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    9A Unit1 Know yourselfComic strip + Welcome to the unitNew Words And Expressionseat upcreative adj.curious adj.energetic adj.modest adj.organized(=organised) adjorder n.keep . in order show offgrammar n.吃光,吃完吃光,吃完有创造力的;创造性的有创造力的;创造性的好奇的好奇的精力充沛的精力充沛的谦虚的谦虚的有条理的;有效率的有条理的;有效率的顺序顺序使使保持井然有序保持井然有序炫耀炫耀语法语法come up withneither conj.nor conj.neither . noraccountant n.想出(主意)想出(主意)(否定句)两者之一不(否定句)两者之一不也不也不既不既不也不也不会计会计New Words And Expressions Do you know yourself? What kind of person are you? What job can you do in the future? Why?Free talkSuzy is well _.She keeps all her things in good order. keep . in good order 使井然有序Daniel is very clever, but he is _ and never shows off. mdst adj.谦虚的 show off 炫耀,卖弄Mr Wu is _ enough to repeat grammar rules for us. pe()nt adj. 有耐心的repeat . forcreative curious energetic modest organized patientorganizedmodestpatient:naizd adj. 有条理的creative curious energetic modest organized patientSamuel is _.He often comes up with new ideas.Billy is _ about everything.He likes asking questions.Simon is very _.He always play football for hours.creativecuriousenergetickrietv adj.有创造力的kjris adj. 好奇的endetkadj. 精力充沛的come up with 想出,提出Millie and her classmates are talking about their own personalities and the kind of job they like or dislike.What job does she do ?She is an accountant. kant()nt n.会计Neither my parents nor I am an accountant.neither.nor.既不.也不,和(两者)都不1. What will Millie be in the future? Why?2. Can Paul be a good accountant? And why?3. What job does Sandy like? Why?4. What do you know about David? Can you guess what job he may like?No, he cant. Because he is careless sometimes. Neither his parents nor he thinks he can make a good accountant.A good teacher or a good doctor. Because she is patient and doesnt get angry easily.Listen and answerShe likes creative jobs. Because she often has exciting ideas.He is active and likes talking with people.Millie and her classmates are talking about their own personalities and the kind of job they like or dislike.Work in groups and talk about yourselves.Use the conversation below as a model.Im patient enough and I dont get angry easily.I think I can be a good teacher or a good doctor.What about you,Paul?Im careless sometimes.Neither my parents nor I think I can make a good accountant.What jobs do you like,Sandy?My art teacher says I often have exciting ideas.I like creative jobs.How about you,David?Im active and I love talking with people.Its terrible for me to work without speaking all day long. Millie:Paul:Sandy:David: A:B:C:D: Im . enough and I . . So I think I can be a good . .What about you,.?Im.sometimes.Neither . nor . think I can make/be a good . . What jobs do you like,.?My teacher says I often .I like . So I want to be a . . How about you,.?Im . and I love . .Its.for me to . . Watch the video and answer Does Eddie think himself generous?1. What is the interesting article about?2. What makes generous people feel good?3. What happens to Eddies breakfast in the end?4. IS Eddie willing to share his breakfast with Hobo?Listen and answer more questionsIt is about personality.It makes them feel good to share things with others.Hobo has eaten it up.No, he isnt.Eddie and HoboPractice the dialogue.Look at the pictures and read their conversation.Then try to act it out.1. It says some people are generous. say vt. 说,写着,显示说,写着,显示The notice _ Keep Quiet .The book _ (not say) where he was born.2. It makes them feel good to share things with others. make sb. do sth. make sb. adj. make sb.+ 名词短语名词短语 feel (felt,felt)v. 