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    精品名师归纳总结第四章 形容词和副词的比较等级第1讲 关于 than 和 as可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结考点 1.as as 与not as so as 在 asas 句型中,第一个 as 是副词,用在形容词和副词的原级前,常译为“同样 ”。后面的as 是连词。He is tall. 他高。He is as tall. 他同样高。( as 修饰 tall, “同样,”为副词)He is as tall as his brother is( tall ). 与他弟弟一样 ,他是同样的高。 后面的 as 为连词,同一样。 只有在否定句中,第一个as 才可换为 so。改错: He is so tall as his brother.答案: so 改为 as1. 【1994 全国】John plays football, if not better than, David.A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as2. Did you enjoy the movie last night. Yes, I didn t expect itwonderful.A. moreB. asC. mostD. much考点 2.在比较状语从句中,主句和从句的句式结构一般是相同的与 as as句式中后一个 as 一样,than 也是连词。 as 和 than 这两个连词后面的从句的结构与前面的句子结构相同,相同部分可以省略。3. What do you think of the plan. It s easier sathidan .A. carried outB. carrying outC. carry outD. to carry out4. To answer correctly is more important than.A. that you finish quicklyB. finishing quicklyC. to finish quicklyD. finish quickly考点 3.谓语的替代(参看P. 错误!未定义书签。错误!未找到引用源。 )在 as 和 than 引导的比较状语从句中,由于句式同前面主句相同,为防止重复,常把主句中显现而从句中又显现的动词用do 的适当形式来代替。如:John speaks German as fluently as Mary does.5. John gives me more help than.A. Tom isB. Tom hasC. Tom doesD. Tom gives6. I picked more apples than youyesterday.A. pickedB. doC. didD. had7. 【2007 重庆】 As I know, he spends at least as much time playing as he.A. writesB. does writingC. is writingD. does write可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结第2讲 比较级可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结考点 1.可以修饰比较级的词常用来修饰比较级的词或短语有:a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, a lot, a great deal, any, still, even 等。by far 的用法:用于强调,意为 “得多 ”“最最 ”“明显 ”等,可修饰形容词或副词的比较级和最高级,通常置于其后,但是如比较级或最高级前有冠词,就可置于其前或其后。如:It s quicker by far to go btyrain.乘火车要快得多。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结She ran fastest by far. 她跑得最快 明显她跑得最快 。He s by far the cleverer student.他是个聪慧得多的孩子。He is by far the best teacher.=He is the best teacher by far.他是最最好的老师 他明显是最好的老师 。1. You are such a woman as always think of yourself than others.A. muchB. much moreC. littleD. much less2. 【2004 福建】 The number of people present at the concert was than expected. There were many tickets left.A. much smallerB. much moreC. much largerD. many more3. The novel is, I have to say, not a bit interesting. How do you find it. Why. Itsthat I have ever read.A. a most interestingB. a more interestedC. a less interestingD. by far 答疑 qq 329950885 the most interestingwe had expected.A. moreB. much moreC. muchD. more much9. 【1994 全国】 Ifthere were no examinations, we should haveat school.A. the happiest timeB. a more happier timeC. much happiest timeD. a much happier time考点 3.比较级的否定形式表示最高级的意思有时比较级用于否定句时, 可以表达最高级的意思。10. Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class hasIQ.A. a highB. a higherC. the higherD. the highest11. What do you think of the service here. Oh,. We couldn t have found a better place.A. too badB. sorryC. wonderfulD. impossible12. 【2022 全国】Mr. Black is very happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been.A. popularB. more popularC. most popularD. the most popular13. 【2022 全国 II 】Mr.Stevenson is great to work可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结4. 【2007 全国 II 】After two years research, we nowhave abetter understanding of the disease.A. veryB. farC. fairlyD. quitefor I really couldn t ask for aboss.A. betterB. goodC. bestD. still better可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结5. The disease he suffers is not easy to cure. I know, but is hebetter.A. muchB. ratherC. anyD. little14. 