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    Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date人教精通版小学英语下册六年级五、六单元知识点49页49页 六年英语第五单元复习词汇 1 姓名:_单词:shop商店 with和 his他的 my我的 your你的 her她的 our我们的 your你们的 their他们的 I 我me我 you你 he他 she她 it它 help帮助 want想要 car小汽车 shoe鞋 bus公共汽车 bike自行车 train火车 ship轮船 boat小船 balloon气球 ball球 taxi出租车 certainly=sure当然短语:Sunday morning周日早上 go shopping购物 in the shopping centre在购物中心 a pair of shoes一双鞋 toy car玩具小汽车 how much多少钱 Here you are.给你 try it on(try them on)试穿 How about.?=What about.?怎么样回答问题:1.Can I help you? I want to buy a toy car.I want a toy car.2.Which one would you like? Id like that blue one.3.How much is it ? Its sixty-nine yuan. How much are they? They are 50 yuan.4. What can I do for you? I want a pair of shoes.5. Can I try it on ? Certainly!Sure.Task3 and 4 (50页)单词:colour 颜色red红色 green绿色 yellow黄色 blue蓝色 white白色 black黑色 orange桔色 brown棕色 purple紫色 new新的 old旧的 big大的 small小的 long长的 short短的 tall高的 short 矮的whose 谁的Peters彼得的 his他的 her她的 its 它的回答问题:1.Whose toy car is it?=Whose is the toy car? Its Peters.2. What colour is it? Its red.3. What do you have ? I have a balloon.4. What are they like? They are big.5. What is it like? Its new.Task 5 and 6 (51页)单词:hamburger汉堡包 hot dog热狗 cake蛋糕 pear梨 banana香蕉 apple苹果 orange桔子 mango芒果 pineapple菠萝 watermelon西瓜 egg鸡蛋 meat肉 ice-cream冰激凌 bread面包 chicken鸡肉 fish鱼 candy糖果 milk牛奶 juice果汁 Coke可乐 fruit水果 water水 chocolate巧克力 honey蜂蜜 animal动物 monkey猴子 elephant大象 dog狗 cat猫 panda熊猫 bear熊 deer鹿 duck鸭子 pig猪 horse马 cow母牛 sheep绵羊 farm农场 many许多 tiger老虎短语:an egg一个鸡蛋 an apple一个苹果 an orange一个橘子 an ice cream一个冰激凌 an animal 一个动物an elephant一头大象 an hour一小时 on the farm在农场 would like to .想要 a big farm一个大农场回答问题:1. What would you like ? Id like a hamburger and some fish.2. Can I have some milk ? Sure ! Here you are.3.Whats that ? Its an elephant.4. What are these? They are monkeys and pandas.Task 7 and 8(52页) 六年英语第五单元复习词汇 2 姓名:_名词变复数规则:1.一般在末尾加S. 2.以s,sh,ch,x结尾的词末尾加es. 3. 以辅音字母加y结尾的,把y变成i,再加es. 4. 以 f,fe结尾的名词,把f,fe变成v加es.不规则的名词复数:sheep-sheep绵羊 people-people人 Chinese-Chinese 中国人 child-children 小孩 foot-feet脚 tooth-teeth牙mouse-mice老鼠 man-men男人 woman-women女人单词:card 卡片 love爱 pen 钢笔 book书 computer电脑 clock钟表 fan电扇 T-shirt T恤衫 skirt短裙 coat大衣 sweater毛衣 shorts短裤 dress连衣裙 umbrella雨伞 bike自行车 pen 钢笔pencil铅笔 pencil-box铅笔盒 textbook课本 ruler格尺 schoolbag书包 sharpener卷笔刀 desk书桌 chair椅子 one一 two二 three三 four四 five五 six六 seven七 eight八 nine九 ten十 eleven十一 twelve十二 thirteen十三 fourteen十四 fifteen十五 sixteen十六 seventeen十七 eighteen十八 nineteen十九 twenty二十 twenty-one二十一 twenty-nine二十九 thirty三十 forty四十 fifty五十 sixty六十 seventy七十 eighty八十 ninety九十 a hundred一百 gift礼物 first第一 second第二 third 第三fourth第四 fifth第五 sixth第六 seventh第七 eighth第八 ninth第九 tenth第十基数变序数词的口诀:基变序,有规律。1、2、3特殊记,th从四来加起,8去t,9减e,f来把ve替;t y 变成tie,若是变成几十几,只变个位就可以。one-first two-second three-third four-fourth five-fifth six-sixthseven-seventh eight-eighth nine-ninth ten-tenth eleven-eleventhtwelve-twelfth thirty-thirtieth短语:some beautiful flowers一些漂亮的花 a new pen一支新钢笔 some cards一些卡片 my love 我的爱a lot of things 许多东西hope school 希望学校Tak9 and 10(53页)单词:ill 生病 today今天 can能 cant不能 shouldnt不应该 dont不 isnt不 arent不 doesnt不 call打电话 speak说 please 请so 所以fever发烧 headache头痛 see看见 doctor医生 hospital医院 hope希望 soon 不久card卡片 lesson课 worry担心 help帮助 thanks=thank you谢谢你 some一些短语:have a bad cold重感冒 have a headache头痛 Whats wrong ?怎么了? have a fever发烧 have a cold 感冒take me to the hospital 把我带到医院see a doctor看医生 get well 好起来take care of 照顾take good care of 好好照顾May I speak to +某人? (打电话)我可以和某人讲话吗?) This is xx speaking. 我就是Have some +名词复数 for you有一些XX给你get-well card 康复卡worry about 担心Dont worry about 不要担心help.with帮助 Thanks a lot=Thank you very much.