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    Section Bgo to bed earlyget up earlyput litter into the dustbindo morning exercisesbrush your teethwash hands before mealsis good for your health.stay up late at nightread in the sunthrow litter aroundkeep fingernails longeat too much candyread in bedis bad for your health.Whats he doing? He is .What do you think of smoking?smokingIs smoking good or bad for our health?Its bad for our health.Smoking is bad for our lungs.It can even cause cancer.So everyone should give up smoking.放弃放弃What is Wang Junfeng doing? Why does Marias father like smoking ? Why does Maria want to ask her father to give up smoking? He is reading an article about smoking in the newspaper.Because he thinks smoking can help him relax.Because smoking is bad for our lungs and it even may cause cancer.1bListen to 1a and answer the following questions. 录音录音1a-P371cWatch the flash and fill in the blanks. Wang Junfeng is reading an _ about smoking in the newspaper . Marias father _ because he thinks smoking can help him _. But the article says smoking is _ for our lungs and it can even _ cancer. Marias going to ask her father to _ _ smoking.articlesmokesrelaxcause give up视频视频1a-P37badYoud better not read in the sun. It is bad for your eyes. read in the sun 在太阳下看书在太阳下看书Eg: 不要在太阳下看书不要在太阳下看书。Dont read in the sun. be bad/ good for 对对有坏有坏/好处好处Eg: 这对我们的身体有害这对我们的身体有害。 It is bad for our health.Smoking is bad for his health. 动词短语做主语,动词加动词短语做主语,动词加-ing.Eg: 工作太久对我们的健康有害处工作太久对我们的健康有害处。 Working too long is bad for our health.Eg: 吃太多的糖对你的牙齿有害处吃太多的糖对你的牙齿有害处。 Eating too much is bad for your teeth.I must ask him to give up smoking. ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事叫某人做某事Eg: 我妈妈叫我晚上不要外出我妈妈叫我晚上不要外出。 My mother asks me not to go out at night. give up sth./doing sth. 放弃某事放弃某事/做某事做某事Eg: 我不会放弃我的计划我不会放弃我的计划。 I wont give up my plan.Maria: What reading ?read in the sun. Wang Junfeng: an article about smoking in the newspaper. Does smoke ?Maria: Yes smoking helprelax.Wang Junfeng: smoking bad for Maria: teeth yellow and coughs.Wang Junfeng: too bad the article says smoking our lungs cause cancer.Maria: How ! I ask give up smoking. May I borrow show father?Wang Junfeng: Sure.2aLook at the pictures and choose the correct sentence to complete each description. Breakfast gives you energy for the morning._Its necessary for your health. a. Going to school without breakfast is bad for your health.c. Walking is good exercise.2aLook at the pictures and choose the correct sentence to complete each description. Water is good for your health._It will keep you active during the day.d. Drink enough water every day.b. Go to bed early and get up early.enough adj. 足够的,既可以放在名词之前,足够的,既可以放在名词之前, 也可以放在名词之后。也可以放在名词之后。Eg:Do you have enough money/money enough to buy it? There are enough people / people enough to do the work. adv. 足够地足够地 ,放在形容词或副词之后。,放在形容词或副词之后。Eg:Its good enough, I think. If you get up early enough, you will catch the bus.2bRead 2a and mark H (Healthy) or U (Unhealthy). Look at the pictures. Work in pairs and talk about what we should do to keep healthy habits, using must, mustnt, should, shouldnt,had better, had better not or dont.Eg: Dont walk on the lawn ( 草坪草坪 ). You should take care of the lawn. Listen to the chant and write down the key phrase for each picture. 录音录音3b-P383b-P383b wash hands have a bath open the windowearly to riseListen again and repeat, paying attention to the liaison. Wash your hands, have a bath.Open the window, take a fresh breath.Early to bed, early to rise.Having good habits,makes a man healthy,Wealthy and wise.Liaison makes our English sounds smooth, and one type of it is to link consonant with vowel.录音录音3b-P383b-P383b1. How to use should, shouldnt, must, mustnt.2. Go on talking about how to cultivate good habits to keep healthy.1. Discuss with your partner and write some class regulations. Eg: We must keep the classroom clean every day.2. Finish the exercises in Section B.


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