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    |.线|.学习必备欢迎下载YOUR LOGO原 创 文 档 请 勿 盗 版.|.裁|.|一、名词裁.|表示某一事物,有具体地与抽象地之分。分为可数名词与不可数名词。.封|封.强调:不可数名词都默认为单数,所以总为用is 或者 was;最好不要根据some、any、a lot of 等词去作|.|判.订|订.断,以免受误导。|.线|、可数名词如何变“复数形式 ”:.|线.a一般情况下,直接加-s,如: book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds ;读音:清辅音后读s ,浊辅音|.与.|.|裁裁元音后读 z 。|.|.b以 s. x. sh. ch 结尾,加 -es,如: bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches ;读音: iz 。.|.封|c以 “辅音字母 +y ”结尾,变y 为 i,再加 -es,如: family-families, strawberry-strawberries;读音: z 。封.|.d以 “f或 fe ”结尾,变 f 或 fe 为 v, 再加 -es,如: knife-knives, thief-thieves ;读音: z 。.|.订|e以 “ o结”尾地词,分两种情况订.|.)有生命地 +es读音: z如: mango-mangoestomato-tomatoeshero-heroes.线|) 无生命地 +s读音: z如: photo-photosradio-radios线.|.f.不规则名词复数:man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen,.|snowman-snowmen, mouse-mice, child-children, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, fish-fish,.裁|裁.people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese|.|.封、不可数名词没有复数。如果要计算不可数名词所表达地数量,就得在数词与不可数名词之间加上“量|封.词+of ”。例如: a glass of water, a piece of paper, a bottle of juice|.|.订判断步骤:|订.如为 am、 is 或 was原形|.线读句子 读该单词 认识该单词 理解意思 看 be 动词|线.|.如为 are 或 were 加 s 或 es.练一练:.|.裁|、写出下列各词地复数。裁.|.|.I 封him this her watch mangochild.|photodiary .day footdresstooth封|.|sheep box strawberrythiefengineerpeach.|.|sandwich .man woman leaf people订|.|、用所给名词地正确形式填空。.|.|( ) Are there two( box ) on the table?线.|.|裁裁( ) I can see some( people ) in the cinema.|.|.( ) How many( day ) are there in a week?.|.封|( 4) Herere five( bottle ) of( juice ) for you.封.|.( 5) This( violin ) is hers. Those( grape ) are over there.订|订.|.|.线|线.二、冠词|.冠词为一种虚词,不能独立使用,通常放在名词地前面,分为“不定冠词 ”与“定冠词 ”两种。.|.裁|.、不定冠词:a、an。用在单数名词前,表示“一个,一件 ”。an 用在以元音 “音素 ”开头地单词前。裁|.|如:.封|an e-mail, an orange, an old man, an English watch, an hour封.|.、定冠词: the。用在单数或者复数名词前。the 没有具体意思,有时翻译为这、那。它地基本用法:.|.订|( )用来表示特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。如:The map on the wall is new.订.|.( )表示说话者双方都知道地人或事物。如:Look at the picture, please.线|( )表示再次提到前面谈过地人或事物。如:This is a stamp. The stamp is beautiful.线.|.( 4)用在表示世界上独一无二地事物前。如:the sun 太阳the moon 月亮the earth 地球.裁|( 5)用在由普通名词构成地专有名词前。如:the Great Wall 长城.|裁.( 6)用在江河、湖海等专有名词前。如:the Changjiang River 长江|.|.封( 7)此外,序数词、形容词最高级、乐器名称等词前面与一些习惯用语中一般都用定冠词the。如:|封.the first day, the best boy, play the piano, in the same class|.|.订确定用 a、an 还为 the 时可根据汉语意思。|订.练一练:|.线、用 a 或 an 填空。|线.|.“ U”ice-cream .goalkeeperteapot apple.office|裁 English book umbrella unit hour.|、根据需要,填写冠词a, an 或 the。裁.|.( ) Who isgirl behindtree?.封|( )old man has two children,son anddaughter.封.|.|( ) This isorange.orange is Lucys.|( 4) He likes playingguitar. We havesame hobby.订.|.|( 5) We all hadgood time last Sunday.|.|( 6) She wants to bedoctor.线.|.裁|裁.|.|.封|.|三,数 词封.订|我们学过两类:基数词与序数词。基数用于表示数量多少,而基数词用于表示次序,常在.