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    2022年新版八年级英语下册第1至第10单元知识点总结 .pdf

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    2022年新版八年级英语下册第1至第10单元知识点总结 .pdf

    新版八年级英语下册第1 至第 10 单元知识点总结2014 新版八年级英语下册第1-第 10 单元知识点总结Unit 1 What s the matter? 一、基础知识1. What s the matter? 怎么啦?出什么事情了?【解析】 matter/ m?t?(r) /n. 问题;事情What s the matter with you?= What s the trouble with you? = What s wrong with you? 你怎么了?【注】 : matter 和 trouble 为名词,其前可加the 或形容词性物主代词,wrong 是 adj. 不能加 the 【用法】 用于询问某人有什么病或某人遇到什么麻烦、问题其后跟询问对象时,与介词with 连用。即:Whats the matter with sb.? = Whats your trouble? = Whats up? = What happens to sb.? Whats the matter with you ? I have a bad cold. 2. I had a cold.我感冒了。have a cold=catch a cold=have the flu 感冒have a fever 发烧have a cough 咳嗽have a stomachache胃疼,肚子疼have a toothache牙疼 have a headache头疼3. 身体部位 +ache(疼痛)构成新的复合词stomach+ache=stomachache head+ache=headache tooth+ache=toothache back+ache=backache后背痛4. much too+ 形容词,意为太. ,too much+名词,意为很多,大量。5. enough 【形容、 副词】足够的 /地, enough 放在名前后, 形副后。good enough 足够好, enough money=much money 6. lie down 躺下,lie 躺,躺着,过去式lay;lie 说谎,过去式lied 7. maybe 或许,常用于句首,表示可能性,后加句子。Maybe you are right. may be,是情态动词 +be 的结构,意为 可能,也许,后加名词、代词或形容词。He may be angry. sound like+ 名词代词和从句:It sounds like you don t know the truth. It sounds like a good idea. sound+形容词, 听起来,好像,The music sounds nice. 9. need 需要,实义动词need+名词,需要某物;need to do sth. 需要做某事,主语通常是人,表示人主动的动作:You need to listen carefully during class. need doing sth.主语通常是物,表示被动的动作:Your dirty clothes need washing. 10. get off (the bus) 下(公交车)get on 上车11. agree 同意,赞同;agree with sth. 同意某事如: I agree with that idea. agree to sb. 同意某人的意见如: I agree to LiLei. 12. trouble 问题,麻烦;be in trouble 遇到麻烦, make trouble 制造麻烦,have trouble (in) doing sth. =have difficulties (in) doing sth做.有麻烦。13. right away=right now=at once ,意为马上。14. advice 不可数名词 劝告,建议,向征求意见,give sb. advice on sth. 就某事给某人建议;advise 动词 advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 5 页advise sb. doing sth. 【复习】 exercise 练习、锻炼当 exercise 意为 练习时,为可数名词即可加 s 当 exercise 意为 锻炼时,为不可数名词即不加 s 16. hurt 及物动词,使 疼痛, 受伤, He hurt his leg while exercising. 不及物动词, (部位)疼。His leg hurt badly. clean 【动词】打扫,clean the classroom 打扫教室,【形容词】干净的,cleaner 意为清洁工。18. hit (用手或器具)打;击打The boy hit the dog with a stone. hit sb. on the head/ nose/ back 打某人的头、鼻子、后背,on 用在所打较硬的部位;hit sb. in the face/ eye/ stomach 打某人的脸、眼睛、肚子,in 用在所打较软的部位。习惯于、适应了 、做某事,强调状态;His grandpa was used to country life. Mary is not used to getting up early in the morning. get/ become used to sth./ doing sth. 变得习惯,逐渐适应 强调过程、动作:Its difficult for one to get used to another country s habit. 1 20. 【复习】free 形容词 空闲的 free time; 免费的 the drink is for free ; 自由的 I want to become a free bird. free【动词】使 解脱,得到自由:He could not free his arm. run out 用完,用尽When his water run out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life. 物 sth. run out. 某物用尽了。人 sb. run out of sth. 人用尽了某物。He run out of all his money last night. 22. risk (sb.) to do sth. 冒险去做某事take a risk=take risks 冒险23. the importance of (doing) sth. (做)某事的重要性We students should know the importance of (learning) English. importance n. 重要(性),important adj.重要的, unimportant adj.不重要的decision 【名词】决定;抉择;make a decision 做决定; make a decision to do sth.= decide to do sth. 。25. be in the control of 掌管,管理The headmaster is in the control of this new school. be out of control 无法控制,无法管理be under control 被控制住,在控制之中26. 【 复 习 】 mind意 为介 意, mind doing sth. 介 意 做 某事, Would you mind my opening the window? 27. give up (doing) sth. 放弃(做)某事,give up (playing) computer games ;give up 后可接名词、代词和动词ing 形式,也可不接,如: Never give up easily. 二、重点语法【反身代词】 英语中共有八个反身代词,在使用时应注意和它所指的相应的对象在人称、性别、数上保持一致。【用法】1. 可用作宾语,指的是宾语和主语表示同一个或同一些的人或事物。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 5 页如: Maria bought herself a scarf. We must look after ourselves very well. 2. 