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    高考英语 改错sophie3课件.ppt

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    高考英语 改错sophie3课件.ppt

    In our everyday lives, if we make In our everyday lives, if we make some mistakes, we should correct them, some mistakes, we should correct them, and then we are still a good fellow.and then we are still a good fellow. Chairman Maos words 纵观近年高考英语短文改错题,学生纵观近年高考英语短文改错题,学生和老师都和老师都 认为难度不大,然而,每年认为难度不大,然而,每年高考中还是有不少考生对此题深感头高考中还是有不少考生对此题深感头痛,主要原因是:痛,主要原因是:一一 .考生的英语考生的英语基础知识基础知识 不扎实不扎实.二二.考生缺乏对短文改错考生缺乏对短文改错命题命题 特点特点的了解和的了解和做题做题 规律规律方法的总结方法的总结.一、命题特点和高考概况:一、命题特点和高考概况:1 1、 “ “短文改错短文改错”主要考查学生对英语语言运主要考查学生对英语语言运 用的准确性。短文往往选用一篇用的准确性。短文往往选用一篇130130个词左右个词左右2 2、 近两年的高考试题中近两年的高考试题中“短文改错短文改错” ” 主要是学主要是学生在日常学习中的常见错误,生在日常学习中的常见错误,词汇、语法、语篇词汇、语法、语篇理解行文逻辑理解行文逻辑以及惯用法以及惯用法的错误。的错误。3 3 、命题的总原则是要求学生能够整篇理解,分行、命题的总原则是要求学生能够整篇理解,分行识错,从错误的类型看可分为对、错、加、减四识错,从错误的类型看可分为对、错、加、减四个方面,即,个方面,即,正确打正确打,错误改正,缺词添加,错误改正,缺词添加,多词删除多词删除。并要求以规范的符号进行表示。并要求以规范的符号进行表示。1 1对对:3 :3缺缺/ /加加:6 :6改改 1 1对:对:1 1缺:缺:1 1加:加:7 7改改那么,做短文改错题那么,做短文改错题 有哪些规律和方法呢?有哪些规律和方法呢?平时学习应注意做到以下几点:平时学习应注意做到以下几点:1.广泛阅读,广泛阅读,增强语感增强语感,注重语篇的整体把握提高语言知识运用的准确性提高语言知识运用的准确性.2.规范使用常用的词语和习语规范使用常用的词语和习语.3.注重基础知识和基本技能。(基础语法)4. 错误的设置一般都是中学生写作时常出现的错误 。改错训练和书面表达训练改错训练和书面表达训练结合(结合(NC2改改错和仿写)错和仿写).5. 多接触正确的内容,练习改错时间应适量多接触正确的内容,练习改错时间应适量 .临场应试技巧临场应试技巧: “三歩三歩”,“六原则和六原则和“四不四不改改”三歩:三歩:1. 1.No context, no text. 通读全文,掌握大意通读全文,掌握大意。2. 2.以句为单位,细读每个以句为单位,细读每个完完整句子整句子,前后联系,前后联系 . 3. 3.复读全文,复读全文,验证答案验证答案 . .六原则:六原则:1. 一行一错一行一错, 在有错行在有错行改动一词改动一词。2. 改变实词(改变实词(n./ v./adj./ adv.)形式)形式,不能将一,不能将一个实词换成另一个实词个实词换成另一个实词.3. 最小限度地改变单词形式最小限度地改变单词形式 .4. 添加或删除虚词添加或删除虚词(如冠词,介词如冠词,介词,小品词小品词to等等).5. 多改正,少添加或删除多改正,少添加或删除.6. 最大限度地保持句子和短文原意最大限度地保持句子和短文原意.短文改错应注意的问题短文改错应注意的问题 四不改四不改: :标点符号不改。标点符号不改。大小写不改。大小写不改。词序错误不改。词序错误不改。单词拼写不改单词拼写不改 。 文中出现带汉语注释的词,在句中不可能用错。文中出现带汉语注释的词,在句中不可能用错。 命题角度 考点解题思路名词冠词判断名词前的冠词是否误用名词名词的数 句中名词该用单数还是复数动词 动词时态、语态以及主谓一致 根据上下文判断动词时态、语态是否有误、主谓搭配是否正确 非谓语动词分词、动名词、不定式 根据上下文判断非谓语动词是否误用 代词人称代词的格、指示代词及关系代词与从句关系 1.人称代词的格是否误用 2.代词前后指代是否一致3.定语从句中关系词是否误用形容词、副词词法判断句中形容词和副词是否误用 介词惯用法惯用法中介词是否误用 连词句法判断句中并列连词、从属连词是否误用 四、错词类型归纳,提高改错的准确率 短文改错打油诗 短文改错要做好,常见类型应记牢。短文改错要做好,常见类型应记牢。 名词爱考名词爱考“数数”与与“格格”,冠词在前,冠词在前“错错/ /多多/ /少少”。 动词时态和语态,非谓语搭配莫错了。动词时态和语态,非谓语搭配莫错了。 连代形副错一样,多是故意来混淆。连代形副错一样,多是故意来混淆。 介词多半考搭配,多漏误用想周到。介词多半考搭配,多漏误用想周到。 句法涉及到句法涉及到“一致一致”,从句多考关系词。,从句多考关系词。 词法句法均未错,逻辑推理去寻找。词法句法均未错,逻辑推理去寻找。 “ “1126”1126”惯常比,回读复查敲定稿。惯常比,回读复查敲定稿。 改错方式比例:通常一个正确,一个改错方式比例:通常一个正确,一个多词,两个缺词,六个错词多词,两个缺词,六个错词动词形,名词数动词形,名词数 还要注意形和副还要注意形和副 非谓语,细辨别非谓语,细辨别 介词、短语介词、短语要要牢记牢记 A Limerick 代词格,细领悟代词格,细领悟 句子成分多分析句子成分多分析 冠词连词常光顾冠词连词常光顾 逻辑错误须关注逻辑错误须关注一、动词一、动词形形1. 1.时态时态错误。错误。( (过去时过去时/ /现在时现在时) 08) 08 I win a national prize for painting last weekIt is 5 years now since I graduate from08辽宁The time passes quickly.02,they discover a hole in the balloon.06-2but I tried to act as if nothing has happened(07福建)When they came here, I will show them08四川2. 语态语态错误。错误。(Vi / linking-verb.)the animal were disappeared from the house.I invited to talk about Tianjin. After that they asked me (08天津)3. 