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    高中英语Unit2EnglishiaroundtheWorld教案11新人教版必修1 Unit 2 English Around the world Period one words Aims: 1.Learn about word formation ( compounding, derivation) 2.Master the following words.1) make oneself at home 2) majority 3)except for 4)exchange 5)come about 6) end up with 7) a great many Step one: Revision allow sb.to do/allow doing whisper, in a whisper I am only two minutes late.Step two: Read after the teacher the new words Step three: Learn the words: bathroom US: room with a toilet Br: room in which there is a bath ( and also usu.a wash-basin and sometimes a toilet) more compounding words with the word room eg: claroom, dining-room, reading-room, drawing-room, living-room, sitting-room, bedroom.make yourself at home: feel at home /be at home eg: I dont feel at home in the strange place.I cant make myself at home here. I am not at home talking to teachers.landlady: the female owner of a home that is rented by others the female owner of a shop landlord: the owner of a large area of land closet: a small room or cupboard for storing things pronounce: How do you pronounce the word “pronunciation” ? eg.invention, translation, repetition, situation, organization.majority : more than half eg: A/The majority of the students in our cla are boys. In our cla, boys are in the/a majority.Major n.My major in university was English education.v.I majored in English in university.broad : broad-minded, broad daylight, broad shoulders, broad plains wide: wide road, a wide river, open your arms wide, two meters wide conclusion: wide is the usual word to talk about the physical distance from one side of sth.to the other ; broad is often used in more abstract expreions.Note: wide interests, wide knowledge native adj.native language/mother tongue ; a native speaker of English n. He is a native of English. Local: He speaks English with a local accent.9. total adj. n.in total adv.totally equal adj.be equal to eg: All men are born equal. We are of the equal height .= We are equal to each other in height. She makes a me of the job and she isnt equal to the position. v.eg: 2 plus 2 equals 4. I equal you in height but not in intelligence. 11.situation eg: in a good(bad) situation be situated in : No.1 middle school is situated/located in the north of Handan city.except for: Your composition is excellent except for a few spelling mistakes. The desk is clean except for a dirty dot. except: Everybody has come except him. We all went to the park except him.(but) trade n.sweet trade vt.trade sth.with sb. May I trade seats with you ? (exchange) trade sth.for sth. May I trade my apple for your banana? (exchange) end up with: The story ends up with a happy ending.a great many: a great many students ; a great many of the students ; a great many of us compare to eg: A teachers job is often compared to a candle. compare with eg: We shouldnt compare a green hand with an expert. Compared with china, Japan is quite a small country.Homework: sentence-making 1.total 2.equal 3.except for 4.majority 5.trade pare Preview warming up and speaking. Period two Warming-up ,listening &speaking I.Teaching aims: 1.talk about the difference between American English and British English; 2.Vocabulary : bathroom, towel, closet, pronounce, pizza 3.Similar dialogue presentation with new words and expreions used within II.Teaching aids: tape recorder /slide show/ computer /multimedia education software III.Grammar: indirect speech, direct speech, requests and commands IV.Teaching steps: 1.Warming up: T asks Ss: How long have you learned English? Do you know why you study English at school T says: English is spoken on both sides of the Atlantic.Most of people over the world speak English.If you master a foreign language, you can learn more about the foreign language, foreign culture and even the news of world. T says: Do you know A.E/ B.E? in fact, there are some difference between A.E and B.E.Sometime slight misunderstandings may occur between active speakers from Great Britain and the United State. let Ss listen to the tape. T says: Well learn a dialogue.Joe is an American who has come to Britain for the first time. T says: please listen to the tape and find the answer to the questions: (slide show) let Ss listen to the tape again. Let Ss read the dialogue loudly. If poible, get Ss to act it out. If poible, give Ss enough time to make a similar dialogue.2.Listening T asks Ss: What can you see in the picture? ( a old lady and a man), The man is Mr.Brown , and the old lady