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    精品名师归纳总结七年级下可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结短语归纳Unit 1Can you play the guitar.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结play chess 下国际象棋play the guitar弹吉他speak English 说英语 English club英语俱乐部talk to跟说play the violin拉小提琴 play the piano弹钢琴play the drums敲鼓make friends结交伴侣 do kung fu会(中国)功夫tell stories讲故事play games 做嬉戏 on the weekends (在)周末用法集萃play +棋类 /球类下 棋,打 球play the +西洋乐器弹/拉 乐器be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth.善于做某事be good with sb.善于与某人相处need sb. To do sth. 需要某人做某事can + 动词原形能/会做某事a little +不行数名词 一点儿 join the cl加ub入 俱乐部like to do sth. =love to do sth.宠爱 /宠爱做某事 .情态动词概念:情态动词表示说话人对所说动作的 。如: 需要、可能、意愿、怀疑等。特点: 形式上没有和的变化 ,有的没有变化。 不能单独作语,由于情态动词本身词义。必需和不带“”的连用。意义: 情态动词一般有个意义。 否定式: 情态动词的否定式一般为在其后加 。一般疑问式:一般疑问句通常将其提到 。 . 情态动词 can 的用法A. 意义1. 表示。如:He can speak English very well. 他英语说得很好。She can sing some English songs.她会唱几首英文歌曲。2. 表示。如:You can play the violin after school every day.每天下课后你可以拉小提琴。Students can t take cell phones or Mp3 playersto school.同学不答应带手机或MP3 到学校。3. 表示。如:Can you tell me an English story.你能给我讲个英语故事吗?Could you help me with my English.你能帮我学英语吗?温馨提示: 上句中的 could 是 can 的过去式,用在一般现在时的句子中,表示比can 更客气的恳求。4. can't 表示。如: Is that Mr.Smith.那是史密斯先生吗?That can't be him.He is in New York now.那不行能是他。他现在在纽约了。B. 句型变化确定句: He can play the_drums. 否定句: Heplay the drums.一般疑问句:hethe drums. 两种回答: Yes, he /No, he 对画线部分提问: he play. . 单项挑选1. Can youhim to stop smoking. Sure.A tellB sayCtalkD speak2.The little boyEnglish very.A speaks; goodB speaks; wellC says; wellD tells; well .用 good 或 well填空1. He is astudent; he isand studies.2. The food smellsand it sells. .使用适当的介词填空可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结1. Running is gooda man's health. 2. Parents aren't always goodtheir children3. The lady is very goodher cat. 4. If you are not gooddriving, you'd better keep the car away. .使用所给词的适当形式填空1. The book is veryinterest. 2. I need arelax holiday.3. Are youinterest in music. 4. He doesn't feelrelax when he is at work.Unit 2What time do you go to school.短语归纳what time几点go to school去上学get up 起床take a shower洗淋浴 brush teeth 刷牙get to到达do homework做家庭作业go to work去上班get dressed 穿上衣服get home 到家go home 回家eat breakfast 吃早饭either or 要么 要么 go to bed 上床睡觉in the morning/afternoon/ evening在上午 /下午 /晚上 take a walk 漫步lots of很多,大量radio station 广播电台at night在晚上be late for 迟到用法集萃at + 详细时间点在几点(几分)eat breakfast/ lunch/dinner 吃早饭 /午饭/晚饭thirtyhalf past + 基数词 点半fifteena quarter to + 基数词差一刻到 点from to从 到need to do sth 需要做某事 . 一般现在时态特别疑问句的结构1. 结构: 特别疑问词be 主语?特别疑问词助动词 do/does 主语 实义动词?When/What time is the party.When do you go to school.What time does he go to work.常用的特别疑问词:/ 什么时候 , 什么的方 , 谁, 谁的 , 如何 。2. 对画线部分提问:1They get dressed at_six. they get dressed. 2She takes a walk at_nine. shea walk.(3) He usually swims in_the_lake. he?(4) Jack goes to school on_foot. Jackto school. 温馨提示: what time 对详细某一时刻进行提问。 when 对笼统时间进行提问。 . 英语时间表示法1. 使用数字 数 数。如:7: 20seven twenty ; 8: 55eight fiftyfive 。2. 使用介词 past 或 to。当分钟数 30 分钟时,使用介词, “分钟数past 小时数”。如:9:10ten minutes past nine; 10: 30half past ten;当分钟数 30 分钟时,使用介词 ,“ 60分钟数 to 小时数 1”。 如:11: 40twenty minutes to twelve.温馨提示:(1) 特别时间段的表示法:30 分钟可以使用代替。 15分钟可以使用代替。如:5: 30 half past five; 9: 45a quarter to ten。(2) 在某一时刻使用介词。3提问时间使用:“ What time is it ?” 或“ What's the time ?” .