主谓不一致主谓不一致 (people, cattle, police;neithernor, not only but ,eitheror, there be; except, with, as well as, including; )of winning the prize. What were better, I had useful (10)the kangaroo were free, it jumped up and ran away (07四川)So do our friend, Cathy. August is the best time(08福建) (08安徽)One day, while my friend and I was traveling there are no need to spend money.04-24.缺少谓语动词(尤其缺be动词) She afraid of staying at home alone.4.4.非谓语非谓语错用错用 (谓语和非谓语谓语和非谓语的错用;的错用;V-ingV-ing 和和 V-edV-ed混用;混用;toto的的多多用,用,少少用或用或误误用)用)The air keeps the balloon up was escaping quickly and the balloon was (06全国2)My father was so pleasing that (08)I knocked at the door and was delighting05江西Yes, a concert can be very excited(04-2)I have some records giving to me as(04-2)The crowd was very surprised see this(06-2),so well have plenty of spare time visit the area (06福建)I will do my best to help making(05-2)I would finish 300 envelops and to earn the money.(08浙江)5.5.固定搭配固定搭配(1(1)Vi/ VtVi/ Vt 混用混用 结合结合Prep./adv.Prep./adv.考考They survived from the earthquake. serve for sb./ return back / repeat againLucy agreed to marry to Tom. . Evening came down. We spent the night in02 (2) (2)固定用法固定用法often dreamed of talk face to face (08)He agreed to reading my story(10)Im writing to ask you come to(06浙江)are worth think of ,such as(08重庆)Though I had difficulty walk back to(07福建)Wed better not to finish the chance.(08重庆)方法:一个简单句只能有一个谓语动词方法:一个简单句只能有一个谓语动词二二 名词数名词数(1) U.N./ C.N . 混用混用advices on how to write like a real writer. (10) furniture, fun, knowledge, news, progress,information, weather, homework etc.(2)C.N.单独使用单独使用加冠词加冠词 / 名词名词改复数改复数There was Uncle Chen, gentleman living(10)One day, the school had party, where(08天津) for half a month, visiting place of interest(08)On the way up I was busy taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful.(02)(3)所有格所有格(形近词混用)(形近词混用)We took our holiday at my uncle解决方法解决方法: 看看修饰修饰语语 (07福建)Many of my classmate threw me up into the airBoth my parent miss you a lot(08福建)看主谓看主谓一致一致 (05)There are advantage for students to work while C.N.不单独使用不单独使用 As everyone knows, its famous mountain(02) 根据根据实际情况实际情况判断单复数判断单复数I looked at his other hands(07) 固定搭配固定搭配But one and a half year(05-2)It will be a big surprising for them(08四川)shake hands; make friends; in ruins; good manners ; difficult-difficulty; 三三 形容词和副词常见错误形容词和副词常见错误(1) 形容词和副词的混用形容词和副词的混用 Which all said it was a terribly one!.(08陕西)My pronunciation was terribly. (05-2)I felt sadly I learnt a lesson(08天津)visit us as soon as possibly.(06浙江)I will learn more about it as good as(08-2)I cant use it very good.(08天津)I would easy finish 300 envelops.(08浙江)She called 119 immediate.(04福建) (2)不同级(原级/比较级/最高级)及其修饰词的混用. These are the happier girls Ive ever seen. (07-2)The 2 men threw all their equipment into the water to make the balloon light.(06-2) You are a lot of taller than me.(3)近义词或形近词的误用 .(hard/hardly; right/rightly; close/closely, free/freely, high/highly, most/mostly;near/nearly/ nearby; late/later/latter/lately)trying very hardly to get train tickets to go home(08四川)the bus will take you rightly to the Friendship Hotel.