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    【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流用单词和句子去练习音标发音.精品文档./i: /bee bi: please pli:z teacherti:t meetmi:tmeat mi:tseat si:tsweet swi:tleaf li:ftea ti:1 Please have a seat.2 Please make yourself at home.3 Eat more fish, less meat. Fish is better for your health.4 Seeing is believing. I don't believe what I hear. I only believe what I see.5 I'm proud to be Chinese. I'm proud to be an international Chinese./I /ticket tikit build bild difficult dfklt sit stsister sstgive v busy bz 1 I'm finished. It's very good. It was delicious.2 The food here is terrific. I love it. It's out of this world.3 I've just finished reading this book. It's very good.4 Please give me a minute. Let me think about this.5 It's not very difficult. It's very easy.6 It's a little bit too big./e /welcome welkm bed bedredred westwest bestbest friendfrend hellohelu everyoneevriwn1 Breakfast is ready, eat it before it's get cold.2 When will it be ready?3 Let's get together soon.4 Well, Let's get everything ready.5 Every day and in every way, everything is getting better and better.6 Better late than never.7 Better to do well than to say well.8 East or west, home is the best. /æ/apple æpl cat kæt hathæt catkæt badbædhappyhæpihavehæv familyfæmili1 That's fantastic. That's absolutely fantastic.2 What happened? Why are you so mad?3 I have a happy family. My families are always talking and laughing4 I have to call you back. I'm busy now.5 I can't stand your bad habits.6 Every moment in life matters. Live in a moment.7 What's your action plan?8 Grab every chance to practice your English. Practice is the only secret to success. bus bsmoney mni cup kpshuttdustdst 1 What's up? Nothing much.2 Hurry up! 3 I'm coming. Don't rush me.4 How can you eat so much, that's disgusting.5 I send my parents some money once a month.6 Enough is enough. Just shut up.7 I study English just for fun. I have no pressure.: / :/girl :l perfect p:fiktbirthday b:dei firstf:st birdb:d workw:kwordw:d worldw:ldearly:li 1 My tooth really hurts. My whole mouth hurts. I have to go to the dentist.2 I'm leaving now. I have to work early tomorrow.3 Words are not for hurting other people. Words are for encouraging other people.4 Confident people never get hurt. They learn from everything.5 The situation is getting worse and worse. I don't know what to do. Can you help me?6 You can always turn to me for help. I'm always here for you.7 That's a perfect solution. Im sure it'll work.8First come, first serve.9 The early birds catch the worm.10 A bird in a hand is worth two in the bush.doctor dkt America merik possible psbl brotherbrðmothermð sistersist aboutbautChinatain Sorry to bother you, but I have a question.2 My mother is a doctor, and my father is a teacher. We all learn English together.3 I hope the weather would get better. Im sick of this wet weather.4 Better luck next time.5 I can never remember grammar rules; sentences are a better way to learn grammar.6 Never stop trying, never give up. Never say impossible to yourself!7 Would you please do me a favor? Can you teach me how to pronounce this word?8 I discovered another great restaurant near my house. u:food fu:dfruit fru:ttoo / tu:/ rude /ru:d/soon/su:n/room / ru:m /blue / blu:/ 1. That's cool. I really like your school.2. We have something really cool to show you.3. What kind of food do you like? Spicy food or seafood?4. I'll be back soon. Please wait for a few minutes.5. Don't lose the opportunity.6. That news seems far too good to be true.7. It's our duty to reduce pollution and protect our environment.8. I feel so blue; I don't know what to do. ufoot ftbook bk cook kk putpt pushp pullpllooklkgoodd 1. How do I look? Do I look good?2. You push and I'll pull. Just be careful.3. We should study. We shouldn't waste our time.4. She is good-looking woman. She also has a good personality.5. I'd like to book a table for two tonight.6. Could you take a look at this for me?7. Don't push yourself too hard. Relax.:fork f:kreporter rip:tdaughter d:twalk w:kdraw dr:floor fl: order :d warm w:m 1. Can I have some more? This soup is really good.2. I like sports very much. I play sports every day. I am good at many sports.3. I wasn't born yesterday. Don't try to trick me.4. It's very important to read English every morning.5. My office is on the fourth floor. It is the second door on the left.6. Are you ready to order or would you like to