is Mr.Browns landlady who has many house rules. Play the tape twice. T says: Lets listen to the tapes twice and write down five of house rules like the examples, using the phrase ask.to check the answers with the Ss. 3.Speaking let Ss listen to the tape and follow it(dialogue 1 ), paying attention to the intonation. let Ss finish the sentences and check the answers in the cla. get Ss to work in pairs and act dialogue1 out. the same way to play dialogue 2. if poible, get the Ss work in pairs to make a similar dialogues(slide show I, II,III). (slide show I ) British English American English taxi cab Petrol gasoline Secondary School High school university college autumn fall fortnight Two weeks wardrobe closet Ground floor First floor (slide show II ) Dialogue A A: whats youre telephone number, please? B: A: Could you repeat that, please? B: Sure, A: Sorry, I can listen to it unclearly.Can you speak more slowly please? B: No problem, A: Got it, Thanks a lot.B: Not at all. (slide show III ) Dialogue B A: can you tell me how to pronounce “秋天” in English? B: Sure, British people say and American people say A: I see, could you repeat them, please? B: of course, let Ss make a dialogue, using the useful expreion. IV Teaching crux: Teacher can deal with some language points or useful words: 1Did you have a good flight? 2Did you sleep at all on the plane? At all主要用于否定句、疑问句和条件句,用以加强语气,与否定词连用,表示“一点也不” e.g.I dont agree with you at all.Do you feel ill at all? 3You dont need to ask, just make yourself at home.Make yourself at home请随意,别拘束 e.g.Sit down by the fire and make yourself at home.If you get to my house before I do, help yourself to a drink and make yourself at home.4Can you tell me how to pronounce? Pronounce v.-pronunciation n. Dont forget to buy me some ketchup on your way back. Forget后接不定式,表示“遗忘了要去做的事情”;后面动名词表示“遗忘了已经做过的事情”e.g. Ive forgotten to lock the door. He has forgotten meeting me last year. 祈使句Dont forget表示提示某人“别忘了做某事” Dont forget to shake the bottle before use. Dont forget to give my regards to them.Period three pre-reading, reading, post-reading I.Teaching aims : 1.reading comprehension 2.Vocabulary: majority, native, total, in total, tongue, mother tongue, equal, government, situation, except for, international 3.Similar dialogue presentation with new words and expreions used within II.Teaching aids: tape recorder /slide show/ computer /multimedia education software III.Grammar: indirect speech, direct speech IV.Teaching steps: 1.Pre-reading: T asks Ss: How many languages do you speak? Which is your native language? If you speak more than one language, in what situations do you use the languages? let student read the paage for several minutes. teach some new words to Ss: (slide show) Majority Native United Kingdom In total Mother tongue Equal Government Situation Except for International Organization Trade Tourism Global Communicate Communication 2.Reading T says to Ss: Today we will read a paage about the historical development of English over the past fifty year, developing from a widely spoken national language to a universally spoken world language. let Ss read the text silently, and then fill in blanks(slide show) 1 The English is the mother tongue of 375 million people in English speaking countries such as the US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Ireland among others.2 The number of people who learn English as foreign language is more than 750 million.Most people learn English for five or six years at high school.3 English is the working language of most international organizations, international trade and tourism.English is also the language of global culture, such as popular music and the Internet. let Ss read the text again, and then work in pairs to answer another questions: Why is it becoming more and more important to have a good knowledge of English? In which countries do we find most native speakers of English? Give the names of the three countries. Living in China you can use English every day in different situations.Give two examples. play the tape to Ss and let them follow and repeat the text. deal with some language points and new words 1.There many people speak English as a first or a second language. “ the+序数词”用来表示编号,强调“第” e.g.Who is the first man to land on the moon? “ a+序数词”强调“再一,又” e.g.Well have to do it a second time. He had jumped two times but failed; he tried to jump a third time. 2.Chinese businemen, taxi drivers and students talk with them using English. Using English是现在分词短语做方式状语。