(04-3)四、四、 代词代词格格1.1.人称人称、性性、数数格格(主格(主格 / / 宾格,物主代宾格,物主代词,反身代词)前后一致词,反身代词)前后一致( (偷换偷换) )I believe you personal experience will be a lot better. (09浙江)We can tell others our need for help and accept his help.07福建Finally, the men threw away most of his clothes to save themselves.06-2I woke up and found me still in bed.07浙江We often play a trick on himself.05江苏You have to be friends with your pupils and take good care of him.04湖北2.2.both, all, either, neither, none, each, others/ the others; something/ anything; this / these / that / those / it I hope I can be a bridge between China and others countries.08天津writing to each for nearly a year now.08 that I did anything special to express my thanks.08四川some are playing cards and the others are singing or dancing.3. 3. 形近词形近词whose 和和whos ,its和和 itsWe have been learning about its culture(06浙江)五五 连词连词conj.conj.1.1.并列连词(并列连词(1 1)逻辑关系)逻辑关系 and , or , but , soand , or , but , soALL I had to do was to write a story or ALL I had to do was to write a story or present it.(10)present it.(10)The food was very expensive and the service The food was very expensive and the service was good.(02)was good.(02)I still didnt tell anyone but even I still didnt tell anyone but even refused the offer of help(07refused the offer of help(07福建福建) ) (2 2)平行结构,前后一致)平行结构,前后一致(08(08浙江浙江) )I would describe myself as shy and quietlyI would describe myself as shy and quietlyI was so encouraged that I ranI was so encouraged that I ran faster and fast faster and fasttill 07till 07浙江浙江I am thinking of making a trip and visit I am thinking of making a trip and visit the British04-2the British04-22.2.从属连词从属连词( (换行换行) )。3 3大从句的连词错用,大从句的连词错用,多用多用( (定从定从; although/but; because/so; ; although/but; because/so; if/and/orif/and/or) )或少用。或少用。theres just a chance which I can join theres just a chance which I can join it.(06it.(06福建福建, ,同下同下) )Everybody sleeps in tents, that is exciting. Everybody sleeps in tents, that is exciting. He wouldnt go to see a play that no one He wouldnt go to see a play that no one liked it.(08liked it.(08陕西陕西) )Since you have visited Greece several times, Since you have visited Greece several times, so I would like to know06so I would like to know06浙江浙江So if they had said was true, I would have So if they had said was true, I would have a chance of winning the prize. (10)a chance of winning the prize. (10)It was almost noon we were at the foot ofIt was almost noon we were at the foot of02023. 3. 近义近义(but/however; so/therefore(but/however; so/therefore;because/because of)because/because of),形近词和固定搭配,形近词和固定搭配。The farmer was worried because of his The farmer was worried because of his wallet was in the pocket. (07wallet was in the pocket. (07四川四川) )Today I was having a PE lesson while I fell Today I was having a PE lesson while I fell down.(07down.(07福建福建) )However, while John went back home, the However, while John went back home, the tickets were still there.(08tickets were still there.