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    应用统计专业型硕士研究生培养方案应用统计专业型硕士研究生培养方案(领域代码:(领域代码:0252,授应用统计硕士),授应用统计硕士)Education Plan for Professional Graduate in Applied Statistics Major(Discipline Code:0252,Award Master Degree of Applied Statistic)一、培养目标一、培养目标I Objectives掌握马克思主义基本原理和中国特色社会主义理论体系,具有良好的政治素质和职业 道德。具有严谨的学风及开拓进取、勇于创新的科学精神,具有应用统计专业理论知识水 平、应用统计能力及一定的解决实际问题的能力。对本专业相关的应用方向有较广泛的了 解,充分掌握现代应用统计的动态及前沿发展趋势。能有效地进行统计应用研究,并突出 统计理论与实践问题的结合。具有较强的数据采集、分析处理及统计建模、统计软件开发 运用的能力,具有很好的统计计算、统计推理的能力。能掌握应用统计涉及的相关案例领 域的专业知识背景,较熟练地掌握一门外语,能阅读本专业外文资料,有一定的口语交流 能力及运用外文撰写应用统计的科研论文。能胜任应用统计专业或相关专业的科研、教学、 开发、咨询、管理等工作。重点为政府部门和大中型企业培养高层次、高水平的复合型应 用统计专门人才。 Grasp the theories of Marxism and Theoretical System of the Chinese characteristic socialism, form good political quality and professional ethics. Have rigorous style and innovative spirit of science; have a solid theoretical knowledge of Applied Statistics; have a certain ability to solve practical problems. Have a broader understanding of the relevant application direction of this major; fully grasp the trend of the modern application of statistics and the trend of development. Can effectively carry on the statistical application research, and highlight the combination of the statistical theory and the practice question. Have the ability of strong data acquisition, analysis and processing and statistical modeling, statistical software development and application, great statistical calculation and statistical inference. Be able to master the professional knowledge background of the relevant case areas involved in the application of Statistics, master a foreign language, can skillfully professional foreign language materials, have a certain ability of oral communication and writing research papers of application statistics in foreign language. Be competent for research, teaching, development, consulting, management and other work of Applied Statistics or related profession. Focus on developing high level of composite applications statistics specialist for the government departments and large and medium-sized enterprises.二、研究方向二、研究方向II Disciplinary Research Areas1、大数据处理与分析(含统计机器学习与挖掘算法、基于统计学方法的数据挖掘与数 据结构、数据特征挖掘及应用、数据可视化挖掘技术及应用、面向社会数据挖掘的应用、 智慧城市与物联网的大数据分析应用) 。 2、统计建模与统计计算(含自主研发的统计软件、多元统计方法与 SAS 系统应用, 线性与广义线性模型、WinBUGS 软件、S 语言及 R 软件应用、行业统计模型的建立与分 析) ; 3、经济与金融统计分析(含金融衍生产品定价、投资组合分析与优化、金融风险管理、物价与指数、经济预测与决策、国民经济统计、统计工作体制机制和方法创新研究) ; Large data processing and analysis(including Statistical machine learning and mining algorithm, Data mining and data structure based on statistical method, Data feature mining and its application, Data visualization mining technology and its application, The application of data mining oriented society, Big data analysis applications of smart city and the Internet of things). Statistical modeling and statistical computing(including Independent research and development of statistical software, Multivariate statistical method and application of SAS system, Linear and generalized linear models, WinBUGS software, S language and R software application, Establishment and analysis of industry statistical model). Statistical analysis of economy and finance(including Pricing of financial derivatives, Investment portfolio analysis and optimization, Financial risk management, Price and index, Price and index, Statistics of national economy, Innovation research on the mechanism and method of statistical work system).三、学制及学习年限三、学制及学习年限III Educational System and Years of Study应用统计硕士专业学位研究生学制 2 年。采用全日制非定向/委培方式培养,学习年限 一般为 2 年;非全日制委培方式培养,学习年限一般为 2 年。 The educational system for a full-time professional graduate of applied statistics is two years. The study period lasts generally two years for full-time mode and two years for part-time mode.四、课程设置及学分要求四、课程设置及学分要求IVCurriculum System and Credit Requirements毕业总学分不低于 30 学分,其中公共课不少于 4 学分,专业必修课不少于 12 学分, 专业选修课不少于 8 学分,必修环节不少于 6 学分(其中实践环节不少于 6 个月) 。 The Master course requires 30 or more total credits, includingpublic degree courses not less than 4 credits, professional degree courses not less than 12 credits, electivenot less than 8 credits, professional required courses not less than 6 credits(practice course is not less than 6 months).课程类别课程类别Course category 课程编号课程编号 Course No.