英语中的频度副词的用法可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结英语中常用的频度副词及含义: 候 等,常用在行为动词前。如: 总是。始终 , 通常 , 从来没有 , 有时可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结I usually take a walk after dinner.晚饭后我常常漫步。He never goes to school late.他上学从不迟到。They sometimes eat lunch at school.他们有时候在学校吃午饭。依据提示写出单词的正确形式。1He usually(刷牙) in the morning .2My brother 从不 eats breakfast .可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结3What time is it .It sa q past seven .4My grandfather often 5 Isometimes 洗澡 in the evening . 漫步 afterdinner 。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结6 time you to go whatschooldo. 可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结一 单项1 does he go to school on weekdays . A WhatB What time C Why D What about2 We eat breakfast at halfsix in the morning .A in B to C atD past3 He usuallywork at a quartereight .4 A go toB goes to ,to C goes , to D go to ,at4 When do you getthere .Ato B upC at D /5 We go toat six thirty in the morning .6 A the schoolB a schoolC schoolD schools6Mike either singsplays the piano .A to B andC butD or7 It esleven o clock. you have to go .8 A to home Bhome C my homeD his home8 - Is itboring job . -No, it is- interesting work .9 A a , an Ban , a cC / , a D a, /9 Whenhehis homework .A does,doesB does ,do Cdo , doesDdo , ,do10 What time is itnow , Peter . -Let me see ,half past nine . AisBitCs it Dare可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结短语归纳Unit 3How do you get to school.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结get to school 到达学校take the subway乘的铁ride a bike 骑自行车how far多远from home to school从家到学校 every day 每天 ride the bus 乘公共汽车by bike骑自行车bus stop 公共汽车站think of认为between and在和 之间 one 11-year-old boy一个 11 岁的男孩 必需放于名词之前 play with和 玩come true 实现have to 不得不用法集萃take to = go to 乘by 去 How do / does ( sb) get to .是怎样到 的?How far is it from to 从.到 有多远? It takes sb. some time to do sth.做某事花费某人多长时间。How long does it take.花费多长时间? It is + adj. + to do sth.做某事是 .Thanks for + n. / v. ing感谢你(做)某事。 . how 引导的一般现在时态的特别疑问句1. 特别疑问词 how 提问动作的。如:How do you go to school.“你如何上学了?” I ride my bike to school.“我骑自行车去上学。 ”2. 表达动作行为的方式,使用动词 take 乘坐 、ride 乘车 、walk 步行 、fly 乘飞机 等。使用介词 by 等。主语 take/ride/walk/fly to 的点主语go to 的点 by 交通工具。如:(1) He takes the plane to Beijing.He Beijing. He goes to Beijing by. 2She walks to school. She goes to school . . how far与 how long 的区分how far 是提问两的之间的 , how long用来提问 或某个事物的。如:It is five kilometers from my home to my school.距离 is it from your home to your school. The river is 1,000 kilometers long.距离 is the river.The meeting is 2 hours.时间段 is the meeting. . hundred 的两种用法1. hundreds of 名词复数,“数以百记的,成百上千的,”表示一种“ ”。2. 数字 hundred 名词复数,“百”,表示“”。如:There are hundreds of people on the island.岛屿上有成百上千的人。He has five hundred interesting books.他有五百本好玩的书籍。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结基础练习:首字母填词1. Shehis bike to school every day.2. How do you gto school.3. It takes about 20 mto walk to school.4. One kis 1,000 meters.5. I have a map but it's in E. I can't read it.6. Let me wyour new coat.7. We usually go to school at half pseven.8.How ldoes it take .Half an hour .二.用所给词的正确形式填空1.-HowBobget to school.-He takes the bus. 2.Therebe sixtyminute in an hour.3. It takesI 2 hoursdo my homework .4. Let melook at your map.5. It takes him about half an hourwalk to school. 6.The early bustakehe to school at 8:00. 