look at the menu for any longer.7. I was born in the northern part of China.8. The murder took place at 4 in the morning.9. I got a perfect score on my last English test.10. Good English will open the door to a good future.dog d god d drop drp boss bsimpossible impsblsoft sft wash w 1. It's not your fault. It's all my fault. I'm to blame.2. Let's walk to the office. Walking is good for our health.3. My son and daughter-in-law are visiting me this fall.4. I'd like to talk to you. Do you have time?5. Price goes before fall.6. He almost always walks to work.7. I always thought I would go abroad someday./:/laugh l:fstar st:last l:st passport p:sp:tare : car k: hard h:dfar f:1 You're so smart. Youre so charming.2 I want to be an English speaking star. I want to speak amazing English.3 It's getting harder and harder to live without a car. I really want to buy a car.4 Would you like to come to my party? I really want to come.5 My English is far from perfect. I have a hard time with my pronunciation.6 We must stop harming the environment. We have to work harder to take care of the earth.7 I don't have any cash with me. Can I pay by credit card?8 You're not allowed to park your car here. You can park in the parking lot over here.9 You have a very charming personality. I'm sure you'll go far in your life.10 Please pardon me for interrupting you. I'm sorry to bother you.eisteak steik cake keik lateleit Maymeifacefeishateheit nameneim todaytdei 1. I feel great today. Today is a great day. It's great to be alive.2. I'll meet you at the railway station. Please wait for me.3. Eat here or take away? Take away.4. My experience of learning English is very painful. I hate English and my first English teacher.5. Everyone makes mistakes. Don't worry about it. Learn from you mistakes.6. Life is an ongoing training course. You learn something new everyday.7. Take care. It's raining very hard today.8. I really appreciate your patients and support.9. I am very grateful to you for your help. I own you a lot.10. This is my favorite place in Beijing. What's you favorite place in Beijing?aicry krai bye ba likelaiknicenaislifelaiftimetaim Iai1I think you're right. You're always right.2. Let me try. I think I can do it.3. Let bygones be bygones. Don't worry about the past.4. I'll fly to China tomorrow night.5. I'll pick you up. What time is your flight? What's your flight number?6. Why not try it? It's delicious.7. Would you like to try some Chinese wine? It's really good.8. My flight will arrive at five past nine tonight9. Five times five is 25. The price is 25.itoy ti boybijoydi enjoyindi joindin1. I enjoy speaking English. I enjoy losing face. I enjoy being successful.2. Don't spoil your little boy or girl. Spoiling is poison.3. Spoiling will destroy your child's future.4. Do you want to join us?5. Form more good habits. Destroy more bad habits.6. That noise is very annoying. 7. I see your point. I totally agree with you.uboat but gounon sosu hopehupknownuI want to go home. It's very late.2 Don't go home alone, I will go with you.3 Sorry, I don't know.4 I hope you don't mind my smoking.5 Oh no, I have a hole in my coat.6 Go and open the window, please.7 I feel so lonely when you're not home. 8 Be bold. Have hope!You will go far.aumouth mau mouse maus tower tauflowerflahowhau nownau aboutbautoutaut 1 I'm really proud of our team. Our team is outstanding.2 Why did you write it down? Don't rely on your memory.3 Never doubt yourself. Self-doubt will bring you down.4 I work down town in world trade tower.5 I don't want to go out. I want to hang around the house.6 Am I allowed to smoke here?7 How about going out for dinner tonight?8 The power will out for an hour. ibeer bi deer diearideardi yearji herehi1 Did you hear me? Are you clear?2 I'm all ears. 3 Do you live near here?4 What do you fear most?5 We're nearly the end of the year. It's time for happiness and cheer.6 She is a nice girl, she appears very sincere.7 I can't hear you clearly. Please speak up.8 Dry your tears. Cheer up; this experience will make you stronger.bear b chair t fairf air hairhchairt carekwherehw 1 Where is the bathroom? Where is the restroom? Where is the toilet? 2 That's not fair. You can't do that to me.3 He is very careless about her work. 4 What should I wear today? 