. should答案:A2. Could you please tell me you will go to HongKong on business? Sure. I prefer to take a plane.A. whether B. why C. when D. how 答案:D3. Can you tell me _? Sure. He lives on Center Street.A. where does he live B. where he lives C. why he lives there D. what does he do答案:B4. He has _ arms now and is able to pick the table up with one hand. A. weakestB. weakerC. strongestD. stronger答案:D5. The bank is _ the bookstore and the post office.A.at the front of B.among C.between答案:C6. Listen up, everybody! Show me your licence. Dont ask . Just do it!A. whatB.whenC.howD.why答案:D7.The school network will be shut down for safety reasons.That doesn't me at all.I'm not a net-worm, anyway.A.satisfyB.surpriseC.worryD.include答案:C8. -Tomorrow Im going on holiday.- ! But Ill be busy.A. Thank you B. Lucky you C. After you D. Mind you答案:B9. Guan Dong saved an old lady out of the Yangtze River. great courage he showed!A. What aB. WhatC. How a D. How 答案:B10. A terrible earthquake happened in Nepal _ April 5th, 0 A. on B. inC. atD. from答案:A11. The biggest earthquakes in Nepal(尼泊尔)have killed more than 8,000,people.A.twoB.secondC.twice答案:B12. Julie didnt leave her office _ the police arrived. A. howeverB. wheneverC. whileD. until答案:D13. Its necessary for us _ to our parents when we have problems.A. to talk            B. talking            C. talk答案:A14. Does your father go to work by _ car every day?  No, he sometimes takes _ bus.A.A;the              B.the; a               C.不填; a             D.a; 不填答案:C15. Ben was helping his mother when the rain began to beat heavily the windows.A. below B. across C. behind D. against答案:D16.John, thank you for driving me home. _. See you tomorrow.A. Thats rightB. Im afraid notC. Youre welcomeD. Its a good idea答案:C17. I hear Tom is leaving. _ why?A. And B. ButC. Or D. So答案:B18. The New York Times is a popular daily _. A.dictionary B.magazine C.newspaper D.guidebook答案:C19. The running water makes the stones _ very smooth.A. soundB. tasteC. smellD. feel答案:D20. Do you know _ boy over there? Yes, he likes playing _ basketball very much.A. the; 不填B. a; theC. a; 不填D. the; a答案:A21. Bob took a photo of his girlfriend while she _ at the party.A. dancesB. was dancingC. has dancedD. is dancing答案:B22.It's really you not to tell your parents about the problems. Do you think you can solve them on your own?A. smart ofB. smart forC. silly ofD.silly for答案:C23. The stories _ were written by Mark Twain are often humorous. A. that B. those C. who D. what 答案:A24. -Tomorrow Im going on holiday.- ! But Ill be busy.A. Thank you B. Lucky you C. After you D. Mind you答案:B25. Youd better wake up Tom at 6: _ he will be late for the match.A. if B. or C. and D. but答案:B26. Emma looked after her pet dog _ of all her friends. A. careful B. most careful C. more carefully D. the most carefully 答案:D27.Its Fathers Day today, _?Yes, lets buy a gift for Dad.A.isnt he B.doesnt it C.isnt it答案:C28.They go to school early in the morning. A. So do Tom.B. So Tom do. C. So does Tom. D. So Tom does.答案:C29. My hometown is becoming more and more beautiful with trees and flowers on sides of the road.A. all B. both C. neither D. either 答案:B30. Can you tell me _? Sure. He lives on Center Street.A. where does he live B. where he lives C. why he lives there D. what does he do答案:B31. In North America, meat eaters are bears and mountain lions. They eat smaller animals such as rabbits and mice.A. smallestB. the smallestC. largestD. the largest答案:D32. Do you know zongzi in traditional in China, Li Ping? Usually during the Dragon Boat Festival. A.why people makeB.when people eat C.where people buy答案:B33. Look! The traffic light has turned red. We _ stop our car. A.can B.cant C.must D.mustnt 答案:C34. - Hurry up, or we will miss the sea lion show in the Ocean Park. _. We still have fifteen minutes before the show begins. A.Take it easy B.Good luck C.I guess so D.Take care答案:A35. I was tired out, so I stopped the car a short rest. A. haveB. havingC. to