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    Period 1 1. /pensl/ 2. /buk/3. /pensl bks/4. /ru:l/5. /pen/6. /sku:lbg/7. /res/8. /diknri/Which is missing?pencilbookpencil boxrulerpenschoolbageraserdictionary1. pencil _2. pen _3. books _4. eraser _5. ruler _6. pencil box _7. schoolbag _8. dictionary _egbhcfad1aMatch the words with the things in the picture.Is this/that your ruler? Yes, it is. Its my ruler. Its mine.No, it isnt. Its his/her ruler.Its his/hers.A: Is this your.?B: Yes, it is. Its my. Its mine.A: Is that your.?B: No, it isnt. Its his/her . Its his/hers.Are these /those your books?Yes, they are.No, they arent.Theyre his/her books.They are his/hers.A: Are these your.?B: Yes, they are.A: Are those your.?B: No they arent. They are his/her . They are his/hers.A: Is this your pencil?B: Yes, it is. Its mine. A: Is that your schoolbag?B: No, it isnt. Its his. A: Are these your books?B: No, they arent. Theyre hers. Listen and number the conversations 1-3.3211b1cPractice the conversations with your partner. Then make your own conversations.a pencil boxa pencila schoolbagan eraserbooksa rulerTom: Excuse me,Grace.Is this your ?Grace:Yes,thank you.And those are my .Tom:And Jane,is this your ?Jane:No,it isnt.Its hers.Tom:OK,and these are my .This is your , Jane.pencilerasersrulerbookspencil box练习2b中的对话,并用dictionary、pens schoolbag 、cups、key 做替换练习GroupworkA: Hello! B: Hi!A: Is this your ?B: Yes, its my. Its mine.A: Is that your.?B: No, it isnt. Its his/her. Its his/hers.A: Are these your?B: Yes, they are. A: Are those your.?B: No, they arent. They are his/her . They are his/hers.1.this/that的回答用_代替。2. your是_物主代词,后面加_, mine , his, hers是_物主代词,后不加_。 形容词性名词名词性名词it合作探究合作探究:Summary 从用法上来说,名词性物主代词是充当名词,而形容词性物主代词是充当形容词,如: This is his pen, thats mine. 这里的his 就是充当形容词,修饰pen,而mine相当于:my pen,为了避免重复,用名词性物主代词mine代替。 形容词性形容词性(物主代词物主代词)能力差,自己不能能力差,自己不能来当家,后面需把名词加。名词性物来当家,后面需把名词加。名词性物(主代词)能力强,自己独来又独往。主代词)能力强,自己独来又独往。 名词性物主代词名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词+名词名词 1. This is my book. are over there. A. Your B. Yours C. You D. Mine2. Whose pen is it? Its . A. her B. hers C. she D. his3. bag is new and is new, too. A. Our, he B. Ours, his C. My, his D. My, her4. This room is ours, and that one is . A. they B. them C. theirs D. their5. Whose pencils are there? Theyre . A. my B. me C. mine D. our6. Is the new watch ? Yes, its . A. you, me B. yours, mine C. your, my D. your, mine7. Whose shoes are these? They are . A. me B. mine C. my D. I8. She is a student , name is Han Mei. A. its B. her C. hers D. his9. Its a dog. I dont know name. A. its B. its C. it D. its10. schoolbag is beautiful. But is more beautiful. A. Jims, my B. Jims, mine C. Jims, me D. Jims, I11.I like new dress. A. She B. her C. hers D. his12.Is that hat? No, its not . Its . A. your, my, Toms B. you, mine, Toms C. yours, mine, Tom D. your, mine, Toms


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