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    1.To learn to recognize the simple signsgo along; turn left; turn right2.To review to ask for directions on the streetIs there a hotel around here?Wheres the hotel?3.To be able to give directions on the street using prepositions of place and some verb phrases Go along the Long Street and its on the right. Its next to the supermarket and across from the bank. where is the bus stop? It s on the Mingle street.alonggo along (the street)turnrightleftturn right/leftcrossingprep. 沿着沿着n. 沿着沿着(这条街这条街)走走v. 转向;翻转向;翻adv. 向右边向右边n. 右边右边adv. 向左边向左边n. 左边左边向右向右/左转左转n. 十字路口十字路口Words ReviewIs there a bank here?Yes, there is.No, there isnt.go alongturn rightturn lefton the lefton the rightgo alongturn leftturn rightdown Bridge Street on the rightdown Bridge Street on the leftBridge StreetGo along Bridge Street and turn right at Center Street.Match the words in the box with the signs. 1. _2. _3. _abc a. go along b. turn right c. turn left 1aP46supermarketpost officelibraryName the places and streets in the picture.Where is A? Is there B in the picture?Listen and write the correct place for each letter in the picture.A._B._restauranthotel 1bP46Listen again. Fill in the blanks. A: Excuse me. Is there a _ around here?B: Yes there is. Just go _ Bridge Street and turn _ when you see the library. Go along Long Street and its on the _. Its _ the supermarket and across from the _.hotelalongleftrightnext tobank1cP46A: Thanks! And is there a restaurant near the _?B: Yes. _ along New Street. _ right at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left, _ _ the pay phone.A: Thank you very much.B: Youre welcome.Go hotel Turn across from2022-7-4 libraryA: Excuse me. Is there a park near here?on your rightYes, there is. You can turn left and go along Bridge Street. Its across from the library and on your right. turn leftgo alongacross from the libraryPair workB: Yes, there is. Just A: Excuse me. Is there around here? bank hotel supermarket post office restaurant pay phone library听力原文听力原文Section B, 1b, 1cA: Excuse me. Is there a hotel around here?B: Yes there is. Just go along Bridge Street and turn left when you see the library. Go along Long Street and its on the right. Its next to the supermarket and across from the bank.A: Thanks! And is there a restaurant near the hotel ?B: Yes. Go along New Street. Turn right at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left, across from the pay phone.A: Thank you very much.B: Youre welcome.Expressions that can be used to give directions.听力原文听力原文Section B, 1b, 1cA: Excuse me. Is there a hotel around here?B: Yes there is. Just go along Bridge Street and turn left when you see the library. Go along Long Street and its on the right. Its next to the supermarket and across from the bank.A: Thanks! And is there a restaurant near the hotel?B: Yes. Go along New Street. Turn right at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left, across from the pay phone.A: Thank you very much.B: Youre welcome.Expressions that can be used to describe positions.Asking the WayIs there anear here?Where is the nearest?Can you tell me how I can get to the?Can you tell me how to get to the?Could you tell me the way to the, please?Which is the way to? Do you know the way to?Excuse me.Showing the WayGo down/along this street. / Walk along this road.Take the first turning on the right. / Turn left at the first turning.Its on your right/left. / Its next to /across fromItll only take you about 10 minutes if you walk there.supermarketpost office1dImagine you and your partner are the two people in the picture in 1b. Ask and answer questions about the places. P46 Cherry is new in Zigong. She often get lost. Can you help her in groups ?. 请设计一个你的理想小区,假如你的请设计一个你的理想小区,假如你的笔友要来你家做客,请写信告诉他准确到笔友要来你家做客,请写信告诉他准确到达你家的路线。达你家的路线。Dear ., Welcome to my home. Please go along .Ask for directions(问路)Wheres the post office?Is there a post office near here/in the neighborhood?Can you tell me how to get to the bank?Give directions(指路指路)Its on your right/left.Go along Bridge Street.Turn right/left (at the second crossing)Excuse me.Summary2. Make a conversation to introduce your favorite places. 1. Review the new words and phrases of this unit.


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