|订.日期中出现。区别:基数词前面没有“the;”序数词前一定要有 “the。”|.线|、超过二十以上地两位数需要在个位与十位之间加上“-”。如: twenty-one.|线.、三位数以上地则需要在百位数后再加上and。如: 0a/one hundred and one|.、用基数词来修饰可数名词时,一定别忘了它地复数形式。如:十八个男孩eighteen boys.|.|裁裁4、用基数词修饰不可数名词时,如为复数,变它地量词为复数。|.|.如:两碗米饭two bowls of rice.|.封|5、序数词一般加 “ th,”特殊地有: first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth 以及二十及二封.|.十以外地整十: twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth订|数词。如: 88eighty-eighth.|.练一练:线|、请翻译下列短语。.第几十几“”:前面整十不变,后面 “几”改为序.| 订|.| 线|.()60 名学生()5 本英语书.裁|()九杯凉水(4)4 个孩子.|裁.(5) 月 ( 6) 6 月 日|.封|(7)第九周(8)40 年前.|封.(9)+7(0)上学第一天|.订、把下列基数词改成序数词。|订.one-two-three-nine-|.线fourteen-twenty-thirty-five-eighty-one|线.|.|.裁|裁.|.|四、代词.封|封.代词有两种:人称代词与物主代词。|.|.、人称代词分为:第一、第二、第三人称,且有单复数之分。|订.、人称代词地主格在句中做主语,一般用在动词前(疑问句除外);宾格在句中做宾语,多|.|.用于动词、介词后。|线.|.线|.学习必备欢迎下载.|.裁|、形容词性物主代词起形容词地作用,后面一定要跟名词,表示该名词为属于谁地。裁.|.4、名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词。如:.|.封|This is my bag. = This is mine.That is her ruler. = That is hers.封.|.一般看后面有没有名词,如有,就用形容词性物主代词;如无,就用名词性物主代词。.订|请牢记下表:订.|.|.线|.|单数复数线主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey宾格meyouhimheritusyouthem形容词性myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词性mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs.人称.|.裁代词|裁.物主|.封代词|封.|.|.订练一练:|订.|.、按要求写出相应人称代词。.|.裁|.| 封|.| 裁|.| 封|.| 订|.| 线|.3、用所给词的适当形式填空。1) That is notkite. That kite is very small, butis very big. ( I )2) The dress is. Give it to. ( she )|.|3) Is thiswatch? ( you ) No, itnots. ( I )4)is my brother.name is Jack. Look! Those stamps are. ( he )|.5)dresses are red. ( we ) What colour are? ( you )|线I(宾格) .she(形容词性物主代词) we(名词性物主代词)|线|.he(复数) .us(单数) theirs(主格)its (宾格).|、想一想,把下表补充完整。.裁|.|人称代词物主代词裁.|单数复数单数复数.封|封.主格宾格主格宾格形容词性名词性形容词性名词性|.订|第一人称meusour.|订.第二人称youyou|.|.线he|.第三人称.herthemhis| 线.their|.itits.|.|.线|.学习必备欢迎下载.|.裁|6) Showyour kite, OK? ( they )裁.|.7) I have a beautiful cat.name is Mimi. These cakes are. ( it ).|.封|8) Are thesetickets? No,are not.aren t here. ( they )封.|.9) Shallhave a look at that classroom? That isclassroom. ( we ).订|0)is my aunt. Do you knowjob?is a nurse. ( she )订.|.|) Where are? I can t find. Let s callparents. ( they ).线|.|) Don t touch.is not a cat,is a tiger! ( it )线.)sister is ill. Please go and see. ( she ).|.裁4) The girl behindis our friend. ( she )|裁.|.|.封|.|五、形容词、副词封.|.订|订.、形容词表示某一事物或人地特征,副词表示某一动作地特征。形容词与副词有三种形式:原形、比较|.|级、最高级。比较级:+er最高级: the+est.线|线.两个重要特征:as as中间一定用原形,than 地前面一定要 +er。|.、形容词、副词比较级地规则变化如下:.|.裁( )一般直接 +er。如: tall - taller, fast - faster单音节词如果以-e 结尾,只加 -r。如: late - later|裁.|.( )重读闭音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须双写这个字母,再加-er。如: big - bigger, fat - fatter.|.|封封( )以辅音字母加-y 结尾地词,变y 为 i,再加 -er。如: heavy - heavier, early - earlier|.|.( 4)双音节与多音节词地比较级应在原级前加more 构成。如: beautiful - more beautiful,.|.订|careful - more careful, quietly - more quietly, interesting - more interesting订.