have D. had答案:C36. Where are the flowers? You see, someone _ them to the window.A. movesB. had moved C. has moved D. would move答案:C37. Where was your dad at this time last night? He was talking with my uncle I was looking for some information on the Internet. A. after B. until C. since D. while 答案:D38. Cars, buses, bikes and people stop when the traffic lights are red.A.canB.mayC.must答案:C39. The Dragon Boat Festival this year will come _ four days.A. afterB. forC. duringD. in答案:D40. They walked home last night because they couldnt _ to take a taxi. A. leaveB. buy C. affordD. allow答案:C41. Dave really likes driving. I think being a _ is just right for him. A.doctorB. teacherC. farmerD. driver答案:D42._ can you finish your homework? In about one and a half hours.A.How fast B.How soon C.How often答案:B43. The New York Times is a popular daily _. A.dictionary B.magazine C.newspaper D.guidebook答案:C44.Are you sure you can do well in todays test, Lily? _. I have got everything ready.A.Its hard to say B.Im afraid not C.I think so答案:C45. I know he's been curious about everything, but that's . Be patient!A. what do kids likeB. what kids likeC. what are kids likeD. what kids are like【答案】D46. Bob knows how to cut the cost of the project. Im sure he can do the work with _ money and _ people. A.less,less B.fewer,more C.more,fewer D.less,fewer 答案:D47.The school network will be shut down for safety reasons.That doesn't me at all.I'm not a net-worm, anyway.A.satisfyB.surpriseC.worryD.include答案:C48. The woman is the most important in my life is my mother.A. which B. who C. whom D. what答案:B49.What do you think of your Junior Middle School life? I think it is colorful, _ I am always busy.A. ifB. thoughC. whileD. until答案:B50. Would you please give this newly-published novel to Jack? Certainly. he comes back.A. before B. as soon as C. until D. unless答案:B51. Why are you so worried?Ive lost the watch my dad bought me on my birthday.A. whom B. who C. whose D. which 答案:D52. Would you please give this newly-published novel to Jack? Certainly. he comes back.A. before B. as soon as C. until D. unless答案:B53. Has Jane done the washing yet? You cannot her to do such a thing.A. wantB. hopeC. expectD. wish答案:C54. So far, the AIIB(亚投行)_ 57 countries to be the founding members.A. attracted B. has attractedC. will attract答案:B55.Would you like some _for dinner? OKA. tomatosB. tomatoC. tomatoes答案:C56. The photo _ taken by my brother last week is very nice.A. which wereB. that is C. that wereD. which was答案:D57. Look! The traffic light has turned red. We _ stop our car. A.can B.cant C.must D.mustnt 答案:C58.Do you remember what she looked like when you first met her?Of course. She was tall and thin _ long hair.A. in B.withC. on答案:B59. is it from the New Town to the old city centre?Less than 0 minutes by underground.A. How soonB. How oftenC. How longD. How far答案:D60. I know he's been curious about everything, but that's . Be patient!A. what do kids likeB. what kids likeC. what are kids likeD. what kids are like【答案】D61. There was something wrong with the line. We couldnt _ each other clearly.A. listen B. sound C. hear D. speak答案:C62. - Hurry up, or we will miss the sea lion show in the Ocean Park. _. We still have fifteen minutes before the show begins. A.Take it easy B.Good luck C.I guess so D.Take care答案:A63. Any special _ in this shopping mall now?Sure, we have the latest e-products on sale.A.offerB. price C. brand D. service答案:A64. Cars, buses, bikes and people stop when the traffic lights are red.A.canB.mayC.must答案:C65.Do you often play _ piano?Yes. I want to be _ musician like Lang Lang.A. the; a B.a; theC. the; an答案:A66. Our basketball team will beat theirs and win the match. _. Your team is the best in our city. A. Im afraid not.B. I believe so.C. Of course not.D. Well done. 