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    2021年陕西专升本考试考试真题卷(6)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Imagine you are a left-hander. Suddenly everything in the world is changed. The door locks are on the wrong side of doors. The shift gear (变速器) in your car is in the wrong place. Handles on tin openers are on the wrong side and turn the wrong way.Twenty-five million Americans wake up every day in just such a sorry situation. They are one in ten of us who are left-handed and must face the world designed for the right-handed majority.Why we are left or right-handed remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of science. We know that nearly two out of three lefties are men and that left-handedness runs in families. According to one study almost half of the children of two left-handed parents will be left-handed. The Scots-Irish family Kerr produced so many left-handers that in 1470 the family built its house stairway with a reverse twist.On the other hand, heredity (遗传) alone cannot explain lefties. At least 84 percent of them are born of two right-handed parents. And in 12 percent of twins, one will be right-handed, the other left.Perhaps the greatest puzzle of all is not why some people are left-handed, but rather why so few are. In fact, almost equal numbers of individuals will favour either the right or the left. However, scientists are trying to set things right and they are beginning to study the many ways left-handers differ from right-handers by considering how their brains work.Which of the following is NOT true()AIf both parents are left-handed, about 50% of their children will be so.BThe greater part of left-handers have right-handed parents.COne in ten of Americans are left-handed.DMost of us will favor the right.2.Imagine you are a left-hander. Suddenly everything in the world is changed. The door locks are on the wrong side of doors. The shift gear (变速器) in your car is in the wrong place. Handles on tin openers are on the wrong side and turn the wrong way.Twenty-five million Americans wake up every day in just such a sorry situation. They are one in ten of us who are left-handed and must face the world designed for the right-handed majority.Why we are left or right-handed remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of science. We know that nearly two out of three lefties are men and that left-handedness runs in families. According to one study almost half of the children of two left-handed parents will be left-handed. The Scots-Irish family Kerr produced so many left-handers that in 1470 the family built its house stairway with a reverse twist.On the other hand, heredity (遗传) alone cannot explain lefties. At least 84 percent of them are born of two right-handed parents. And in 12 percent of twins, one will be right-handed, the other left.Perhaps the greatest puzzle of all is not why some people are left-handed, but rather why so few are. In fact, almost equal numbers of individuals will favour either the right or the left. However, scientists are trying to set things right and they are beginning to study the many ways left-handers differ from right-handers by considering how their brains work.Among the left handers, ()Afew are menBmost of them are womenChalf of them are menDtwo thirds are men3.Imagine you are a left-hander. Suddenly everything in the world is changed. The door locks are on the wrong side of doors. The shift gear (变速器) in your car is in the wrong place. Handles on tin openers are on the wrong side and turn the wrong way.Twenty-five million Americans wake up every day in just such a sorry situation. They are one in ten of us who are left-handed and must face the world designed for the right-handed majority.Why we are left or right-handed remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of science. We know that nearly two out of three lefties are men and that left-handedness runs in families. According to one study almost half of the children of two left-handed parents will be left-handed. The Scots-Irish family Kerr produced so many left-handers that in 1470 the family built its house stairway with a reverse twist.On the other hand, heredity (遗传) alone cannot explain lefties. At least 84 percent of them are born of two right-handed parents. And in 12 percent of twins, one will be right-handed, the other left.Perhaps the greatest puzzle of all is not why some people are left-handed, but rather why so few are. In fact, almost equal numbers of individuals will favour either the right or the left. However, scientists are trying to set things right and they are beginning to study the many ways left-handers differ from right-handers by considering how their brains work.Why so few people are left-handed ()Ahas nothing to do with heredityBis not known by scientistsChas little to do with the working of their brainsDis that left-handers are mainly twins4.Imagine you are a left-hander. Suddenly everything in the world is changed. The door locks are on the wrong side of doors. The shift gear (变速器) in your car is in the wrong place. Handles on tin openers are on the wrong side and turn the wrong way.Twenty-five million Americans wake up every day in just such a sorry situation. They are one in ten of us who are left-handed and must face the world designed for the right-handed majority.Why we are left or right-handed remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of science. We know that nearly two out of three lefties are men and that left-handedness runs in families. According to one study almost half of the children of two left-handed parents will be left-handed. The Scots-Irish family Kerr produced so many left-handers that in 1470 the family built its house stairway with a reverse twist.On the other hand, heredity (遗传) alone cannot explain lefties. At least 84 percent of them are born of two right-handed parents. And in 12 percent of twins, one will be right-handed, the other left.Perhaps the greatest puzzle of all is not why some people are left-handed, but rather why so few are. In fact, almost equal numbers of individuals will favour either the right or the left. However, scientists are trying to set things right and they are beginning to study the many ways left-handers differ from right-handers by considering how their brains work.How many of the Americans are left-handers()A10%.B12%.C50%.D84%.5.As heart disease continues to be the number-one killer in the United States, researchers have become increasingly interested in identifying the potential risk factors that trigger heart attacks. High-fat diets and life in the fast track have long been known to contribute to the high incidence of heart failure. But according to new studies, the list of risk factors may be significantly longer and quite surprising.Heart failure, for example, appears to have seasonal and temporal patterns. A higher percentage of heart attacks occur in cold weather, and more people experience heart failure on Monday than on any other day of the week. In addition, people are more susceptible to heart attacks in the first few hours after waking. Cardiologists first observed this morning phenomenon in the mid-1980, and have since discovered a number of possible causes. An early-morning rise in blood pressure, heart rate, and concentration of heart stimulating hormones, plus a reduction of blood flow to the heart, may all contribute to the higher incidence of heart attacks between the hours of 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM.In other studies, both