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    Unit 5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time. ( ( section B, 3a,3b,3c section B, 3a,3b,3c ) If 引导条状语从句时,从句中用一般现在时代替一般将来时。If he _(go) to the movies,he wont finish his work.goesIf I _(become) a doctor,I can help others.becomeIf we _(have )time, we will go to the park tomorrow.have如果你去,如果你去, 我也去。我也去。If you go,I will go.如果明天下雨,请带雨衣如果明天下雨,请带雨衣。Please take a raincoat if it rains.If you watch the match, youll feel excited. 在在4 4月月3 3日晚日晚9:309:30结束的决赛中,丁俊晖以结束的决赛中,丁俊晖以9 9:5 5击败英国击败英国名将亨得利,夺得世界职业台球(斯诺克)巡回赛中国公开名将亨得利,夺得世界职业台球(斯诺克)巡回赛中国公开赛冠军,这是中国选手首次夺得职业台球赛排名赛的冠军。赛冠军,这是中国选手首次夺得职业台球赛排名赛的冠军。 a professional athlete/playerWhat does “a professional athlete” mean?A professional athlete is a person whose only job is playing sports. If you are good at playing football,If you are good at playing football, what will you do ? what will you do ?Hint : I will get an education,playing it every day after school as a hobby.become a professional player (athlete).Task 1. Listening and understanding Say Yes or No. 1. Many young people think becoming a professional athlete is a dream job.2.If you become famous, people all over the world will know you.3.Many athletes like to do a lot of work to help others.4. Professional athletes never have any problems.5. Many famous people complain that they are not happy.Task 2. Reading1. Reasons for becoming a professional athlete. *You can make a lot of money. _ _ _ _2. Reasons against becoming a professional athlete. *It is very dangerous. _ _ _ *You can do something that you love. *You can become famous. *People all over the world will know you. *You can give money to schools and charities.*People will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere. *You dont know who your real friends are.Task 3. Language points.1.make a living 谋生以(靠)、谋生 make a living (by) doing sth.Eg. He makes a living( by )selling books. His father makes a living (by) writing books.His father makes a living as a writer.make a living as .Tom makes a living as a driver.周杰伦是以唱歌谋生周杰伦是以唱歌谋生。 Zhou Jielun makes a living as a singer.Zhou Jielun makes a living by singing songs.他是靠做医生来谋生的。他是靠做医生来谋生的。2. If you play sports for a living.your job will sometimes be very dangerous. do sth. for a living = make a living by doing sth. 周杰伦是以唱歌谋生。周杰伦是以唱歌谋生。Zhou Jielun makes a living (by) singing songs. 姚明靠做篮球运动员谋生姚明靠做篮球运动员谋生。Zhou Jielun sings songs for a living.Yao Ming plays basketball for a living.Yao Ming makes a living as a basketball player.Yao Ming makes a living by playing basketball.3.all over the world 遍及全世界遍及全世界 = throughout the world = around the worldEg. People all over the world think peace and freedom are important. My dream is to travel around the world.4.all the time = always 一直,总是一直,总是 Eg. She kept crying all the time. Tom likes to help others all the time.他总是嘲笑我。他总是嘲笑我。我妈妈一直喜欢听邓丽君的歌。我妈妈一直喜欢听邓丽君的歌。 小梅一直帮助小梅一直帮助 我学英语。我学英语。He always laughs at me./ He laughs at me all the time.My mother likes Deng Lijuns song all the time.Xiaomei helps me with my English all the time.5、have a difficult/hard time (in) doing sth. have a difficult /hard time with sth.很吃力,很费力地干某事很吃力,很费力地干某事eg.He has a difficult time in learning English. That little girl is having a hard time in riding her bike. *去年我学语文很吃力去年我学语文很吃力。 * 现在我很费劲地在包饺子现在我很费劲地在包饺子。I had a difficult time (in)learning Chinese last year.I am having a hard time (in) making dumplings now. *昨天他昨天他不费力不费力地把他的工作完成了地把他的工作完成了。He didnt have a difficult time in finishing his work yesterday. = He had an easy time in finishing his work yesterday.have a great /good /pleasant time 玩的高兴玩的高兴,愉快愉快Task 4. Writing. Dear Mr. Brown,I have decided that I ( will/wont)_join the Lions. If I join the team,_ Sincerely, Michael3b professional athlete,make money ,become famous/rich,go to college ,travel all over the world, make a living,get injured, 3cWrite about your own plans using sentences with if and will.Example 1: Maybe I will become a teacher.If I become a teacher,I will Maybe I will become a teacher.If I become a teacher,I will work with children.I love children,so I will be happy.I will also work with children.I love children,so I will be happy.I will also be able to work outside sometimes.But I wont be famous.be able to work outside sometimes.But I wont be famous.Example 2. Maybe Ill Maybe Ill be a lawyer. If become a lawyer,I will be able to be a lawyer. If become a lawyer,I will be able to help people.But I wont be able to work outside and I wont be help people.But I wont be able to work outside and I wont be able to work with children.I think I will nt be a teacher.able to work with children.I think I will nt be a teacher. Homework: Maybe I will become a singer/writer/driver,astronaut,policeman, doctor


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