可用作表语,指的是表语和主语表示同一个或同一些人或事物。如:She isn t quite herself today. 3. 可用作主语或宾语的同位语,常用来加强语气。如: She herself will fly to London tomorrow. I met the writer himself last week. 4. 用在某些固定短语当中。look after oneself / take care of oneself 照顾自己teach say to oneself 自言自语oneself sth./ learn sth. by oneself 自学leave sb. by oneself 把某人单独留下enjoy oneself 玩得高兴,过得愉快buy oneself sth.给自己买 东西help oneself to sth 请自用 (随便吃 /喝些 ). introduce oneself 介绍 自己hurt oneself 摔伤自己【提醒】1. 反身代词不能单独做主语,但可以做主语的同位语,起强调作用。如:我自己能完成作业。(误) Myself can finish my homework. (正) I myself can finish my homework. / I can finish my homework myself. 2. 反身代词表示 某人自己不能表示某人的东西,因为它没有所有格的形式。表达 某人自己的(东西)时,须要用ones own. 如: 我用我自己的蜡笔画画。 (误)I m drawing with myself crayons. (正) I m drawing with my own crayons. Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks 一、基本知识点1. sick 生病的,有病的;可在句中作表语Mary could not come because she is sick. 也可作定语a sick child 【区别 ill 】 ill 与 sick 同义;但是只在句中做表语,不做定语。 Mary could not come because she is ill. 2. cheer (sb.) up (让某人) 变得高兴; 振奋起来The good news cheered up everyone in our class. 2 3. give out 分发;散发,相当于hand out,The teacher is giving out/ handing out the test papers. give sth. out to sb. 意为把某物分发给某人。4. volunteer 【名词】志愿者【动词】义务做,自愿做(某事)volunteer to do sth. 自愿做某事,The girls could volunteer in an after-school study program. 5. used to do sth.过去 /曾经 (常 )做某事,表示过去的习惯、动作或状态,并强调现在已经不再存在或发生。There used to be a cinema here. 这里曾有一个照相机。They told me stories about the past and how things used to be. 他们告诉我关于这里过去的故事。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 5 页6. alone 【形容词】独自一人的,无感情色彩:The musician enjoyed living alone and writing songs himself. lonely (感到)孤独寂寞的,带有很强的感情色彩,可做表语或定语。The lonely boy is not lonely now. 7. care for sb./sth.照顾;照料 care 【名词】小心,关心take care of=look after 【动词】 care about sb./sth.关心,在意某人/事【形容词】 careful 仔细的/ careless 粗心的【副词】 carefully 仔细地8. such 这样的, 这种, 如此, 用于修饰名词such+ a/ an+形容词 +单数名词: such a good day 多么美好的一天/such an exciting match 多么精彩的比赛such+形容词 +复数名词 /不可数名词: such important decisions 多么重要的建议such delicious food 多么美味如果名词前被many, much, few, little 修饰时, 只能用 so,而不用 such:so many sick children/ so little time 9. try out for参加 选拔,争取成为 Thirty football players tried out for the Best Player of the year. try out 试用,试验10. journey 【名词】(尤指长途)旅行,行程;trip【名词】多指短途旅行;travel【名词、动词】travel around the world 【名词】 traveler 旅行者11.【复习】 be busy with sth. 忙于(做)什么事情be busy doing sth. 忙于(做)什么事情12. 【 复习】try doing sth. 试着去做某事try to do sth. 尽力去做某事try ones best (to do sth.) 尽某人最大的努力去做某事13.【复习】 be worried about sb./ sth. = worry about sb./ sth. 担心某人、某事14. raise money 集资,筹钱;raise money for为 筹钱raise【动词】举起;提高;募集15. keep【动词】 keep+名词,保留(某物) ;keep+形容词,保持16.【形容词】 broken 破损的,出毛病的;blind 瞎的,失明的;deaf 聋的; disabled 有残疾的,丧失能力的;在句中做定语和表语。make it possible (for sb.) to do sth. 使(某人)做某事成为可能,You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky. make it +形容词 (+for sb.) to do sth. 使(某人)做某事成为;think/find it + 形容词 to do sth. 18. make a difference to对 有影响;对 有作用, difference 前可以用no, any, some, much 等修饰,如The rain made no difference to the game. Hard-working makes much difference to study. 19. difficulty 【可数 /不可数】表示抽象意义的困难时为不可数;表示具体的难题、难事时为可数;have difficulty (in) doing sth.= have trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难20. train【动词】训练,trained 为过去分词,可做定语,意为受过训练的 a trained dog 21. be excited about sth. 对某事感到兴奋,Everyone is excited about the good news. 【复习】 excited 意为兴奋的,修饰人;exciting 意为令人兴奋 /激动的,修饰物。22. order【名词】命令,指示;顺序,次序【动词】订购;点(菜)follow the order 。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 5 页23. change【动词】变化,改变Its hard for a person to change his life(style). 【名词】变化;零钱change A for B 用 A 换成 B: When you travel in China, remember to change US dollars for RMB. repair 【动词】修理,修补;fix 【动词】安装;使固定【fix up 修理 =repair】精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 5 页


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