|.( 5)有些不规则变化地,须逐一加以记忆。如:good/well better, bad/ill worse, many/much more, far.|.线|farther/further, oldolder/elder线.|.|练一练:.裁|.| 封|.| 裁|.| 封|.| 订|.| 线|.1、写出下列形容词、副词的比较级。biggoodlongtalloldshortthinheavyyoungfatlightstronghighfarlow|.|earlylatewellfastslow|.|.线|.学习必备欢迎下载.|.裁|、用括号内所给单词地适当形式填空。裁.|.) I can swim as( fast ) as the fish, I think.|.封|) Look! His hands are( big ) than mine.封.|.) I think you do these things( well ) than your classmates.订|4) Whose bag is( heavy ), yours or mine?订.|.|5) Does Jim run as(slow ) as David? Yes, but Mike runs( slow ) than them.线|.|6) You have seven books, but I have( many ) than you. I ha ve ten.线.7) I jump( far ) than some of the boys in my class.裁|8) I m very( thin ), but shes( thin ) than me.|裁.9) It getsand( warm ) when spring comes here.|.|.封|封.|六、介词.订|订.|.线|、一种虚词。不能单独作句子成分,它只有跟它后面地宾语一起构成介词短语,才能在句子中起作用。.|线.有: in, on, under, with, behind, about, near, before, after, for, to, up, down, from, in front of, out of,|.from to , at the back of.|.裁、表示时间地介词有:at, on, in 。( )at 表示 “在某一个具体地时间点上”,或用在固定词组中。如:at ten|裁.|.o clock, at 9:0 a.m., at night, at the weekend ( )on 表示 “在某日或某日地时间段”。如: on Friday, on the.|.4) He doesn t do well( at, on, in ) PE.| 线|.|.|封first of October, on Monday morning.( )in表示 “在某一段时间 (月份、 季节) 里”。如: in the afternoon,|封|.in September, in summer, in 005.|.订|、in 一词还有其他地固定搭配,如:in blue (穿着蓝色地衣服) , in English (用英语表达) , take part in订.|.(参.|.线|加)。线.|.|.裁|裁.练一练:|.封|.1) What s this( at, on, in ) English?封|.|、选用括号内恰当地介词填空。.|.) Christmas is( at, on, in ) the 5th of December.|订.) The man( with, on, in ) black is Su Hai s father.|.|.|.线|.学习必备欢迎下载.|.裁|5) Look at those birds( on, in ) the tree.裁.|.6) We are going to meet( at, on, in ) the bus stop( at, on, in ) half past ten.|.封|7) Is there a cat( under, behind, in ) the door?封.|.8) Helen s writing paper is( in, in front of ) her computer.订|9) We live( at, on, in ) a new house now.订.|.|0) Does it often rain( at, on, in ) spring there?.线|.|、圈出下列句子中运用不恰当地介词,并将正确地答案写在横线上。线.) Jim is good in English and Maths.) The films were in the ground just now.裁|) They are talking to their plans.4) How many students have their birthdays on May?.|裁.5) Women s Day is at the third of March.6) I can jog to school on the morning.|.|.封7) Did you water trees at the farm?8) Can you come and help me on my English?|封.9) I usually take photos in Sunday morning.0) What did you do on the Spring Festival?|.订|订.|.七、动词.线|线.|.这里所说地动词为指各种动词总称,其中包括be 动词、情态动词、助动词、行为动词(就为我们平时总.|说地那种动词) 。.裁|裁.动词、名词与形容词不太容易区分,如不能一眼看出,可用如下方法:|.封|先用 “一(量词) ”(如: 一个、一张等) 与这个词连起来说,如说得通, 一般认为为名词;说不通再用 “很”.|封.去判断, 就为把 “很”与为个词连起来说,说得通一般就为形容词;都说不通就为动词。 (目前我们学过地,|.|.订以后可能不同) (另外一些很明显地,如人称代词、数词、情态动词等一下就可以知道)|订.|.|.线、be 动词(am, is, are, was, were )|线.|.) am was, is was, are-were 口诀:我用am, 你用 are, is 用在他她它,所有复数全用are。.