现在份词作状语,表示主语正在进行的另一动作,对谓语表示的主要动作加以修饰和陪衬,分词动作与谓语动作都必需是同一主语进行的,它可以表示时间、缘由、方式、伴随状况等。 e.g.Arriving at the bus stop, we found his sister there.表示时间 Seeing nobody at home, she decided to leave them a note.缘由 Travelling by car, the girls visited many places.方式 They walked along the street, talking and laughing.伴随状况 3.There are more than 42 countries where the majority of the people speak English. 大多数人讲英语的国家有42个还多。 more than意为“超过,不仅仅”,相当于over, not only。例如: (1)There ar more than 2,000 students in our school.我们学校有2,000多人。 (2)He is more than 40 years old.他40多岁了。 (3)She is more than a teacher.She loves us ilke a mother.她不仅仅是个老师,她像母亲一样爱惜我们。 where the majority of the people speak English是定语从句,修饰countries。where在定语从句中作状语,表示地点。又如: (1)Last month I visited the village where I was born.上个月我去探望了我诞生的那个村子。 (2)Zhengzhou is the place where his father once worked.郑州是他父亲曾经工作过的地方。 majority是句词,意为“多数,大多数,半数以上”。例如: (1)He was supported by the great majority of the people.他受到了广阔人民群众的拥护。 (2)The majority of his books are kept upstairs.他的大部分藏书在楼上。 (3)The majority were/was against the plan.多数人不赞成这个安排。 4.However, the number of people who learn English as a foreign language is more than 750 million. 然而,把英语作为外语来学的人有7亿5千万。 the number of/a number of 辨析 the number of意为“的数目,的号码”作主语时,谓语动词用单数;a number of意为“一些,很多”,作定语,修饰复数名词,作主语时谓语动词用复数。例如: (1)The number of the students in our school is more than 2,000.我们学校有2,000多人。 (2)The number of my telephone is 0371-6949192.我的电话号码是0371-6949192. (3)A number of students in our cla have been to Beijing.我们班有许多同学去过北京。 3.Post-reading let Ss finish the exercises in the book. Check the answers with the cla.Period four Language Study I.Teaching aims 1.talk about the difference between A.E and B.E (British English and American English) 2.learn the new words: exchange, service, signal, movement, peg, commander, tidy, stand, stay up 3.Similar dialogue presentation with new words and expreions used within II.Teaching aids: tape recorder /slide show/ computer /multimedia education software III.Grammar: direct speech ,indirect speech IV.Teaching steps: 1.Language study-word study .1et Ss read through the exercise and make sure what they will to do. .get Ss to finish the exercise in page 11 individually, and check the answers in the cla. 2.Grammar-Direct Speech and Indirect Speech 祈使句的间接引语 祈使句的间接引语通常采纳含有祈使意义的“及物动词(ask, tell, order, advise等)+ 宾语+不定式”这一结构将原来的话语表达出来,否定的祈使句在转换时候在不定式前加not,引述动词可以依据语意选用。 “ Please give me some oranges.” - He asked me to give him some oranges. “ Dont stop reading,” the teacher said -The teacher told his students not to stop reading. “ Be careful next time,” Mother said.- Mother warned her child to be careful the next time. “ Please dont open the window, ” Jack said.- Jack asked me not to open the window. He said, “Get everything ready in two hours.” - He ordered us (them) to get everything ready in two hours. 3.practice 请把下列干脆引语变为间接引语。 1.The teacher said, “Columbus discovered America in 1492.” 2.They said, “We are going to see Mr Wang now.” 3.The doctor said to me, “Don't drink too much.” 4.He said to me, “I was ill yesterday.” 5.He said, “I am going to leave here tomorrow.” 6.I said to him yesterday, “Please come early tomorrow morning.” 7.I said to him, “May I open the window?” 8.The teacher said to me, “What do you have in your hands?” keys: 1.The teacher said that Columbus discovered America in 1492. 2.Thy said that they were going to see Mr Wang then. 3.The doctor told/advised me not to drink too much. 4.He told me that he had been ill the day before. 5.He said that he was going to leave there the following day. 6.Yesterday I asked him to come early this morning. 7.I asked him if I might open the window. 8.The teacher asked me what I had in my hands. 3.Group works let Ss work in pairs and make some sentences. One student make a Do/ dont sentence, the other sentence repeat his/ her partners word, using Indirect Speech., for example: A: Tom, please buy some bread for me B: asked Tom to buy some bread for him/ her. Period five Integrating Skills I.Teaching aims : talk about A.E and B.E. Vocabulary: independent, expreion, end up with, typhoon, publish, president, bring in, cookbook Similar dialogue presentation with new words and expreions used within II.Teaching aids: tape recorder /slide show/ computer /multimedia education software III.Grammar: indirect speech, direct speech IV.Teaching steps: 1.Integrating skillsreading and writing Ask Ss to read the paage in books in page12 T says: we will read a paage about the independence of the United States o


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