课程名称课程名称Course name 学学 时时 Ho ur 学分学分 Cred it 开课学开课学 期期 Semest er 开课单位开课单位 School备注备注Remark 02141102自然辩证法概论 Introduction to Dialectics of Nature1811马克思主 义学院 Marxism Institute必修课 Required Courses公共课 Public degree courses01841002- 006第一外国语(英、日、 法、德、俄语) First Foreign Language (English, Japanese, French, German, Russian)5431外国语学 院 Foreign Language Institute必修课 Required Courses01441308应用数理统计 Applied Mathematical Statistics5431理学院 College of Science必修课 Required Courses专业学位课 Professional Degree Courses01441309数据采集与抽样调查 Data collection and sampling survey5432理学院 College of Science必修课 Required Courses课程类别课程类别Course category 课程编号课程编号 Course No.课程名称课程名称Course name 学学 时时 Ho ur 学分学分 Cred it 开课学开课学 期期 Semest er 开课单位开课单位 School备注备注Remark 01441306数据挖掘与应用 Data mining and Applications5432理学院 College of Science必修课 Required Courses01441307应用多元统计分析 Applied multivariate statistical analysis5431理学院 College of Science必修课 Required Courses01441310统计建模与计算 Statistical modeling and Computing5432理学院 College of Science必修课 Required Courses01442313大数据与数据分析 Big data and data analysis3622理学院 College of Science01442314计量经济学及应用 Econometrics and its application3621理学院 College of Science01442311统计案例实务 Statistical case practice3622理学院 College of Science01442315金融统计理论与方法 Theory and method of financial statistics3621理学院 College of Science01442316生物信息与统计 Biological information and statistics3621理学院 College of Science01442312金融 IT 开发与测试 Financial IT development and testing3621理学院 College of Science01442318统计质量管理与控制 Statistical quality management and control3622理学院 College of Science01442319统计预测与决策 Statistical forecasting and decision making3622理学院 College of Science01442320统计学习方法 Statistical learning method3621理学院 College of Science任选大于 6 学分 Elective (6 credits)01442310统计专业英语 Statistical English1811理学院 College of Science必选课 Required Courses必修环01444001课程实践2 22理学院课程类别课程类别Course category 课程编号课程编号 Course No.课程名称课程名称Course name 学学 时时 Ho ur 学分学分 Cred it 开课学开课学 期期 Semest er 开课单位开课单位 School备注备注Remark Practice coursesmo nth sCollege of Science01444002综合实践 Integrated practice4 mo nths33实务部门 Practice sector节 Compul sorycou rses01444003选题报告 Report on topics selection13理学院 College of Science五、必修环节五、必修环节VCompulsory Courses实践环节 5 学分。保证不少于半年的实践教学,可采用集中实践与分段实践相结合的 方式。实践环节分为课程实践和综合实践两部分。课程实践主要是进行专业课程实践和科 研技能训练,合格者记 2 学分。综合实践主要是进行专业综合实践和应用能力训练,综合 实践合格者记 3 学分。课程实践和专业实践也可合并进行。非全日制专业学位硕士研究生 可免修实践环节,但不记学分,所缺学分须通过选修课程补齐。 选题报告及中期考核 1 学分。硕士研究生应在导师的指导下,通过阅读文献资料、调 查实际情况和参加研究工作,提出学位论文选题报告,经审核后确定学位论文题目。选题 报告通过后记 1 个必修环节学分。 硕士研究生必须参加学校的中期考核。硕士研究生选题报告和中期考核的具体要求, 参照研究生手册“研究生中期考核与选题管理办法”执行。 5 credits for professional practice.During the study period, professional graduates must ensure not less than six months of professional practice, and can be a combination of the concentrated practice and segment practice. Professional practice courses for professional graduates are generally divided into two parts, course practice and integrated practice. Course practice is mainly for professional practice and research skills training courses. Qualifiers for curriculum practice will get 2 credits. Comprehensive Practice will generally be mainly for professional practice and comprehensive application ability training; passer of integrated practice will get 3 credits. Comprehensive Practice and Course Practice can be merged together. Part-time professional degree masters can be exempt from professional practice; the missing credits shall be filled through elective courses 1 credit for thesis proposal and interim assessment .Under the guidance of supervisors, graduate students should pinpoint their research areas, look up relevant literature at home and abroad, conduct extensive investigations and report on the selection of dissertation. After examination, the research topic will be definite. After passing thesis proposal defense, the students will get one credit. Graduates must participate in the medium-term assessment. Specific requirements for the report on topics selection of the thesis and interim assessment shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions in graduate students manual.六、科研与论文六、科研与论文VIScientific Research and Dissertation专业学位硕士研究生在学期间,鼓励其在专业学术期刊上公开发表论文或取得工程应用成果。 论文选题要在学生调查研究的基础上,针对实际问题或实际需要在导师指导下进行。 论文形式可以是专题研究,也可以是高质量的调查报告或高质量的案例研究。对论文的评 价主要考核学生运用所学理论解决实际问题的能力,强调知识的实际应用。学位论文须与 应用统计实际问题、实际数据和实际案例紧密结合,体现学生运用应用统计及相关学科理 论、知识和方法分析、解决应用统计实际问题的能力。论文类型可采用与数据收集、整理、 分析相关的调研报告,数据分析报告,应用统计方法的实证研究等形式。学位论文答辩形 式可多种多样,答辩成员中须有应用统计实践领域具有专业技术职务的专家。 