birthdays and bachelorhood have been implicated as risk factors. Statistics reveal that heart attack rates increase significantly for both females and males in the few days immediately preceding and following their birthdays. And unmarried men are more at risk for heart attacks than their married counterparts. Though stress is thought to be linked in some way to all of the aforementioned risk factors, intense research continues in the hope of further comprehending why and how heart failure is triggered.Which of the following is NOT cited as a possible risk factor()AHigh in cholesterol.BConjugal affection.CEating fatty foods.DBeing under stress.6.As heart disease continues to be the number-one killer in the United States, researchers have become increasingly interested in identifying the potential risk factors that trigger heart attacks. High-fat diets and life in the fast track have long been known to contribute to the high incidence of heart failure. But according to new studies, the list of risk factors may be significantly longer and quite surprising.Heart failure, for example, appears to have seasonal and temporal patterns. A higher percentage of heart attacks occur in cold weather, and more people experience heart failure on Monday than on any other day of the week. In addition, people are more susceptible to heart attacks in the first few hours after waking. Cardiologists first observed this morning phenomenon in the mid-1980, and have since discovered a number of possible causes. An early-morning rise in blood pressure, heart rate, and concentration of heart stimulating hormones, plus a reduction of blood flow to the heart, may all contribute to the higher incidence of heart attacks between the hours of 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM.In other studies, both birthdays and bachelorhood have been implicated as risk factors. Statistics reveal that heart attack rates increase significantly for both females and males in the few days immediately preceding and following their birthdays. And unmarried men are more at risk for heart attacks than their married counterparts. Though stress is thought to be linked in some way to all of the aforementioned risk factors, intense research continues in the hope of further comprehending why and how heart failure is triggered.Which of the following does the passage infer()AWe now fully understand how risk factors trigger heart attacks.BWe recently began to study how risk factors trigger heart attacks.CWe have not identified many risk factors associated with heart attacks.DWe do not fully understand how risk factors trigger heart attacks.7.As heart disease continues to be the number-one killer in the United States, researchers have become increasingly interested in identifying the potential risk factors that trigger heart attacks. High-fat diets and life in the fast track have long been known to contribute to the high incidence of heart failure. But according to new studies, the list of risk factors may be significantly longer and quite surprising.Heart failure, for example, appears to have seasonal and temporal patterns. A higher percentage of heart attacks occur in cold weather, and more people experience heart failure on Monday than on any other day of the week. In addition, people are more susceptible to heart attacks in the first few hours after waking. Cardiologists first observed this morning phenomenon in the mid-1980, and have since discovered a number of possible causes. An early-morning rise in blood pressure, heart rate, and concentration of heart stimulating hormones, plus a reduction of blood flow to the heart, may all contribute to the higher incidence of heart attacks between the hours of 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM.In other studies, both birthdays and bachelorhood have been implicated as risk factors. Statistics reveal that heart attack rates increase significantly for both females and males in the few days immediately preceding and following their birthdays. And unmarried men are more at risk for heart attacks than their married counterparts. Though stress is thought to be linked in some way to all of the aforementioned risk factors, intense research continues in the hope of further comprehending why and how heart failure is triggered.What does the passage mainly discuss()ARisk factors in heart attacks.BSeasonal and temporal patterns of heart attacks.CCardiology in the 1980s.DDiet and stress as factors in heart attacks.8.As heart disease continues to be the number-one killer in the United States, researchers have become increasingly interested in identifying the potential risk factors that trigger heart attacks. High-fat diets and life in the fast track have long been known to contribute to the high incidence of heart failure. But according to new studies, the list of risk factors may be significantly longer and quite surprising.Heart failure, for example, appears to have seasonal and temporal patterns. A higher percentage of heart attacks occur in cold weather, and more people experience heart failure on Monday than on any other day of the week. In addition, people are more susceptible to heart attacks in the first few hours after waking. Cardiologists first observed this morning phenomenon in the mid-1980, and have since discovered a number of possible causes. An early-morning rise in blood pressure, heart rate, and concentration of heart stimulating hormones, plus a reduction of blood flow to the heart, may all contribute to the higher incidence of heart attacks between the hours of 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM.In other studies, both birthdays and bachelorhood have been implicated as risk factors. Statistics reveal that heart attack rates increase significantly for both females and males in the few days immediately preceding and following their birthdays. And unmarried men are more at risk for heart attacks than their married counterparts. Though stress is thought to be linked in some way to all of the aforementioned risk factors, intense research continues in the hope of further comprehending why and how heart failure is triggered.The phrase "susceptible to" in ParA2 could best be replaced by" ()"A. aware ofB. affected byC. accustomedD. prone to9.As heart disease continues to be the number-one killer in the United States, researchers have become increasingly interested in identifying the potential risk factors that trigger heart attacks. High-fat diets and life in the fast track have long been known to contribute to the high incidence of heart failure. But according to new studies, the list of risk factors may be significantly longer and quite surprising.Heart failure, for example, appears to have seasonal and temporal patterns. A higher percentage of heart attacks occur in cold weather, and more people experience heart failure on Monday than on any other day of the week. In addition, people are more susceptible to heart attacks in the first few hours after waking. Cardiologists first observed this morning phenomenon in the mid-1980, and have since discovered a number of possible causes. An early-morning rise in blood pressure, heart rate, and concentration of heart stimulating hormones, plus a reduction of blood flow to the heart, may all contribute to the higher incidence of heart attacks between the hours of 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM.In other studies, both birthdays and bachelorhood have been implicated as risk f


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