答案:B67. How are you getting along with your English study? Much better. I dont feel it was as as before.A. interesting B. much C. difficult D. easy答案:C68.How much do you know about Taiwan, Li Fen? Taiwan and the mainland have a lot in common. They a lot of history and culture.A.support B.explain C.share D.belong答案:C69. He has _ arms now and is able to pick the table up with one hand. A. weakestB. weakerC. strongestD. stronger答案:D70. You come to school early every day. _ is it from your home to school?Its only about one kilometer.A. How long B. How much C. How many D. How far答案:D71.Mickey mouse is one of the most famous _ in American _. A.symbol culture B.symbol cultures C.symbols culture D.symbols cultures 答案:C72. In cold winter, the temperature in Harbin often remains zero all day. A. aboveB. belowC. overD. under答案:B73.Listen! Someone is playing the piano. Wow! beautiful music! I like it very much.A. WhatB. How a C. What a D. How答案:A74. Its surprising that Mr. Mas little daughter _ speak English so well. A. mustB. canC. mustntD. cant答案:B75. Guan Dong saved an old lady out of the Yangtze River. great courage he showed!A. What aB. WhatC. How a D. How 答案:B76. Nancy, sweep the classroom, _?A. dont youB. do youC. will youD. doesnt she答案:C77. do I need to feed the pet dog? Twice a day.A. How long B. How much C. How soon D. How often答案:D78.I will have an important match tomorrow. I hope I will win. _.A. Good luck.B. No ideaC. Thats such a pityD. Its all right答案:A79.Dont smoke here, Dad. Smoking _ in public places.Oh, sorry. Ill stop right now.A. isnt allowed B.arent allowed C. doesnt allow答案:A80. He hasnt got any hobbies you call watching TV a hobby.A.whileB. unlessC. as D. if答案:B81.Would you like some more noodles, Celia?Yes, just _, please.A. a fewB. few C. a littleD. little答案:A82.How much do you know about Taiwan, Li Fen? Taiwan and the mainland have a lot in common. They a lot of history and culture.A.support B.explain C.share D.belong答案:C83. Lily, will you go to Jennys birthday party this Saturday?Im not sure. Because I so far. A. have invited B. wasnt invited C. have been invited D. will be invited答案:C84. I will try my best to stop my son from _ the same mistake.A. makeB. madeC. makesD. making答案:D85. Miss Lin _ my desk-mate with her lessons when I left school.She is really a nice teacher.A. helps B.is helpingC. was helping答案:C86.Which of the two subjects do you like, art or music?_. They are really interesting.A.Neither B.Both C.None答案:B87.Sarah, youd better drink more water after _ for such a long time. A. run B. runs C. to run D. running 答案:D88. They walked home last night because they couldnt _ to take a taxi. A. leaveB. buy C. affordD. allow答案:C89. Dreams are beautiful. However, to _ them needs lots of time and work.A. discoverB. findC. achieveD. stop答案:C90. Would you like to come to dinner tomorrow evening?_.A. Yes, its true. B. You really do. C. Its upstairs. D. Yes, Id love to.答案:D91. Id like to know _. Maybe in the forest. A. whether we will go campingB. where we will go campingC. whether will we go campingD. where will we go camping答案:B92. Lily, will you go to Jennys birthday party this Saturday?Im not sure. Because I so far. A. have invited B. wasnt invited C. have been invited D. will be invited答案:C93. Rose, you are so thin. You should eat more, youll make yourself ill.A. or B. if C. and D. but答案:A94. A nice car! Is it yours? No, it isnt. I _ it from a friend of mine two days ago.A. borrowB. have borrowed C. will borrow D. borrowed答案:D95. Premier Zhou Enlai for many years, he still lives in the hearts of Chinese people.A. died B. was died C. has been died D. has been dead答案:D96. When I got to the bus stop. I missed the early bus and I had to_ the next one.A. give up B. keep off C. call off D. wait for答案:D97. Premier Zhou Enlai for many years, he still lives in the hearts of Chinese people.A. died B. was died C. has been died D. has been dead答案:D98.Have some ice cream, please.Mm, it tastes_.A. good B. better C. well答案:A99. Now, people have more free time. Square Dancing is becoming


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