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    【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流高2012届第3次月考英语试题.精品文档.西安中学高2012届第三次月考英语试题(1-21班) 命题人:朱富慧 审题人:赵丽达注意事项:1. 本试卷由选择题和非选择题两大部分组成。选择题包括第一部分和第二部分;非选择题为第三部分。2. 所有答案必须在答题卡上指定区域内作答。 第一部分: 英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分)第一节语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。1. necklaceA. ticketB. secondC. marketD. talent2. digitalA. voyageB .uglyC. togetherD. outgoing3. ownerA. howeverB. windowC. crowdD. knowledge4. hourA. haircutB. hammerC. honorD. hotel5. stopped A. carried B. destroyed C. managedD. worked第二节 情景对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 根据对话情景的内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能够填入每一空白处的最佳选项,并将答案写在二卷答题卡上。选项中有两个为多余选项。 Mark: Did you see that TV program last night?Wendy: No, I didnt. _6_Mark : It was about a parachutist(跳伞者),whose parachutes didnt open after he jumped from the plane.Wendy: 7_ Mark : No, he didnt! It is really unbelievable how he could have survived such a free fall.Wendy: 8_Mark : Neither of his chutes opened as he was falling to the ground. When they found him, they thought he was dead. Doctors said hed never walk again, but he proved them wrong.Wendy: 9_ Mark: He spent eighteen months in the hospital while his bones were mending, most of which were broken. 10_Wendy: Gee, some people sure do crazy things.A. Did he die ?B. What happened then ?C. I dont think so .D. Yes, we need that.E. What was it about ?F. How long did he spent recovering ?G. After he recovered, he jumped out of a plane again.第三节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。11. -Im sorry for what I said. -_ I dont remember any more. A. You should feel sorry ! B. I forgive you. C. Forget it ! D. Thank you all the same.12. A successful businessman is _one who has made _mistakes before and has learned from them. A .X; X B. a; X C. the; X D. a; the13. My friend knows where he can _a good used car for you at a reasonable price. A. put up B. pick up C. set up D. get up14. -Are you still thinking about todays football game ? - Oh, thats _. A. when I feel excited B. what makes me feel excited C. how I feel excited about it D. whatever I feel excited about15. Always _ willing to learn more about your business and you will be successful. A. being B. to be C. been D. be16. - I felt it very difficult to carry out the work all by myself. - I could have helped you, but you _me to. A. hadnt asked B . didnt ask C. havent ask D. dont ask17. - Mum, it is nice weather. I want to skate this afternoon. - Dont you think the ice on the lake is too thin to _your weight?A. bear B. hold C. lift D. take18. Teenagers are warned to be careful when making friends online, because when you cant see a person, they could be _. A. everybody B. somebody C. anybody D. nobody19. Come and see me whenever _. A. you are convenient B. you will be convenient C. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to you 20. He said he could solve the problem, _ I found impossible. A. but B. while C. which D. what21. - Ive not finished with my dinner yet. -But our friends _for us. A. will wait B. wait C. have waited D. are waiting22 .- May I smoke here ? - If you _, choose a seat in the smoking section. A. should B. must C. may D. could23. He was considered to be among the first people _ of this idea. A. thinking B. thought C. think D. to think24. Oh, boy, why are you killing your time this way ? Cant you find something _doing at all ? A. useful B. valuable C. worth D. good25. He is rather difficult to make friends with, but the friendship of his, _, is truer than that of anybody elses. A. once gained B. when to gain C. after gaining D. while gained第四节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选取出适合填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。All kinds of people come in to have their shoes shined. Most folks are friendly. But this man was different.“ How much do you make a week ,boy ?” he asked me. I felt he was _26_ at me . He kept giving a _27_ look around every now and then. All the time I kept _28_ where Id seen his face. _29_ I knew. Id seen his picture in the post office many times. He was the big robber: _30_ by the police in three states!