(08陕西陕西) )I was so tired that I fell asleep at the I was so tired that I fell asleep at the moment my head touched the pillow.(02)moment my head touched the pillow.(02)or practicing my English as well.(08)or practicing my English as well.(08)方法:英语句与句、词与词的连接必须使用连词方法:英语句与句、词与词的连接必须使用连词.I have already studied English for 8 years, I cant use it(08天津)六六 冠词冠词1.1.a / an / the a / an / the 错用错用( (名词已讲过名词已讲过) )I had a interesting dream last night.07I had a interesting dream last night.07浙江浙江Ill have to decide what I want to do over Ill have to decide what I want to do over a weekend. (04-3)a weekend. (04-3)2.2.固定搭配固定搭配 As result, the hurt07As result, the hurt07福建福建In the fact, there are 4 tickets08In the fact, there are 4 tickets08陕西陕西七七 介词介词 1.1.与动词的搭配。与动词的搭配。( (动词已讲过动词已讲过) )2.2.固定搭配固定搭配 It was a chance to win theIt was a chance to win thefirst prize on the Story Writing Show(10)first prize on the Story Writing Show(10)I couldntI couldnt explain them with English. explain them with English.0808天津天津I imagine youll be at vacation yourself08同下I have just got some good news to tell to you. till I caught up the other runners07till I caught up the other runners07浙江浙江八八 一致性一致性1.1.时态一致时态一致( (前后一致和特殊语境前后一致和特殊语境: :主将从现主将从现/ /虚拟虚拟) )2.2.主谓一致(注意定从和强调和非谓语作主语)主谓一致(注意定从和强调和非谓语作主语)John is a taxi driver who love goingJohn is a taxi driver who love going 0808陕西陕西Its I that is your true friend.Its I that is your true friend.3. 3. 指代一致指代一致( (前后性数格一致前后性数格一致) )4. 4. 平行一致平行一致( (并列连词前后词性并列连词前后词性/ /结构一致结构一致) )5. 5. 逻辑一致(逻辑一致(and / or / but /soand / or / but /so转换;转换;notnot的的增与减;增与减; come- go, here- there , up- down)come- go, here- there , up- down)I must work hard so that I will not beI must work hard so that I will not beable to communicate freely with foreigners.able to communicate freely with foreigners.(08(08天津天津) ) The air was escaping quickly and the The air was escaping quickly and the balloon was coming up.(06-2)balloon was coming up.(06-2)对 策熟 能 生 巧1.浏览全文,读懂大意。浏览全文,读懂大意。2. 题从行出,错由句生。必须以句为单位来改错,有些错误要根据上下文,甚至从整篇短文出发才能改出来。(指代和逻辑)AtChristmasEve,JimwentwithhisfathertochooseaChristmastree.Theychooseabigone.Itwasalmostastallerastheroom!Theyputtheminthecornerofthesittingroom.JimwascovereditwithalotofChristmaslight.Thesittingroomlookedreallybeautifullyatthemoment.Therewasafireburninginthefireplace,buttheChristmastreelightswereshinningbrightly.Jimandhisparentssinginganddancinghappily.1.2.3. Christmas Eve, Jim went with his1._father to choose a Christmas tree. They choose 2._a big one. It was almost as taller as the room!3._They put them in the corner of the sitting4._on_chose_tall_it动词形动词形介词短语常常考,习惯用法要记住介词短语常常考,习惯用法要记住还要注意形和副还要注意形和副代词格,细领悟代词格,细领悟room. Kate was covered it with a lot of5._Christmas light. The sitting room looked6. _really beautifully at the moment. There was 7. _a fire burning in the fire place, but the Christmas8. _tree lights were shinning brightly. Jim and his9. _parents singing and dancing happily.10._was_lights_beautiful_andwere动词形动词形还要注意形和副还要注意形和副动词形动词形名词数名词数冠词连词须关注冠词连词须关注A plane was late and detectives were waiting in the airport all morning. They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamond from South Africa. A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves will trysteal the diamonds. When the plane arrived, some of thedetectives were waiting inside the mainly building whilethe others were waiting on the airfield. 