【2022 四川】 How is your recent trip to Sichuan. I ve never hadone before.A. a pleasantB. a more pleasantC. a most pleasantD. the most pleasant可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结6. 【2000 上海】 You re standing too near the camera. Can you move.A. a bit farB. a little fartherC. a bit of fartherD. a little far15. 【2022 浙江】 I perfect day.A. shouldn t have enjoyedB. neednt have enjoyedC. wouldn t have enjoyedmyselfmore itwas a可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结7. 【2006 江苏】 I wish you ddo talkingandD. couldn t have enjoyed可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结some more work. Thus things will become better.A. a bit lessB. any lessC. much moreD. a little more考点 2.more 、much 与比较级more 放在多音节形容词和副词前构成比较级,如:more interesting, more exciting 。单音节词和部分双音节词在后面加-er 构成比较级, 如: taller, earlier, hotter 。much 修饰比较级。如: much more interesting, much taller。而像 much more taller /more taller是错误的。8. 【1991 全国】The experiment waseasier than考点 4.not +比较级与 no +比较级no 和比较级连用时,常表示它所修饰形容词或副词的相反的意思。He is no taller than him.他比他高不到哪儿去。(他和他一样矮)My English is no better than yours.我的英语比你的好不到哪儿去。(一样差)16. Can Li Hua help me with my English. I regret to tell you her English isyours.A. as good asB. no more thanC. no better thanD. as much as可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结17. The technical college education is playing an important part today and its role will be important.A. no lessB. no moreC. none the lessD. not more18. Is Mr. White out of danger. No,than before, I m afraid.A. no betterB. a little betterC. not worseD. no worse考点 5.less构成比较级19. She isthan her younger sister.A. less richerB. not more richC. less richD. not rich20. 【 2006北 京 】 Thiswashingmachineis environmentally friendly because it useswater and electricity thanmodels.A. less; olderB. less; elderC. fewer; olderD. fewer; elder考点 6.“变得 ”后常跟比较级改错: Our world is getting small and small.解析:改为 Our world is getting smaller and smaller. 在这里,是指比原先更小,所以用比较级。再如: The days are getting longer and longer.21. 【2004 全国】Mary kept weighing herself to see how muchshe was getting.A. heavierB. heavyC. the heavierD. the heaviest22. 【2022 全国 I 】How muchshe looked without her glasses.A. wellB. goodC. bestD. better考点 7.come earlier next time改错: A: I m sorry I m late.B: That s OK. But come early next time. 解析:把 early 改为 earlier。在汉语中,说 “下次早点来 ”就可以。但在英语中,强调这次晚了,下次不能再这样了,要比这次早,所以要用比较级。23. This ruler is too short. I need aone.A. longB. longerC. more longD. more longer24. 【2022 新课标 】It may not be a great suggestion.But beforeis put forward,we llmake do with it.A. a good oneB. a better oneC. the best oneD. a best one考点 8.在比较级中用 to 而不用 than 的几个词某些以 -ior 结尾的形容词进行比较时,用to 代替 than。这些词有 inferior( 劣等的, 次的) 、superior(较好的, 优于) 、junior( 资格较浅的) 、senior(资格较老的)、 prior (在之前)等。He is superior to Mr. Zhang in chemistry.考点 9.the+比较级句中有 than 时用比较级, 如:He is taller than his brother.用于两者时, 如在名词前做定语,或后跟 of短语经常用 the+比较级。如:The taller boy is my brother.He is the taller of the two boys.25. 【1995 上海】 If the manager had to choose between the two, he would say John waschoice.A. goodB. the bestC. betterD. the better26. 【2006 安徽】 Of the two sisters, Betty isone, and she is also the one who loves to be quiet.A. a youngerB. a youngestC. the youngerD. the youngest27. 【2007 四川】Of the two coats, I d choose the one to spare some money for a book.A. cheapestB. cheaperC. more expensiveD. most expensive考点 10. 同类异质比较 :he is more hard-working than clever“与其说,不如说”I. 异类同质比较: 答疑 qq 329950885 即指两个不同的人或事物 (异类) 在同一方面 (同质) 进行比较。