|.)肯定与否定句I am (not) from London. He is(not) a teacher. She is(not) in the dining room. My hair is(not). 裁|long. Her eyes are(not) small.裁.|.)一般疑问句Am I a Chinese? Yes, you are. No, you aren t. Are they American? Yes, they are. No, they.| 封|.|.| 封|.| 订|.| 线|.aren t.Is the cat fat? Yes, it is.No, it isn t.|.|4) be 动词的否定形式:am not(没有缩写形式),are not = aren,is nt ot = isn。 t|.be 动词填空。用恰当的|.线|.学习必备欢迎下载.|.|裁裁练一练:|.|.、用 be 动词地适当形式填空。.|.封|) Ia boy.you a boy? No, Inot.) The girlJack's sister.封.|.) The dogtall and fat.4) The man with big eyesa teacher. 订|5)your brother in the classroom?6) Howyour father?订.|.|7) Mike and Liu Taoat school.8) Whose dressthis?.线|.|9) Whose socksthey?0) WhoI?线.)The jeanson the desk.|.裁) Herea scarf for you.) Heresome sweaters for you.|裁.4) The black glovesfor Su Yang.5)This pair of glovesfor Yang Ling.|.|.封6) The two cups of milkfor me.7)Some teain the glass.|封.8) Gao shan's shirtover there.9)My sister's nameNancy.|.订0)David and Helen from England?)Therea girl in the room.|订.|.) Theresome apples on the tree.)there any apple juice in the bottle?.|.|线线4) Theresome bread on the plate.5) You, he and Ifrom China.|.|.6) Therea boy, two girls, three men and ten women in the park.|.裁|、助动词(do, does, did )裁.|.|do, does 用于一般现在时,其过去式did 用于一般过去时。它们通常用在疑问句与否定句中。它们地否定.封|形式: do not = dont, does not = doesnt, did not =。didnt封.|.|注意:在一般现在时中,does 用于第三人称单数,其余一律用助动词do;助动词 do, does, did 后面一定.订|.|要用动词原形。订.|.线|线.练|.、用适当地助动词填空。.|.| 封|.|.| 封|.| 订|.| 线|.3) -Whatsheat the weekends? -She usually plays games with her friends.4) -Whayou do last Sunday? -I wrote to my friend.5) -Did you see a Beijing opera? -No, I.|.|6) Henot visit a farm last National Day holiday.7) Theynot like playing volleyball.|.裁)|.) The girlyou like this magazine?|裁|like bread for breakfast.|.线|.学习必备欢迎下载.|.裁|8) -Jim have a picnic with his family every Saturday? -Yes, he.裁.| 封|.|.| 封|.| 订|.| 线|.() 3) It means youmake noise in the library.A. shouldB. shouldn'tC. can() 4) -you like a glass of milk? - Yes, please.A. MayB. CouldC. Would() 5) -you see the sign over there? - Sorry, I canA. Ct.anB. CantC. Should|.|() 6) we go to the park by bus?A. MayB. MustC. Shall|.9)|封 Helen and Yang Ling go to school on foot every day?.|0) -How many kiteswe have? -We have ten.封.|.|.订|、找出下列句子中地错误,将序号填入题前括号内,并改正。订.|.|() )Did you had a big lunch with your family last Spring Festival?.线|.|ABC线.() )-What do the boy have in his pencil-box? -He has a rubber.裁|ABC.|裁.() )They doesn t likeetfhilm.|.|.封ABC|封.() 4)Do Jim get up at six everyday?|.订ABC|订.|.() 5)Don't giving the ball to Liu Tao.|.线ABC|线.|.|.、情态动词.裁|情态动词也为一类特殊地动词,平时我们不把它说成为动词。情态动词可以与行为动词同时出现在同一裁.|.|个句子中。.封|我们现在学过地情态动词有:can、could 、shall、should、 will 、would 、 may、 might、must。封.|.|注意:情态动词后动词总为用原形。(不受其他任何条件影响).订|.|其否定形式:can


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