感觉,摸起来感觉,摸起来 feel +adj. feel like sth/ doing sth e.g.我为他感到难过。我为他感到难过。 I _ for him. share sth. with sb.saysdoesnt sayfeel sorry3. eat up 吃光,吃完吃光,吃完 吃光你所有的食物!吃光你所有的食物! Eat up all your food!=Eat all your food up! 吃光他们。吃光他们。 Eat them up.4. She keeps all her things in good order.keep . in good order 使使.保持井然有序保持井然有序What a mess!You should_ _.(保持你的书有序)(保持你的书有序)order n. 名词名词 顺序顺序in the correct/right order 按照正确的顺序按照正确的顺序in the alphabetical order 按照字母表顺序按照字母表顺序in a different order 以另一种顺序以另一种顺序keep yourbooks in good order5. But he is modest and never shows off.show off 炫耀炫耀,卖弄(能力、财力、智力等)卖弄(能力、财力、智力等)她从不炫耀。她从不炫耀。She never shows off.她想在派对上炫耀自己的丈夫。她想在派对上炫耀自己的丈夫。She wanted to_他想炫耀他英语讲得有多好。他想炫耀他英语讲得有多好。 He wants to show off how well he speaks English.show sb. sth = show sth. to sb.show sb around / round sp.(地点地点)show up 出现,露面出现,露面on show 展览展览show off her husband at the party6. He often comes up with new e up with 想出想出(主意主意), 提出提出(主意或计划主意或计划), 相相当于当于 think up ; 追上追上; 赶上赶上她想出了一个好主意来解决这个数学题。她想出了一个好主意来解决这个数学题。She _ for working out the maths problem.我们太虚弱以至于赶不上那些爬山者。我们太虚弱以至于赶不上那些爬山者。We were _ those climbers.你能想出一个更好的借口吗?你能想出一个更好的借口吗?Can you come up with a better excuse?came up with a good ideatoo weak to come up with7. I think I can be a good teacher or a good doctor. or 连词连词 “或者,还是或者,还是”Are you come or not? 用于否定句用于否定句 “也不也不”I cant sing or dance. 连词连词 “否则,不然否则,不然”Hurry up, or we will be late.8. Neither my parents nor I think I can make a good accountant. neither. nor. 既不既不.也不也不.Neither I nor he _ (know) it.当连接两个并列的主语时当连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词要和与它临近的主语一致。谓语动词要和与它临近的主语一致。 neither 的其他用法:的其他用法:1)代词,)代词,“两者都不两者都不”(作主语时,谓语动词通常是单(作主语时,谓语动词通常是单数)数)他们俩都不是老师。他们俩都不是老师。Neither of them is a teacher.2) 形容词,形容词,“两者都不两者都不”,通常放在可数名词单数前面。,通常放在可数名词单数前面。反义词为反义词为both (两者都)(两者都)这两个答案都不对。这两个答案都不对。Neither answer is correct.3) 副词,副词,“也不也不”(放在句首,采用完全倒装)(放在句首,采用完全倒装)I dont like him. Neither do I.knows9. It terrible for me to work without speaking all day long. Its+ adj + for sb. + to do sth. 对某人而言,做对某人而言,做.是是.(adj.) without prep.介词介词 “没有没有” + 名词名词/代词代词/动名词动名词他没吃早饭就去上学了。他没吃早饭就去上学了。He went to school_. all day long 整整一天整整一天without having breakfastConsolidationI. 根据汉语提示完成句子1._ (有时)we play games in the park at weekends.2. The young man is strong _(足够) to lift the heavy box.3. Im sorry. How _(粗心的)of me!4. He went out _(没有) saying a word.II.用所给词的适当形式填空5. I watched the _(excite) match last night.6. He was _(excite)about the match.7. He was _(terrible)hurt in the accident.III. 单项填空8.(2013.孝感中考)Students shouldnt go to school _ breakfast. Its bad for their health.A. with B. without C. for D. byenoughSometimescarelesswithoutexcitingexcitedterriblyB9.(2013.贺州中考)This movie wasnt _. He fell asleep half way through it. A. interesting enough B. enough interesting C. interested enough D. enough interested10.(2013.玉林中考)At times an ad can lead you to buy something you dont need at all, so you have to be careful.(选出与画线部分相同或相近的选项) A. Sometime B. Sometimes C. Some time D. Some timesIV.根据汉语意思完成句子11.这个年轻人经常想出好的办法。The young man often _ _ _ good ideas.12.我的父亲经常告诉我,既不要炫耀自己,也不要轻视别人。My father often tells me neither to _ _ _ nor to look down upon others.Bcomes up withshow me offAHomework1. Recite the dialogue.2. Complete the exercise.1. What does Millie want to be?She thinks she can be a good teacher or a good doctor.2. Do Pauls parents think he can make a good accountant?No, they dont.Group work Work in groups to talk about your own personalities and the kind of job you like. A : I.(not). I think I can be. What about you? B : .says I. I like. Its .for me.


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