“You know,” he was saying, “it is imagination people _31_ . Youll never get anywhere as a shoeshine boy.”I kept brushing away on his shoes as _32_ as I could. The sooner I finished, the better. He said, “When I was sixteen, I had _33_ $2,500 of my own.”That reminded me of something. Was it $2,500 or $5,000 or $25,000? I wasnt _34_ . I knew a big reward was _35_ for him.But what could I do about it ? _36_ him with a can of shoe polish ? A man his _37_ could grind ( 碾碎) me into the floor. If only someone would come in !He kept talking away. “Along with _38_ , it takes courage. The courage to take a chance . Start something on a shoestring.”Suddenly I saw Officer Dailey _39_ across the street. Then ,really fast, I began tightening the mans shoestrings.The policeman was at the window _40_ I cried out, “ Officer Dailey, help ! This mans a robber.”“Shut up ,” the man shouted _41_ . He started to jump off the stand. But he didnt go the _42_ he planned. He fell flat on his face and knocked himself out cold.“That was pretty _43_ of you,” the officer said. “Youll get a reward of $7,500 for him.”“Well, it really wasnt my _44_ ,” I said. “It was his. He told me if you had courage and imagination you could start something _45_ on a shoestring.”26. A. staringB. lookingC. laughingD. pointing27. A. sharp B. quick C. frightenedD. puzzled28. A .considering B. thinking C. caringD. wondering 29. A. Immediately B. SuddenlyC. FortunatelyD. Therefore30. A. wanted B. searchedC. caughtD. shown31.A. respect B. treasureC. lackD. wish32.A. carefullyB. slowlyC. wellD. fast33. A. made B. stolenC. borrowedD. gathered34. A. curious B. sureC. interestedD. clear35.A. afforded B. offeredC. suggestedD. shown36.A.Injure B. WarnC. HitD. Avoid37.A.size B. ageC. heightD. kind38.A. money B. support C. clevernessD. imagination39.A.wandering B. looking C. comingD. speeding40.A. when B. once C. afterD. before41.A. hopelessly B. angrilyC .surprisedlyD. madly42.A.method B. positionC. mannerD. way43.A.clever B. braveC. helpfulD. lucky44.A.business B. ideaC .prizeD. praise45. A. small B. valuable C. importantD. big第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。AAmerica is growing older. Fifty years ago, only 4 out of every 100 people in the United States were 65 or older. Today, 10 out of every 100 Americans are over 65. The aging of the population will affect American society in many wayseducation , medicine. and business. Quietly, the graying of America has made US a very different societyone in which people have a quite different idea of what kind of behavior is suitable at various ages.A persons age no longer tells you anything about his/her social position, marriage or health. Theres no longer a particular year in which one goes to school or goes to work or gets married or starts a family. It doesnt surprise us to hear of a 29-year-old man who has become a father for the first time. Public ideas are changing. Many people say. “I'm much younger than my mother or my father was at my age.” No one says “act your age” any more. Weve stopped looking with surprise at older people who act in youthful ways.46. It can be learnt from the passage that the aging of the population in America _.A. has made people feel younger B. has changed peoples social positionC. has changed peoples understanding of age D. has slowed down the countrys social development47. “act your age” means people should_.A. be active when they are old B. do the right thing at the right ageC. show respect for their parents D. take more physical exercise suitable to their age48. If a 25-year-old man becomes general manager of a big firm, the writer of the passage would most probably consider it _. A. normal B. wonderful C. unbelievable D. unreasonable BWe spent a day in the country, picking wild flowers. Our car looked like a flower shop inside! On the way home we had to stop at traffic lights, and then my wife noticed the cupboard.It was tall and narrow, and it stood outside a furniture shop. “Buy it,” she said at once “ Well carry it home on the roof-rack (行李架). Ive always wanted one like that.” What could I do? Ten minutes later I was $20 poorer, and the cupboard was tied on to the roof rack. The police even stopped traffic to let us through. Carrying furniture was a good idea.After a time my wife said,” there is a line of car behind. Why dont they overtake(超车),I wonder?”In fact a police car did overtake. The two officers inside looked at us seriously as they passed. But then with great kindness, they led us through the rush-hour traffic. The police car stopped at our village church. One of the officers came to me. I was puzzled. “ Thanks, officer,” I said. “Youve been very kind. I live just down the road.”He was staring at our load: first at the flowers, then at the cupboard. “ Well, well,” he said, laughing, “ Its a cupboard youve got here! We thought it