2 men took the parceloff the plane and carried it into the Customs House. While they was keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. To his surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand!Aeroplane are slowly driving me mad. I live near the airport and 1. passing planes can be heard night and day. The airport is built 2 years ago, but of some reason it could not be used then. 3 last year, therefore, it came into use. Over a hundred 4 of people must have been driven away from their houses 5 by the noise. I am one of the few people left. Sometimes 6 I think this house will be knocked down by a passed plane. I 7 have been offered a large number of money to go away, but 8 I am determined stay here. Everybody says I must be mad and 9 they are probable right. (L21) 10 Later in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field. 1._As soon as this done, they cooked a meal over an open fire. They were 2._all hungry and the food smell good. After a wonderful meal, they told 3._stories and sang songs in the campfire. But some times later it began to 4._rain. The boys felt tired and they put out the fire and crept into their tent. 5._Their sleeping bags were warm and comfortable, so they both slept 6._Soundly. In the middle of the night, two boys waken up and began to 7._Shout. The tent was filled of water! They all leapt out of their sleeping 8._Bags and hurried outside. It was raining heavy and they found that a 9._Stream formed in the field. The stream wound its way across the field 10._and then flowed right under the tent.After five years away in my hometown, I find that 76. _The neighborhood which I used to living in has changed 77._a lot. The Sichuan Restaurant and the older fish shop 78 ._ across the street from our middle school were gone. 79._There exist now a park that has a small river running 80._through. The factory at the comer of Friendship Street and 81. _Zhongshan Road has been moved out of the city, and sports 82. center has been built in their place. The market at the corner of 8Friendship Street and Xinhua Road has been given way to 84. _a supermarket. Besides the bookstore next to our middle 85. _ school is still there. (09)NMET2000The day before the speech contest(比赛) English teacher 1._talked to me. She said that she and my schoolmate all 2._wished me success,but it didnt matter that I would 3._win or not.When I was on the stage the next day,I felt so 4._nervous as I shook like a leaf.There were so many people 5._present! Suddenly, I caught a sight of my English teacher in 6._the crowd.She was smiling but nodding to me.I remembered 7._her words and calm down.I did a goo


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