7.How farJimlive from here.8. If you have problems, you can( ask) the policeman.9. Tom usuallyride his bike to school.10. Itabsout twenty minute walk to get there. 11.Don stay it in China. Say it in English.12.What do youusual do on Sundays.Unit 4Don t eat in class【短语归纳】1. on time 准时,按时 2. listen to 听 3. in class 在课上4. be late for做迟到5. have to 不得不6. be quiet 寂静 7. go out外出8. do the dishes 清洗餐具9. make breakfast 做早饭10. make ones bed 铺床 11. be noisy 吵闹12. keep ones hair short 留短发13. play with sb.和某人一起玩14. play the piano弹钢琴15. have fun 玩得兴奋16. make rules 制订规章【用法集萃】1. Don t + 动词原形 +其他, 不要做某事。2. help sb. to do sth. 帮忙某人做某事 3. too many +可数名词复数太多的4. practice doing sth.练习做某事 5. be strict with sb.对某人要求严格6. be strict in sth.对某事要要求严格7. leave sth sp. 把某物忘在某的8. keep + 宾语+形容词使保持某种状态9. learn to do sth. 学会做某事10. have to do sth. 不得不做某事 .祈使句定义: 用于表达命令、恳求、劝说、警告、禁止等的句子叫 句。时态: 使用时态。结构: 动词原形其他成分please.否定祈使句在动词原形前面加 。如:Be quiet in the classroom, please.在教室里请保持寂静。Don't fight.不要打架 .情态动词 have to 和 must1. 情态动词 have to 和 must 都表示“”的意思。 have to 表示从条件上来看必需做某事。must表示说话人 必需要做某事。如:There is no bus, you have to walk home. 没有公交车是客观条件 没有公共汽车,你必需走回家。I must study English well.想学好英语是一种主观想法我必需要学好英语。2. have to 有、和的变化,而 must只有一种形式。如:He has to stay at home, it's raining 。 他必需待在家中,下雨了。3. 在否定结构中 don't have to 表示“”, 而 mustn't 表示“”。如:You don't have to wait for him.你没必要等他。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结依据提示补全以下单词。1. There are so many people, ittoso c .2. Can you r your teacherphsone number.3. Stop f. The teacher is coming.4. My mother is very swith me.5. We must fthe rules at school.6. She wa beautiful dress today.7. We must wear school uon Monday.8. We can etat in class, we have to eat in the d hall.9. We can rtun in the h .10. Do you want to lto play chess.单项挑选。 1. Jack,eat in the classroom.A. can tB. doesn htave toC. don tD. doesn t 2. We can etat .A. in classB. in the classB. in classroom 3. Must I get up early every day. A. No, you can t.B. No, you mustn tC. . No, you don htave to. 4. Please to me. A. to listenB. listeningC. listen 5. We havehomework, and the homework isdifficult.A. too many; too muchB. many too; much tooC. too much; too muchD. too much; much too 6. It takes him two hours.A. watch TVB. watching TVC. watches TVD. to watch TVUnit 5Why do you like pandas.【短语归纳】1. kind of有几分,有点儿2. be from / come from来自于 3. South Africa南非4. all day 成天5. for a long time很长时间6. get lost 迷路 7. places with food and water有食物和水的的方8. cut down砍倒10. twelve years old【用法集萃】十二岁9. in great danger处于(极大)危急之中11. thins made of ivory由象牙制成的东西1. Why .为什么? Because 由于 2. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事3.want to do sth. 想要做某事4. one of + 名词复数 之一5. forget to do sth.遗忘要做某事6. forget doing sth.遗忘做过某事7. help sb. to do sth. 帮忙某人做某事8. be friendly to sb.对某人友好语法探究 .why 引导的特别疑问句特别疑问副词why在句子中用来提问 。结构: Why don't/doesn't 主语 其他? 回答: Why引起的特别疑问句只能用because来回答。如:Why do you like monkeys.你为什么宠爱猴子? Because they are very clever.由于它们很聪慧。 .where 引导的特别疑问句特别疑问副词where 在句子中用来提问。结构: Where be 主语 其他?Where do/does 主语 动词原形 其他? 如:Where are you from.你来自哪里? I am from Shandong.我来自山东。英汉互译可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结.1)有点儿无聊2 ) .南非3 ). 特别宠爱 4) .成天5 ) .聪慧的动物们6 ) . 黑白相间 可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结7) . Let me see8). very interesting9 ) .be from 摸索:特别疑问句结构:10 ) . really scary 可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结1) . 