非常感谢 feel much better感觉好得多回答问题:1.May I speak to Mr Wang,please? This is Wang speaking.2.Whats wrong with you ? I have a fever and headache.3. Do you have a cold ? es , I do.4. I hope you will get well soon. Thank you.5.How are you feeling today ? I feel much better.Task11 and 12(54页)单词:supermarket 超市rice米饭 noodles面条 chicken鸡肉 fish鱼 vegetables 蔬菜tomatoes西红柿 potatoes土豆 carrots 胡萝卜cucumbers 黄瓜eggplants茄子 green peppers 青椒fruit水果 also也 favourite最喜欢的短语:at a big supermarket在一家大超市 come on过来 a big shopping trip一次购物旅行英语下册六年级第六单元词汇知识点1 姓名:_55页:Task1单词:travel旅行 around围绕 parents父母 Singapore新加坡 stay呆,停留 hear听见 visit参观 zoo动物园 island 岛屿place地方 air空气 animal动物 train火车 world 世界famous 著名的daytime白天 food食物 history 历史Chinatown唐人街 plan计划短语:at night 在晚上summer holidays暑假 in the open air露天 in daytime 白天ejoy the food there在那品尝食物 the last day最后一天 the history of Singapore新加坡历史 have a lot of fun玩的愉快 travel plan旅行计划重要句子:1.Heres my travel plan for the summer holidays.这是我的暑假旅行计划。2.Im going to travel around Singapore with my parents.我打算和我的父母去新加坡旅行3.Were going to stay in Singapore for three days.我们打算在新加坡呆三天。4.It is the most famous place to visit in Singapore.在新加坡它是最著名的去参观的地方。5.The Singapore Zoo is in the open air.新加坡动物园是露天的。6.People can see animals in daytime and at night.人们白天和晚上都可以看到动物。7.Singapore Flyer is the worlds largest flyer.新加坡摩天观景轮是世界最大的摩天轮。8.For the last day,were going to visit Chinatown.最后一天,我们准备去参观唐人街。9.We can enjoy the food there and learn more about the history of Singapore.我们可品尝那儿的食物,学习更多的关于新加坡的历史。10.We will have a lot of fun in Singapore.我们将在新加坡玩的很愉快。11.Where are you going for your summer holidays?暑假你打算去哪?12.Can you tell me your travel plan?能告诉我你的旅行计划吗?56页;Task3单词:amazing 惊讶的America美国 Canada加拿大 park公园 father父亲 mother母亲 Disneyland迪土尼乐园 famous著名的 tower塔 world世界 短语:the Great Wall长城 the Temple of Heaven 天坛the Forbidden City紫禁城 CN Tower 加拿大电视塔Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布the tallest tower 最高的塔the most famous theme park最著名的主题公园57页:Task5单词:Wednesday星期三 morning早上 teacher老师 stu dent学生 busy繁忙的 sports运动 football足球 jump跳 basketball篮球 woman妇女(women复数)volleyball排球 table tennis乒乓球 tennis网球 badminton 羽毛球短语:play football踢足球 high jump跳高 play badminton打羽毛球 long jump跳远 play tennis 打网球play volleyball打排球 play basketball 打篮球英语下册六年级第六单元词汇知识点2 姓名:_语法:现在进行时:一般情况下表示此时此刻正在进行的动作;两点必须具备;1.系动词be:am,is,are 2. 动词加“ing”57页:Task6 单词:performance表演 class班级 grade年级 song歌曲 piano钢琴 guitar吉他 role play角色表演58页:Task7单词:grandparents祖父母 family家庭 uncle叔叔 meal餐,饭 granddaughter孙女 kitchen厨房 housework家务 clothes衣服 window窗户 door门 floor地板 computer电脑 game游戏 hobby爱好下面是一些动词的现在分词:read-reading drink-drinking watch-watching wash-washing clean-cleaning sing-singing act-acting 短语:watch TV看电视 cook meals做饭 do the housework 做家务wash clothes洗衣服 clean the windows擦窗户 play computer games玩电脑游戏59页Task9 单词:Saturday星期六 do-did is/am-was go-went buy-bought take-took see-saw help-helped film电影 weekend周末 ill生病的 bookshop 书店storybook故事书 World Expo 世博会lesson课 Chinese语文 trip旅行 last week上周 May Day劳动节 take a trip旅行 see a film看电影 last weekend上周末语法:一般过去时:简单说表示过去发生的事情。注意:肯定句结构:主语+动词(过去式)+其他。一般疑问句:1.Did+主语+动词(原形)+其他?.was/were+主语+?.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+did+主语+动词)原形)+?Task10 单词:begin-began(开始) learn-learned(学习) teach-taught(教) ask-asked(问) family家庭(families复数) study学习 class班级 grade年级 end 结束topic主题 friend朋友 life生活 sports运动 holiday假日 clothes衣服 food 食物song歌曲 game游戏 talk谈话 drama戏剧 practice练习 tell告诉 use使用 sing唱歌 chant吟唱 write 写短语:English study英语学习 English teacher英语老师 school life学校生活 use English用英语 tell stories讲故事 play games做游戏 sing English song唱英语歌 English lessons英语课 role play角色扮演 in and out of class课内课处 primary school小学本单元小练笔:My English study in primary school Hello,my name is . Im in Class.,Grade. Let me tell you something about my English study in primary school. I began to learn English three years ago. I learned a lot in our English lessons. Our English teacher taught us many interesting games and so on. Now I can use English to do things. I can sing English songs, play games and tell stories. Im very happy with my English study in primary school.-


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