如:My room is smaller than yours.我的房间比你的小。Our country is more powerful than theirs.我们的国家比他们的国家更强大。II. 同类异质比较:即指同一个人或事物(同类)在两个不同的方面(异质)进行比较,这类句子常译为“是,而不是 ”、“与其说不如说 ”等。如:He was more lucky than clever.他是靠运气而不是靠聪慧。She was more surprised than angry.她感到更多的是惊奇而不是愤怒。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结按英语习惯, 在进行同类异质比较时, 只能用 more 构成比较级, 不能用 -er 形式,答疑 qq 329950885 即使是单音节词也是如此。28. Oh, how fat he is. But I think he isthan fat.A. shortB. shorterC. more short D. shortest29. I wonder why Mary is so unfriendly to us. She isthan unfriendly, I m afraid.A. shyerB. much shyerC. shy moreD. more shy30. Do you think him naughty enough. I m afraid he s than naughty.A. more cleverB. cleverC. much cleverD. much more clever考点 11. the more, the moreI. “the more.,themore.”句型常表示“越就越”, 是一个复合句 ,其中前面的句子是状语从句, 后面的句子是主句。 the 用在形容词或副词的比较级前 , more 代表形容词或副词的比较级。The more he gets, the more he wants.The more she learns, the more she wants to learn.II. “the more., the more.”句型, 主从句的时态常用一般现在时或一般过去时。The higher the ground is, the thinner air becomes.The harder he worked, the more he got.III. 如主句的谓语动词用一般将来时,从句的谓语动词要用一般现在时表示将来。The harder you work, the greater progress you willmake.The longer the war lasts, the more the people there will suffer.31. A body weighs lessit gets from the surface of the earth.A. farB. fartherC. the fartherD. the farthest32. Ashand bits ofrockwere fallingontothe ship, darker and more,they went.A. closeB. the closerC. closerD. more closer33. 【1993 上海】 It bselieved thatyou work, result you ll get.A. the harder; the betterB. the more hard; the more betterC. the harder; a betterD. more hard; more better34. 【2001 上海】 In recent years travel companies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the further we go,.A. our holiday will be betterB. our holiday will be the betterC. the better our holiday will beD. the better will our holiday be35. 【2002 上海】 As far as I am concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn,.A. the more for life are you equippedB. the more equipped for life you areC. the more life you are equipped forD. you are equipped the more for life考点 12. 比较级 +and+ 比较级此句型表示 “越来越 ”,单音节形容词或副词用“-er +and + -er ”,多音节形容词和副词常用 “more and more+ 形容词或副词”。如:Things are getting better and better every day.情形一每天好起来。It s becoming more and more difficult to find a job.找工作越来越困难了。Holidayflightticketsare gettingless and less expensive.假日机票越来越廉价了。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结第3讲 最高级可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结考点 1.形容词最高级前的the 不能省略, 而副词最高级前的 the 可以省略1. 【2022 辽宁】 This area experiencedheaviest rainfall inmonth of May.A /; aB a ; theC the ; theD the ; a2. 【2022 全国 】Next to biology, I like physics.A. betterB. bestC. the betterD. very well考点 2.least 也可用来构成最高级He is the most careless boy in our class.他是我们班级最马虎的男孩。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结He is the least careful boy in our class.他是我们班级最不细心的男孩。3. 【2005 江苏】David has won the first prize in singing; he is still very excited now and feelsdesire to go to bed.A. the mostB. moreC. worseD. the least4. 【2007 上海】 Alan is a careful driver, but he drives of my friends.A. more carefullyB. the most carefullyC. less carefullyD. the least carefully考点 3.形容词最高级前有时加不定冠词,或不加冠词,不表最高级,表示“特别 ”He is a most clever young policeman. ( a most=very ) 他是一个特别聪慧的年轻警察。The film is most interesting. ( most=very ) 这个电影特别好玩。It s a most important problem .most=very这是一个特别重要的问题。5. Changsha ismost beautiful inland city and we believe we ll comore f second time.A. a; theB. the; aC. the; theD. a; a考点 4.