询问来自哪里用; 询问为什么用; 回答缘由用 2.) 我不宠爱狮子由于它们懒。Ilikethey re lazy.你为什么宠爱老虎?do you like.完成以下句子:(1) The child likes dolphins 改一般疑问句 the child_dolphins.(2) we like penguins because they re cute 划线提问 you like penguins.(3) Pandas are from China. 同上 are pandas.(4) Koalas like to eat meat 改否定句 Koalas to eat meat(5) Giraffe are from Africa改为同义句 Giraffe from Africa。(6) The story is very interesting. 一般疑问句 the story interesting. 课后巩固一、依据汉语完成句子1 我有点冷。 I am cold.2. 这只老虎 3 岁了。 The tiger is 3 . 3. 他宠爱吃什么水果?fruithe like .4 企鹅来自南极。 from the South Pole . 南极 ( 5)他想玩电脑嬉戏.He play computer games. 6.欢迎来到我们学校 to our school.Unit 6I m watching TV【短语归纳】1. watch TV看电视2. read a newspaper 看报纸3. talk on the phone 通过电话交谈4. listen to 听5. use the computer 使用电脑6. make soup 做汤 7. wash the dishes 洗餐具8. kind of有点儿【用法集萃】1. What + be+主语 + doing. 正在做什么?主语 + be + doing sth. 正在做某事。2. I d love / like to do sth我. 情愿做某事。3. any other +可数名词单数其他任何一个4. wish to do sth.期望做某事语法探究 现在进行时态1. 定义: 现在进行时表示现在或现阶段正在进行或发生的 或存在的。2. 构成: 助动词 beis/am/are v. ing 。时间状语标志:now, at the moment, look, listen或“ It's某一时刻”等。3. 句式结构:确定句: 主语 am/is/are v. ing.否定句: 主语am/is/are not v. ing .一般疑问句:Am/Is/Are 主语 v. ing.确定、否定回答:Yes, I am./No, I'm not.Yes, is./No , isn't.Yes, are./No, aren't.特别疑问句:特别疑问词am/is/are 主语v. ing.4. v. ing 的构成方法:规章动词后加 ing。如:watch 。 read 。listen 。以不发音字母 e 结尾的动词去掉 e, 再加 ing。如:make ; use ; exercise。 live。以重读闭音节结尾的动词,末尾只有一个辅音字母时,双写这个辅音字母,再加ing。 如:put; stop 。 sit ; begin。用所给动词的适当形式填空1. The little boy wantseat a big apple now So pleasebring one to him.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结2. Tom oftengo to school at 7:00. Now, hetake a taxi.3. -She( write to her friends on Sundays.-Yes, now shewrite a letter now.4. -WhereMr Black usuallyrun. -In the park. Now, herun in the neighborhood.5. Tomwrite a book these days. 6.In the last photo, Ibe with my friend Mary.单词填空1. Is Tom wTV. No, he is reading a newspaper.2. Look. Here is a pof my family.3. The students are cthe classroom now. 4.My brother is wa letter now.5. We can borrow books from the school l.6. That 听起来 good. 7.He is 看 newspapers.8.Tom and his fatherswim now. 9.Look. Theyrun along the road. 10.Listen. The childrensing now. 句型转换1.They are flying kites over there. 对画线提问 theyover there. 2.I m doing my homework. 改为一般疑问句 your homework.3. Ann plays the piano in the room. 用 now 改写 Annthe piano in the room.4. I m talking to my mom. 对划线部分提问 you .Unit 7It s raining.【短语归纳】1. not bad 不错2. at the park 在公园 3. have a good time / have a great time / have fun / enjoy oneself过得很开心4. take a message for 为捎个口信5. call sb. back给某人回电话6. no problem没问题7. right now现在8. talk on the phone通过电话交谈9. some of 当中的一些10. by the pool在游泳池边11. drink orange juice喝橙汁12. study hard努力学习13. on a vacation 在度假14. in the mountains在山里15. call sb. 给某人打电话16. write to sb.给某人写信17. right for 适合18. 给拍一张照片【用法集萃】1. tell sb. not to do sth.告知某人(不要)做某事2. have a great time + in doing sth.开心的做某事3. just right for doing sth.做某事正合适语法探究 .有关天气的表达:询问天气的句型:How's the weather. What's the weather like.常见天气的描述:1. 晴朗:It's sunny./The sun is shining brightly.2. 阴天: It's cloudy.3. 刮风:It's windy./The wind is blowing. 4.下雨:It's raining/rainy. 5.下雪: It's snowing/snowy. .电话常用语1. 我是This is speaking2.你是吗?Is that speaking.3.是的,我就是。Yes,speaking.4.请问您是谁?Who is that speaking.5.我可以和讲话吗?May I speak to?6.他不在这儿。He's not here.7.我能给捎口信吗?Could I t


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