waser, something else.”My wife began to laugh. Then the truth hit me like a stone between the eyes. I smiled at the officer. “ yes, its a cupboard, but thanks again.” I drove home as fast as I could.49. The writer writes the story in order to _.A. praise the police officer B. thank the other driversC. show people are kind to each other D. tell us their funny experience 50. The driver behind didnt overtake because_A. they wanted to show their special kindness.B. they were afraid the cupboard would fall downC. they were admiring the flowers in the writers car.D. they wondered what was inside the cupboard.51.The writers wife began to laugh because_.A. she thought the police officers were foolish.B. she was interested in what the police officer said.C. she was glad they were treated kindlyD. she had realized the truth CThe cost of medical care in the United States is very high. The time and money that doctors spend on their medical education is probably one reason for this problem.A visit to a doctors office costs from fifteen to fifty dollars. It is almost impossible for people to pay for medical care they need. Many people in the United States think that doctors are overpaid. Most doctors, however, disagree. They say that they were required to study medicine for a long time. Tuition(学费) for many years of medical education costs lots of money. Doctors say that it is necessary for most medical students to borrow money from a bank to pay their tuition. Because this money must be repaid to the bank, young doctors need to receive a lot of money for their work. So they charge people high prices for medical care.Therefore, it is possible that the high cost of medical care in America is unnecessary. Because high tuition is one cause of high costs, one way to lower costs would be to have medical schools that are free or have low tuition.52.Some people dont have their medical care they need because _.A. they are not willing to pay the doctors high tuitionB. they dont think it necessary to have medical careC. they dont want to spend much money on itD. they havent got enough money to pay for it53.The reason for the high medical cost mentioned in the article is _.A. tuition in medical schools is high B. the price of medicine is highC. doctors are overpaid D. doctors must pay money to banks54. One way to lower the cost of medical care would be _.A. not to see a doctor B. to pay doctors less moneyC. to let medical students have free or partly free medical educationD. to forbid doctors to ask their patients for too much money55. The main idea of the article is that_.A. a visit to a doctors office may cost as much 15dollars to 50 dollars in USB. the cost of medical care is the main reason for the high costs in USC. medical care in the United States costs a lot of money because doctors want to be richD. the high cost of tuition in medical schools is one reason for the high cost of medical care in America56. The cost of medical care in the United States is very high. What does the writer think about it ?A. He agrees that doctors are overpaidB. He thinks it a big problem and suggests a way to settle itC. He doesnt think medical students should borrow money from banksD. He doesnt think it necessary for medical students to study for a long time DIn America, seldom do you go anywhere without hearing a principle called WIN-WINIt sounds strange to me at first because throughout my childhood, I have always been taught to try everything possible to win an upper-hand, rather than to help other people winHowever, as time goes by, I have gradually comprehended the essence(真谛)of WIN-WIN principle: it is the attitude of seeking mutual benefitWhen I was little, I used to play Chinese checkers(跳棋)which include two basic tactics(战术): One is to create paths for yourself; the other is to block the passages of your rival(对手)Players may apply these two totally different approaches in the game, but the key for the player to win is to continuously create paths for him even if his opponent may take advantage of itFinally he can always reach the destination a few steps ahead of the other playerMeanwhile, some player may take another approach to prevent his opponent from moving forward at all costsBy this he may get a short-term benefit, but couldnt fix attention on the final goal, thus he would never truly develop furtherIn the 1990s, a strategy called WIN-WIN became widespread in the western worldIts core is to achieve your objective while giving other people some b


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