形容词最高级前省略the 的情形一般来说 ,形容词最高级前要加定冠词“ the”。 如: Li Ming is the tallest student in our class.李明是我们班最高的同学。但例外也有: 形容词最高级作表语, 用于同一个人或同一个物在不怜悯形下进行比较,而不与别的人或事物相比, 这种情形形容词最高级前不用“the ”,但假如它后面接上名词,即使作表语, “the”也不能省略。如:Iam busiest on Monday.我周一最忙。答疑 qq 329950885 (该句是把 “我”在不同时候忙的程度相比较。并没有跟别的人相比较)The pool is deepest in summer. 这个池塘夏天水最深。(把同一池塘在不同季节的水深相比较,并没 有与其他池塘相比较) 形容词最高级前如有物主代词、指示代词或名词全部格修饰,就不能再加the。That s her best dress.The girl wants this biggest apple.Disney s greatest wish was to become a famous artist. 在 as, though 引导的倒装让步状语中,形容词最高级前不用 the。Youngest as he was, he got the first prize. 尽管他年龄最小,他得了一等奖。 当两个形容词最高级修饰一个名词时,后一个最高级前面的 the 通常省略。This is the largest and finest building in Shanghai. 形容词最高级作宾语补足语经常省略“the”。 如: I think it best to go over it again and again.我认为最好反复的检查一下。John found it most difficult to learn Chinese.约翰觉得学习汉语最困难。写作专练 1.正确使用比较级最高级相关学问(P. 错误!未定义书签。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结第4讲 倍数表达法可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结考点 1.表达 “是的几倍 ”先用 as as表达 “一样 ”,然后把倍数用在第一个as前。如:要表达 “这棵树是那棵树三倍高”,先表达:这棵树和那棵树一样高。This tree is as tall as that one.然后在第一个 as 前添上倍数 three times。This tree is three times as tall as that one.再如:他父亲的年龄是他的两倍。 先表达: His father is as old as he.再在第一个 as 前加上倍数: His father is twice as old as he.1. 【2002 上海春】Americans eatvegetables per person today as they did in 1910.A. more than twiceB. as twice as manyC. twice as many asD. more than twice as many可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结2. 【2022 陕西】 Ten years ago the population of our village wasthat of theirs.A. as twice large asB. twice as large asC. twice as much asD. as twice much as3. 【2022 四川】 Myuncle hsouse in the downtown area ismuch smallerthanours,butitistwice expensive.A. asB. soC. tooD. very4. 【2022 全国新课标】 This restaurant wasntthat other restaurant we went to.The length of the road is four times what it was three years ago.这条路的长度是三年前的四倍。精品 -高中英语语法通霸-4. 形容词和副词比较级和最高级常考点分类专项总结归纳讲解与高考真题详 细练习题及答案 .doc9. Ifyou offeredme sixtimesyou have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. when可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结A. half as good asB. as half good asC. as good as halfD. good as half as10. Paper producedevery year is production of vehicles.the worl d s可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结5. 【2022 安徽】 Its said that the power plant is nowA. the three weight ofB. three times the weight ofC. as three times heavy as D. three times as heavier as可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结 large as what it was.A. twice asB. as twiceC. twice muchD. much twice考点 2.表达 “比大 /小几倍 ”先用一般的比较级来表达“比大 /小”,然后在比较级前加上倍数。如:要表达 “这条河比那条河长两倍 ”,先表达:这条河比那条河长。This river is longer than that one.然后在比较级前添上倍数twice。This river is twice longer than that one.留意:This room is twice larger than that one.等同于:This room is three times as large as that one.6. These planes can flythan the old ones.A. as fast three timesB. three times as fastC. three times fastD. three times faster7. Morethan one thousand Americansoldiers have been killed in Iraqi since the war began almost two11. What s wrong. You seem restless. I was reduced to payingprice for it.A. double theB. double of theC. doubleD. double of写作专练 2.正确使用倍数表达法(P. 错误!未定义书签。 可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结years ago. And it killed is.reportsed that the number of Iraqis可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结A. many times higherB. higher many timesC.


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