5 Thank you for sharing your views with me.6 We all share the same earth. We should all care about the environment.usureucurekjupoorpu yourj 1 I'm not sure. I have to think about it.2 I'm sure you're right. I'm sure everything will be OK.3 Do it yourself. Depend on yourself. Rely on yourself.4 If you make friends with yourself, you'll never be alone.5 People with cancer have to endure lots of pain.6 What can be cured must be endured. 7 The best cure for boredom is hard work.8 Make sure your computer is turned off before you leave.辅音/p/b/please pli:z perfect p:fikt boat but helphelp hopehup beebi:busybizi bigbi1 Can you help me? I have a little problem.2 My English is so limited, please be patient with me. I have to practice more.3 Patience is very important virtue. Try to be more patient.4 The meeting has to be postponed. 5 Put the paper on the desk when you finish.6 My passport's out of date.7 Your baby is really beautiful. How old is she?8 What do you want for breakfast?9 Be a friend, be polite. Be kind, be nice, be the best person you can be.10 Bring us three bottles of beer, please!11 I'll be back in a minute.12 Have you ever been to Beijing before?/t/d/tea ti: hat hæt doctor dkt hathæt todaytdei timetaim bedbed1 It's time to get up, or you'll be late for school. 2 Take your time, there is no rush. 3 Can you tell me the time? I forgot to wear my watch today. 4 I'm tired of eating potatoes and tomatoes. 5 This tea taste terrific. What kind of tea is it? 6 Could you please give me a hand? I can't do it by myself. 7 She is dedicated to her job. 8 Thousands died in the disaster. 9 Suddenly the phone went dead. 10 I don't like cold noodles. They don't taste good. /k/g/cake keik girl :l cat kæt cook kuk book buk good ud big bi give iv 1 Please come back again soon, we'll miss you. 2 Take care of yourself. Don't work too hard. 3 There are three kinds of cakes on the plate. 4 Can I take a look at your new car? 5 Be confident, be courageous, be courteous be caring, be kind. 6 Let's give him a big hand. Let's give him a warm welcome. 7 Give your child a hug every day. Your hug is important. 8 Always ask yourself what you're giving to the world. 9 Let go of your anger. Let go of your fear. Letgo of your doubt. 10 The government is making great progress keeping Beijing green. /f/v/face feis fatfætfatherf:ð friendfrend veryverigiveiv overuv lovelv 1 Have fun, enjoy yourself. 2 I had enough, I'm totally full. 3 Let's pay the bill, fifty - fifty. 4 How are feeling today? I feel fine. Thank you for asking. 5 It's fine to wear a short skirt. When you're young, you're slim, but now you're old and fat. 6 I love everyone in my family. We love each other. We're very lucky. 7 You are so clever. I really envy you. 8 Let's forgive and forget. 9 Serving and giving makes a person valuable. 10 Every child needs to know that he is loved. 11 He is very vague what to do after the university. /ð/thankækthinkik threeri: birthdayb:deiweatherweð fatherf:ðneitherni:ð mothermð1 Can I use your bathroom? No problem. Go ahead.2 My birthday is next month.3 Thank you for being so thoughtful.4 Thank you for thinking of my birthday.5 English is worth your effort. 6 Breathing deeply will help you relax.7 The man over there is my father's brother.8 My mother and father don't like this weather.9 Sorry to bother you.10 There will be another like him/tr/dr/trytrai drydraitreattri:ttruetru:dreamdri:mdrinkdrik drivedraiv 1 I dont want to trouble you.2 Never trouble troubles until trouble troubles you.3 What would you like to drink? 4 The game ended with a dramatic last-minute goal.5 Drat! Its raining. My laundry will never get dry.6 What she said is not true.7 Youre in deep trouble. 8 Let me have a try. 9 There has been a marked increase in trade between the two countries. 10 Dont distract me. Im trying to concentrate on my studies./s/z/missmis seasi: sistersistseesi:zeroziruzoozu: prizepraiz 1 She is the nicest person I know. We all love her.2 Don't be nervous. Just relax. Sit down for a minute.3 Attitude is everything for success.4 If you want to be successful, you must embrace change5 weve been at sixes and sevens this week.6 I apologize. It's all my fault.7 Your English is absolutely surprising.8 Do you do a lot of business in China?9 Never lose confidence, never lose hope, and never stop pursuing your dreams.10 I like to exercise as soon as I wake up./ts/dz/parentsprntswantswnts hatesheits kidskidzfriendsfrendz cardsk:dz wordsw:dz1 I just want to know the facts. 2 Im not sure about the facts yet. 3 I have been going over


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