During the schooling period, professional graduates are encouraged to publish papers on professional academic journals or gain engineering application achievements. On the basis of investigation and study, thesis topic selection is to be carried out on the basis of the actual problems or the actual needs under the guidance of tutors. The form of a thesis can bespecial subject research,high quality investigation report and case study. The evaluation of the thesis should focus on students' ability to solve practical problems by applying the theory of learning; emphasize the practical application of knowledge. The thesis should be closely combined with the practical problems, the actual data and the actual cases of Applied Statistics. Thesis shall be accomplished independently, to reflect the ability of integrated use of applied statistics and related theories, methods and techniques to solve applied statistical practical problems. Thesis of professional graduates may take forms of research report related to data collection, collation and analysis,data analysis report, empirical study on the applied statistical methods and other forms.Thesis defensemay take various forms. Reviewers and members of the thesis defense committee should have experts with senior professional technical positions in practice areas of relevant industry.七、培养方式与方法七、培养方式与方法VII Cultivation Mode and Method1、应用统计硕士专业学位研究生培养以课程学习和应用技能培养为主,以科学研究为 辅。坚持“宽口径,厚基础,重应用”的培养原则。 2、应用统计硕士专业学位研究生培养采取导师负责与集体培养相结合的方式,每名研 究生指导工作实行“双师制”:一名为学术专业型指导教师,是研究生培养的第一负责人; 另一名为应用研究型指导教师。 3、采用理论联系实际的教学方式。在校学习与到实际部门的专业实习相结合的方式, 坚持理论与实践结合,重视案例教学和实践教学,以培养学生独立分析问题和解决问题的 能力,并聘请实务部门有丰富实践经验的专家讲课或开设讲座。 4、加强实践训练环节。学校在大型企事业单位和政府管理部门建立有实习实践基地, 加强对学生实习实践活动的安排,并考核成绩。实习形式按照学生的实际情况可以做多种 安排。 1. The cultivation is mainly curriculum learning and application skills, supplemented by scientific research. Adhere to the principle of “broad fields, thick foundation, emphasis on application “. 2. The combination of tutor tutor-based instruction group is the mode of cultivation. Professional graduates adopt double teacher-systems: an academic professional guidance teacherfor the first person in charge; the other is application research oriented teacher. 3. Adopt the teaching method of linking theory with practice. Take a form of the combination of school learning and professional practice in the real sector, adhere to the combination of theory and practice, pay attention to case teaching and practice teachingto cultivate students ability of independent analysisproblem and solving problem, and employ the experts who have rich practical experience in practical departments to give a lesson or open a lecture. 4.Strengthen the practical training. Establish practice bases in large enterprises and government departments to strengthen the arrangement of students' practice activities, and examine the results. Practice can arrangedifferent forms in accordance with the actual situation of students.八、其他八、其他VIII Others1、为检查教学效果,确保培养质量,凡是培养方案规定的学习项目,均必须对专业学 位硕士研究生进行考核。考核方式、成绩评定的办法须在课程教学大纲内明确。2、本次制订培养方案的范围包括目前学校批准设立的所有专业学位种类。专业、层次相 同的全日制、非全日制研究生专业适用同一培养方案。 3、专业硕士学位硕士研究生开题前需修满学位课程的学分,允许研究生开题后根据论 文研究需要选修部分其他课程,申请答辩前修完全部课程即可。 4、各专业应对硕士研究生在学期间文献阅读量作出具体的规定与要求。硕士研究生应 查阅本学科国内外文献 40 篇以上,其中外文文献不少于三分之一。 5、专业学位硕士研究生在课程学习阶段每月至少 1 次、论文工作阶段至少每月 2 次向 指导教师汇报自己的学习和研究工作情况,形成制度并在培养方案中予以明确。 6、本次制订培养方案从 2016 级专业学位硕士研究生开始执行。 1. Master's level students in specialized degree programs must be examined according to the learning program of the training scheme rules, which could in some circumstances guarantee the teaching efficiency and training quality. The examination method and the assessment criteria must be explained in the course outline. 2. This teaching program includes all the professional degree categories approved by the university, and all the postgraduates are applicative to the same teaching program in the same faculty. 3. Normally a master's level student in specialized degree programs must attend a certain number of courses in order to apply for the thesis proposal. Students are allowed to choose some relevant courses when necessary, but should pass all these courses before the thesis defense. 4. Departments should formulate rules and requirements about the students references reading during the period of learning at the university. The number of references reading must not be less than 40, and the foreign ones should be one third or more of the total. 5. Normally a master's level student in specialized degree programs should report to their supervisor on his or her work at least once a month during the course learning period and twice a month in the thesis writing period. This should be explained in the training program. 6. This training program goes into effect for master's level students in specialized degree programs from the year of 2016.


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