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    2022年高中英语新课标外研版必修1教案 .pdf

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    2022年高中英语新课标外研版必修1教案 .pdf

    1 / 11 Module 1My First Day at Senior High .The General Idea of This ModuleThis is the first module of Student s Book 1.Also it s the beginning for Li Kang,a new high school student. What he saw and what he felt are the main parts of the reading passage.The topic is familiar to all the new students at Senior High School,which can arouse their sympathy and make them want to learn and express themselves.At the same time,this module also shows the content of courses,teaching methods and the students attitudes to studies at Senior High to encourage all the students to value the time,try to realize their dreams and make great contributions to our country.INTRODUCTIONIn this part,students are demanded to introduce themselves,which is a good preparation for all the new high school students after a long summer vacation.Students can talk about their life,their former schools and their opinions about the subjects according to the vocabulary and questions in the textbooks.READING AND VOCABULARYThis part contains a passage about Li Kang s first day at Senior High.The passage gives us detailed description about Li Kang s new school,new class,his first English class and his feelings.The topic is close to the life of new high school students.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 11 页2 / 11 GRAMMAR 1This part is about revision of the present tenses: the present simple tense and the present continuous tense. Students should learn to sum up what they have learned by doing exercises.LISTENING AND VOCABULARYListening has always been a difficult point for most the students.In this part,the students will learn the new words and word formation first,which makes a good preparation for listening.At the same time,the students will consolidate the words by listening.GRAMMAR 2 AND PRONUNCIATIONThis part contains an important grammar point:Adjectives ending ining andeD. Students should know the different meanings and functions between these two kinds of adjectives and make sure of the pronunciation of the words withed endings.SPEAKING AND WRITINGStudents are asked to talk about the life and studies of the students at US high school according to the pictures and what they have known.At the same time,the students should write a reply to the email from Martha,an American student.That shows how to use English well is the most important thing.EVERYDAY ENGLISH AND FUNCTION, CULTURAL CORNER精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 11 页3 / 11 A language is learned for communication.In this part,students will learn some everyday English and the expressions to keep the conversation going.In “CULTURAL CORNER”,students are asked to read the short passage to learn and compare the American and Chinese school systems. They also can learn something about school systems in other countries by learning.TASKThis part is about how to use what has been learned in real life.Students may discuss first and try to write a brochure abouttheir school.MODULE FILEThe important words,experessions and grammar points are listed in this part,which is convenientfor the students to master them.ThreeDimensional Goals1.Knowledge and Skills (1Enable the students to master the important words,understand the passage and learn something about the school.(2Master some adjectives ending in ingand ed and the differences between these two kinds of adjectives.2.Process and Methods(1Learn independently and learn something about the school 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 11 页4 / 11 guided by the teacher.(2Inquiry and activity.Students should know how to describe their schools and try to know something about the school systems home and abroad. (3Thinking practice is helpful for the students to have a right attitude to language study.3.Emotion and ValuesStudents should love their new schools,new classes and their classmates. They also can attend all kinds of English activities and have right attitude to language study.Teaching Important PointsTo learn something about school systems,master important words and phrases, improve reading and writing abilities.Teaching Difficult PointHow to improve Ss ability to listen and speak.Teaching Aidsthe multimediathe blackboard.The TimeSeven periodsThe First Period:IntroductionThe Second and Third Period: Reading and V ocabulary精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 11 页5 / 11 The Forth Period:Grammar 1,Listening and VocabularyThe Fifth Period:Grammar 2,Pronunciation The Sixth Period:Speaking,Writing The Seventh Period:Everyday English and Function,Cultural Corner,TaskThe First PeriodThe General Idea of This PeriodThis is the first module of Student s Book 1.Also it is a beginning for a new high school student.High school period is a time of discovery,learning and hard work.Showing thoughts about the first day at Senior High can cause the students interests and arouse sympathy.Teaching Aims1.Review the following words about subjects: biology,chemistry,English,Japanese, geography,Russian,history,IT(Information Technology,Chinese,mathematics,physics,PE(Physical Education2.Improve the students ability to speak by describing their school life.Teaching Important PointMake the students free to talk in and after class about their school life. