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    Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date人教精通版小学英语下册六年级四单元知识点2短语:1六英下四单元词汇 2短语:1.make rules制定规则2.keep off不进入3.pick off摘掉4.get up early早起5.listen to the teacher care fully认真听老师讲课6.keep your room clean保持房间干净7. go to bed early早睡8.help the old people 帮助老人9.keep off the grass远离草坪10.go to school late很晚到校11.make noise in class课上大吵大闹12.go home too late太晚回家13.read in bed躺着看书14.play on the street 在街上玩15.pick off the flowers 摘花16.on time 按时17.do some housework做家务18.take good care of 照顾好19.go for it 努力争取;加油回答问题:1.Do you listen to the teacher carefully in class?/Yes, I do./No,I dont.2.Do you ask and answer questions actively?/Yes, I do./No, I dont.3.What time do you often have lunch?/ I often have lunch at 12:00.4.What time do you usually go home?/I uaually go home at 4:00 in the afternoon.5.What do you do after school?/ I play the piano.6.What time do you usually have dinner?/ I usually have dinner at 6:00 in the afternoon.7.Do you often help to do some housework at home?/Yes,I do./No,I dont.8.What do you often do after dinner?/ I often do my homework.9.What time do you usually go to bed?/ I usually go to bed at 9:00.10.What do you often do on weekends?/ I often see a film on weekends.Task9&10(47页)Weeks(周)Sunday星期日Monday星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四Friday星期五Saturday星期六Month(月份)January一月February二月March三月April四月May五月June六月July七月August八月September九月October十月November十一月December十二月Holidays(节日):ew Years Day(on January 1st )元旦 Spring Festival( in January or February)春节 Tree Planting Day(on March 12th )植树节Easter(in March or April)复活节 Labour Day/May Day(on May 1st )劳动节 Mothers Day( in May)母亲节 Childrens Day(on June 1st)儿童节Fathers Day(in June)父亲节 Army Day(on August 1st)建军节 Teachers Day(September 10th)教师节National Day(October 1st)国庆节Thanksgiving Day(in November)感恩节Christmas(on December 25th)圣诞节回答问题:1.How many months are there in a year?/What are they?There are twelve months in a year. They are January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November and December.2.What holidays are there in those twelve months?/What are they?They are New Years Day,Spring Festival,Tree Planting Day,Easter,Labour Day,Mothers Day,Childrens Day,Fathers Day,Army Day,Teachers Day,National Day,Thanksgiving Day and christmas.What do people usually do during those holidays?略Task 11&12(48页)单词:Seasons(季节):spring春天summer夏天autumn秋天winter冬天Weather(天气):warm温暖的hot炎热的cool凉爽的cold 寒冷的sunny晴朗的fine(天气)好的nice(天气)好的cloudy多云的windy多风的rainy下雨的snowy下雪的回答问题:1.How many seasons are there in a year?/What are they?There are four seasons in a year.They are spring,summer,aurumn and winter.2.How many months in each season?They are March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December,January and February.3.Whats the weather like in each season?Its warm in spring.Its hot in summer.Its cool in autumn.Its cold in winter.4.What activities can we do in each season?We can go on spring outings in spring. We can swim in summer.We can pick apples in autumn.We can make snowmen in winter.5. Are you happy with your studies in primary school?Yes,I am./No,Im not.6.What do you want to be in the future?/ I want to be a doctor.-


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