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 11 页6 / 11 Teaching Difficult PointHow to finish the task of speaking.Teaching Aidthe multimediaTeaching ProceduresStep 1 Greeting and Lead inT: Good morning/afternoon,everyone.S: Good morning/afternoon,Mr/Ms.T: Sit down please.Now you re high school students.From now on,I m your English teacher. Pleased to meet all of you.This is the first day of your high school life.What s your feeling now?Are you excited to be a high school student?S: This is the first day of my high school life.I feel very excited and surprised. All the things in this school are new to me.I think I will study hard and work here.T: Good. High school is very important in one s life.It is a period full of creation, dreams,discovery and hard work.I hope all of you will make good use of it.But,now I want to know something about you and your junior high school life.First,Introduce yourself to us one by one using three sentences.S: Hi,my name is.and I am sixteen.I like reading novels,especially stories aboutpeople from other countries.I don t enjoy 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 11 页7 / 11 singing,nor do I like computers.S: I am 15 years old and I love skiing.Other favorite hobbies are reading and singing.I like popular music but I think that rock music is too loud. S: Hi there.I am.and I really like computers.I surf the Internet all the time and that I like playing computer games.I don t like playing football and I hate hiking.Step 2 SpeakingT: Well done.I think all of you have done it very well.Now what about your junior high school life?You can look at words on the screen first.biology,chemistry,English,Japanese,geography,Russian,history,Chinese,IT(Information Technology,mathematics,physics,PE(Physical Education First let s group subjects together.Science subjects:biology,chemistry,IT,mathematics,physicsLanguages: English,Japanese, Russian,Chinese Now you can say something about your school life according to the following questions.1. Which of the science subjects do you study at your school?2. Which languages do you study at your school? 3. Which are your favorite subjects? Why? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 11 页8 / 11 S: When I was in junior high school,we studied biology,chemistry,IT,mathematics and physics.We also learn another language,English besides Chinese. I like English because in English class I can learn many interesting cultures,customs and stories about Englishspeaking countries. I can talk to foreigners in English.I feel wonderful.S: We also studied science subjects such as biology,physics,chemistry,etc. We also learned English because with the development of society,English is becoming more and more popular.But I think physics is important because learning physics well can deal with many things in our everyday life.S: But I think physics is difficult because I find I can understand what the teacher says in the class but after class I find it difficult to work out the problems by myself.So I can not get good marks in physics.S: Of all these subjects,I would like to study Information Technology.Because I think Internet is a magic world and I can learn a lot of knowledge.In the IT class I can get a lot of skills to surf on line.Step 3 PracticeT:I think all of you have done a good job. Let s move to another exercise which needs your creation,that is to say,you should be creative enough to make dialogues according to the situations given.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 11 页9 / 11 Work in pairs to prepare them and then I ll ask some of you to act your dialogues out,are you clear?Ss: Yes.(The teacher hands out several cards.Situation 1: A and B meet for the first time at the beginning of term,what will they say?Situation 2: Two students are talking about American English and British English.Situation 3: A: a stranger who doesn t know the way to the People s ParkB: a policemanSituation 4: A: a farmer who is growing cabbagesB: aboy who is asking the farmer how to grow themSituation 5: Two students are talking about their coming winter holidays.Situation 6: Two students are talking about their hobbies.The sample dialogue according to situation 1.A: Hello,I m Bill.What s your name? B: Harry.A: Which school were you at last year? B: Center School.A: Really?So was my friend Bob White.Do you know him?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 11 页10 / 11 B: Sure. We were in the same class.A: Well, it s getting late. I must be off now. Nice to meet you.B: Nice meeting you.Byebye. Step 4 Summary and HomeworkIn this class,we have done a lot of speaking.You have introduced yourselves and said something about your school life. All of you have done well.In this class you may understand that if you try to speak in English,you will do it well.Preview the reading material “My First Day at Senior High”.Step 5 The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardModule 1My First Day at Senior High The First PeriodScience subjects:chemistry,biology,physics,mathematics,ITLanguages: English,Japanese, Russian,Chinese I like_ because _. I think _is important/difficult because_ . I would like to study_ because_ . Step 6 Activity and InquirySteps Students Acting Teacher s Organizing 1 Introduce themselves. Try to encourage every student to speak. 2 Discuss and talk something about the subjects. Let them talk about something they have known. 申明:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 11 页11 / 11 所有资料为本人收集整理,仅限个人学习使用,勿做商业用途。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 11 页


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